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Weaver is in dire need of nerf


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> @"Bakeneko.5826" said:

> Condi and zerk builds deals too much damage, Weaver (yes, weaver) traitline and 3rd skills needs tuning down to make more classes comparable in damage, because we are back to "ele is best, all others are useless" gameplay. And this is coming from ele main


Weaver has always been a super glass cannon. Weaver is extremely deadly when using berserker builds, but is also very vulnerable. It even got nerfed a few balance patches ago. Just block some of its' damage, dodge or anything to have them waste their burst damage.

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> @"Bakeneko.5826" said:

> Condi and zerk builds deals too much damage, Weaver (yes, weaver) traitline and 3rd skills needs tuning down to make more classes comparable in damage, because we are back to "ele is best, all others are useless" gameplay. And this is coming from ele main


What are you smoking, mate?

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> @"Bakeneko.5826" said:

> Condi and zerk builds deals too much damage, Weaver (yes, weaver) traitline and 3rd skills needs tuning down to make more classes comparable in damage, because we are back to "ele is best, all others are useless" gameplay. And this is coming from ele main


What ever you play needs to get nerfed...


Hell I main warrior and I'm here defending this silly class..


If you want it's damaged shaved that bad so other classes can do comparable damage.. then why don't we bring these other classes Hp down to 11k so it can be comparable survivalilty and everyone can do crazy damage and get wrecked at the same time.

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> @"Bakeneko.5826" said:

> Condi and zerk builds deals too much damage, Weaver (yes, weaver) traitline and 3rd skills needs tuning down to make more classes comparable in damage, because we are back to "ele is best, all others are useless" gameplay. And this is coming from ele main


Weaver has just lost a significant part of its damage and is no longer capable of being top dps even in the very unrealistic, favoring our class conditions of the training golem. As such, it no longer offers a high enough reward to justify the higher risk of using one. Further nerfs will serve to phase it from the current "questionable" to a future "useless" state.

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I am so very confused by this. Weaver is equal top damage on large hit boxes for a much more sensitive rotation, on small it's marginally better than a few but no longer top and this is assuming you play perfectly and don't get shafted by any adds CCing you or lose scholar bonus and with a good boon uptime from the chrono.


Source: https://snowcrows.com/benchmarks/


In PvP and WvW ele isn't even close to being OP for roaming and it's only place is zerging where meteor on downs will pretty much kill everything down and hit like a truck even on minstrels.


If you mean that ele deals far too much damage at the upper ends in PvE **and so does every other class** then sure I can agree with that, the power creep across the board since HoT is unreal.

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> @"DragonSlayer.1087" said:

> Nope. Don't touch the freakin weaver. It's just right as it is now. It takes a highly skilled player to make a weaver work (especially a power weaver).


It's not just right, it is severely underperforming. Not enough damage potential for the rate at which you lose said potential due to mistakes. In realistic scenarios you're better off taking the far more reliable holo or mirage. Not to mention the overperforming warrior or the stupid dps level achievable by epi bounce.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:



> If you mean that ele deals far too much damage at the upper ends in PvE **and so does every other class** then sure I can agree with that, the power creep across the board since HoT is unreal.


This. HoT power creep wasn't as bad as POF. Weaver traitlines and weaver-only skills should be hit, as well as several other elite spec. Anet needs to pick one class to use as baseline power to balance around (like Blizzard does with Overwatch - Tracer is base power line and all characters are balanced around that power line). Core specs need buff badly and HoT elites little tweaks here and there. After POF came out, 5 out of 8 characters had to basically be locked into PoF specs so they stay relevant to meta, while previous specs becomes next to useless

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> @"Bakeneko.5826" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:


> >

> > If you mean that ele deals far too much damage at the upper ends in PvE **and so does every other class** then sure I can agree with that, the power creep across the board since HoT is unreal.


> This. HoT power creep wasn't as bad as POF. Weaver traitlines and weaver-only skills should be hit, as well as several other elite spec. Anet needs to pick one class to use as baseline power to balance around (like Blizzard does with Overwatch - Tracer is base power line and all characters are balanced around that power line). Core specs need buff badly and HoT elites little tweaks here and there. After POF came out, 5 out of 8 characters had to basically be locked into PoF specs so they stay relevant to meta, while previous specs becomes next to useless


I don’t agree that core needs buffs, I think all elites need nerfing quite a bit and being reworked where necessary to be more concise with their purpose. For example tempest is a support spec, it should absolutely never be a dps increase to the ele to run tempest, even over core. It could buff its party, heal its party, provide damage mitigation, party effects like stunbreaks etc where each line clearly provides synergy however because tempest gets extra overloads each trait is a little weaker than an equivocal core line but works out slightly better when you factor in overloads.


To put this in perspective Gorseval was meant to be a dps check, it has 21,628,200 health and an enraged timer of 7 minutes (420s). This means the total raid DPS to finish it within enrage timer is about 51.5k, that’s for a full 10 man group.


Even if we say you will only get half that time to actually do damage to the boss (which is a gross overstatement) it still works out at needing only 103k to complete the encounter within enrage timer. 4 SBSBSB auto attacking and 6 support almost no damage characters can complete this with 0 risk and this is assuming they are literally just auto attacking, maybe hitting 2 and those utility skills off cool down.


The reality is that even the support classes can account for a good 15k or more of the raid groups dps and this is assuming you play super safe with double chrono, Druid, warrior (offensive support banners), and extra healer which still gives you room for another dps which would easily make your raid group do 90-100k without actually trying to dps.


Raids are supposed to be hard, yet with the creep the bar just keeps getting lower and lower.

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> @"Bakeneko.5826" said:

> Condi and zerk builds deals too much damage, Weaver (yes, weaver) traitline and 3rd skills needs tuning down to make more classes comparable in damage, because we are back to "ele is best, all others are useless" gameplay. And this is coming from ele main


I'll just think this was meant to be sarcastic :)

Staff weaver is maybe a bit high on DPS in an unrealistic golem scenario. But elsewhere it's quite balanced. Sword weaver even needs some quality of life improvements imo.

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> @"Retsuko.2035" said:

> > @"Bakeneko.5826" said:

> > Condi and zerk builds deals too much damage, Weaver (yes, weaver) traitline and 3rd skills needs tuning down to make more classes comparable in damage, because we are back to "ele is best, all others are useless" gameplay. And this is coming from ele main


> I'll just think this was meant to be sarcastic :)

> Staff weaver ~~is~~ *was* maybe a bit high on DPS in an unrealistic golem scenario. But elsewhere it's quite balanced. Sword weaver even needs some quality of life improvements imo.


FTFY. It is now too low.

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Its needs to get less crit dmg from power at the same time it needs better GM effects as well as more non max dmg effects such as unblockables quickness and maybe so means of dealing with boons.


So weaver needs less max dmg and more reliability dmg. As things stand though we are seeing the core ele getting nerfed because of weaver max dmg being so high.

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> Its needs to get less crit dmg from power at the same time it needs better GM effects as well as more non max dmg effects such as unblockables quickness and maybe so means of dealing with boons.


> So weaver needs less max dmg and more reliability dmg. As things stand though we are seeing the core ele getting nerfed because of weaver max dmg being so high.


Negative. That'd make it just the same as any other spec. It's fine to have high unreliable damage, it just needs it to be, you know, high.

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> @"Bakeneko.5826" said:

> Condi and zerk builds deals too much damage, Weaver (yes, weaver) traitline and 3rd skills needs tuning down to make more classes comparable in damage, because we are back to "ele is best, all others are useless" gameplay. And this is coming from ele main


Something tells me, you're a sour player that lost to an Weaver and that instantly means its OP. Condi builds? Yeah OP if you bring like NO condi removal what so ever, but that would make ALL condi builds overpowered and even then, others do Condi builds MUCH better. Much, Much better. As for Zerk. Sacrifice defense, Zerk ele will die when getting looked at, it SHOULD be doing great damage. Just like most classes it has its cheese but that doesnt mean it needs to be nerfed lol

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > Its needs to get less crit dmg from power at the same time it needs better GM effects as well as more non max dmg effects such as unblockables quickness and maybe so means of dealing with boons.

> >

> > So weaver needs less max dmg and more reliability dmg. As things stand though we are seeing the core ele getting nerfed because of weaver max dmg being so high.


> Negative. That'd make it just the same as any other spec. It's fine to have high unreliable damage, it just needs it to be, you know, high.


And weaver just a better damging ele power to crit dmg is silly you do higher crit dmg with power and you also get higher crit dmg from power.

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Some people won't be happy until ele has no place in any game mode. If you haven't noticed ele already got nerfed this patch. Want to make DPS even lower so nobody wants to play the risky build that will end up doing lower dps than the safer builds?


What is ele supposed to do after that? PvP? Pretty useless there. WvW? No reason to ever roam with this profession. If it gets nerfed then it will only be viable for WvW zergs. Not optimal there, just viable. A couple of eles in a sea of scourges and firebrands.

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> @"Ganathar.4956" said:

> Some people won't be happy until ele has no place in any game mode. If you haven't noticed ele already got nerfed this patch. Want to make DPS even lower so nobody wants to play the risky build that will end up doing lower dps than the safer builds?


> What is ele supposed to do after that? PvP? Pretty useless there. WvW? No reason to ever roam with this profession. If it gets nerfed then it will only be viable for WvW zergs. Not optimal there, just viable. A couple of eles in a sea of scourges and firebrands.


Exactly just look at thief.

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > Its needs to get less crit dmg from power at the same time it needs better GM effects as well as more non max dmg effects such as unblockables quickness and maybe so means of dealing with boons.

> > >

> > > So weaver needs less max dmg and more reliability dmg. As things stand though we are seeing the core ele getting nerfed because of weaver max dmg being so high.

> >

> > Negative. That'd make it just the same as any other spec. It's fine to have high unreliable damage, it just needs it to be, you know, high.


> And weaver just a better damging ele power to crit dmg is silly you do higher crit dmg with power and you also get higher crit dmg from power.


So? It lets you build a better glass cannon spec. I fail to see the problem.

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