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Deep Sea Dragon and the Mysterious Race.


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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"Yilia.7509" said:

> > Why should the Jade sea have gone back to water? also there is a huge jade cuboid that has been cut from the jade sea in that library instance where we met the dwarf. if the jade sea went back to water it would have too. I suspect the jade sea and echovald forest to still be stone, which would be really cool as that would be really interesting landscapes.

> It was stated in some lore docs that ever sincE shiro's death it seemed that the effects of the Jade Winds were beginning to undo themselves, and the forest and jade sea were going back to normal.



On the other hand, it was definitely a 'seemed' thing. We saw major chunks of jade when the Zephyrites came back in 2014 as well, so that may be something that ANet's decided to play off as wishful thinking by the Luxons. The groundwork's laid for it to go either way.

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This was from the eye of the North manuscript can be found on the wiki.


Over the past few years, life has begun to spring up in Echovald Forest as many areas have seen new growth take hold. Some even claim to have seen a change in the Jade Sea—small pools of water forming or even waves moving beneath the frozen surface—but these reports are unsubstantiated rumors at best.

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I believe the DSD would be off the coast somewhere. If you consider the placement of all the other dragons they all seem to be centered around something, primordus fire islands, zhaitan orr, jormag shiver peaks, kralkatorrik bloodlegion homelands, mordremoth in magma, so if you go by the other dragons' positions, I would assume that it puts the DSD either off the coast of the isles of Janthir, or in between Orr and the fire islands. (this is all just speculation)

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> Maybe he is a peaceful dragon that is a pacifist?- Doubtful, the Elder Dragons are the nature itself, and they want to grab as much magic they can.

Well we can't really say either way. They're obviously not "the nature itself" that's just how the Zephyrites view them, when it comes down to it they're just some very strong beings who put themselves into a favorable position by accumulating as much magic as possible and everyone else has just started to accept this as a given because from their mortal point of view "that's how it always was". Also, just because it's an elder dragon doesn't mean that it's hostile to other creatures. Off course saying that it's peaceful would be a stretch but it doesn't seem to be very aggressive either. Aside from Mordremoth we barely get any insight in how they view the world and other beings despite them obviously having at least human level intelligence.

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> @"ErikTheTyrant.4527" said:

> I believe the DSD would be off the coast somewhere. If you consider the placement of all the other dragons they all seem to be centered around something, primordus fire islands, zhaitan orr, jormag shiver peaks, kralkatorrik bloodlegion homelands, mordremoth in magma, so if you go by the other dragons' positions, I would assume that it puts the DSD either off the coast of the isles of Janthir, or in between Orr and the fire islands. (this is all just speculation)


We know it is / was very far away. Keep in mind that Primordus was asleep under what is now Frostgorge Sound originally, and had moved across the contiennt (hence why we get destroyers from Brisban Wildlands to Desert Highlands to, in the novels, eastern Ascalon); Jormag was near the arctic sea (he had personally capsized kodan icebergs) and had moved south since into the Far Shiverpeaks; and obviously Kralkatorrik's been on the move a bit too.


From what we know of the DSD, it was in the Unending Ocean, where it forced the krait, karka, and quaggan out of their homelands, and last we heard (in 1325 AE, 6 years ago) it was pushing into largos homelands. Given the position of quaggan and krait refugees, that would place it southwest of Central Tyria, since they headed into the Sea of Sorrows rather than Elona or Janthir Bay.

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> @"Nero.5910" said:

> I think the next expac is going to be about the deep sea dragon. Each expax kinda has its "sybolic color" hot was green, pof is purple. I can imagine something red or blueish coming next. Sounds kinda primitive but makes sense imo.



Dark blue, and icy blue for jormag. But red or orange for primordus? I’d say orange since red can be used for other stuff

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Oh i forgot about the red color as core, nevertheless do I think that something blueish will come next, since we didnt have smth like that before and since the updated underwater combat recently and we never ever had any underwater related stuff at all. And finally this makes perfect sense, since we need smth new in every expansion and underwater stuff definitely would be it. I do however wonder where the expac might actually be on the map, I cant think of any place actually.

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> Which are the colors in the crucible?


Red for Primordus, white for Jormag, black for Zhaitan, violet for Kralkatorrik, green for Mordremoth, and blue for Selbbub. If you want to call PoF 'the Kralkatorrik expansion', that's a 66.7% correspondence between the logo and the related ED so far... but that's only going to work for so long as an ED has a prominent role to play in a given expansion. We could, for instance, get a white logo because Cantha changed their national colors to reflect the influence of the Ministry of Purity, and get a whole expansion based off that without so much as a single icebrood.

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> @"Aaron Ansari.1604" said:

> > @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > Which are the colors in the crucible?


> Red for Primordus, white for Jormag, black for Zhaitan, violet for Kralkatorrik, green for Mordremoth, and blue for Selbbub. If you want to call PoF 'the Kralkatorrik expansion', that's a 66.7% correspondence between the logo and the related ED so far... but that's only going to work for so long as an ED has a prominent role to play in a given expansion. We could, for instance, get a white logo because Cantha changed their national colors to reflect the influence of the Ministry of Purity, and get a whole expansion based off that without so much as a single icebrood.


Kralkatorrik had not a big part in PoF, although the Season/s following after the expansions extend the lore of the expansions. The expansions end one plot, but they also give the aftermath that are happening during the Seasons. (PoF and Season 4 colors are purple).


So PoF's logo should present Balthazar in the number 2 because of Balthazar that was absolutely the main character in this expansion, but he wasn't because the dragons will always be in GW2's logos, because the Dragons were, are and will be the main focus. We went to fight Balthazar, right? But we knew how _purple_ those territories are.


I mean that Expansion 3, 4 and so forth will have a dragon in the logo, even if we will go to Cantha and don't really touch the story of any of the Dragon.



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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> > @"Aaron Ansari.1604" said:

> > > @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > > Which are the colors in the crucible?

> >

> > Red for Primordus, white for Jormag, black for Zhaitan, violet for Kralkatorrik, green for Mordremoth, and blue for Selbbub. If you want to call PoF 'the Kralkatorrik expansion', that's a 66.7% correspondence between the logo and the related ED so far... but that's only going to work for so long as an ED has a prominent role to play in a given expansion. We could, for instance, get a white logo because Cantha changed their national colors to reflect the influence of the Ministry of Purity, and get a whole expansion based off that without so much as a single icebrood.


> Kralkatorrik had not a big part in PoF, although the Season/s following after the expansions extend the lore of the expansions. The expansions end one plot, but they also give the aftermath that are happening during the Seasons. (PoF and Season 4 colors are purple).


> So PoF's logo should present Balthazar in the number 2 because of Balthazar that was absolutely the main character in this expansion, but he wasn't because the dragons will always be in GW2's logos, because the Dragons were, are and will be the main focus. We went to fight Balthazar, right? But we knew how _purple_ those territories are.


> I mean that Expansion 3, 4 and so forth will have a dragon in the logo, even if we will go to Cantha and don't really touch the story of any of the Dragon.



I suspect there will be some dragon involvement should we go to Cantha. What form or shape will that take is hard to say.


I know the devs didn’t want to fall into a pattern of major releases and expansions of build up an army, fight and kill a dragon, which is pretty much the formula for the original release and Heart of Thorns. Path of Fire differs because we are getting information and details on Kralkatorrik, but we are not building an army up to fight him, we are hijacking one to save an Elder Dragon, which I think was a nice twist. Plus it introduces us to the physical form of Kralkatorrik. If we manage to kill Kralkatorrik at the end of a season, that is still in a different formula because we are doing this in a living world season, rather then an expansion, which is pretty exciting.


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