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Can we please get actual speed increase % listed for each of the Swim Speed Infusions?

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Anet you are not doing yourselves any favors by not giving exact #'s as to what each level of infusion actually translates into for a speed boost increase over base swim speed.


I've spoken with many people in my guild as well as strangers hanging out killing krait by the various sunken chests. There is nothing but confusion and unsubstantiated testing done by the players as to how fast each infusion actually boosts your character when using it. The wiki has been changed at least 2 times that I know of, to give different figures for the +10 and neither seems correct from testing that my friends and I have done on our own. There is also confusion as to whether or not certain player skills/traits that give speed will or won't stack with the infusion.


Would it be so difficult for you to please change the info on each infusion to give hard % increase # over base run speed and clearly state whether it does or doesn't stack with player skills?


You clearly put a lot of work into the system why not make it clear so the player base can judge the actual #'s for themselves and decide whether it's worth it to buy/farm it and how high it's worth going (For example some may find that a +20 is good enough and stop, while others may want to go all the way for a +30 based on % figures you release officially.)





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I get that, but Anet must have the actual %'s already worked out when they added the mechanic to the game. I'm just asking that they reveal those %'s either to the forums, wiki , reddit or best yet in the game attached to the description when you float your cursor over them or at the merchant window. Doesn't seem like much to ask as they must know the numbers when they programmed them into the game so why keep them hidden or make us guess.

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> @"Minna.7895" said:

> so i just did a few tests with a guildmate- result is :

> swim speed is capped at 40%

> so if you use swiftness 33% + infusion it does stack but if you use a +10 or +13 doesnt make any difference

> if you have a 25% movement buff (we used rangers with sigill for that) you can profit from an infusion up to +15 (we only had +10 and +13 to test so i let him use swiftness + sigill without any infusion and i used the +13 + sigill without swiftness and i was slower but not by far.... when i used swiftness + sigill + infusion there was no difference to him using no infusion and only sigill + swiftness)

> so this is how we found out the cap and that the swim infusions actually have written on them how much speed they do increase (+10 is + 10% and so on)

> if you wanna test with permanent swiftness on both you can just use LA if you both have Tyria masteries.


> so personal result:

> if i am in combat i can keep up permanent swiftness as a ranger (weapon swap on cd)- so i'd only profit from a +10

> if i am out of combat and just want to swim to a destination under water (because on top i'd just use skimmer) i'd still use my sigill and can profit from up to +15 swimspeed

> the only people who have to worry about getting +30 infusions are the ones without any movement speedbuff and/or any access to swiftness



Wiki now says +10 = 10% increase and is capped at 40%. I believe +15 = 15%, +20 = 20%, etc.

Underwater I'm using Signet of the Locust (+25% movement) along with my very expensive +18 swim-speed infusion which is giving me a whopping 40% increase (sarcasm). Feels like a nice speed though.

I wasted 120 gold buying +10's in order to go from +15 to +18 thinking +10=33%, +20=66% and +30=100%. And Anet's wiki encouraged this thinking by stating +10=33%. Seems like a bit of a con job.

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Well it can surely be more than 10% but then the 33% of swiftness is also more than 33% compared. You just have to set a fixed point to compare these 10% to. I've chosen to take the already existing buffs for that. But if someone wants to test themselves you are very welcome to prove my results wrong as long as you explain to me why exactly i'm the last to not admit i was wrong. (But please remember to compare it to existing already defined stuff). As an example i did not test anything in fight... maybe there are other caps or no caps going on? Idk. I did not test anything with superspeed (don't even know with how many % this is defined ingame) .


Edit says it doesn't even matter because with swiftness and sigill you are already capped out (no difference between using an infusion or none at all anymore) ... but hey idk Anet maybe they will someday change the cap on this. In theory we will have to test it every single patch then.

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  • 2 months later...

Here's my second take on trying to get answers. Can someone please give us actual figures on the different swim speed infusions. I mean really, why add all the way up to a +30 swim speed infusion that would take years to farm for or thousands of gold to buy and not give anyone any idea how fast it will actually go, whoever was the dev behind these items must know the %'s in order to have coded the speed increase into the infusions so why keep it secret? Wouldn't telling the community possibly stir up excitement and therefor another gold sync to help the game.


Plus if Minna is correct and there is some cap then why did the devs waste time making these infusions if u can't even take advantage of them?


I'm at a complete loss as to whether it's worth it to continue farming daily the sunken treasure chest for these infusions if the devs have already abandoned talking about or supporting them so soon after adding them to the game.


I get it that the devs are busy but surely the commnity team that reads the forums could try researching this and forward the info to us.

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> @"Silencer.7614" said:

> Here's my second take on trying to get answers. Can someone please give us actual figures on the different swim speed infusions.

[ According to tests done in-game, a +10 Swim-Speed Infusion equals to +10% movement speed (underwater, not at the surface) when compared to 33% swiftness; swim speed is capped at roughly 40% while out of combat.](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Swim-Speed_Infusion_%2B10#Notes)


> I mean really, why add all the way up to a +30 swim speed infusion that would take years to farm for or thousands of gold to buy

Why not? Where exactly would you make the arbitrary cutoff point? at 25? at 20? at 33?


> and not give anyone any idea how fast it will actually go, whoever was the dev behind these items must know the %'s in order to have coded the speed increase into the infusions so why keep it secret? Wouldn't telling the community possibly stir up excitement and therefor another gold sync to help the game.

Over 10 years, when they have bothered to answer why, it's always been because they think it's more interesting to leave it to us to figure out. This goes for drop rates, drop rate tables, combat formulas, and yes, simple mechanics like swim speed infusions.


It just happens in this case, the community (as a whole) just isn't all that interested.

(As a side note: lots of research was posted measuring mount speeds, but I haven't seen any follow ups for the newest mount, even though there are lots of variations of potential speeds, especially since the last update to Petey. Or in other words: there's not much appetite for figuring out movement speeds beyond, "yeah, that's fast.")


> Plus if Minna is correct and there is some cap then why did the devs waste time making these infusions if u can't even take advantage of them?

40% cap out of combat, ergo a 30% boost is always useful if you're not already under some other effect.


> I'm at a complete loss as to whether it's worth it to continue farming daily the sunken treasure chest for these infusions

They are worth ~25s each. An inefficient farmer might need an hour (including the daily, visiting the 10 chest locations, dealing with load screens) to get 30 infusions, worth roughly 7.5 gold. Is that worth your time? You can also farm Istan or Silverwastes more easily and for longer periods of time to buy the infusions.


> if the devs have already abandoned talking about or supporting them so soon after adding them to the game.

I don't understand how the devs have abandoned this anymore than anything else that they added to the game and don't adjust frequently.


> I get it that the devs are busy but surely the commnity team that reads the forums could try researching this and forward the info to us.

Again, generally speaking, ANet likes to leave this stuff as "an exercise for the reader."


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Numbers eh?


Base out of combat movement speed should be 294 https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Movement_Speed#Base_speed


Swimming on the surface of the water with +25% signet and +10 infusion equipped


Swimming underwater without any increased movement speed


+10 infusion 323.4/294 = 1.1 or +10% movement speed


+10 infusion with +25% signet 396.9/294 = 1.35 or +35% movement speed


+10 infusion with +33% from swiftness 400/294 = 1.36 or +36%


It should be noted that the last image is not quite like the others. Only the last 6 numbers should be considered because my swiftness only last for 6 seconds.


It also shows that the actual cap is 36% and not 40%. This is due to the 400 unit/second speed cap. If the cap was actually 40% the speed should have gone up to around 411.



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As for mount speeds ...





skimmer on land


skimmer on water






beetle for some reason I can't seem to get consistent speed readings for the beetle


beetle using boost


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> @"Khisanth.2948"

> Thanks for all the data; that is very useful.


> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > beetle for some reason I can't seem to get consistent speed readings for the beetle

> Doesn't the beetle get faster with greater endurance, and slows down due to running into just about anything? (slopes, corners, dandelions)




While testing I have the endurance at full the whole time. The inconsistent speed might be due to the bouncing. I thought that bouncing was just part of the animation but maybe it is actually part of the movement/positioning. Since the distance calculation also includes the vertical axis it might be the reason for it and there might be some bumps on the ground as seen in the other mounts' speed

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948"

> > Thanks for all the data; that is very useful.

> >

> > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > beetle for some reason I can't seem to get consistent speed readings for the beetle

> > Doesn't the beetle get faster with greater endurance, and slows down due to running into just about anything? (slopes, corners, dandelions)

> >

> >


> While testing I have the endurance at full the whole time. The inconsistent speed might be due to the bouncing. I thought that bouncing was just part of the animation but maybe it is actually part of the movement/positioning. Since the distance calculation also includes the vertical axis it might be the reason for it and there might be some bumps on the ground as seen in the other mounts' speed


That makes sense

(well done on the testing methodology)

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Those are some impressive #'s/testing. One question did u try testing any of the larger infusions, say for example a +15 or +20.


Once again this brings up my question if a larger +20 say for example is faster then the cap, then why implement/put it in the game if it's unusable, let alone a +30 that would take potentially millions of gold to make?

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> @"Silencer.7614" said:

> Those are some impressive #'s/testing. One question did u try testing any of the larger infusions, say for example a +15 or +20.


> Once again this brings up my question if a larger +20 say for example is faster then the cap, then why implement/put it in the game if it's unusable, let alone a +30 that would take potentially millions of gold to make?


At +30 you're effectively (minus 3%-points) at perma Swiftness without any skill use at all.

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> @"Silencer.7614" said:

> Those are some impressive #'s/testing. One question did u try testing any of the larger infusions, say for example a +15 or +20.


> Once again this brings up my question if a larger +20 say for example is faster then the cap, then why implement/put it in the game if it's unusable, let alone a +30 that would take potentially millions of gold to make?


While in combat up to +156% can be used.

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> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> So, which has a higher max speed: boosted griffon, or boosted beetle?


Griffon still holds the crown for top speed :)


Griffon flying


Griffon diving


Griffon diving and using Wing Flap


Griffon flying after diving


Griffon flying after using wing flap while diving



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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> interesting, so jackal is actually faster than raptor.


I thought that was common knowledge?> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > interesting, so jackal is actually faster than raptor.


> As a straight run speed, yes. Raptor Leap vs Jackal Blink however makes Raptor faster over distance as long as the ground is flat.


But the blink is more flexible, so for example in the Gauntlet race i prefer jackal, as i do for just about any exploration. Jackal has been my go-to mount since i got it.

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  • 8 months later...

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