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Revenant skill energy cost need to be reduced when entering combat for 10 seconds


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Revenant skill energy cost need to be reduced when entering combat for 10 seconds. This gives the Revenant time to adjust to combat situation while managing the current Legend/Energy system and gaining a small bit of Energy.


After the delayed energy reduction from the start of combat, everything goes back it's normal energy cost for the rest of the time in combat.


This allow Revenant to adjust to incoming Burst damage of physical or condition burst damage before the Energy Regen system kicks in past the current 50% out of combat fixed state.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Better idea, just remove energy costs of weapon skills.


Thats more of a better idea for a revamped Revenant which would be more balanced overall when developers put time and energy into that revamp.


This energy cost reduction is a more of a bandaid improvement that would take less resources to balance until revamp comes to wipe out the total problem.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Better idea, just remove energy costs of weapon skills.


No plz... That would be crazy op without a TON of attached nerfs, which is the last thing we need--rev's are just finally able to start doing respectable damage again these last few patches.

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> @"Rym.1469" said:

> I could see it as a niche, but good trait (great for open world, potentially usable in pvp) no big reason for it to be baseline though.


Baseline because all Revenant start at 50 energy out of combat. So if somebody ambush bomb, you only have half your energy to react compared to other classes which have 100% of the tools to use in reaction to an ambush bomb.

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I just want an ability to put my legend swap on full cooldown in exchange for 50 energy immediately for my current one. If I'm healing with Ventari, there is no legend I can swap to to provide even remotely the same type or level of support. Kalla is the closest, and Breakrazor inevitably ends up getting stunlocked or his stationary nature makes him more of a liability than an asset. Given how legends are all self contained and generally focused on one type of role, you are inevitably left with the two terrible choices of doing literally nothing but watch your energy slowly recover, or swap to another legend that does not have the tools or utility you need. Alternatively, let us always start with 100 energy like suggested above to give us some more flexibility and let the legend we want/need get more mileage out of it. Either way, something has to give. Judging by that joke of a cooldown and energy cost they introduced the new sword 5 with originally, and how awful the Renegade spec is mechanically, Anet has no idea what a serious issue this is.

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> @"The Spiral King.2483" said:

> I just want an ability to put my legend swap on full cooldown in exchange for 50 energy immediately for my current one.


I could actually see that maybe being something they incorporate into a future elite spec... Sort of similar in playstyle/design to letting Weavers having the option to Unravel.


> Alternatively, let us always start with 100 energy like suggested above to give us some more flexibility and let the legend we want/need get more mileage out of it.


If they did this, they would have to reduce the effectiveness of ALL revenant skills and abilities by at least 1/3... Revenants are balanced around having 100 *potential* energy per 10 second legend swap interval... Letting you start the fight with 100 increases your potential energy usage to 150 (increasing your overall effectiveness by 50%.) As you might expect, this would be super broken in the right hands--especially in PvP where you'd be able to always churn out your maximum burst dps while still having enough energy to rotate heals, blocks, and/or spam utilities. For a quick example, with 150 base potential energy, you could use Charged Mists to cast Banish Enchantment 9 times in a row to power bomb a fight on point with 27 stacks of unblockable, long duration, AoE confusion while also removing 27 boons from a group of enemies, lol.


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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Rym.1469" said:

> > I could see it as a niche, but good trait (great for open world, potentially usable in pvp) no big reason for it to be baseline though.


> Baseline because all Revenant start at 50 energy out of combat. So if somebody ambush bomb, you only have half your energy to react compared to other classes which have 100% of the tools to use in reaction to an ambush bomb.


You also have the other Legend and energy reset that comes with it. I struggle to see an issue here to be honest. And no, other classes don't have 100% tools either - Warrior doesn't start with adrenaline, Necromancer doesn't start with LF, Mesmer doesn't start with clones out.


I understand your intention, to have better tools when engaged upon, but that's not the way. The soultion you proposed would likely be used to engage, not as a defense against engagement.

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easy different solutions for energie problems:

1. no energie on weapons skills or

2. energie creation on weapon skill 1 auto attack or

3. remaining energie transfer to next legendswap for a greater opening or

4. rework charged mist with higher energie threshold at 25 or increase Energie gain to 50 also

I prefer nr.4 because every other class has also some class specific traits wich supports the core class itself by reducing cds on core mechanic

like 5s weaponswap of warrior ...

like Elemental Enchantment reducing elements cd ...

like thief Preparedness increase ENERGIE (initiative) ...

like guard Power of Virtuos reduce cds...

and so on


** why is rev the only class AGAIN with a trait for core energie WITH SUCH A DOWNSIDE ...**

## plz give ALL other classes a downside for using their coreclassmechanic-trait as well


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I think the energy management+cooldown is good for rev, It sets it apart from other classes and makes it more of a challenge to master. At this point I feel like if you cant manage energy and the cooldowns you just need to invest more time into playing the class and learning it. There are problems with rev and i'm not saying there aren't but this is just a case of l2p.

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That'd be an unnecessary convoluted solution to a simple problem. In other words **you're hired!** I mean look at the recent rare -> ecto salvage chance "fix" instead of just changing the incredibly amount of rares spammed at us in Istan, in turn making PoF zones now even less sensible to be in after the nerf.


Likewise, with this, there's a simple way to fix this, remove weapon skill energy costs (they still got CDs anyhow!), then rebalance energy cost / CD on the other skills to be available more often than you can pay for them, leading to a "how do I pace myself" situation.

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