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Post your ideas for crafting changes

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> In the previous game I played, you leveled up not only from refining, but also from salvaging and gathering nodes specific to your craft.


> Its obvious the crafting in this game is designed to be a money sink, but that only hurts the newer players who get day one poor just to pass that hurtle. Not to mention the way the crafting list is organized is annoying.


Well I'm one of those 'new' players (14 weeks in), and I have WS + AS @ 500, with Jeweler + Chef @ 400, and LW at 475, have a full set of Ascended Armor for my main and I'm by no means poor.


Crafting is only a money sink if you aren't patient in farming the mats yourself (for the most part). The only time I spent money on crafting was when I was impatient and wanted to get started on ascended gear, and bought mats from the TP to level up WS and AS., and to be fair, you do recoup much of that if you sell the crafted items.


I found regularly running meta events like Silverwastes or Octovine as a great vehicle to farm mats, as you salvage everything, and before you know it, you're swimming in mithril, thick leather and silk cloth.


Overall I think the crafting system is OK, but you can't ignore the reality that it serves no purpose for new players until end game or for alt characters. The quantity of material required to level is just too much to successfully acquire "while leveling".

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I'd love to see a lot of streamlining and low-tier recipes available for a small fee on the crafting trainers. I've tried to get into crafting a few times only to run into a few things:


1. Frustration at the complexity. Too many stages, too many materials required, too heavy a shopping list if you're following a guide. Personally, I loathe spreadsheets. I feel like I have to have one if I'm not going to be spinning my wheels trying to advance any trade.

2. Frustration at the cost. I've tried the whole farm your own materials route. It takes forever. Even with prices as low as they are now on the market, I'm still shelling out a couple of gold just to get past tier 1. I've never gotten past level 375 in anything beyond cooking or jeweler because it takes so much stuff, so much backend crafting, so much everything just to advance to the next single digit level.

3. Frustration at the time sink. It takes forever to refine a stack of logs, for example. It's all done real time so you waste a lot of attention doing basically nothing but watching the screen. If there was a way to make the process less "manual," that would improve things a lot.

4. Frustration at the whole "discovery" system for insignias. Can't stand it. It drives me insane. I'd love to just buy a recipe and be done with it.


I've pretty much given up hope of crafting anything in this game. It's annoying, frustrating, and no fun.

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The ability to erase a crafting discipline from a character.

The ability to transfer a crafting discipline from a character to other.


Chef 500

Useful food you need to make in truly huge quantities but is worth the price.

Legendary food: a bar of nutrients that can give you ANY high tier food effect, once a day, for 30 minutes.


Jeweler 500

Jewels with cosmetic effects you can "fuse" with normal runes or sigils, to get the cosmetic and mechanic effects.

Legendary jewels: like superior runes or sigils, but can change mechanic effects if attached to Legendary armor or Weapons.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> Overall I think the crafting system is OK, but you can't ignore the reality that it serves no purpose for new players until end game or for alt characters. The quantity of material required to level is just too much to successfully acquire "while leveling".


Yes. Crafting is end-game content. It is disappointing that it is available earlier, because it leads to confusion that it is meaningful, when it really isn't. (Never is, to be honest: no MMO has slow enough levelling for crafting gear to beat out drops, unless it is the only mechanism for upgrades.)

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one thing that would make me like crafting is when i actually craft something, i am just standing there doing nothing.

also, it would be better if crafting feels more rewarding, quickly making stuff with no soul in it feels empty and unrewarding. (look at LOTRO, you actually feel like you're crafting your weapons and armor.

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