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This game is not dead, but it sure feels like it.

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> @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> Personally I always see people chatting in map. As others have said, Discord has become trendy and so a certain segment of players feel the need to open up an external program instead of just hitting the enter key while in game.


This whole trendy excuse is not really true. Before disccord I used to talk on mumble or team speak. The fact is, not everyone is standing around Lion's Arch, some of us want to play the game, and in a game with active combat, typing can get you killed, for no real good reason. If I have six or seven people on discord with me, from my guild, that's a conversation I'm having. How is map chat somehow superior.


It means I have to stay in the zone I'm in. It means talking to complete strangers, instead of people in my guild who I actually play with.


Never had anything to do with trendy. Has to do with wanting to play the game and not stand around in a city.

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> @"Flaming.1763" said:

> still open question, what should the chatting be about?

> WvW has its own, an at least on our maps, theres quite a lot talking, tactical stuff and nonsense political and funny stuff. PvP has its own, not playing so dont know.

> Is F2P cant chat on Map ok. And the others are most Guilds or twinks. If have no need to chat there if not for help. Maps with event ofen have some chat, still, lot is in squad (like Worldboss or headhunters).

> I know MMO is about lots of people, but no where is written, u have to talk to everyone except your mates in group.

> The "problem" is, ingame stuff worth talking about is solved by looking up Wiki and the others sites. If u would "delete" them, playes would be forced to talk and ask about Lore, Trade, Crafts and so on.


Just from personal experience, I've read a few map chats that were interesting and heartwarming. One involved a player who was waiting for his/her granddaughter to show up so they could play together. The grandparent was farming armor, etc. for the granddaughter. Players all over the map shared sweet memories of their grandparents. I still get a few warm fuzzies thinking about it :) It's rare, but cool things like that do happen in this game.

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> @"juhani.5361" said:

> > @"Flaming.1763" said:

> > still open question, what should the chatting be about?

> > WvW has its own, an at least on our maps, theres quite a lot talking, tactical stuff and nonsense political and funny stuff. PvP has its own, not playing so dont know.

> > Is F2P cant chat on Map ok. And the others are most Guilds or twinks. If have no need to chat there if not for help. Maps with event ofen have some chat, still, lot is in squad (like Worldboss or headhunters).

> > I know MMO is about lots of people, but no where is written, u have to talk to everyone except your mates in group.

> > The "problem" is, ingame stuff worth talking about is solved by looking up Wiki and the others sites. If u would "delete" them, playes would be forced to talk and ask about Lore, Trade, Crafts and so on.


> Just from personal experience, I've read a few map chats that were interesting and heartwarming. One involved a player who was waiting for his/her granddaughter to show up so they could play together. The grandparent was farming armor, etc. for the granddaughter. Players all over the map shared sweet memories of their grandparents. I still get a few warm fuzzies thinking about it :) It's rare, but cool things like that do happen in this game.


Aww. I got warm fuzzies just reading that.

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> @"maidens.1973" said:

> > @"Flaming.1763" said:

> > im 99% in TS. talking to my guildies. No need to write in Chat.

> > We are abput4-7 active in TS. About the same are not, but lot of them group up on pairs.

> > And talking for what? Blubbering nonsene?

> > When playing f.e. fracs with randoms, people need to play, and not to write stuff in chat. And in these 10min of playtime, why do i need to chat with them and what?

> > If people one the map have questions they normally get an answer. Most people i rez thank me.

> > Also 90% of Chats in MMOs besides trading (TP), Groupsearch (theres is the Lfg tool) consists of stupid conversations, often lead by trolls.


> try to see in chats fortnite/lineage/wow/gw2 about 2 years ago. for now its dead game


"Look at all these different games that work differently" yeah that's not an argument bud.> @"maidens.1973" said:

> > @"Cold Hearted Person.6154" said:

> > Did everyone forgot how to write? Map chat or even local chat seems so silent. Even LA is silent despite being full of players.

> > I spent few hours in few starting maps, meet a lot of players but none utered a word, even when I rezed them or helped them wining a fight that would have killed them otherwise.

> > This is also the case with high level map, no one have any will to talk.

> > In the first 2-3 years chats were full of life, now it feels like playing single player game full of NPCs, tho even NPC are more talcative these days.

> >

> > I guess ArenaNet in their pursuit of making GW2 convininet for players they completly removed any need to comunicate.

> >


> This game is dead yes. Djust try to find what content added in game. "Great looking outfits" - thats all. I play gw2 from start. about 1 year ago i stop playing & today i try to find what new in this game.....oh dear....great new outfits......Game dead because there is no content.


If you feel good about dismissing multiple Living Story episodes and an entire expansion, yeah you're right.

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> @"Cold Hearted Person.6154" said:

> Did everyone forgot how to write? Map chat or even local chat seems so silent. Even LA is silent despite being full of players.

> I spent few hours in few starting maps, meet a lot of players but none utered a word, even when I rezed them or helped them wining a fight that would have killed them otherwise.

> This is also the case with high level map, no one have any will to talk.

> In the first 2-3 years chats were full of life, now it feels like playing single player game full of NPCs, tho even NPC are more talcative these days.


> I guess ArenaNet in their pursuit of making GW2 convininet for players they completly removed any need to comunicate.



New players are usually hesitant to ask for help in open chat (especially those suffering from post-WoW-trauma)

Veteran players normally don't need to ask for help in /map, or spend their time chatting in /g or discord/TS.


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> @"maidens.1973" said:

> This game is dead yes. Djust try to find what content added in game. "Great looking outfits" - thats all. I play gw2 from start. about 1 year ago i stop playing & today i try to find what new in this game.....oh dear....great new outfits......Game dead because there is no content.


Um . . . clearly, we're playing different games. Here's some of the newest content over the last three months:









Again, that's from March to today. Maybe you missed it?


Edit: On a side note, mad respect for Dulfy. <3

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Chat is generally dead from what I see. It livens up occasionally but that is the exception rather than the rule.


I know that I have to pay attention more in action based games such as GW2, and that making sure that I burst foes down before they can kill me, while dodging the heaviest attacks, can mean not typing in chat.


And then there is much greater use of 3rd party chat programs now.

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> @"Martimus.6027" said:

> > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > > @"Martimus.6027" said:

> > > Discord is also being used just as a hangout for people who aren't really interested in playing the game, but rather acting like those folks on Discord are their real friends (who live 2000 miles away - ok. If you're such good friends, then will they bring food over to your house if your mom dies? They gonna come get you and take you to your doctor's appointment or drop you off at the airport?) I'm old fashioned, I suppose, but my friends are people I can call on the phone and talk to who can come over and hang out.

> >

> > Yes, believe it or not, people do make actual friends via the internet. Sometimes, it stays only on the internet or via text. But sometimes they even meet up with those friends to hang out in person. Sometimes they even end up in relationships together or end up married. That may not be your style, but it is how many people today connect with others. No need to be so hostile towards the concept.

> >

> >


> I'm not hostile towards it. I just question the validity towards it. If you think disagreeing politely with something is hostile, then.....*shrug* I get your point though, and agree to a certain extent.


Calling people lazy and declaring that their friendships are just an act is a far cry from polite disagreement.


What, in your opinion, is the difference between chatting with someone via a phone call (potentially via VOIP) as opposed to via headset/microphone VOIP?

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Martimus.6027" said:

> > > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > > > @"Martimus.6027" said:

> > > > Discord is also being used just as a hangout for people who aren't really interested in playing the game, but rather acting like those folks on Discord are their real friends (who live 2000 miles away - ok. If you're such good friends, then will they bring food over to your house if your mom dies? They gonna come get you and take you to your doctor's appointment or drop you off at the airport?) I'm old fashioned, I suppose, but my friends are people I can call on the phone and talk to who can come over and hang out.

> > >

> > > Yes, believe it or not, people do make actual friends via the internet. Sometimes, it stays only on the internet or via text. But sometimes they even meet up with those friends to hang out in person. Sometimes they even end up in relationships together or end up married. That may not be your style, but it is how many people today connect with others. No need to be so hostile towards the concept.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I'm not hostile towards it. I just question the validity towards it. If you think disagreeing politely with something is hostile, then.....*shrug* I get your point though, and agree to a certain extent.


> Calling people lazy and declaring that their friendships are just an act is a far cry from polite disagreement.


> What, in your opinion, is the difference between chatting with someone via a phone call (potentially via VOIP) as opposed to via headset/microphone VOIP?


For one, calling me on the phone means you and I are close enough that we have shared each other's phone numbers and can circumvent the internet to speak to one another about a private topic. It also means I will most certainly have met you in person at some point. There are very few people on this earth who have my telephone number that I have not met in person yet. The same can't be said about Discord personalities. People who have my phone number also know precisely what I look like. The same cannot be said about Discord personalities.


You also put words in my mouth. But that's fine. whatever.



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> @"Martimus.6027" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"Martimus.6027" said:

> > > > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > > > > @"Martimus.6027" said:

> > > > > Discord is also being used just as a hangout for people who aren't really interested in playing the game, but rather acting like those folks on Discord are their real friends (who live 2000 miles away - ok. If you're such good friends, then will they bring food over to your house if your mom dies? They gonna come get you and take you to your doctor's appointment or drop you off at the airport?) I'm old fashioned, I suppose, but my friends are people I can call on the phone and talk to who can come over and hang out.

> > > >

> > > > Yes, believe it or not, people do make actual friends via the internet. Sometimes, it stays only on the internet or via text. But sometimes they even meet up with those friends to hang out in person. Sometimes they even end up in relationships together or end up married. That may not be your style, but it is how many people today connect with others. No need to be so hostile towards the concept.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > I'm not hostile towards it. I just question the validity towards it. If you think disagreeing politely with something is hostile, then.....*shrug* I get your point though, and agree to a certain extent.

> >

> > Calling people lazy and declaring that their friendships are just an act is a far cry from polite disagreement.

> >

> > What, in your opinion, is the difference between chatting with someone via a phone call (potentially via VOIP) as opposed to via headset/microphone VOIP?


> For one, calling me on the phone means you and I are close enough that we have shared each other's phone numbers and can circumvent the internet to speak to one another about a private topic. It also means I will most certainly have met you in person at some point. There are very few people on this earth who have my telephone number that I have not met in person yet. The same can't be said about Discord personalities. People who have my phone number also know precisely what I look like. The same cannot be said about Discord personalities.


> You also put words in my mouth. But that's fine. whatever.




I did not put words in your mouth. You used the words lazy and act like real friends to describe those you were supposedly politely disagreeing with.


Circumventing a means of communication is not an indication of friendship. At one point people made the same argument about human connection via phone calls that you make about VOIP.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Martimus.6027" said:

> > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > > @"Martimus.6027" said:

> > > > > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > > > > > @"Martimus.6027" said:

> > > > > > Discord is also being used just as a hangout for people who aren't really interested in playing the game, but rather acting like those folks on Discord are their real friends (who live 2000 miles away - ok. If you're such good friends, then will they bring food over to your house if your mom dies? They gonna come get you and take you to your doctor's appointment or drop you off at the airport?) I'm old fashioned, I suppose, but my friends are people I can call on the phone and talk to who can come over and hang out.

> > > > >

> > > > > Yes, believe it or not, people do make actual friends via the internet. Sometimes, it stays only on the internet or via text. But sometimes they even meet up with those friends to hang out in person. Sometimes they even end up in relationships together or end up married. That may not be your style, but it is how many people today connect with others. No need to be so hostile towards the concept.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > I'm not hostile towards it. I just question the validity towards it. If you think disagreeing politely with something is hostile, then.....*shrug* I get your point though, and agree to a certain extent.

> > >

> > > Calling people lazy and declaring that their friendships are just an act is a far cry from polite disagreement.

> > >

> > > What, in your opinion, is the difference between chatting with someone via a phone call (potentially via VOIP) as opposed to via headset/microphone VOIP?

> >

> > For one, calling me on the phone means you and I are close enough that we have shared each other's phone numbers and can circumvent the internet to speak to one another about a private topic. It also means I will most certainly have met you in person at some point. There are very few people on this earth who have my telephone number that I have not met in person yet. The same can't be said about Discord personalities. People who have my phone number also know precisely what I look like. The same cannot be said about Discord personalities.

> >

> > You also put words in my mouth. But that's fine. whatever.

> >

> >


> I did not put words in your mouth. You used the words lazy and act like real friends to describe those you were supposedly politely disagreeing with.


> Circumventing a means of communication is not an indication of friendship. At one point people made the same argument about human connection via phone calls that you make about VOIP.


Other people making that argument has literally nothing whatsoever to do with what we (you and I) are talking about in any way.


Also, just so we are clear, you get to determine what friendship is and I don't. Ok, I see. Gotcha. *THUMBSUP* Glad that's cleared up here.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> > Personally I always see people chatting in map. As others have said, Discord has become trendy and so a certain segment of players feel the need to open up an external program instead of just hitting the enter key while in game.


> This whole trendy excuse is not really true. Before disccord I used to talk on mumble or team speak. The fact is, not everyone is standing around Lion's Arch, some of us want to play the game, and in a game with active combat, typing can get you killed, for no real good reason. If I have six or seven people on discord with me, from my guild, that's a conversation I'm having. How is map chat somehow superior.


> It means I have to stay in the zone I'm in. It means talking to complete strangers, instead of people in my guild who I actually play with.


> Never had anything to do with trendy. Has to do with wanting to play the game and not stand around in a city.


Excuse? Not sure you're using that word correctly.


If you think Discord hasn't become a trend, then you simply don't know how to spot behavioral trends.

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but, the question is....why do you need map chat to play the game? why do you need discord and friends to play the game? i've seen people leave a game they enjoy playing because their friends left. i dont understand the "need" for online friends to play any online game and why the lack of friends keeps people from playing. why do you need people?

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> @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> > > Personally I always see people chatting in map. As others have said, Discord has become trendy and so a certain segment of players feel the need to open up an external program instead of just hitting the enter key while in game.

> >

> > This whole trendy excuse is not really true. Before disccord I used to talk on mumble or team speak. The fact is, not everyone is standing around Lion's Arch, some of us want to play the game, and in a game with active combat, typing can get you killed, for no real good reason. If I have six or seven people on discord with me, from my guild, that's a conversation I'm having. How is map chat somehow superior.

> >

> > It means I have to stay in the zone I'm in. It means talking to complete strangers, instead of people in my guild who I actually play with.

> >

> > Never had anything to do with trendy. Has to do with wanting to play the game and not stand around in a city.


> Excuse? Not sure you're using that word correctly.


> If you think Discord hasn't become a trend, then you simply don't know how to spot behavioral trends.


I'm saying that people used voice LONG before discord. People complained about having to use voice LONG before discord. The trend is voice, not discord.


Discord is simply the last incarnation of voice software which has seen increasing use since pretty much forever.


It might be popular. But the voice software trend didn't start or end with discord anymore than the MMO trend started with WoW.

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"juhani.5361" said:

> > The other thing I've seen a lot is, "It's so quiet in here," or "Is anyone here?"


> The correct answer to "Is anyone here?" is always "no", I think.


I'll try that next time I see it ;)

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> @"maidens.1973" said:

> > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:


> > If by "for now" you mean a few short hours compared to prime time hour activity, sure.


> For now i mean this year vs 2016. When you stay in Q at every evening about 1 hour or even more.


Yet the quarter before last GW2 made more money than any quarter in 2016.

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I don't get the Discord hate. My guild uses it, and we still type-chat in the guild and squad tabs when we're in the game, and type chat in Discord. I even use it on my phone to keep in touch with my guild mates when I'm away from the game. If anything, it's enhanced my Guild Wars 2 experience. Were complaints this irrational with Team Speak?

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> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> I don't get the Discord hate. My guild uses it, and we still type-chat in the guild and squad tabs when we're in the game, and type chat in Discord.


Different people like different things. This anti-voip deal (and anti-voip-outside-the-game-client) have been around for more or less ever, honestly. Ever since it became common for people to be able to use them. Some folks are really against this, because for whatever reason it doesn't work for them. Some are totally for it, because it does, and neither side is "wrong": you can't be wrong in a question of personal taste.


> Were complaints this irrational with Team Speak?


Well, literally nothing said on either side of this debate here is different from the identical debate a decade ago, other than the name of the program, so ... I guess? I wouldn't call them irrational, but if you do, then the answer to your question is "yes" from your perspective.

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Map chat is really hit or miss in this game.

My best advice would be going with the flow (e.g. there won't be a lot of chatter in a pug T4 fractals rush), and switching it up if what you're doing doesn't work. Whether that's finding a new guild, going to social hot-spots where players aren't pre-occupied, switching map channels, going through community Teamspeak/Discord servers etc



For example I've had some of the most fun random encounters in any game ever in GW2, like a group of quaggans trying to set up marriages for strangers in LA. Lighthearted goofy RP. I was gonna craft a weapon and then do this quest before leaving for the gym, but nope, this is more important now kinda situation xD


Most of the time I'm sticking to more exclusive communication / music / podcasts though. There's only so much "How can you say farming those low-density zero respawn low level spiders is inefficient farming, my husband found a precursor there." "I bought the game with my own money so I play how I want to. And now I demand you take my 17AR bearbow magi ranger into T4 fractals, reeeeeeeee" I can take and that sadly is the average quality of chat.

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