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Gw1 Why it is genius and gw2 just meh.

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I play since first release day gw1 and gw2. gw1 was a geniuouse game. And the video down describes it very well. GW2 is atm the most human and pro gamer MMO on the market. But it is just meh compared to gw1. Anet could have done way better.


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I'm the opposite, I don't like GW1 because everything is instanced and my character is useless without heroes. I prefer GW2 because it has a real open world, story missions and exploring are soloable (I finally don't rely on NPCs, my characters actually feel strong and useful) and there's plenty of group content (meta events, fractals, raids, etc). I played GW1 for a few months and I've been playing GW2 since beta so it's easy to see which game I prefer. :D

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The video you linked doesn't really explain why you prefer GW1 over GW2 when most of what he says he likes about GW1 ends up applying to GW2...


-Limited grind to reach cap level, and a cap that doesn't keep increasing

-Limited difference between easier to obtain gear and harder to get gear, differences in gear being mostly cosmetic

-Non-gear based pvp, and auto-max level when pvping

-Higher emphasis on build and skill improvements over simply being over-geared

-No subscriptions

-Good amount of build options, and rewarded for building the party around each individual player

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> @"Yamazuki.6073" said:

> The video you linked doesn't really explain why you prefer GW1 over GW2 when most of what he says he likes about GW1 ends up applying to GW2...


> -Limited grind to reach cap level, and a cap that doesn't keep increasing

> -Limited difference between easier to obtain gear and harder to get gear, differences in gear being mostly cosmetic

> -Non-gear based pvp, and auto-max level when pvping

> -Higher emphasis on build and skill improvements over simply being over-geared

> -No subscriptions

> -Good amount of build options, and rewarded for building the party around each individual player


U are atm comparing gw2 with other games. And not with gw1. Gw1 had all thease u are telling but at the same time it was way more versatail. U had in PvP thousends of tactic options. In gw2 u have maybe just 10 tactical options. Hundrets of builds u could choose. Look at metbattle How many they got 5 per profession? This game is not based arround team. Their is just raid which is based arround Party everything else u just take what u get and win. Their is a hidden item treatmeal ppl right now just dont see. Maybe we dont get higher gears with each expansion. But we get diffrent stats with each expansion. With Hot their came out alot of new set. With Pof their was another set. Lastly to name harrier set. And this is still a hidden treatmeal. U have to change ur entire eqiment so u can keep up with Raids. With everybalance update ur build gets destroyed and u have to rebuild ur entire charcter with the entire set as well. With every elite spec u have to change ur set as well.

Wvw is entirely gear based zerging. And if it comes to cosmetics. Cosmetics are just in Microtransactions left. Im comparing gw1 to gw2 not other games. I have played alot of other games and came back to gw2 cause atm it is the best option. But it will never reach the genius of gw1. With hundrets of skills u could choose and the dual professions u had. In GW2 even the Elite specs are limited to 1 each time.


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> @"Deaths.9165" said:

> I play since first release day gw1 and gw2. gw1 was a geniuouse game. And the video down describes it very well. GW2 is atm the most human and pro gamer MMO on the market. But it is just meh compared to gw1. Anet could have done way better.




Good post, apart from the fact that it's 100% subjective opinion and all you achieve is baiting yet another GW1 vs GW2 pointless debate because nobody's going to even think about changing the current game to be any more in line with the original.

Yet another "back in my day..." rose-tinted glasses view thread with a snarky dig at the game you still play probably.

Good post.

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No they wont change gw2 into gw1. Out of 1 reason. It is easier to maintain gw2 with the limitations it has. But they could. Everything is justbased arround how much money can make Anet. And one factor is maintaince. Hundrest of skills and crossable professions are harder to balance. And microtransaction is needed to get more money. But it is about gw1 is a genius game and gw2 just another MMO.

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Gw2 is good but yeah they pretty much threw gw1 under the bus when they abandoned it. The least they could have done is made a successor for it, which gw2 is not.


Heroes and Hardmode are what keep gw1 playable to this day and you don't find either of those in gw2.

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GW 1 had far better storytelling, but the combat, gameplay, and versatility of builds is immensely better in GW 2. GW 1 combat was extremely tedious even when I played it back then. Traveling took forever and the morale mechanic was one of the worst things about the game IMO.


There are many things I hope GW 2 implements from GW 1 however such as henchies, spear and scythe weps, ability to dye weps, better item versatility and usability, better ways to earn gold, and of course, better storytelling and style.

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> @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> GW 1 had far better storytelling, but the combat, gameplay, and versatility of builds is immensely better in GW 2. GW 1 combat was extremely tedious even when I played it back then. Traveling took forever and the morale mechanic was one of the worst things about the game IMO.


> There are many things I hope GW 2 implements from GW 1 however such as henchies, spear and scythe weps, ability to dye weps, better item versatility and usability, better ways to earn gold, and of course, better storytelling and style.


Yeah the storytelling is another story. GW1 had his ingame story. While gw2 tryed to outsource the story. Most noticable in ls1, wher u were thrown into a map and the story was toled on the webpages.AT least it gets better after ls2 and Pof story was really good.

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As a weekly raid and daily fractal player, stating that every balance update requires you to completely rebuild your character's gear is highly exaggerated, far from the truth and shows personal bias instead of factual statements. Besides, changing stats on ascended gear is cheap and quickly done. I like GW too, but prefer GW2 much more.

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Both games have their own strengths and weaknesses. I love Guild Wars for the epic journey you made through the beautiful storyline missions and the creative buildcrafting. But we wanted more. We wanted an open world, we wanted a trading post. We wanted crafting professions. We wanted more playable races, we wanted to jump and swim. We got them all, but paid for it on other parts of the game.


If you show me the map of GW1, I can show you the journey I took, from the beginning in Ascalon, through the Shiverpeaks to the lands of Kryta. We went into the jungle and to the desert to get Ascended only to come back to the shiverpeaks to keep up with the plot changes there. And with a fiery end in the Fire Island chain.


If you ask me to do the same for GW2: I can't. Now I must say that I'm not very much of a lore person but it still says something that I can't plot my GW2 journey on the map. I guess the branching story did not pay off as well as we expected. And while I love the Living World maps, the locations where a new map pops up every few month looks quite random to me.


Having said that: I absolutely love both games for their own goodness. I love GW2 for its many features, excellent gameplay and all the quality-of-life improvements over the original game. GW2 made sense and was the way to go after the original game. Maybe my heart is most with GW1, but GW2 is what I now like most and play on a daily basis. GW2 has the future, GW1 will hopefully stay online forever as tribute to what this franchise has offered over all those years.

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> Both games have their own strengths and weaknesses. I love Guild Wars for the epic journey you made through the beautiful storyline missions and the creative buildcrafting. But we wanted more. We wanted an open world, we wanted a trading post. We wanted crafting professions. We wanted more playable races, we wanted to jump and swim. We got them all, but paid for it on other parts of the game.


> If you show me the map of GW1, I can show you the journey I took, from the beginning in Ascalon, through the Shiverpeaks to the lands of Kryta. We went into the jungle and to the desert to get Ascended only to come back to the shiverpeaks to keep up with the plot changes there. And with a fiery end in the Fire Island chain.


> If you ask me to do the same for GW2: I can't. Now I most say that I'm not very much of a lore person but it still says something that I can't plot my GW2 journey on the map. I guess the branching story did not pay off as well as we expected. And while I love the Living World maps, the locations where a new map pops up every few month looks quite random to me.


> Having said that: I absolutely love both games for their own goodness. I love GW2 for its many features, excellent gameplay and all the quality-of-life improvements over the original game. GW2 made sense and was the way to go after the original game. Maybe my heart is most with GW1, but GW2 is what I now like most and play on a daily basis. GW2 has the future, GW1 will hopefully stay online forever as tribute to what this franchise has offered over all those years.


The price you paid was turning a uniqui co op online game to a generic mmo XD

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I played Guild Wars since open beta in 2005, and I stuck with it until March 2015 when I bought Guild Wars 2 for $10 during one of their sales. As others have pointed out, each game has their strengths and weaknesses. They're both completely different games, but I love them both equally, and there's nothing that OP, or anyone else can say that will make me change my mind, or try to get me to love one more than the other.


I love them both.

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GW2 is basically trying to be four games:

1. Build Wars 2: A low-grind RPG focused on strategy (in builds) and role-based tactics (in combat), much like the original.

2. World of Guildcraft: An MMO based around grinding, vertical progression, and getting bigger numbers for stats and damage and such.

3. Legend of Masteries: An action adventure based around unlocking movement abilities, platforming, exploration, and solo combat.

4. Fashion Wars: A game of paying $$$ to get fancy skins, to help keep the servers running for the other three games.


Number 4 doesn't really hurt anything, but the other three tend to undermine one another. Number 2 is terrible skinner box design and should mostly DIAF, but the thorny question is how to get the Open World Action Adventure game to play nicely with the structured group tactical RPG game.


Their solution for GW2 was to gimp sPvE for the sake making every build a solo roamer, but that was not only terrible for build variety, it also left people unprepared for when they encountered actual challenging group play rather than solo or zerg play.


I think the right solution, from the beginning, would have been not to lock characters into a profession, and make it easy to fully swap builds, but still allow party roles (along with solo builds). No more waiting for an hour for a second Monk, anyone can become the healer. But there is an actual healer/support role. And when you set in open world, you can just swap to your solo roam build.


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I think both GW1 and GW2 are great games and honestly quite hard to compare with one another considering how big of a change they did with the game goals and style when developing GW2.


Saying that GW1 had far more versatile builds is ignorant at best, though.

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> Solution let player build their own class


They already are......... its called "The Meta". You ask players do design something, and they'll design something thats overly effective with minimal drawbacks..... and then they'll get bored with it, because it offers no catharsis.

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