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IF ANET START nerfing !

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First i know SPVP isn't FUN now but if ANET start nerfing

Power CREEP then the players will say how gana stop scourge with his condi bomb .

then ANET says fine we ll nerf confi bomb then the players will say how gana stop the ressing if we Don’t have power creep or condi bomb to cleave .

then ANET says fine we ll nerf ressing then the players will say how gana stop heal bunkers .

then ANET says fine we ll nerf heal bunkers then the players will say how gana stop sustain bunkers .

then ANET says fine we ll nerf sustain bunkers then the players will say how gana stop evade spam\invuln

then ANET says fine we ll nerf that too then the players will say how gana stop Revenant/ele/reaper/core other than war/thief/gardian (they are too OP now)


and i Don't want to reach to that level !

i think the best way to do pvp right now is to play SB/FB/scourge/chrono/condi mirage/any thief build/druid/SoulBeast if you dont want to play any one of these then i hope you enjoy gold 3 cuz you cant advance more than that even if you got to plat 1 you'll drop back to gold 3 very quickly because of


Power Creep/Condi Bomb/Bunkers and AFKers

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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> i think the best way to do pvp right now is to play SB/FB/scourge/chrono/condi mirage/any thief build/druid/SoulBeast if you dont want to play any one of these then i hope you enjoy gold 3 cuz you cant advance more than that even if you got to plat 1 you'll drop back to gold 3 very quickly because of


> Power Creep/Condi Bomb/Bunkers and AFKers


Since they nerfed Druid, I see no reason why they can't nerf Firebrand. The amount of sustain and support that specialization has is insane.


Scourge still has instant cast Shade skills and they need to have long cast times.


Spellbreakers' Full Counter is still an AoE daze and has too much sustain in my opinion.


Chronomancer... at least they nerfed Chronophantasma?


Thieves are fine as long as they're not using condition builds. If they do and you're a power thief, spam Cluster Bomb behind you. For p/p, just LoS them with s/d.

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > i think the best way to do pvp right now is to play SB/FB/scourge/chrono/condi mirage/any thief build/druid/SoulBeast if you dont want to play any one of these then i hope you enjoy gold 3 cuz you cant advance more than that even if you got to plat 1 you'll drop back to gold 3 very quickly because of

> >

> > Power Creep/Condi Bomb/Bunkers and AFKers


> Since they nerfed Druid, I see no reason why they can't nerf Firebrand. The amount of sustain and support that specialization has is insane.


> Scourge still has instant cast Shade skills and they need to have long cast times.


> Spellbreakers' Full Counter is still an AoE daze and has too much sustain in my opinion.


> Chronomancer... at least they nerfed Chronophantasma?


> Thieves are fine as long as they're not using condition builds. If they do and you're a power thief, spam Cluster Bomb behind you. For p/p, just LoS them with s/d.


I'll tell you something. Firebrand is actually a good, well made support for current needs. We have to understand why is that so. You would be surprised but as a hammer guard I can reasonably quickly defeat a firebrand 1v1, I couldn't have done the same with a druid. The trick is simple, firebrand has to be strong in healing and defense because they have nothing else to offer. Once you break them, they will die, they cannot escape. Druid until now had not only decent damage, but frequent access to strong healing, stealth, and escape on demand, not to forget stone siggy against power based enemies. A druid could easily kite 2 players at once, disengaging when things turned not in their favour and return back - this, my friend, is a faulty concept of a class at its core. Now firebrand represents a very well balanced case. They won't run away, they won't pull out a gimmick on you. You force them out of tomes and burst them down. If you run berserker or any other kind of build that allows you high power damage, you know what works best? Simple auto attacking. 2.5k -3k Auto attack crits are enough to bite down a firebrand who won't dodge such attacks, forcing them to heal it one way or another. Once you wear them down off their cooldowns, burst them down, because it is possible.

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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> First i know SPVP isn't FUN now but if ANET start nerfing

> Power CREEP then the players will say how gana stop scourge with his condi bomb .

> then ANET says fine we ll nerf confi bomb then the players will say how gana stop the ressing if we Don’t have power creep or condi bomb to cleave .

> then ANET says fine we ll nerf ressing then the players will say how gana stop heal bunkers .

> then ANET says fine we ll nerf heal bunkers then the players will say how gana stop sustain bunkers .

> then ANET says fine we ll nerf sustain bunkers then the players will say how gana stop evade spam\invuln

> then ANET says fine we ll nerf that too then the players will say how gana stop Revenant/ele/reaper/core other than war/thief/gardian (they are too OP now)


> and i Don't want to reach to that level !

> i think the best way to do pvp right now is to play SB/FB/scourge/chrono/condi mirage/any thief build/druid/SoulBeast if you dont want to play any one of these then i hope you enjoy gold 3 cuz you cant advance more than that even if you got to plat 1 you'll drop back to gold 3 very quickly because of


> Power Creep/Condi Bomb/Bunkers and AFKers


I play rev core war and scrapper and im in plat 3. Ur logic is bad.

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> @"Rodzynald.5897" said:

> > @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> > > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > > i think the best way to do pvp right now is to play SB/FB/scourge/chrono/condi mirage/any thief build/druid/SoulBeast if you dont want to play any one of these then i hope you enjoy gold 3 cuz you cant advance more than that even if you got to plat 1 you'll drop back to gold 3 very quickly because of

> > >

> > > Power Creep/Condi Bomb/Bunkers and AFKers

> >

> > Since they nerfed Druid, I see no reason why they can't nerf Firebrand. The amount of sustain and support that specialization has is insane.

> >

> > Scourge still has instant cast Shade skills and they need to have long cast times.

> >

> > Spellbreakers' Full Counter is still an AoE daze and has too much sustain in my opinion.

> >

> > Chronomancer... at least they nerfed Chronophantasma?

> >

> > Thieves are fine as long as they're not using condition builds. If they do and you're a power thief, spam Cluster Bomb behind you. For p/p, just LoS them with s/d.


> I'll tell you something. Firebrand is actually a good, well made support for current needs. We have to understand why is that so. You would be surprised but as a hammer guard I can reasonably quickly defeat a firebrand 1v1, I couldn't have done the same with a druid. The trick is simple, firebrand has to be strong in healing and defense because they have nothing else to offer. Once you break them, they will die, they cannot escape. Druid until now had not only decent damage, but frequent access to strong healing, stealth, and escape on demand, not to forget stone siggy against power based enemies. A druid could easily kite 2 players at once, disengaging when things turned not in their favour and return back - this, my friend, is a faulty concept of a class at its core. Now firebrand represents a very well balanced case. They won't run away, they won't pull out a gimmick on you. You force them out of tomes and burst them down. If you run berserker or any other kind of build that allows you high power damage, you know what works best? Simple auto attacking. 2.5k -3k Auto attack crits are enough to bite down a firebrand who won't dodge such attacks, forcing them to heal it one way or another. Once you wear them down off their cooldowns, burst them down, because it is possible.


As a ranger main, I full agree with this post

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If Anet ever wanted to truly fix PvP, they should reconsider base values and core ideas of game mechanics which they could alter. It may be hard to achieve it due to, as so many times mentioned, complicated coding. PvP should be renovated so that there is more character to each profession that nothing else can copy, and yes, I mean trinity. PvE works fine without it, but if we wish for a gamemode that would be easy to balance AND sensibly balanced, we need to have the trinity and we need to have limits, certain boundaries. GW2 feels like an experiment to me which before HoT went in a very good direction. The long cooldowns, the lack of strong passives, more defined amulets instead of hybrid ones, save for celestial stats(I miss cele ele, it was fun to fight, though an ordeal to defeat sometimes). I remember WoW's power creep, yet Blizzard has seen the issue in time and now it looks reasonable, although not flawless, but it doesn't have to be, for nothing will ever be without a flaw. However, on the other example, ArchAge managed to do it so that it has some reason to it. No class has everything, nothing runs on strong passives, long cooldowns, mana system. It makes a single fight feel more skillful and no player has an incredible edge over the other just because one of them plas something that runs on gimmicks which work in every given situation.(provided they both have the same gearscore). Again, that is because there are unbreakable thresholds to what a class combination can do in given time.


Last but not least, the most painful issue of all that I've seen from the first days I played PvP, but it was still at a reasonable degree. Access to mobility. I believe there is no other game that has classes so mobile and with such a wide arrange of disengage/mobility options. Why do we see most top players, or the ones who roam WvW play thieves, warriors, rangers, mesmers? Yes, there are others, but the ones with the most reliable mobility are the most frequent, most popular. And by all means this is very understandable, it is an universal fact that it is better to avoid, rather than to take a direct hit head on. Most rotations of skilled players include disengaging in combat, in every form (movement) in every game. It is meant to buy time for cooldowns or to force an opponent's cooldowns and kite them. This makes up a big part of combat efficiency, the rest are dodges and well timed attacks. This naturally gives, by default, a huge edge to classes with only mediocre mobility. This is why I believe it is a VERY and I mean VERY bad idea to have mobility skills on weapon sets in the current state of this game. Before HoT it had some sense, why? Because it wasn't that frequent, skills felt impactful, yet scarce. The margin for error had to be considered more frequently. Now they are even more impactful, and you can pretty much spam them to your heart's content.

Now, to sum this pile o' words into a neat pulp. Mobility and disengagement mechanics are not implemented well in this gamemode. No mana, no boundaries, no drawbacks works for PvE, but it does not work in PvP. You may not agree with me, but remember the state of our PvP, and compare it to other MMORPGs' PvP modes. The whole picture will speak for itself.



Game mechanics meant for PvE do not work in PvP as intended if they are scaled too high up with powercreep. On top of that, faulty core concepts of a class, due to powercreep, become too strong to be balanced (with just % and number changes) without breaking a profession into under/overpowered state.

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