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PVP hackers growing and growing...

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Tired of posting about this... So many people are hacking now, ive had two actually admit it right in map chat and laugh, anet does nothing, thanks for the free win...


Wow Anet... One of the only games with out hacker prevention?


Is it because anet is the one developing the hacks and selling them on the hacker websights?


All ya have to do is search gw2 hacks and there are tons of them....


Why is nothing being done?


Why does no one ever reply except to say, im promoting hacking and remove my post?


This just points more towards its the devs and mods making profit off these things just like Sony Everquest caught their devs and mods doing such things.


PVP has become total sham, might as well log into match and walk away, get the loss points for the experience and repeat.

Ive had run speed hackers on my own team even, i can see them moving extremely fast and i tell them not to and they say they are not hacking, how do they move 10 times the speed then?


Hacks, Hack, hackity hack..



World Tournament series guy whos name i wont post here, total hacker and most everyone knows and he gets to go to that and hacks, has the banner and wow. Nothing is done..


Really I think all the legendary players are hacking, everyone of them. There is no way to compete against the hacks so therefore the top players are the hackers, pretty easy..

Watch them? Wow, im not even a game dev and i can figure that out...


Buy the hacks, figure them out? Not very hard ?

I can program crap and I know that much, ya get the program and ya block it, pretty simple...

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> @"RobMonty.3719" said:

> Tired of posting about this... So many people are hacking now, ive had two actually admit it right in map chat and laugh, anet does nothing, thanks for the free win...


They don’t ban just because someone jokes about it.


> Wow Anet... One of the only games with out hacker prevention?


Name a game without hackers/cheaters


> Is it because anet is the one developing the hacks and selling them on the hacker websights?


Conspiracy theory much?


> All ya have to do is search gw2 hacks and there are tons of them....


> Why is nothing being done?


People find new ways to hack/cheat. It’s pretty obvious that they have been doing things. I also remember a month or so ago there was a large ban wave for those cheating. Is that “nothing”?


> Why does no one ever reply except to say, im promoting hacking and remove my post?


> This just points more towards its the devs and mods making profit off these things just like Sony Everquest caught their devs and mods doing such things.


Conspiriacy theory with no basis


> Buy the hacks, figure them out? Not very hard ?

> I can program crap and I know that much, ya get the program and ya block it, pretty simple...


No. It’s not.

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Last time i posted a video demo of the hacks (1 tool) it was removed... Its not conspiracy at all. That word does not even fit this convo...


The mod removed my post saying i was trying to promote hacking, when i was trying to show them the tool.

Removed and assume they didnt even get to see it per it was taken down by a mod, not a dev.


Anyhow, I am not sure who you are, but if your not actually anet development etc.. I do not want to speak with you who are mostly guessing if so.


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If you don't want to converse with the community but instead the devs... then what are you doing in this specific forum. This isn't the place for submitting a support ticket.


> @"RobMonty.3719" said:

> Buy the hacks, figure them out? Not very hard ?

> I can program crap and I know that much, ya get the program and ya block it, pretty simple...


Hahaha. It doesn't get any more hilarious than this.

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Ahhh so this is the forum for people to be mean to others so they can get off on putting others down, ahhh, ok i get it... let me say this then..


This is also a psychological disorder.... Having a need to harm others to feel good about self... Mental problem...


Thanks for the truth that im wasting my time here though, good to know...


Anti tamper company posted above that is used on many games per the person who asked, name one game, it has many actually.


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> @"RobMonty.3719" said:


> >

> > Name a game without hackers/cheaters

> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denuvo


> Here is a list for you.


> Thanks to the other person here telling me I am wasting my time here.

> Guess this is a forum for people to be mean to others, get off on it like some sort of anger addiction psychological mental disorder....


> Adios.



Bit of a thin skin there mate. You've made some rather outlandish claims. Denuvo is DRM. It has little to no relevance here. Here's a little known thing about players in an online game... if you say something along the lines of "OMG plz stop hax" or "wtf are you guys hacking" you're gonna get a reply like "duh of course" especially when you're losing.


Have you perhaps even considered that your ping is terrible? Rubberbanding, teleporting, "super speed". These all sound like symptoms of jitter.

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> @"RobMonty.3719" said:

> Last time i posted a video demo of the hacks (1 tool) it was removed... Its not conspiracy at all. That word does not even fit this convo...


The conspiracy theory was you making baseless claims that Anet was intentionally allowing hacking and such so they could make additional profits.


Your video was removed because it’s against the rules. You agreed to those rules when you first started using these forums.


> The mod removed my post saying i was trying to promote hacking, when i was trying to show them the tool.

> Removed and assume they didnt even get to see it per it was taken down by a mod, not a dev.


It’s against the rules because you’re showing off the hack. They have an email where you could have sent the video to. The forums was not the place for that.


> Anyhow, I am not sure who you are, but if your not actually anet development etc.. I do not want to speak with you who are mostly guessing if so.



Mostly guessing? Not really.

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> @"RobMonty.3719" said:


> >

> > Name a game without hackers/cheaters

> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denuvo


> Here is a list for you.


> Thanks to the other person here telling me I am wasting my time here.

> Guess this is a forum for people to be mean to others, get off on it like some sort of anger addiction psychological mental disorder....


> Adios.




A large number of those games have hackers/cheaters. Also, none of those are as expansive as MMO’s. There’s a fairly large difference.


Just an FYI, there’s an article of someone who bypassed Denuvo. In fact, it’s kind of hilarious because people keep finding new ways to bypass it. No game is hack or cheater free so it’s a little unfair to hold companies to such an unfair standard when they are actually trying to do something about it.

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@"Ayrilana.1396" Not sure why you chose to respond in the way that you did. Few things to keep in mind:


1. There are cheaters in every game. There are hackers involved in any hardware/software platform. The difference being discussed is whether or not it is very easy or very difficult for them to do. In GW2, it is very easy compared to other games, which causes a plethora of problems.

2. Stop crying conspiracy theory. That cliché has become nothing more than a rogue defense with no evidence to support it's defensive statement, whereas the people who are questioning something, at least had a good reason to question it to begin with. In the case of GW2's open cheating epidemic, there certainly are a large amount of viable questions to be asked, that should be answered with evidence, rather than discrediting. Remember, we are talking about a company's relations with paying customers here, not idle discussion about Area 51.

3. Yes, he broke TOS and it is good to point that out to any user. But players will continue to do this, in most cases accidentally, in their attempts to report the very prominent problem at hand. It's just going to keep happening, over and over.


It's great that Arenanet is taking action, it really is. I'm all for the new software to read data. I for one, have nothing to hide.


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I don't think that is the case to be honest.

If you log onto GW1 for example, PvP is full of players who register xx accounts in order to create matchs in Heroes Ascent, GvG, Jade Quarry and Codex Arena. If you just try to play Heroes Ascent, you probably won't face any real player but bots only. People've been cheating for years ( already existed in 2012) but nothing's been done.


Concerning GW2, i never experienced fighting cheaters in PvP, except once. I sometimes faced top players playing a bit too good to look real, but since these play 24/7 , i believe they simply have more skills and type/play/react faster than most average players. I'm pretty sure there is almost no cheaters.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> 1. There are cheaters in every game. There are hackers involved in any hardware/software platform. The difference being discussed is whether or not it is very easy or very difficult for them to do. **In GW2, it is very easy compared to other games**, which causes a plethora of problems.


Explain how then.


> 2. Stop crying conspiracy theory. That cliché has become nothing more than a rogue defense with no evidence to support it's defensive statement, whereas the people who are questioning something, at least had a good reason to question it to begin with. In the case of GW2's open cheating epidemic, there certainly are a large amount of viable questions to be asked, that should be answered with evidence, rather than discrediting. Remember, we are talking about a company's relations with paying customers here, not idle discussion about Area 51.


Please re-read my posts in regards to this as well as the OP’s. What the OP was doing was makibgvthe claim that Anet develops the hacks and then sells them.


> 3. Yes, he broke TOS and it is good to point that out to any user. But players will continue to do this, in most cases accidentally, in their attempts to report the very prominent problem at hand. It's just going to keep happening, over and over.


Yes. Some players will continue to negligently break the TOS and post content like the OP stated that they had instead of reporting properly. It being a very prominent problem is debatable.



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I've met a total of 6 cheaters I could identifiably see doing mechanically impossible feats (guardian teleporting to unreachable places, mesmer summoning 8-10 clones from downed state within seconds, engineer instantly reviving self from 10% in the downed state without a rally, etc). I've played roughly 3300 matches total, and am platinum in ranked. Overall I'd say I don't see cheating as the rampant epidemic that OP portrays.


However, even the few times I did see someone I clearly knew was cheating, it was extremely frustrating.

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> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> I've met a total of 6 cheaters I could identifiably see doing mechanically impossible feats (guardian teleporting to unreachable places, mesmer summoning 8-10 clones from downed state within seconds, engineer instantly reviving self from 10% in the downed state without a rally, etc). I've played roughly 3300 matches total, and am platinum in ranked. Overall I'd say I don't see cheating as the rampant epidemic that OP portrays.


> However, even the few times I did see someone I clearly knew was cheating, it was extremely frustrating.


I can almost guarantee those guys were not cheating lol

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> > I've met a total of 6 cheaters I could identifiably see doing mechanically impossible feats (guardian teleporting to unreachable places, mesmer summoning 8-10 clones from downed state within seconds, engineer instantly reviving self from 10% in the downed state without a rally, etc). I've played roughly 3300 matches total, and am platinum in ranked. Overall I'd say I don't see cheating as the rampant epidemic that OP portrays.

> >

> > However, even the few times I did see someone I clearly knew was cheating, it was extremely frustrating.


> I can almost guarantee those guys were not cheating lol


Good thing you qualified it with "almost" - there's certainly no moves I know of that allow this kind of stuff to happen. The core guard in Niflhel got on top of the central structure at the keep (mid), which I believe is impossible from a pathing standpoint. There might be a chance a mesmer's staff 2 or DH's f2 could get him there, but not relevant here since this player was neither of those things. I know that the henge has some scalable rock wall, and the mine has several places to break LOS, but never seen anyone get up to that point at mid, especially not so fast (while essentially blinking back and forth from the node to that point).


The engi I remember distinctly - I thought it might have been AED, but that doesn't allow you to drop into the downed state at all, if I read it correctly. It would be like the trait warriors have in the Berserker line, or the one that rangers get in Soulbeast (lethal damage is negated, basically). I'd downed the engi in question quite easily, and was mid-stomp when she just got up from about 10% hp remaining in downstate. I had been keeping track (as I always do) of who was alive or dead on my team, and other than someone who had been stomped before I even downed the engi, everyone was alive.


Now the mesmer I can't be totally sure, as I don't know how stealth exactly works. Mirages obviously generate a ton of clones, and since I wasn't hitting any of them, I could see this as a result of the guy having put up clone spam before going down, stealthing them, then letting them get revealed as they attack. But from my standpoint he had 2 clones up (both of which I one-shot) before he went down, then I was suddenly surrounded by at least 8 attacking clones as I was stomping. Wish I had screenshots for you. A teammate ran up and laughed with me at the amazing spam from downstate.

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> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> > > I've met a total of 6 cheaters I could identifiably see doing mechanically impossible feats (guardian teleporting to unreachable places, mesmer summoning 8-10 clones from downed state within seconds, engineer instantly reviving self from 10% in the downed state without a rally, etc). I've played roughly 3300 matches total, and am platinum in ranked. Overall I'd say I don't see cheating as the rampant epidemic that OP portrays.

> > >

> > > However, even the few times I did see someone I clearly knew was cheating, it was extremely frustrating.

> >

> > I can almost guarantee those guys were not cheating lol


> Good thing you qualified it with "almost" - there's certainly no moves I know of that allow this kind of stuff to happen. The core guard in Niflhel got on top of the central structure at the keep (mid), which I believe is impossible from a pathing standpoint. There might be a chance a mesmer's staff 2 or DH's f2 could get him there, but not relevant here since this player was neither of those things. I know that the henge has some scalable rock wall, and the mine has several places to break LOS, but never seen anyone get up to that point at mid, especially not so fast (while essentially blinking back and forth from the node to that point).


> The engi I remember distinctly - I thought it might have been AED, but that doesn't allow you to drop into the downed state at all, if I read it correctly. It would be like the trait warriors have in the Berserker line, or the one that rangers get in Soulbeast (lethal damage is negated, basically). I'd downed the engi in question quite easily, and was mid-stomp when she just got up from about 10% hp remaining in downstate. I had been keeping track (as I always do) of who was alive or dead on my team, and other than someone who had been stomped before I even downed the engi, everyone was alive.


> Now the mesmer I can't be totally sure, as I don't know how stealth exactly works. Mirages obviously generate a ton of clones, and since I wasn't hitting any of them, I could see this as a result of the guy having put up clone spam before going down, stealthing them, then letting them get revealed as they attack. But from my standpoint he had 2 clones up (both of which I one-shot) before he went down, then I was suddenly surrounded by at least 8 attacking clones as I was stomping. Wish I had screenshots for you. A teammate ran up and laughed with me at the amazing spam from downstate.


- Where? He could've just ported up there and back with JI, s2, or MI.

- There are utility skills that fully resurrect someone from the downed state. Signet of Mercy is one of them.

- Chronomancer can summon a ridiculous amount of downstate clones. Not exactly sure how, but it happens frequently enough.


Anyways, like I said, there are several explanations as to how those "hacks" you saw can be replicated legitimately. Hence why I said I can almost guarantee there was no foul play involved.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:


> - Where? He could've just ported up there and back with JI, s2, or MI.

> - There are utility skills that fully resurrect someone from the downed state. Signet of Mercy is one of them.

> - Chronomancer can summon a ridiculous amount of downstate clones. Not exactly sure how, but it happens frequently enough.


> Anyways, like I said, there are several explanations as to how those "hacks" you saw can be replicated legitimately. Hence why I said I can almost guarantee there was no foul play involved.



JI requires a target to be up there. MI, as far as I know, doesn't shadowstep if an ally isn't in the circle. Sword 2 of course requires a target as well. You've entirely missed the point. Nobody was up there, and _every_ single ability you mentioned requires a target. Regardless, he also repeated this behavior quite rapidly.


The engi and I were alone at Tranquility in Temple of the Silent Storm, with nobody at stillness or even on the stairs to come into tranq. Even if someone were to run those absolutely useless elite skills that revive, their firebrand was attempting to troll our home with their scourge, and their warrior (even if for some hilarious reason was running the silly revive banner) was getting counter-trolled at far by our warrior. They had no ranger, so no, it wasn't the elite spirit sacrifice either. The point is, it couldn't have been anyone, as everyone else was well outside the 1500 range. I think all those revive abilities are 1000 or less in radius.


As I stated, the mesmer was the one example I wasn't entire sure of. This guy was definitely a mirage (axe mainhand). I have yet to see anyone match that downstate clone output, but I concede that I know very little about mesmer in general, and there might be a legitimate way to do what this guy did.


But yeah. I'm not one to accuse people of cheating just because they're effective or are doing something I've never seen. Like I said, I've only seen 6 instances of what I deem cheating out of 3300+ matches. What I saw for the most part seemed outright mechanically impossible.




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I hate when people cry wolf about cheaters but yesterday i was in a game and witnessed something odd. I was cleaving a thief down to 20ish % and i left him to bleed out. As i walked away i still had him targeted to keep an eye on his HP to see if he'd try to self rez n he just instantly rezzed in a blink of an eye, no team mate.


Anyone ever seen anything like this? For now im just wriitng it off as my eyes deceiving me as i was pretty stoned.

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> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:


> The engi I remember distinctly - I thought it might have been AED, but that doesn't allow you to drop into the downed state at all, if I read it correctly. It would be like the trait warriors have in the Berserker line, or the one that rangers get in Soulbeast (lethal damage is negated, basically). I'd downed the engi in question quite easily, and was mid-stomp when she just got up from about 10% hp remaining in downstate. I had been keeping track (as I always do) of who was alive or dead on my team, and other than someone who had been stomped before I even downed the engi, everyone was alive.


could it be rez with signet of mercy or signet of the undead?

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> @"Sampson.2403" said:

> I hate when people cry wolf about cheaters but yesterday i was in a game and witnessed something odd. I was cleaving a thief down to 20ish % and i left him to bleed out. As i walked away i still had him targeted to keep an eye on his HP to see if he'd try to self rez n he just instantly rezzed in a blink of an eye, no team mate.


> Anyone ever seen anything like this? For now im just wriitng it off as my eyes deceiving me as i was pretty stoned.


Was It eternal coliseum? Cause the "shield buff" there insta-resses you once.

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> @"BikeIsGone.8675" said:

> > @"Sampson.2403" said:

> > I hate when people cry wolf about cheaters but yesterday i was in a game and witnessed something odd. I was cleaving a thief down to 20ish % and i left him to bleed out. As i walked away i still had him targeted to keep an eye on his HP to see if he'd try to self rez n he just instantly rezzed in a blink of an eye, no team mate.

> >

> > Anyone ever seen anything like this? For now im just wriitng it off as my eyes deceiving me as i was pretty stoned.


> Was It eternal coliseum? Cause the "shield buff" there insta-resses you once.


Could be that someone died too....


I helped spike some people on mid and teleported back to far only to meet a Warrior on point, he downed me and started toying with me in downstate, trying to make me bleed out but someone died on mid and I got my rez... War was angry about it because I got up and killed him... As you say you were stoned, maybe you didn't realize you had a downed ally?


As for thread: I haven't seen a hacker since the last purge.

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