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I'm being put in a lot of unbalanced SPvP Matches.

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> @"Highlie.7641" said:

> > @"choovanski.5462" said:

> > getting stuck in silver is hard

> >

> > it's probably your play + build (and what role you're using it for)

> >

> > brute forcing your way to plat on warrior mes or Holo is p simple. even new support scrapper and DH would work lol (I like DH because I can stomp hard on it but your mileage may vary)

> >

> > > @"Highlie.7641" said:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >


> If you haven't figured out, your rating is pretty much set from your placements matchs there is no hope for you. I've also seen you play multiple times, i'm sure the majority of the leftover player's could do a better job playing one handed


keep telling yourself that kid. sure sure it's just placements lol


nice story btw, bet you couldn't even name my toons

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> @"Highlie.7641" said:

> If you haven't figured out, your rating is pretty much set from your placements matchs there is no hope for you.


That isnt really true. Since its only a "soft reset" for your rating at the start of a new season, people that are very high on the leaderboards always start the new season on way lower rating and - usually - still manage to climb back to their previous rating.


I made an alt account just a few weeks before the current season started and jumped straight into ranked as soon as I hit pvp lvl 20. Barely got placed in plat 1 (like 1510 or something) and still manged to climb more than 200 rating.


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> @"BikeIsGone.8675" said:

> > @"Highlie.7641" said:

> > If you haven't figured out, your rating is pretty much set from your placements matchs there is no hope for you.


> That isnt really true. Since its only a "soft reset" for your rating at the start of a new season, people that are very high on the leaderboards always start the new season on way lower rating and - usually - still manage to climb back to their previous rating.


> I made an alt account just a few weeks before the current season started and jumped straight into ranked as soon as I hit pvp lvl 20. Barely got placed in plat 1 (like 1510 or something) and still manged to climb more than 200 rating.



new accounts start with decent mmr, meaning your placement matchs will be a stacked towards your favor.


As for Choo, noone in this game pays attention to toon names, it's all about account names. again pretty common knowledge.

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Yup everyone who keeps landing in the top 250 at the end of the season suck and their ranks are completely dictated by luck.


Anyone in plat 2 is a phony everyone knows that (or should since i just enlightened them bros)


The mirrors, gas mileage, credit card balances , rankings...all lies. The world is a lie hustled by win traders and hackers.

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Matchmaker has problems with too low population, and also class distribution within the teams. You can affect the second part of equation by queuing with class you don't want on your team and then switching to one of your toons that is appropriate for the occasion (for instance firebrand if you have scourge on team, you two become great anchor at mid for the team)


In order for mathchmaker to offer reasonable waiting times, it is i believe left vulnerable on purpose, and switching is allowed. It still does not guarantee anything if the match is started in some obscure time of the day with too little active players. But if you want to let's say queue with thief and refuse to switch - why getting over 40% wins would be considered a success imo.


I do believe btw this switch at the start of the game should be prohibited ASAP, but as long as it's legal...


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> @"Highlie.7641" said:

> > @"BikeIsGone.8675" said:

> > > @"Highlie.7641" said:

> > > If you haven't figured out, your rating is pretty much set from your placements matchs there is no hope for you.

> >

> > That isnt really true. Since its only a "soft reset" for your rating at the start of a new season, people that are very high on the leaderboards always start the new season on way lower rating and - usually - still manage to climb back to their previous rating.

> >

> > I made an alt account just a few weeks before the current season started and jumped straight into ranked as soon as I hit pvp lvl 20. Barely got placed in plat 1 (like 1510 or something) and still manged to climb more than 200 rating.

> >


> new accounts start with decent mmr, meaning your placement matchs will be a stacked towards your favor.


> As for Choo, noone in this game pays attention to toon names, it's all about account names. again pretty common knowledge.


c'mon man you really think your MMR is just perma low because of your account and that's why you can't climb? you sure it's not because you actually can't carry on hybrid renegade revenant? feel like that may be the case bro


climbing to plat is not impossible, and only an option for those w stacked MMR lol. there is a degree of luck involved in how long it takes you to get plat, but it's totally brute forceable


as for toon names, nah dude loads of people recognise them, it's how players brand themselves. still I know you're just saying that to cover your baseless slander. I know you don't know me, and just think you're being edgy on the forum- because trust me you wouldn't forget my toon names if you'd seen em

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> @"choovanski.5462" said:

> > @"Highlie.7641" said:

> > > @"BikeIsGone.8675" said:

> > > > @"Highlie.7641" said:

> > > > If you haven't figured out, your rating is pretty much set from your placements matchs there is no hope for you.

> > >

> > > That isnt really true. Since its only a "soft reset" for your rating at the start of a new season, people that are very high on the leaderboards always start the new season on way lower rating and - usually - still manage to climb back to their previous rating.

> > >

> > > I made an alt account just a few weeks before the current season started and jumped straight into ranked as soon as I hit pvp lvl 20. Barely got placed in plat 1 (like 1510 or something) and still manged to climb more than 200 rating.

> > >

> >

> > new accounts start with decent mmr, meaning your placement matchs will be a stacked towards your favor.

> >

> > As for Choo, noone in this game pays attention to toon names, it's all about account names. again pretty common knowledge.


> c'mon man you really think your MMR is just perma low because of your account and that's why you can't climb? you sure it's not because you actually can't carry on hybrid renegade revenant? feel like that may be the case bro


> climbing to plat is not impossible, and only an option for those w stacked MMR lol. there is a degree of luck involved in how long it takes you to get plat, but it's totally brute forceable


> as for toon names, nah dude loads of people recognise them, it's how players brand themselves. still I know you're just saying that to cover your baseless slander. I know you don't know me, and just think you're being edgy on the forum- because trust me you wouldn't forget my toon names if you'd seen em


this is true. i have placed in silver and climbed to plat and finished there

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solution is really easy. Stop playing spvp. When they will see that few people play they will have to do something to give a better experience to players . Real problem is not that you can not rank up ,. real problem is that playing that kind of matches is not fun and in life there are many better ways to spend your time .

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Woa lots of salty circle jerk comments here. Anyays OP,


First off what time do you play?

The matchmaking does suck on off hours.


Secondly your going to find games are volitle in the lower tiers as people don't really know what their doing.


Your job is to influence games not carry. Hell I play a glassy soul beast I'ved I found I can pressure and bully weaker players on the enemy team thus snowballing the fights. (Build drops off at plat 2 becuase people up there can duel and plus 1 really well.) And let's say I drop in rateing I always bounce back up because I get matched with players I can bully all game


What I'm trying to say is find the thing your good and at and abuse it. My build is agreat +1er with some 1v1 capabilities so I do that. And duece out when it's not in my favor. I've actually won games by annyoing the team so much they'll focos me off road when my team backcaps.


Your not going to win every game some games are just unwinnable, play the long game focos on influencing matches or hell even try I different class/build that does what you want to do, I think in season 5 I was having a problem with druid so I played a core ranger and scrapper. And found I was able to influence matched better



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> @"EUmad.7645" said:

> solution is really easy. Stop playing spvp. When they will see that few people play they will have to do something to give a better experience to players . Real problem is not that you can not rank up ,. real problem is that playing that kind of matches is not fun and in life there are many better ways to spend your time .


This is the exact opposite solution and some of the worst suggestion I've ever heard. The actual fix to better match making is to get more people in SPvP and get enough of them the materials and information and practice they need to become more skilled so we have a larger pool of players with proper bell curve distribution of quality players. I really doubt any matchmaker is going to be better mechanically than the one we've got. It's doing the best with what it has.

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First of "bro", i never said i was stuck in Silver, I said the Matchmaker in that tier that is absoulete garbage, You do realize as soon as you leave silver it's an easy climb to platinum. Your MMR falls quicker the more games you have, this is stated as much by the PVP dev, try to get informed. Fresh accounts also start at 1200 MMR and since it's a fresh account when they win they get more points then somone who has played for years. again stated by the dev's themeselfs.


I guess i will have to spell out this build since your too incompetent to figure it out yourself. Breakrazor's Bastion + Righteous Rebel gives you an 83% reduction in condition damage, add in Soulcleave's Summit and you out heal every single condition spec in the meta. (from thieves to necros). two simple skills Spiritcrush + Citadel Bombardment gives you burn ticks of 2k per tick. and since you can self stack 25 might (again learn to read) with shino traits / abilities your looking at power based attacks doing 2k-4k per hit while having perma fury. If you can't make that work you are a garbage player. Now you could of stated "Well your weak vs power damage," but with 21k life and the fact that you have a scourge every match ....(i better spell out barrier too for you) that is not the case.


It's sad how uninformed you are meta wiki kid.

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I've crossed the threshold where I'll never be able to climb back up to where I was. I'm in that hole where every team I get put on is full of people not listening, just running here and there and just doing they're own thing and getting owned. 8 of my last 10 matches have been losses. I'm now a member of the dregs of the spvp world thanks to cruddy matchmaking. Thanks, Arenanet!

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I dropped back from gold 1 to silver 1 just because MM puts me in teams that really dont know what to do in PvP, surprisingly the other team almost always does get it. Is almost always ends in huge score differences, personally I play a custom Scourge build and have top stats for most things (defending, healing, kills, damage etc) but that counts for nothing atm so im stuck at the bottom of silver for now. I was really looking forward to balanced matches but right now that is about 1 out of 10.


Win vs lose total: I'm at about 177 games played and 76 of those I won this season so that's a "win" rate of 42.9% go figure.


Oh, and I do mixed solo and duo queue and play at different times, I'm not planning on prime time match queue gambling since I believe that behavior is hurting the MM system even more.

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Matches up a bit weird at the moment. I'm either on the winning team that wins by 200-300 pts or the losing team with a ridiculously low score. Most of the time one team just destroys the other. Rare to have a close match these days. Pretty much one team will have 2 scourges and 2 mirages, or both teams sometime. You can usually tell if you will win or lose by how much aoe each team has (the bigger and more longer lasting, the better). It is a simple as that. If you have aoe damage specialists (Scourge, Mirage), aoe CC (Holosmith, Ele, Druid), and aoe healing (Firebrand, Druid,Ele) you have a very good chance of winning. If find the other team has all of this and your team are all zerker power builds, just forget it. You'll get absolutely destroyed, unless the other team is retarded, or you have two good indestructible Warrs that can tank 3 players and likely kill everyone there if they can keep up their immortal god skill rotation (guess it also helps they are bugged at the moment giving them ridiculous amounts of toughness).

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> @"Panda.3620" said:

> Keep playing and get better, you play thief and is on silver, that means you're not skilled. Watch or ask for a thief on plat to help you on how to play your class, thief is a hard class to learn, you're either good or bad, there is no middle point for now unfortunately since thief is high risk high reward.


> 50%+ winrate is where gold players are. Gold players are skilled class wise but lack on how to play conquest mode, they don't control the map, don't pay attention, can't read the enemy.


> As a thief, controlling the map is a must, ask help for a thief main on the leaderboards, there is alot of good ones.


another time the same joke high reward high what?

calling high risk one of the profesions with more escape tools in the game is a pure joke, you engage, you find they are better than you and you disapear, high risk is for the ones who are stuck in the combat that are unable to disengage, have more risk a faceroll scourge than a thief

but the others statements are true, thief is a game maker a good thief with good map reading is a win condition, with their decaping, +1 , sideobjectives control, a bad thief is puting your team in a perpetual 4 vs 5 because you can join a big fight unles for ganking the one who is leaving a bit for recovering health and/or cds rr a very quick gang of someother highly focused in combat with other player

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"EUmad.7645" said:

> > solution is really easy. Stop playing spvp. When they will see that few people play they will have to do something to give a better experience to players . Real problem is not that you can not rank up ,. real problem is that playing that kind of matches is not fun and in life there are many better ways to spend your time .


> This is the exact opposite solution and some of the worst suggestion I've ever heard. The actual fix to better match making is to get more people in SPvP and get enough of them the materials and information and practice they need to become more skilled so we have a larger pool of players with proper bell curve distribution of quality players. I really doubt any matchmaker is going to be better mechanically than the one we've got. It's doing the best with what it has.


i played since 2012 and the situation is getting worse and worse so .... what to do ? for me i decided to stop ...

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @"Necronaut.6028" said:

> > Sampson, with all of your "sarcasm", you seem to have an inability to understand simple concepts. If the game thinks I deserve silver, cool, I'm not disputing that, it's w/e. Put me in Bronze, or Wood level for all I care, but don't expect me to believe a sub 49% winrate is okay.

> Winrate is irrelevant. The thing that matters is your rating at the end of the day. If you keep playing as you go down you will eventually start recovering your winrate.


I have had much more difficulties winning some silver games with braindead teamates than some plat with people knowing what to do

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