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[Armor Request to Devs] A Heavy Set with A Non-Booby Torso and Visored Helmet.

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> @"ConstantlyBrooding.2901" said:

> I'd like to add on to my post by pointing out that mainly, this is all motivated by a desperate, begging desire to have something with proportional shoulders. I don't like Warhammer and WoW, I shouldn't be stuck with the same clown-shoe pauldrons and boob-metal as them.


The only female heavy chest that I can think of that has NO boob cups at all is Studded Plate, which is a single continuous curve across the front rather than interrupted cause boobs... but then ymmv cause spikes. Ironically Studded Plate also has some of the least exaggerated shoulders on female heavy as well... but most exaggerated everything else.... like dem huge boots (Then again I actually sortof like the aesthetic of giant stompy boots). Banded shoulders are really good.


https://imgur.com/a/WZOiVeC is one of my fav more practical female armor looks... did side view for look at no boob cups.

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# Condensed Version of the Original Post, A.K.A Gib Me Badass Heavy Set Anet Pls

Okay, a briefer rundown of this whole thing than the first post, as a quicker(ish) bullet list:


* All heavy armor in GW2 is arbitrarily "girly-fied" to look sexy; making "gendered" armor is the equivalent of making a ladies' hard hat. You don't distinguish between sexes with protective gear. **THAT'S WHAT MAKES IT PROTECTIVE GEAR.** For the love of god, can we please just add a toggle option to graphics; one to keep the skanky torso and leggings on heavy armor if a player wants them; and for everyone else, **make armor unisex? You don't see "lady" hard hats among construction crews, the only difference is the sizing.**


* There are plenty of ways that armor can be "feminine" without making glorified metal lingerie. For example, botanical or feline patterns on the metal; an attenuated and slender silhouette made largely of elliptical shapes; flowing cloth decorations; or even just making it cleaner, shinier, and less beat up than the "male" set. The Dancer of the Boreal Valley and Throne Watcher from the Dark Souls series are a _**great**_ example of this.


* There are absolutely no close helmets (with a visor, breathing slits, etc.) like a proper knight should have, and given that core Guardian is basically Paladin: the Class this is extra infuriating. **No more weird hats or cosplay headbands. PLEASE.** Give us something that **actually looks cool**; like the _armets_ from the high middle ages; that's the type of helmet seen above in the original lecture/rant.


* I want a gauntlet skin with a proper elbow-guard besides Triumphant Hero; and unlike Triumphant Hero I want this one to A.) have finger protection and B.) actually be easily accessible and not locked behind tedious currency and a reward track. The same for the whole armor set; if Arenanet actually listens to this.


* I want a greaves skin with an actual knee-guard; so far only Vigil's Honor, Priory Explorer (barely), Illustrious, Koda's (which have the weird little carpet hanging off the calf), and a handful of others meet the requirement. Others that would count, like Bounty Hunter's or Bladed, are tainted by having an ungodly, hideously huge protrusion like an axe blade or a super long spike.


* I politely and profoundly request that the metal of such a hypothetical armor set is actually shiny and reflective. Most dungeon armor, as well as the PvP and WvW reward track sets are glossy enough; but other allegedly metal sets like Citadel of Flame and Ascalonian Protector look like flat, opaque plastic.


And now the extra important stuff, in the event Anet's talented heavy armor artists want to make my year by designing and modeling such a set (pretty please, you guys are genuinely amazing, you'e just perpetuating the needless artistic meme of boob-metal):


* Give it _flutes_. No, not the musical instrument; the little ridges all over the armor suit from Germany that I displayed above are what armorers mean by flutes. Smiths were inspired to make flutes in metal by observing similar ridges in the shells of scallops and other bivalves. They lighten a structure and also make it tougher by dispersing the force of an impact.



* Regarding the aforementioned suit of German armor, keep in mind that this is mounted on a museum manikin. Most suits of chain-mail that went with armor did not survive the middle ages in half as good of shape as the plate components they went beneath; they were much harder to maintain, replace, and clean. Same as Heavy Plate or Citadel of Flame that are already in-game, chain-mail would fill in the gaps of this hypothetical new heavy set; not cloth, nor whatever weird morph-suit is the underlayer of the Triumphant and Triumphant Hero sets.



* ?Please. ?Keep. ?The. ?Shoulders. ?Non-gigantic. ?And. ?Made. ?Of. ?_**MULTIPLE.**_ ?Segments ?. Pauldrons are designed to guard the shoulder, BUT they are also designed **to let the shoulder move in the first place.** The same way that a spider can't bend the middle of its body but a wasp can; an armor set with the same sort of cringe-worthy quarter-sphere-shaped, jointless slabs as _**Angry Space Catholics 69,000**_ or _**World of Deltoidcraft**_ accomplishes nothing but preventing the wearer from raising their arm above a 90 degree angle. Please keep the pauldrons only big enough to cover the body part underneath, and include the very vital segmentation. Barbaric Shoulders are a good in-game example (as long as you rip off the spikes and weird armpit-tassel).


* I am with the community, **ABSOLUTELY NONE** of the dreaded crotch-curtain and butt-cape. So many heavy leggings have these two flimsy fabric strips, and it doesn't look good on any of them. Plate armor was often open toward the nethers, with only chain-mail covering the groin and buttocks for ease of horse-riding; just do the same as the real-world suits; or alternatively Google what a fauld and codpiece are.


* While shiny, keep the set fully dye-able. I don't want the situation going on with Glorious and Triumphant armor; where pieces are "dye-able, but there are glowing lines that are always a blecky color that throws your scheme off if you don't use white and gold/really muted colors" and "dye-able, but there's always that faint tinge of silver to whatever you picked", respectively.


* Think of the overall shape of the breastplate as being something like an oblong flower vase turned upside-down. It curves out at the chest and ribs, curves subtly inward in an arc toward the waist and abdomen, then flares slightly back out at the waistline.


* _Sabatons_ are the armor of the foot in a suit of plate armor, as well as the origin of a metal band's name. A sabaton is basically just a boiled leather boot, covered by riveted-together plates that bend in segments, just like the pauldron, to let the foot flex with the boot underneath. A small detail, but one that counts. Should you see fit to grant my Guardian jinglin' janglin' kicks, make her kicks segmented.




This isn't meant as a rant, I just want a genuine knight suit for my Sylvari lady that fits; and doesn't have shoulders, gauntlets, and boots a foot too thick/wide for her narrow little body. You guys are all still great artists, and I love you. Well, I platonically love you. Well, I would if I knew you personally. But I like you guys and your art styles; I cannot say the loading screens are boring in GW2, the concept paintings/sketches are always intriguing to look at.

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> @"ConstantlyBrooding.2901" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > I'm on the opposite side of the issue:

> >

> > I want more revealing, impractical/illogical armour sets for males!


> Amen! Girl characters should be able to be tanks, guy characters should be allowed to dress like Voldo from Soul Calibur if they feel like it. True equality.


I really wish Anet would add a "Hide chest"-option already. My Norn has had these rad tribal tattoos since launch but he cannot show them off. And with the default bra of the females being more modest than some of the chest armour already, I don't see any "lulz you just want n00d female characters!"-issues with it....

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@"ConstantlyBrooding.2901" i know your pain too.


Also I want more light armor trousers (for male and female) or maybe let people mix the aspect they want with the character they want. There's is no sense to kept the wardrobe differences with the existence Specs, Outfits and Standard Enemy Models option.

Druids with more "caster" aspects of light armors, Reapers with "dark knight" aspects of heavy armors,...

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> @"Plautze.6290" said:

> Especially in the heavy department, GW2 would do well to draw some inspiration from a series of games where you need to git gud... dat Alva armor.


yeah Dark Souls have some pretty awesome armor designs, Faraam set is amazing...that being said, in my opinion GW2 have a nice balance between realistic and fantasy armor...CM, AC, HotW, Ascended, Guild(Both new and old versions), Vigil, Whispers, etc...all look pretty good, you can even mix up stuff to get a better result to suit your taste better, its not like 80% of female heavy armor make you look like Red Sonja lol

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An **_even briefer_** explanation of what I want in "girl" torso armor skins:


Give me Fuel.

![](https://i.imgur.com/ufFbXAD.jpg "")


Give me Fire.

![](https://i.imgur.com/l9SVvSg.png "")



![](https://i.imgur.com/NvK6unj.jpg "")



![](https://i.imgur.com/bCX7wHc.jpg "")



![](https://i.imgur.com/u9G90x8.jpg "")



![](https://i.imgur.com/U06Au3C.jpg "")



![](https://i.imgur.com/GayzegQ.jpg "")



![](https://i.imgur.com/qEQ8TVL.jpg "")


Pretty, pretty please? I love you, artists and modelers. Mostly.



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> @"ConstantlyBrooding.2901" said:

> # Condensed Version of the Original Post, A.K.A Gib Me kitten Heavy Set Anet Pls


This was a magnificent post and I wish I could give it Thumbs Up and Helpful. Especially this part:


> * All heavy armor in GW2 is arbitrarily "girly-fied" to look sexy; making "gendered" armor is the equivalent of making a ladies' hard hat. You don't distinguish between sexes with protective gear. **THAT'S WHAT MAKES IT PROTECTIVE GEAR.** For the love of god, can we please just add a toggle option to graphics; one to keep the skanky torso and leggings on heavy armor if a player wants them; and for everyone else, **make armor unisex? You don't see "lady" hard hats among construction crews, the only difference is the sizing.**


What do you think of the armour the [Zaishen Zealots](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Zaishen_Zealot.jpg "Zaishen Zealots") wear? It has at least some of the features you're asking for, but it also has neck spikes and... antlers? Not sure. Also, of course, it's not available to players...



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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> Full plate armor was not meant to swim. (No, Jaime, no).

> With the proper training, it was perfectly possible to dodge roll in it, though.

> Also armor were made specifically for its wearer, taking on account the user's proportions, strength and mobility ranges, so (again, with the proper training) a woman in armor should be able to lift her own without any problem.

> A real medieeval armor weighted between 20-30 kg (without tyrian magic or technology to make it better). I'm a 30kg overweight old dude right now, and I can do most things more athletic people can do (just not so long). I don't see how a healthy warrior woman with all the powers from a magical world could have any problem using full plate armor.


not to pull your leg on this but if you are 30KG you're ether reeaally small or really underweight......or it's a typo.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > Full plate armor was not meant to swim. (No, Jaime, no).

> > With the proper training, it was perfectly possible to dodge roll in it, though.

> > Also armor were made specifically for its wearer, taking on account the user's proportions, strength and mobility ranges, so (again, with the proper training) a woman in armor should be able to lift her own without any problem.

> > A real medieeval armor weighted between 20-30 kg (without tyrian magic or technology to make it better). I'm a 30kg overweight old dude right now, and I can do most things more athletic people can do (just not so long). I don't see how a healthy warrior woman with all the powers from a magical world could have any problem using full plate armor.


> not to pull your leg on this but if you are 30KG you're ether reeaally small or really underweight......or it's a typo.


He is 30kg overweight, meaning that his actual weight is 30kg greater than ideal.

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> @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> > @"ConstantlyBrooding.2901" said:

> > # Condensed Version of the Original Post, A.K.A Gib Me kitten Heavy Set Anet Pls


> This was a magnificent post and I wish I could give it Thumbs Up and Helpful. Especially this part:


> > * All heavy armor in GW2 is arbitrarily "girly-fied" to look sexy; making "gendered" armor is the equivalent of making a ladies' hard hat. You don't distinguish between sexes with protective gear. **THAT'S WHAT MAKES IT PROTECTIVE GEAR.** For the love of god, can we please just add a toggle option to graphics; one to keep the skanky torso and leggings on heavy armor if a player wants them; and for everyone else, **make armor unisex? You don't see "lady" hard hats among construction crews, the only difference is the sizing.**


> What do you think of the armour the [Zaishen Zealots](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Zaishen_Zealot.jpg "Zaishen Zealots") wear? It has at least some of the features you're asking for, but it also has neck spikes and... antlers? Not sure. Also, of course, it's not available to players...




Honestly, more than anything I want to be able to acquire forged armor skins. **NOT** the Warbeast set but a modification of the actual appearance the different units have since they clearly have male and female voices without any difference in shape. If Balthazar's army of forcibly roboticized fire people can be unisex, we should have the option too.


Or at the very least, could we get the Herald of Balthazar's armor as a skin set? Horrified as I am by Devona's fate; I can't deny she looks badass for something in total agony. Her head is the one design of "horns" on a helmet that's actually tasteful and looks good instead of.... whatever's going on with Dhuum.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > > Full plate armor was not meant to swim. (No, Jaime, no).

> > > With the proper training, it was perfectly possible to dodge roll in it, though.

> > > Also armor were made specifically for its wearer, taking on account the user's proportions, strength and mobility ranges, so (again, with the proper training) a woman in armor should be able to lift her own without any problem.

> > > A real medieeval armor weighted between 20-30 kg (without tyrian magic or technology to make it better). I'm a 30kg overweight old dude right now, and I can do most things more athletic people can do (just not so long). I don't see how a healthy warrior woman with all the powers from a magical world could have any problem using full plate armor.

> >

> > not to pull your leg on this but if you are 30KG you're ether reeaally small or really underweight......or it's a typo.


> He is 30kg overweight, meaning that his actual weight is 30kg greater than ideal.


there is no ideal weight, just the ideal "fashion" weight. :wink:

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > > @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > > > Full plate armor was not meant to swim. (No, Jaime, no).

> > > > With the proper training, it was perfectly possible to dodge roll in it, though.

> > > > Also armor were made specifically for its wearer, taking on account the user's proportions, strength and mobility ranges, so (again, with the proper training) a woman in armor should be able to lift her own without any problem.

> > > > A real medieeval armor weighted between 20-30 kg (without tyrian magic or technology to make it better). I'm a 30kg overweight old dude right now, and I can do most things more athletic people can do (just not so long). I don't see how a healthy warrior woman with all the powers from a magical world could have any problem using full plate armor.

> > >

> > > not to pull your leg on this but if you are 30KG you're ether reeaally small or really underweight......or it's a typo.

> >

> > He is 30kg overweight, meaning that his actual weight is 30kg greater than ideal.


> there is no ideal weight, just the ideal "fashion" weight. :wink:


Keep telling yourself that.

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