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people afk in ranked (anet please read this post)


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As the title says, it took me finding this ranger a multitude of games. today 2 times in a row, previous game afk in the first minute until the end. Second game the same.


He recorded it on video in case anet can do something. If I decided on what I send or upload it to youtube so you can see it.






the name is Amityel.5324

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> @"Archer.4362" said:

> As the title says, it took me finding this ranger a multitude of games. today 2 times in a row, previous game afk in the first minute until the end. Second game the same.


> He recorded it on video in case anet can do something. If I decided on what I send or upload it to youtube so you can see it.


If you see these kind of players, just throwing matches on purpose the best you can do is report them for match manipulation.

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> > @"Archer.4362" said:

> > As the title says, it took me finding this ranger a multitude of games. today 2 times in a row, previous game afk in the first minute until the end. Second game the same.

> >

> > He recorded it on video in case anet can do something. If I decided on what I send or upload it to youtube so you can see it.


> If you see these kind of players, just throwing matches on purpose the best you can do is report them for match manipulation.



I've reported it, but it's been several days now and they do not ban you, so if the video and the screenshots are for something I say

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> @"Archer.4362" said:



> I've reported it, but it's been several days now and they do not ban you, so if the video and the screenshots are for something I say


That you report someone doesn't mean they will (or should) get automatically banned within few days.

Reports function as a flag or warning. Anet will wait to see if the player is being reported repeatedly to rule out salty reports or mistakes. Only after certain time can they start an investigation on reported player and decide whether he/she is guilty or not and what punishment to apply.

Reports never ever did nor should work like a "ban" button.

I know that the following is not your case so my apology for puting it here, but I constantly see people complaining about how Report doesn't work because they reported someone once and that person is still in the game the other day...

That's simply not logical. To ban someone is no joke (sometimes). Only I agree that the punishments by Anet for that are waaaay to soft.

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Same thing happened to me today. Same player. He went afk in the beginning and then continued to feed the opponent. Never bothering to cap. Anet, some justice please. Show us that you listen, show us that you care. I attached some chat screenshot and a video where you can see him just mindlessly running into the enemy.





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hahahah first afker you have seen? Bro I have seen it many many many times. People are either win trading, trolling, or losing the game on purpose because someone said something hurtful to them on their own team. sPvP is shit and I don't take it seriously anymore. Just play to have fun and expect stupid shit will happen.

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Why are you playing ranked with the current balance, lol?

It's magnetically attracting all the people desperate to prove they're good at something, except if they have a temper tantrum you suffer for it.

Report them so they can have a proper time out.

If you're in it for gizmos, there's no time for being disappointed when you expect any 4 people will not have at least one emotionally unstable person in the group.

If you're in it for fun, we're waiting for you in unranked.



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