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Are we gonna talk about Mirage?


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> @"Oozo.7856" said:

> I disagree somewhat. GW2 has never been a good 1v1 or 2v2 game, but it has been a good 3v3-5v5 game. Things started to go downhill with HoT.


game was still BS in balance before hot. 50%+ of every wvw zerg were Guardians...everyone just yolo pushed all the day. only People that like that days are skilless People that missing perma uncounterable stability and skilless Guardian tome 1 spam….


99% of commanders at that time just commanded: "empower" and "push,push,push,push………………….." and when they died "waterfield,waterfield,waterfield". that was before hot meta.

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> @"Zero.3871" said:

> > @"Oozo.7856" said:

> > I disagree somewhat. GW2 has never been a good 1v1 or 2v2 game, but it has been a good 3v3-5v5 game. Things started to go downhill with HoT.


> game was still BS in balance before hot. 50%+ of every wvw zerg were Guardians...everyone just yolo pushed all the day. only People that like that days are skilless People that missing perma uncounterable stability and skilless Guardian tome 1 spam….


> 99% of commanders at that time just commanded: "empower" and "push,push,push,push………………….." and when they died "waterfield,waterfield,waterfield". that was before hot meta.


LOL, I was talking about 3v3s to 5v5s and this guy counters with talking about yolo pushes and commanders and then gets upvoted.




The zergling combat you participated in has nothing in common to small group combat, aside from using combo fields correctly for an advantage.



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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"intox.6347" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > @"Dralor.3701" said:

> > > > > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > > > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > > > > > > Getting shut down by a Mirage sucked. It happened for a few hours. When caught off guard with a group you have a chance. But the second the Mirage came for me and the group I was with, we turned around because we didn't want to fight that. After several failed attempts to avoid as a group I went solo and roamed for the rest of my pip track away from the mirage.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Thats an acceptable way to solve the issue.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I do the same against spellbreakers.

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > I think even more people do that with scourges and spellbreakers :p

> > > >

> > > > People run away from a solo scourge?

> > > More like walk due to constant fear and slow.

> >

> > what exactly u play ? from what u write here... u got pretty owned by each roaming build.

> >

> > And if you got owned by solo scourge... its something wrong on your side, or you play revenant.


> I am curious about the reasoning behind your preconceptions from the given information in my posts.


> If you are implying that there cant possibly be better players than me regardless of what class I play, its unfortunetly inaccurate.


> Or if you are implying all scourges running solo have the intelligence of cockroaches and dont know what end of the staff they need to use when condi bombing because there are no good players on scourge, I think it would also be inaccurate.


You have to have a weakness in your build to have that much of a problem with scourges. Either not enough condition clear or not enough mobility to get out of the circles. Yeah, they are hard when have neither of things.

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> @"Oozo.7856" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"intox.6347" said:

> > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > > @"Dralor.3701" said:

> > > > > > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > > > > > > > Getting shut down by a Mirage sucked. It happened for a few hours. When caught off guard with a group you have a chance. But the second the Mirage came for me and the group I was with, we turned around because we didn't want to fight that. After several failed attempts to avoid as a group I went solo and roamed for the rest of my pip track away from the mirage.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Thats an acceptable way to solve the issue.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I do the same against spellbreakers.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I think even more people do that with scourges and spellbreakers :p

> > > > >

> > > > > People run away from a solo scourge?

> > > > More like walk due to constant fear and slow.

> > >

> > > what exactly u play ? from what u write here... u got pretty owned by each roaming build.

> > >

> > > And if you got owned by solo scourge... its something wrong on your side, or you play revenant.

> >

> > I am curious about the reasoning behind your preconceptions from the given information in my posts.

> >

> > If you are implying that there cant possibly be better players than me regardless of what class I play, its unfortunetly inaccurate.

> >

> > Or if you are implying all scourges running solo have the intelligence of cockroaches and dont know what end of the staff they need to use when condi bombing because there are no good players on scourge, I think it would also be inaccurate.


> You have to have a weakness in your build to have that much of a problem with scourges. Either not enough condition clear or not enough mobility to get out of the circles. Yeah, they are hard when have neither of things.

Is there any build on any class that *dont* have a weakness to something? I can kill bad scourges with ease. But if you want the full lowdown on how **I** percieve classes from **my** mirage build for **my** skill level:


*Guardians* - Bad guards die in seconds or get sustained down due to no damage and being bad at tanking, mediocre guards are generally still not a threat and good guards are either really good (usually DH roamers) or carried by the meta zerg spec that is incredibly hard to bring down alone when they know what they are doing, but that's really no threat at all so "good" is a matter of perspective.


*Revenants* - Bad revs are... very bad. Very very bad. They drop like rocks. I cant even describe the builds. Mediocre revs on lazy zerg hammer specs can be easily dispatched due to squishiness, but can be dangerous if they catch you with their rofltomp damage skills. Good revs on such things as sword/sword duelist specs are incredibly rare but can be quite the threat due to the double life (ie heal) and actually bringing pressure to use it. If they pop that and fail to do damage they are dead meat.


*Warriors* - Really bad warriors get chomped down in seconds, mediocre ones are killable but oh so easily carried by hp regen at zerker class damage and the really good warriors are nearly impossible to kill unless we are 3v1. I once dueled one for about 10 minutes before we both gave up and parted ways.


*Engineer* - Bad engineers are killed with ease, as is mediocre ones. The good ones though... holos is one of the more dangerous duelists due their constant knockdowns. Unlike warriors, I cant say they are carried by anything. Good holos are really tough and bad holos are really bad. Due to the amount one meet there is more of the former, bad ones stop playing early I think so chances are very high its a good one that knows what he's doing.


*Ranger* - Oh lord dont get me talking about bad rangers. They drop in seconds on their own rapid fire and are of no use. Mediocre rangers is still a minor threat. Good rangers are either the really good soulbeasts that use unblockables against my build (or they die) or druids carried by their bunker specs, though those druids are only really dangerous in groups.


*Thief* - Bad thieves are hilarious as they die in the first teleport in or are close to it. Mediocre thieves can be dangerous, but are usually just surviving by exploting stealth/teleports and generally fall flat eventually. Good thieves can be dangerous but I'm pretty much specced to handle them. They have to be really good to be a threat.


*Elementalist* - Bad eles are absolutely zero threat. Zero damage, zero survivability unless covered by a zerg and I can still instantly kill one in the middle of a zerg. Mediocre eles... dont really exist? Meh well its often hard to tell the difference from bad ones and slightly better ones. Not a threat either way. The really good ones on good duel specs however are a major threat cause they can get carried by sustain but just like holos I cant really fault their class. Good eles are simply good. Zerker zerg eles are just lucky when they kill you.


*Mesmers* - Bad mesmers dont stand a chance. Mediocre mesmers... meh. Just like eles, I find it hard to define a difference between bad and mediocre ones. The good mesmers have to be *really* good to be any major threat but fortunetly most are highly predictable. Carried by clone squirting? I put that on equal footing as a mediocre warrior carried by hp regen. Again just like the really good holos and the really good eles when it comes to roaming encounters, the good ones are good because its a higher chance of meeting them over bad ones when you finally meet that... one... maybe two mesmers in a 2h sitting.


*Necromancer* - Bad necros are sitting ducks. Mediocre necros, now here comes one of the few classes that *really* gets carried by meta spec. They dont have to be good to fight me - just get one spam bomb in at the right time, even if I am specced with all the condi cleanse a mesmer can have. Unlike holos, eles and mesmers where you meet like a couple good ones in a 2h sitting, mediocre necros are every other encounter. Killable? Yes. Sometimes with ease, sometimes its a lengthy ranged fight. The more they are the worse it becomes as a group of necros simply deny all movement near them. The good ones are very rare but often instead on easy distinguisable builds that's not carried by trailblazer/dire and they can be a major threat if they know how to fight mesmers, while at the same time being easier to fight if they dont. Necro is kind of funny that way.


So yeah you are correct. I might have a weakness in my build. But then again if anyone have a problem with mesmers I would argue they also have a weakness in their build. Cause I have seen all the classes kill me when its good players on good builds, just like I've killed all of them. And I've seen players I could barely scratch in a 1v1 duel while they are bringing me down (such as really good eles on cellofrag type duel builds, or really good warriors that you cant even get through the hp regen on while they take half your hp on each attack) get chomped down in seconds by a full condi scourge. Weaknesses exist, yes. That's how the game works. People seems to have a weakness to mesmers in every build they run for some reason. Bad builds I guess? I barely even meet any good mesmers in the field.

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Every class seems to agree mesmer is the best 1v1 by a large margin (is his even disputable at this point?).


Arguing otherwise would be like me saying scourge isn’t the undisputed master of blob fights, we can all agree this is true.


I have literally seen mirages dive into a zerg (or 5-10man group) and blow someone up+stomp, and get away. Can you tell us any other class is close to capable of doing something like that?

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OP, if you're losing 5v1 to anything, you may need to reevaluate your build and/or your group comp. Even Yumi generally loses(dies or has to run) if 3 or more players with appropriate roaming specs go after him, and he's one of the best mesmers I've seen.


If you choose to roam with a zerg spec, expect not to do so well.

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> @"Oozo.7856" said:

> > @"Zero.3871" said:

> > > @"Oozo.7856" said:

> > > I disagree somewhat. GW2 has never been a good 1v1 or 2v2 game, but it has been a good 3v3-5v5 game. Things started to go downhill with HoT.

> >

> > game was still BS in balance before hot. 50%+ of every wvw zerg were Guardians...everyone just yolo pushed all the day. only People that like that days are skilless People that missing perma uncounterable stability and skilless Guardian tome 1 spam….

> >

> > 99% of commanders at that time just commanded: "empower" and "push,push,push,push………………….." and when they died "waterfield,waterfield,waterfield". that was before hot meta.


> LOL, I was talking about 3v3s to 5v5s and this guy counters with talking about yolo pushes and commanders and then gets upvoted.


> /rolleyes


> The zergling combat you participated in has nothing in common to small group combat, aside from using combo fields correctly for an advantage.




what was better in roaming before hot?


warrior were already OP at that time, same for mesmers or some condi engis that ez 1v 5 because of nadespammes. other classes like necros were never found in roaming because they lack in stability or something else...


its just funny to see how People ever were unsatisfied because of metas, but start praising metas that were before 5 years just because they dont remember the Problems which there were also in the past. just remember years when DD ele dominated everything. was it better? no.

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I'm not sure how a mirage can be consistenly losing to a scourge if they have EM, jaunt and blink. You wouldn't even need GS, you would just dip in and out on them. My mirage build has a really bad weakness against scourge since I don't run jaunt and I'm using double axe mh, so all my damage has to be done at melee range and I still manage to kill them by dipping in/out on them. Hint, I only dip in when I have evade and/or axe 3 up. If I get caught, I use blink/stealth to get out of danger.


Scourge has a weakness. It can be kited and killed at range. Mesmer has no weakness. Mesmer has an answer for everything.

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Warriors are only carried by healing regen if you are letting them land bursts on you. Don't let them do that. Healing signet alone can't keep a warrior up. That is the weakness of a warrior using signet and regen from landing bursts. They aren't as effective in a 1v1 against a player good at avoiding those attacks.

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When a revenant uses glint heal stop hitting them and play defensively (kite, blink away, stealth..). Once that heal is gone, almost any revenant you come across is easy to kill as a mirage. If you stand toe to toe with them, taking damage while you are healing them that's on you, not them.

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> @"Oozo.7856" said:

> Warriors are only carried by healing regen if you are letting them land bursts on you. Don't let them do that. Healing signet alone can't keep a warrior up. That is the weakness of a warrior using signet and regen from landing bursts. They aren't as effective in a 1v1 against a player good at avoiding those attacks.


I don't even use the signet because I don't die to ticking or piecemeal damage, I virtually always die to quick bursts and the healing signet is useless against that. I don't get why people always talk about the "warrior regen" when it does nothing against 10K bursts hitting while your defenses are on cd.

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> @"BlueMelody.6398" said:

> > @"Oozo.7856" said:

> > Warriors are only carried by healing regen if you are letting them land bursts on you. Don't let them do that. Healing signet alone can't keep a warrior up. That is the weakness of a warrior using signet and regen from landing bursts. They aren't as effective in a 1v1 against a player good at avoiding those attacks.


> I don't even use the signet because I don't die to ticking or piecemeal damage, I virtually always die to quick bursts and the healing signet is useless against that. I don't get why people always talk about the "warrior regen" when it does nothing against 10K bursts hitting while your defenses are on cd.


It's really good for fighting multiple people who don't know how to do damage and don't know how to avoid attacks. ;)


> @"Zero.3871" said:

> > @"Oozo.7856" said:

> > > @"Zero.3871" said:

> > > > @"Oozo.7856" said:

> > > > I disagree somewhat. GW2 has never been a good 1v1 or 2v2 game, but it has been a good 3v3-5v5 game. Things started to go downhill with HoT.

> > >

> > > game was still BS in balance before hot. 50%+ of every wvw zerg were Guardians...everyone just yolo pushed all the day. only People that like that days are skilless People that missing perma uncounterable stability and skilless Guardian tome 1 spam….

> > >

> > > 99% of commanders at that time just commanded: "empower" and "push,push,push,push………………….." and when they died "waterfield,waterfield,waterfield". that was before hot meta.

> >

> > LOL, I was talking about 3v3s to 5v5s and this guy counters with talking about yolo pushes and commanders and then gets upvoted.

> >

> > /rolleyes

> >

> > The zergling combat you participated in has nothing in common to small group combat, aside from using combo fields correctly for an advantage.

> >

> >


> what was better in roaming before hot?


> warrior were already OP at that time, same for mesmers or some condi engis that ez 1v 5 because of nadespammes. other classes like necros were never found in roaming because they lack in stability or something else...


> its just funny to see how People ever were unsatisfied because of metas, but start praising metas that were before 5 years just because they dont remember the Problems which there were also in the past. just remember years when DD ele dominated everything. was it better? no.


I used to solo roam as condition necro and power necro all the time and did quite well. The downside was never being able to escape zergs or fights where you were outnumbered by *good* players. .




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> @"Oozo.7856" said:

> > @"BlueMelody.6398" said:

> > > @"Oozo.7856" said:

> > > Warriors are only carried by healing regen if you are letting them land bursts on you. Don't let them do that. Healing signet alone can't keep a warrior up. That is the weakness of a warrior using signet and regen from landing bursts. They aren't as effective in a 1v1 against a player good at avoiding those attacks.

> >

> > I don't even use the signet because I don't die to ticking or piecemeal damage, I virtually always die to quick bursts and the healing signet is useless against that. I don't get why people always talk about the "warrior regen" when it does nothing against 10K bursts hitting while your defenses are on cd.


> It's really good for fighting multiple people who don't know how to do damage and don't know how to avoid attacks. ;)


> > @"Zero.3871" said:

> > > @"Oozo.7856" said:

> > > > @"Zero.3871" said:

> > > > > @"Oozo.7856" said:

> > > > > I disagree somewhat. GW2 has never been a good 1v1 or 2v2 game, but it has been a good 3v3-5v5 game. Things started to go downhill with HoT.

> > > >

> > > > game was still BS in balance before hot. 50%+ of every wvw zerg were Guardians...everyone just yolo pushed all the day. only People that like that days are skilless People that missing perma uncounterable stability and skilless Guardian tome 1 spam….

> > > >

> > > > 99% of commanders at that time just commanded: "empower" and "push,push,push,push………………….." and when they died "waterfield,waterfield,waterfield". that was before hot meta.

> > >

> > > LOL, I was talking about 3v3s to 5v5s and this guy counters with talking about yolo pushes and commanders and then gets upvoted.

> > >

> > > /rolleyes

> > >

> > > The zergling combat you participated in has nothing in common to small group combat, aside from using combo fields correctly for an advantage.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > what was better in roaming before hot?

> >

> > warrior were already OP at that time, same for mesmers or some condi engis that ez 1v 5 because of nadespammes. other classes like necros were never found in roaming because they lack in stability or something else...

> >

> > its just funny to see how People ever were unsatisfied because of metas, but start praising metas that were before 5 years just because they dont remember the Problems which there were also in the past. just remember years when DD ele dominated everything. was it better? no.


> I used to solo roam as condition necro and power necro all the time and did quite well. The downside was never being able to escape zergs or fights where you were outnumbered by *good* players. .







and when you fought 1 warrior which perma stun you you never had a Chance....

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Oozo.7856" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > @"intox.6347" said:

> > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > > > @"Dralor.3701" said:

> > > > > > > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > > > > > > > > Getting shut down by a Mirage sucked. It happened for a few hours. When caught off guard with a group you have a chance. But the second the Mirage came for me and the group I was with, we turned around because we didn't want to fight that. After several failed attempts to avoid as a group I went solo and roamed for the rest of my pip track away from the mirage.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Thats an acceptable way to solve the issue.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I do the same against spellbreakers.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I think even more people do that with scourges and spellbreakers :p

> > > > > >

> > > > > > People run away from a solo scourge?

> > > > > More like walk due to constant fear and slow.

> > > >

> > > > what exactly u play ? from what u write here... u got pretty owned by each roaming build.

> > > >

> > > > And if you got owned by solo scourge... its something wrong on your side, or you play revenant.

> > >

> > > I am curious about the reasoning behind your preconceptions from the given information in my posts.

> > >

> > > If you are implying that there cant possibly be better players than me regardless of what class I play, its unfortunetly inaccurate.

> > >

> > > Or if you are implying all scourges running solo have the intelligence of cockroaches and dont know what end of the staff they need to use when condi bombing because there are no good players on scourge, I think it would also be inaccurate.

> >

> > You have to have a weakness in your build to have that much of a problem with scourges. Either not enough condition clear or not enough mobility to get out of the circles. Yeah, they are hard when have neither of things.

> Is there any build on any class that *dont* have a weakness to something? I can kill bad scourges with ease. But if you want the full lowdown on how **I** percieve classes from **my** mirage build for **my** skill level:


> *Guardians* - Bad guards die in seconds or get sustained down due to no damage and being bad at tanking, mediocre guards are generally still not a threat and good guards are either really good (usually DH roamers) or carried by the meta zerg spec that is incredibly hard to bring down alone when they know what they are doing, but that's really no threat at all so "good" is a matter of perspective.


> *Revenants* - Bad revs are... very bad. Very very bad. They drop like rocks. I cant even describe the builds. Mediocre revs on lazy zerg hammer specs can be easily dispatched due to squishiness, but can be dangerous if they catch you with their rofltomp damage skills. Good revs on such things as sword/sword duelist specs are incredibly rare but can be quite the threat due to the double life (ie heal) and actually bringing pressure to use it. If they pop that and fail to do damage they are dead meat.


> *Warriors* - Really bad warriors get chomped down in seconds, mediocre ones are killable but oh so easily carried by hp regen at zerker class damage and the really good warriors are nearly impossible to kill unless we are 3v1. I once dueled one for about 10 minutes before we both gave up and parted ways.


> *Engineer* - Bad engineers are killed with ease, as is mediocre ones. The good ones though... holos is one of the more dangerous duelists due their constant knockdowns. Unlike warriors, I cant say they are carried by anything. Good holos are really tough and bad holos are really bad. Due to the amount one meet there is more of the former, bad ones stop playing early I think so chances are very high its a good one that knows what he's doing.


> *Ranger* - Oh lord dont get me talking about bad rangers. They drop in seconds on their own rapid fire and are of no use. Mediocre rangers is still a minor threat. Good rangers are either the really good soulbeasts that use unblockables against my build (or they die) or druids carried by their bunker specs, though those druids are only really dangerous in groups.


> *Thief* - Bad thieves are hilarious as they die in the first teleport in or are close to it. Mediocre thieves can be dangerous, but are usually just surviving by exploting stealth/teleports and generally fall flat eventually. Good thieves can be dangerous but I'm pretty much specced to handle them. They have to be really good to be a threat.


> *Elementalist* - Bad eles are absolutely zero threat. Zero damage, zero survivability unless covered by a zerg and I can still instantly kill one in the middle of a zerg. Mediocre eles... dont really exist? Meh well its often hard to tell the difference from bad ones and slightly better ones. Not a threat either way. The really good ones on good duel specs however are a major threat cause they can get carried by sustain but just like holos I cant really fault their class. Good eles are simply good. Zerker zerg eles are just lucky when they kill you.


> *Mesmers* - Bad mesmers dont stand a chance. Mediocre mesmers... meh. Just like eles, I find it hard to define a difference between bad and mediocre ones. The good mesmers have to be *really* good to be any major threat but fortunetly most are highly predictable. Carried by clone squirting? I put that on equal footing as a mediocre warrior carried by hp regen. Again just like the really good holos and the really good eles when it comes to roaming encounters, the good ones are good because its a higher chance of meeting them over bad ones when you finally meet that... one... maybe two mesmers in a 2h sitting.


> *Necromancer* - Bad necros are sitting ducks. Mediocre necros, now here comes one of the few classes that *really* gets carried by meta spec. They dont have to be good to fight me - just get one spam bomb in at the right time, even if I am specced with all the condi cleanse a mesmer can have. Unlike holos, eles and mesmers where you meet like a couple good ones in a 2h sitting, mediocre necros are every other encounter. Killable? Yes. Sometimes with ease, sometimes its a lengthy ranged fight. The more they are the worse it becomes as a group of necros simply deny all movement near them. The good ones are very rare but often instead on easy distinguisable builds that's not carried by trailblazer/dire and they can be a major threat if they know how to fight mesmers, while at the same time being easier to fight if they dont. Necro is kind of funny that way.


> So yeah you are correct. I might have a weakness in my build. But then again if anyone have a problem with mesmers I would argue they also have a weakness in their build. Cause I have seen all the classes kill me when its good players on good builds, just like I've killed all of them. And I've seen players I could barely scratch in a 1v1 duel while they are bringing me down (such as really good eles on cellofrag type duel builds, or really good warriors that you cant even get through the hp regen on while they take half your hp on each attack) get chomped down in seconds by a full condi scourge. Weaknesses exist, yes. That's how the game works. People seems to have a weakness to mesmers in every build they run for some reason. Bad builds I guess? I barely even meet any good mesmers in the field.


Lol, mesmers most of the time are completely and utterly carried by mirage thrust and elusive mind in power builds, you even see some going duelling, chaos, mirage and having PU for more stealth and mirror of anguish just in case they get stunned so they can run. Make no mistake most of the mesmers currently are completely carried by the build which allows for a ton of forgiveness.


Don’t get me started on condi, the only difference between condi and power is condi won’t chunk off 60% of your health bar with a macro. The constant condition spam is not something mesmer needed and I still struggle to see why ANet went the direction they did.


But don’t mistake my distaste of the state of mesmer for ignorance that all classes have become spam fiestas or abusing absurdly strong aspects, usually completely ridiculous damage.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Oozo.7856" said:

> > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > > @"intox.6347" said:

> > > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > > > > @"Dralor.3701" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > > > > > > > > > Getting shut down by a Mirage sucked. It happened for a few hours. When caught off guard with a group you have a chance. But the second the Mirage came for me and the group I was with, we turned around because we didn't want to fight that. After several failed attempts to avoid as a group I went solo and roamed for the rest of my pip track away from the mirage.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Thats an acceptable way to solve the issue.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > I do the same against spellbreakers.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I think even more people do that with scourges and spellbreakers :p

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > People run away from a solo scourge?

> > > > > > More like walk due to constant fear and slow.

> > > > >

> > > > > what exactly u play ? from what u write here... u got pretty owned by each roaming build.

> > > > >

> > > > > And if you got owned by solo scourge... its something wrong on your side, or you play revenant.

> > > >

> > > > I am curious about the reasoning behind your preconceptions from the given information in my posts.

> > > >

> > > > If you are implying that there cant possibly be better players than me regardless of what class I play, its unfortunetly inaccurate.

> > > >

> > > > Or if you are implying all scourges running solo have the intelligence of cockroaches and dont know what end of the staff they need to use when condi bombing because there are no good players on scourge, I think it would also be inaccurate.

> > >

> > > You have to have a weakness in your build to have that much of a problem with scourges. Either not enough condition clear or not enough mobility to get out of the circles. Yeah, they are hard when have neither of things.

> > Is there any build on any class that *dont* have a weakness to something? I can kill bad scourges with ease. But if you want the full lowdown on how **I** percieve classes from **my** mirage build for **my** skill level:

> >

> > *Guardians* - Bad guards die in seconds or get sustained down due to no damage and being bad at tanking, mediocre guards are generally still not a threat and good guards are either really good (usually DH roamers) or carried by the meta zerg spec that is incredibly hard to bring down alone when they know what they are doing, but that's really no threat at all so "good" is a matter of perspective.

> >

> > *Revenants* - Bad revs are... very bad. Very very bad. They drop like rocks. I cant even describe the builds. Mediocre revs on lazy zerg hammer specs can be easily dispatched due to squishiness, but can be dangerous if they catch you with their rofltomp damage skills. Good revs on such things as sword/sword duelist specs are incredibly rare but can be quite the threat due to the double life (ie heal) and actually bringing pressure to use it. If they pop that and fail to do damage they are dead meat.

> >

> > *Warriors* - Really bad warriors get chomped down in seconds, mediocre ones are killable but oh so easily carried by hp regen at zerker class damage and the really good warriors are nearly impossible to kill unless we are 3v1. I once dueled one for about 10 minutes before we both gave up and parted ways.

> >

> > *Engineer* - Bad engineers are killed with ease, as is mediocre ones. The good ones though... holos is one of the more dangerous duelists due their constant knockdowns. Unlike warriors, I cant say they are carried by anything. Good holos are really tough and bad holos are really bad. Due to the amount one meet there is more of the former, bad ones stop playing early I think so chances are very high its a good one that knows what he's doing.

> >

> > *Ranger* - Oh lord dont get me talking about bad rangers. They drop in seconds on their own rapid fire and are of no use. Mediocre rangers is still a minor threat. Good rangers are either the really good soulbeasts that use unblockables against my build (or they die) or druids carried by their bunker specs, though those druids are only really dangerous in groups.

> >

> > *Thief* - Bad thieves are hilarious as they die in the first teleport in or are close to it. Mediocre thieves can be dangerous, but are usually just surviving by exploting stealth/teleports and generally fall flat eventually. Good thieves can be dangerous but I'm pretty much specced to handle them. They have to be really good to be a threat.

> >

> > *Elementalist* - Bad eles are absolutely zero threat. Zero damage, zero survivability unless covered by a zerg and I can still instantly kill one in the middle of a zerg. Mediocre eles... dont really exist? Meh well its often hard to tell the difference from bad ones and slightly better ones. Not a threat either way. The really good ones on good duel specs however are a major threat cause they can get carried by sustain but just like holos I cant really fault their class. Good eles are simply good. Zerker zerg eles are just lucky when they kill you.

> >

> > *Mesmers* - Bad mesmers dont stand a chance. Mediocre mesmers... meh. Just like eles, I find it hard to define a difference between bad and mediocre ones. The good mesmers have to be *really* good to be any major threat but fortunetly most are highly predictable. Carried by clone squirting? I put that on equal footing as a mediocre warrior carried by hp regen. Again just like the really good holos and the really good eles when it comes to roaming encounters, the good ones are good because its a higher chance of meeting them over bad ones when you finally meet that... one... maybe two mesmers in a 2h sitting.

> >

> > *Necromancer* - Bad necros are sitting ducks. Mediocre necros, now here comes one of the few classes that *really* gets carried by meta spec. They dont have to be good to fight me - just get one spam bomb in at the right time, even if I am specced with all the condi cleanse a mesmer can have. Unlike holos, eles and mesmers where you meet like a couple good ones in a 2h sitting, mediocre necros are every other encounter. Killable? Yes. Sometimes with ease, sometimes its a lengthy ranged fight. The more they are the worse it becomes as a group of necros simply deny all movement near them. The good ones are very rare but often instead on easy distinguisable builds that's not carried by trailblazer/dire and they can be a major threat if they know how to fight mesmers, while at the same time being easier to fight if they dont. Necro is kind of funny that way.

> >

> > So yeah you are correct. I might have a weakness in my build. But then again if anyone have a problem with mesmers I would argue they also have a weakness in their build. Cause I have seen all the classes kill me when its good players on good builds, just like I've killed all of them. And I've seen players I could barely scratch in a 1v1 duel while they are bringing me down (such as really good eles on cellofrag type duel builds, or really good warriors that you cant even get through the hp regen on while they take half your hp on each attack) get chomped down in seconds by a full condi scourge. Weaknesses exist, yes. That's how the game works. People seems to have a weakness to mesmers in every build they run for some reason. Bad builds I guess? I barely even meet any good mesmers in the field.


> Lol, mesmers most of the time are completely and utterly carried by mirage thrust and elusive mind in power builds, you even see some going duelling, chaos, mirage and having PU for more stealth and mirror of anguish just in case they get stunned so they can run. Make no mistake most of the mesmers currently are completely carried by the build which allows for a ton of forgiveness.


> Don’t get me started on condi, the only difference between condi and power is condi won’t chunk off 60% of your health bar with a macro. The constant condition spam is not something mesmer needed and I still struggle to see why ANet went the direction they did.


> But don’t mistake my distaste of the state of mesmer for ignorance that all classes have become spam fiestas or abusing absurdly strong aspects, usually completely ridiculous damage.


I must be an exception as I do fairly well and I dont run Elusive Mind or Mirror of Anguish. o.0 (i also play DPS, but not quite a 1 shot build)

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> @"EvilSardine.9635" said:

> > @"Oozo.7856" said:

> > I disagree somewhat. GW2 has never been a good 1v1 or 2v2 game, but it has been a good 3v3-5v5 game. Things started to go downhill with HoT.


> Indeed. Our guild did many 5v5s against other guilds. Could you imagine doing that now? The fights would just be scourges , unkillable firebrands, braindead mirages, braindead spellbreakers. It really did go downhill after HOT.


> Mirage, though, is truly on a whole different level. It's the best class/spec hands down for roaming in WvW. Completely OP and has zero risk when playing it.


It's appropriate for mirage to be among the best roamers. After all, they are pretty much worthless in the zerg.

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> @"Zero.3871" said:

> and when you fought 1 warrior which perma stun you you never had a Chance....


There are fights against many warriors including hammer warriors in those movies. :pensive:


Necro wasn't a weak 1v1 class back then. They were just weak to getting zerged down due to zero escape mobility with the exception of maybe porting to a mosquito using the death shroud port.


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> @"apharma.3741" said:


> But don’t mistake my distaste of the state of mesmer for ignorance that all classes have become spam fiestas or abusing absurdly strong aspects, usually completely ridiculous damage.


That's GW2 for you. Find something strong and then tailor your entire build around that one thing. ;)



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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"EvilSardine.9635" said:

> > > @"Oozo.7856" said:

> > > I disagree somewhat. GW2 has never been a good 1v1 or 2v2 game, but it has been a good 3v3-5v5 game. Things started to go downhill with HoT.

> >

> > Indeed. Our guild did many 5v5s against other guilds. Could you imagine doing that now? The fights would just be scourges , unkillable firebrands, braindead mirages, braindead spellbreakers. It really did go downhill after HOT.

> >

> > Mirage, though, is truly on a whole different level. It's the best class/spec hands down for roaming in WvW. Completely OP and has zero risk when playing it.


> It's appropriate for mirage to be among the best roamers. After all, they are pretty much worthless in the zerg.


I see 1-3 mesmers (sometimes more) in practically every squad I've been a part of. They are far from worthless, though mostly they are for utility (stealth, porting, pulling people off walls, etc).


Of course that means that a mesmer doesn't really need to change much about their build to go from OP roaming to useful in a zerg. Just swap some utils and maybe weapons and good to go. Maybe not optimized for combat, but highly useful and desired. That's one thing that makes mesmer almost unique -- unlike warriors, eles, and other classes that can be useful both in a zerg and roaming, significant build changes aren't required to be zerg-ready.


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Yes, that last mesmer nerf was good, but for me just a start. How can it be to get insta-downstate with my necro with 27k health AND that beloved trailblaizer armor to have some extra toughness. And if I have to chance to attack them I see only dodged, invulnerable, missed and can't get them below 90%. I recommend some more huge!! nerfs.

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> @"BlueMelody.6398" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > @"EvilSardine.9635" said:

> > > > @"Oozo.7856" said:

> > > > I disagree somewhat. GW2 has never been a good 1v1 or 2v2 game, but it has been a good 3v3-5v5 game. Things started to go downhill with HoT.

> > >

> > > Indeed. Our guild did many 5v5s against other guilds. Could you imagine doing that now? The fights would just be scourges , unkillable firebrands, braindead mirages, braindead spellbreakers. It really did go downhill after HOT.

> > >

> > > Mirage, though, is truly on a whole different level. It's the best class/spec hands down for roaming in WvW. Completely OP and has zero risk when playing it.

> >

> > It's appropriate for mirage to be among the best roamers. After all, they are pretty much worthless in the zerg.


> I see 1-3 mesmers (sometimes more) in practically every squad I've been a part of. They are far from worthless, though mostly they are for utility (stealth, porting, pulling people off walls, etc).


> Of course that means that a mesmer doesn't really need to change much about their build to go from OP roaming to useful in a zerg. Just swap some utils and maybe weapons and good to go. Maybe not optimized for combat, but highly useful and desired. That's one thing that makes mesmer almost unique -- unlike warriors, eles, and other classes that can be useful both in a zerg and roaming, significant build changes aren't required to be zerg-ready.



U dont need dps mesmers much.... but they are still ok in group.

Best variant is minstrel chrono boon tank.... u can have all support with stealth, pulling, portal... :)

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> I dont have enough hands or feet to count the amount of cheese thieves, immortal spellbreakers, faceroll condi womit scourges, superbunker stealth druids or firebrands going 0-100 hp every time.


good read, loved the way it was conveyed :+1:

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