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Am I a moron to keep playing spvp?


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I don't know what keeps me playing spvp anymore...

Started in Silver 3, Peaked at mid Plat 1, then I'm on my way back down to Silver post balance patch. (Which I didn't think would affect anything, but apparently has)


I've hit a wall of progression. people keep telling me to play your class/role right/ l2p. But what has gotten me into Plat this season, just ins't working anymore. I'm at a loss on how to adjust my build at this point.


I feel like spvp should have broken me completely to a point where I've quit cold turkey. Except it just whittles away at me.

I think my breaking point will be when I'm matched with Naru for the dozenth time... Just why matchmaking, Why...


Idk, I guess what keeps me into this mode is the satisfaction of 1 v 1's, Or rescuing a teammate in need. Team Fights, just have become blah...


What do you guys do to keep a positive outlook? I know it sure ain't the 10 loss streak across multiple days, hah...

Trying hard not to be part of the dwindling population.


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You should keep playing if it's only " 10 loses streak ". I've been experiencing these as well for few seasons, maintain in plat, then go down to gold2 with unplayable matchs. The streak should end at some point, since matchs can't be worse anyway, and you will go back winning. That's what happens usually



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Seems like you got carried by build to plat, and now ending back up in gold/ silver post nerfs ... ngl hard to feel sympathetic.


Just play to enjoy and don't worry about rank and don't get mad when nerfs mean you aren't as good/ high rated as you thought you were :/

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Ok, let me put it as simply as I can. Guild Wars 2 is a game. Don't forget that. You dont have to do a single thing you don't want to do. Find a class you like, find a build you like, master that and own it and everything else is not important. It's a damn game, Life is for the serious stuff to worry about, not Guild Wars 2

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> @"Jalal.6783" said:

> Ok, let me put it as simply as I can. Guild Wars 2 is a game. Don't forget that. You dont have to do a single thing you don't want to do. Find a class you like, find a build you like, mastery that and own it and everything else is not important. It's a kitten game, Life is for the serious stuff to worry about, not Guild Wars 2


Lies. Don't listen to Satan, everything he has said is false. Believe in the opposite my son. The opposite..

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Low population + high rank = NOT fun times.

Either play one of precious few meta bruiser builds that can carry your team, OR accept games will be random and you will have big win/loss streaks.

It can still be fun, as long you are not paired with some trolls/grievers that came to farm the chest...


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> @"Arioch.4810" said:

> Low population + high rank = NOT fun times.

> Either play one of precious few meta bruiser builds that can carry your team, OR accept games will be random and you will have big win/loss streaks.

> It can still be fun, as long you are not paired with some trolls/grievers that came to farm the chest...



It's not trolling or grieving if players only came for the chest, that's just how Anet made the system.


I'm farming ascended gear, I'm going to play after a working day but I won't take the games seriously, I have no care for winning or losing, only unwinding from work.

On my Weekends is when I play a bit more seriously.


It's not my fault Anet made the system like this, I would go to unranked with guildies and friends if it was a choice.

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> I'm farming ascended gear, I'm going to play after a working day but I won't take the games seriously, I have no care for winning or losing, only unwinding from work.

> On my Weekends is when I play a bit more seriously.


Playing tired, wanting to unwind after work, playing for fun - that's all OK i think (it's OK in my book :) )

If you play and contribute to the team, winning or losing comes as consequence of all our (team's) decisions and actions in game. It IS a game after all.

But, if you log in, start the match, then go to close and start trolling in chat...that's the kind of troll/griever i had in mind.


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I will NEVER play sPvP on this game again, period. Anet has completely lost my trust to build a competitive or even enjoyable game mode. I WvW here and there, but mostly just log in, do my daily ascended crafting, and log back out.


I'm really disappointed that I didn't start really playing GW2 until after HoT released, because that was the beginning of the end for sPvP. 1,000 games later, I'm just done. I have no faith in Anet. I don't believe they're capable of salvaging the mess they've created.


Any suggestions for other games? I'm considering a return to WoW after ~12 years.

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I'm not going to assert your character for playing PvP or not.

I'l tell you that until stuff changes, the only reason i'll be pvping is to farm for stuff that i can't get other ways.


If you're still distilling some modicum of fun from the game mode, play it.

Otherwise there's a lot of PvP games out there, play those for the carnage, and come back to gw2 for the great PvE community and story.

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I stopped playing spvp because tired of scourges flooding the caps with 10 condis every second, that you always have to give up that cap unless you wanna die miserably. Tired of cheesy mesmer bunker builds unkillables on side nodes without taking too much skill or effort.

I switched to wvw to solo roam and I am having more fun than playing an unbalanced gamemode like conquest is.

I waited for months for a final balance on scourges and mesmers to put them in a good way so they aren't completely brainless and low risk high reward, but anet made completely irrelevant changes and they are still a plague. So I stopped playing spvp. No more fun for me.

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> So let me ask this question - why does your rank matter?


So I can actually trust my teammates to make somewhat decent judgment calls. The further down, the more kitten show it becomes.


Stomping noobs is easier, the lower I fall down. But whats the point of that?


> @"pah.4931" said:

> Here's a flow chart.


> Are you having fun?

> | |

> Yes No

> | |

> Keep playing................Stop playing.



> Cool.


It's a frikken addiction... Send help....


> @"Meteor.3720" said:

> Seems like you got carried by build to plat, and now ending back up in gold/ silver post nerfs ... ngl hard to feel sympathetic.


> Just play to enjoy and don't worry about rank and don't get mad when nerfs mean you aren't as good/ high rated as you thought you were :/


Trying too...


> @"Jalal.6783" said:

> Ok, let me put it as simply as I can. Guild Wars 2 is a game. Don't forget that. You dont have to do a single thing you don't want to do. Find a class you like, find a build you like, master that and own it and everything else is not important. It's a kitten game, Life is for the serious stuff to worry about, not Guild Wars 2


Thanks for reminding me. I've never liked playing ele until I tried Weaver. It's just so rewarding to play this class when you know the in's and out's


> @"Arioch.4810" said:

> Low population + high rank = NOT fun times.

> Either play one of precious few meta bruiser builds that can carry your team, OR accept games will be random and you will have big win/loss streaks.

> It can still be fun, as long you are not paired with some trolls/grievers that came to farm the chest...



I think if I was truly serious about rank I would, but I'm not.

I've never really noticed trolls/grievers too much at the higher ranks. You get the occasional guy that tilts and rage quits, but that's it.


> @"bLind.6278" said:

> I will NEVER play sPvP on this game again, period. Anet has completely lost my trust to build a competitive or even enjoyable game mode. I WvW here and there, but mostly just log in, do my daily ascended crafting, and log back out.


> I'm really disappointed that I didn't start really playing GW2 until after HoT released, because that was the beginning of the end for sPvP. 1,000 games later, I'm just done. I have no faith in Anet. I don't believe they're capable of salvaging the mess they've created.


> Any suggestions for other games? I'm considering a return to WoW after ~12 years.


Yeah the current matchmaking question if my build is working, or if I'm getting carried.


> @"derd.6413" said:

> a masochist would probably be a better description


Yeah I chatted with a person that went full tilt and went from plat 2 down to silver apparently. Fun chatting with similar mindsets lol.


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> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > @"rwolf.9571" said:

> > > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > > Yes.

> > > /10characters

> >

> > Thank you on your insight. Quality post.


> You're welcome, you asked a questions, I answered. ^^


You should be a Moderator.

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> @"rwolf.9571" said:

> > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > > @"rwolf.9571" said:

> > > > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > > > Yes.

> > > > /10characters

> > >

> > > Thank you on your insight. Quality post.

> >

> > You're welcome, you asked a questions, I answered. ^^


> You should be a Moderator.


Too many responsabilities, I'm lazy.

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