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Ranger Traps, rarely used


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Wonder what % of people run FULL trappers...1%...? less I think

Hybrid trappers...1%? Maybe



They nurfed trapper runes a few times

How about making never used ,useless icey trap, condi....Torment maybe? Or both

Fire trap needs to NOT pulse, NEVER ever (wvw/spvp) gets more then 1 stack...they run through it

How about elite trap?

Traps on same timer?


Personally I could care less about ranged traps, I like it better NOT ranged


Unlike other MMOs ,we have so few classes. Most classes have 1 -2 decent builds.

5-6 would be nice to make up for the lack of classes

DAOC had what total, like 90 ?


I disliked GW1, it was a smaller, easier kiddy game then even GW2 , however that 2 class system was really cool and added much

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They were _somewhat_ viable before the trapper rune nerf when the traps could be thrown and celestial armor was better.

Trapper runes do not work well with rangers in most situations now unfortunately, due to their dealing direct damage breaking the stealth. Actually, thinking about it, I don't think they're that great for guardians or thieves, either. Guardians because their traps deal direct damage and thieves because thief traps are, meh.

Also they take up utility slots which are much more needed for other utilities on the profession that ironically is easier to kill whilst they're running a condition build rather than a power build just due to the way the weapons function.


Traps could still be fun, but you won't be seeing them in any meta builds.


~ Kovu

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I tried that on hybrid apothe+shaman druid build ... using staff / shortbow (sometimes switch to axe+warhorn) and its clunky to handle.... i like combo with staff 3 to catch somebody and put traps in his way... but will scrap this build coz power druid and power soulbeast are way more better than this ...

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I still see some running around once in a while but it's mostly predictive with trapper runes. See the puff of white cloud and just avoid hehe or dodge over it. Right now it's probably better to just run one trap and also choose something else than trapper rune. I had been messing around with a deadeye trapper but the latest changes to rifle messed that build up, so I have to rethink it.

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> @"aspirine.6852" said:

> It was fun when it was good, trapper with trapper runes. Have you ever seen one ince the change?Do not remember why they changed it in the first place. Cannot be because there was too much invis, because the thief and mesmer got that.


I ran into a trapper DH the other day. That very brief stealth wasn't doing him any favors.


~ Kovu

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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> A friend of mine and i love putting DH and ranger traps on top of each other at sentries and watch for that 1 lonely soul to walk into them and get insta down and killed by sentry.

> What software you guys use to record gameplay?


I use OBS studio. I had tried a bunch of others like mirilis action, xstory, shadowplay, but I like obs studio the most. Shadowplay is what I would use if I didn't care about hd space, and it is also less taxing on the system resources and it offloads most of the processing through your gpu [i hate the overlay though]. But I like obs studio. In the old forum there was a thread about what recording software people were using but you'd have to dig it out.

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Technically every class probably has 5-6 conceivable builds where synergy exists to some degree or another. There's usually only 1 or 2 where the synergy is really really strong and where the kit is actually conducive to the available game modes which is why we see so many people running variations of the exact same thing. But this is the way it goes for every MMO I've ever played; lots of builds are potentially viable, relatively few fall into the category of "optimal."

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> @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> Ranger traps, short proof of concept




But that are bronze major, squire ... ppl under 100 rank max doing daily with pve build.... once you go across real build.... like condi mirage, power chrono / mirage ... spellbreaker / core war / dh with longbow / power druid / soulbeast.... against all of this u dont have any change and thats bad.

Staff wielding pve guard with no clue i can kill with every class u choose me to use.

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> @"reddie.5861" said:

> huehue i put traps any1 non braindead see i put em down and runs over em just cus they can.


> nope doesnt work like that, camping your own trap is also a tactic of dummies but u lose that fight aswell


This is the mistake most ppl make when they think they can walk right thru the trap..

The ranger Spike trap has launch, if you don't have a break stun to use and quickly get out, you are going to eat all the traps.

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I enjoy trap builds... Spike trap, poison trap, sharpening stone and Ancient seeds in conjunction with each other... Lots of healing power too.


I play it a very specific way though:

- Pull out a merchant in the middle of no where and pretend to AFK

- Lay traps at Durios Bridge and chill under the bridge

- Get attention from enemies and pretend to run away

- Lay a stealth trap in Pang followed up with Traps.... Very amusing to get kills from the other side of the map when someone trying to take camp.

- In PvP I combine my traps with a DH trapper.... Kills most people instantly.


It's very fun to play if you play for fun.... If you have an ego to protect, I wouldn't bother running it.

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> @"intox.6347" said:

> > @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> > Ranger traps, short proof of concept

> >

> >


> But that are bronze major, squire ... ppl under 100 rank max doing daily with pve build.... once you go across real build.... like condi mirage, power chrono / mirage ... spellbreaker / core war / dh with longbow / power druid / soulbeast.... against all of this u dont have any change and thats bad.

> Staff wielding pve guard with no clue i can kill with every class u choose me to use.


Rank means nothing, just time spent

This was proof of concept. last night I played 8 hours,zero deaths, 304 kills VS every rank possible. often killing 3-5 at the same time

You KNOW they are pve builds?

what server are you?

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> @"reddie.5861" said:

> huehue i put traps any1 non braindead see i put em down and runs over em just cus they can.


> nope doesnt work like that, camping your own trap is also a tactic of dummies but u lose that fight aswell


Was this english?

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The reason why traps aren't good anymore is 1 the throwing change took out alot of out thinking the opponent, 2 they lack any utility no stun breaks or cleanses outside of the heal trap.


Druid is really the only spec I can see being a okay trapper since it still has a shit ton of uttiltiy through cele form.


Also throw in the fact that cleanses and resistance have been buffed and given across the board, they make it hard to keep it people inside traps, (lol a decent gaurd or warrior will just beat you for your kicks and take your lunch money) maybe if they added boon rip to 1 of the traps

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> @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> > @"intox.6347" said:

> > > @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> > > Ranger traps, short proof of concept

> > >

> > >

> >

> > But that are bronze major, squire ... ppl under 100 rank max doing daily with pve build.... once you go across real build.... like condi mirage, power chrono / mirage ... spellbreaker / core war / dh with longbow / power druid / soulbeast.... against all of this u dont have any change and thats bad.

> > Staff wielding pve guard with no clue i can kill with every class u choose me to use.


> Rank means nothing, just time spent

> This was proof of concept. last night I played 8 hours,zero deaths, 304 kills VS every rank possible. often killing 3-5 at the same time

> You KNOW they are pve builds?

> what server are you?


Rank means nothing above some threshold... once they are rank 40 .. u know they dont know :dizzy:

I watched what they do... and it was horrible.... for sure not good pvpers--- duelers.

I believe u can kill ppl with this, but dont if you duel experienced mirage / chrono / spellbreaker / core war ... they must destroy you.


im on desolation, mostly roaming, dueling.

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