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HoM progress / GWAMM appears gone [merged]

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I just recently logged into GW2 to an in game mail titled: "LOR-748 Title-Issuing Error". as soon as I went to the HoM, I noticed everything that I worked so hard to get had been erased.


EDIT: I'm now looking at my stuff in GW1 and all of the things that I have gained, equaling up to 30 points, enough for the Fire God Vambraces and the Black Widow are still set in GW1, and I had both accounts linked.

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I got the same in-game mail just now and my title removed.


My Hall of Monuments on the web looks fine, and my guild hall indeed still smells of rich mahogany, so I'm hoping this is a glitch that will be rectified quickly.


**Edit** to add: the mail notes that I'm a recent recipient of this title and that it was in error. I had this title before GW2 launch, so this definitely smells like a bug.

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> @"Killjoy.9213" said:

> Did you check your HoM to see if everything that you got was still there and accessible?


> I'm also hoping this is a glitch, because I'd hate to create a second ranger and not be able to get a full set of pets.


Oh yeah - it says I'm not even an ancient hero and I have access to none of the items or pets. Weird.

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> This happens occasionally when the GW2 servers fail to communicate with the GW1 servers, so it assumes 0 points. It'll fix itself eventually.


This is the first time I've had this happen to me so I'm freaking out a bit. o.O

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It's a temporary problem due to the servers being unavailable temporarily.


Short story: it will fix itself later today.

If you want to accelerate the process, logout of the game, and either boot up GW1 (and start at least one character) or use the [HoM Calculator](http://hom.guildwars2.com/).


Medium story: due to a really horrid bug that was hard to track down and gave people credit who hadn't earned HoM or GWAMM, the system has been changed to periodically check with the GW1 servers to confirm status. That works great 99% of the time and fails when there are server issues. It always resolves itself (because the checks are fairly frequent). It's scary & annoying, but not ultimately meaningful; no accounts were harmed (just their owners).

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##### Super long & vaguely tecnical story, FAQ style


> If it isn't a new issue, why isn't it fixed by now?

The existing issue is frustrating, but ultimately solves itself. That's better than the old problem, which didn't solve itself and was unfair.


> What's wrong with the GW1 Database (or the GW2 DB)?

There's nothing wrong with the database. There was a change to the AP system which accidentally granted HoM/GWAMM credit to people who hadn't earned it. They never explained the particulars, but we know they made at least two attempts to fix it that made it to the live code. Neither succeeded, which is how they ended up with the kludge used today.


> Why do the GW2 servers keep making these mistakes over and over and over?

They aren't making mistakes over and over. They no longer store data about GW1.


Instead, there's a subsystem that checks with GW1. That works perfectly, _except_ when there are other issues that affect the game's connectivity. For example, where there's a problem with players logging on at all, it also affects the GW1?GW2 communication. At which point, the HoM check fails, because GW2 can't talk to GW1 (just like we had trouble logging on).


> That's sounds like a huge problem, not a small one.

Well, that depends on your perspective. It's a much smaller problem than the old one and it entirely prevents people from getting HoM or GWAMM who haven't earned it, which the old system did not (even before the bug).


So it's a problem, sure. It's just as lesser problem than we'd have without it. The current system is clearly a kludge. It has an obvious point of potential failure, one that will come up every time servers drop lines of communication. That doesn't happen often, but it really shouldn't happen at all.


However, the alternative is for ANet to go back to the drawing board and pretty much overhaul how AP is setup, granted, and maintained within the system. That's a huge chunk of QA attention on something that ... well it resolves itself.


> Why not make it one way: GW1 HoM achievements can be registered by GW1 to GW2, but not removed. Players don't lose their GW1 titles anyways.

Good point, except... that's exactly the original system. And it failed somehow. Not just once, but several times. People who hadn't earned the GW1 titles & HoM points got them in GW2. It took ages to figure out how to undo that, without accidentally affecting anyone who had legit earned them.


The good thing about this solution is regardless of how many false positives occur, it will always fix itself. Always


In short: this solution is like democracy. It's a really horrid option, except for being better than all of the alternatives.




##### ANet Official Comments

* [June 2016](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/info/news/Hall-of-Monuments-Issue-06-09-2017/6613606)


##### Previous Reports, Current Forums

* [April 2018](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/38368/hall-of-monuments-achievements-removed)

* [November 2017](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/15004/hall-of-monument-progress-lost)

* [October 2017](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/7377/scholar-aiti-stole-all-my-hall-of-monuments-titles)


##### Previous Reports, Forum Archives

* [July 2015](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Wrongly-removed-GWAMM/5328501) & [July 2015](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/HoM-rewards-gone-when-creating-new-character/5337613)

* [june 2017](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/God-Walking-Among-Mere-Mortal/6613481)


###### Previous Reports, Reddit

* [2015](


* [may 2016](


* [june 2016](


* [july 2017](


* [oct 2017](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/13436/gwamm-title-and-ap-got-taken-away)

* [oct 2017](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/13440/gwamm-and-all-related-achievements-removed)

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[Dornsinger wrote on Reddit](https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/8jm9uc/hom_rewards_removed_from_my_account/dz0onzi/)

> The solution for the HoM will be the same as always: Either simply wait and give it some time, or log into Guild Wars, visit Kimmes the Historian; then log into Guild Wars and and visit his spirit there.


> Basically what happens: The server that handles account matters (creating accounts, logging in, what's in your guild list...) also handles the communication between Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2. If that bridge breaks, you lose the HoM connection. And the game notices that loss and reacts with a script from WAY back in the day, when we once did that on purpose to some players who should not have had the HoM rewards and sends you that in-game mail.


> The solution really is to let the server communicate again, either by waiting, or by nudging the connection, once the main issue is resolved. :3


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Ty Illconceived. I just now logged back in to GW2 to see that everything was back to normal. I did log into GW1 around the time of my last post about an hour and a half ago.


As I'd said, this was the first time I've experienced this happen. Freaking out thinking the worst might have happened is a bit of a habit.

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> @"Killjoy.9213" said:

> I just recently logged into GW2 to an in game mail titled: "LOR-748 Title-Issuing Error". as soon as I went to the HoM, I noticed everything that I worked so hard to get had been erased.


> EDIT: I'm now looking at my stuff in GW1 and all of the things that I have gained, equaling up to 30 points, enough for the Fire God Vambraces and the Black Widow are still set in GW1, and I had both accounts linked.


I encountered this upon logging in this morning, 5/15/18. Since I have an older computer, I no longer have GW1 loaded so I'm unable to try to assist the historian re-establish the connection between the two games. Does this mean my GW1 achievements and associated titles will not be restored ("Ascended", "Closer to the Stars", "Chosen", etc., along with access to the pets, weapons and other awards) in the HOM in GW2?


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> @"Bardon Night.3748" said:

> > @"Killjoy.9213" said:

> > I just recently logged into GW2 to an in game mail titled: "LOR-748 Title-Issuing Error". as soon as I went to the HoM, I noticed everything that I worked so hard to get had been erased.

> >

> > EDIT: I'm now looking at my stuff in GW1 and all of the things that I have gained, equaling up to 30 points, enough for the Fire God Vambraces and the Black Widow are still set in GW1, and I had both accounts linked.


> I encountered this upon logging in this morning, 5/15/18. Since I have an older computer, I no longer have GW1 loaded so I'm unable to try to assist the historian re-establish the connection between the two games. Does this mean my GW1 achievements and associated titles will not be restored ("Ascended", "Closer to the Stars", "Chosen", etc., along with access to the pets, weapons and other awards) in the HOM in GW2?



Wait it out; they'll be back, even if you do nothing.

Logging into GW1 jump-starts the process, as would logging into the HoM calculator:


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  • 3 months later...

I just received the message, too, and it needs to be updated. First of all, I am not "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals" but "Champion of the Gods", and secondly, since this is due to a connection issue to the GW1 servers, it shouldn't be misleading like that (many players panic over it).


P.S. My title "Champion of the Gods" is currently unavailable to me.

P.P.S. Logging into GW1, then into GW2 again, solved the issue quickly. :)

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I've made [such a suggestion](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/40206/update-scholar-aitis-message-when-gw2-stops-talking-to-gw1-about-gwamm-or-hom).


I do note since that time, GW1 has lost communication with GW2 more than once and hardly anyone got a message, so they did something even better: set things up so it's less likely for people to get emailed incorrectly than it was before. (Still, I'd love to see the message updated to fit the actual circumstances.)

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  • 2 months later...

I logged in a few minutes ago and got a weird message from the ANeT Bot saying my titles from the Hall of Monuments were unearned. I also lost around 450 achievement points. I played GW1 from beta and earned all those titles through tedious mapping, armor acquiring and such. What is going on? I went from 32096 points to 91646 and lost titles I earned.

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Today, I received an in-game mail telling me that I never deserved the God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals title. Following that, said title and all Hall of Monuments related achievements have been taken away. )=


[directupload.net/file/d/5259/aom3lg4h_jpg.htm](http://www.directupload.net/file/d/5259/aom3lg4h_jpg.htm "directupload.net/file/d/5259/aom3lg4h_jpg.htm")

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Had the same issue, just a few minutes ago, reported a ticket to support, but when I sent ticket and checked again, it was alright.


Actually I had also problem with login to GW 1 and with checking my Achievements on hom.guildwars2.com. For around 20-30 minutes it wasn't loading, but it's working right now.


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