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[Suggestion] Horse Mount [merged]

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > What's a horse?

> Its half a centaur.


> Which would be excellent as mounts. Just make them complain every minute.


> *"You're getting heavier."*

> *"I thought you said you could run faster than me?"*

> *"I'm not jumping that."*

> *"Look at that majestic griffon... I wish you sat on him instead."*

> *Punches player*

> *"Go ahead..." spawns with spiked saddle*

> *"We have 6 legs and 2 of them are useless."*

> *"Why are you always in a skirt?"*

> *"Next time I ride you."*



What happens to the other half of the centaur though?

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Horses are known to exist or have existed at some point in GW. Many NPCs talk about them or even make reference to them. Even during the Halloween event for one of the collections there's a ghost of a girl you talk to who says she was killed in an accident with her horse. What isn't clear is what happened to the horses lore-wise, or if the devs felt putting horse models in-game at launch would cause players to want mounts. (Which now we have anyway)

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Horse, Unicorn, Kirin, or anything similar would be cool, and I could see it use either the Jackal animation, or somehow the Raptors animation for jumping. Physically would suit Jackal more, and hell, maybe if not them... Then at least a Pegasus styled Griffon.

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> @"Eclipsen.1362" said:

> Horses are known to exist or have existed at some point in GW. Many NPCs talk about them or even make reference to them. Even during the Halloween event for one of the collections there's a ghost of a girl you talk to who says she was killed in an accident with her horse. What isn't clear is what happened to the horses lore-wise, or if the devs felt putting horse models in-game at launch would cause players to want mounts. (Which now we have anyway)


They all became centuars! :D

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I'm onboard for the idea of horses being a Non-PoF mount with no special abilities, but then again Anet might not be happy to do that as it may reduce sales of PoF, and some PoF players would feel like they've been cheated (similar to how HoT players may feel cheated if Griffons could use updrafts, I know I would feel cheated).


Having a horse in a future update, with or without a special ability, would be a win in my eyes.

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> @"Chyanne Waters.8719" said:

> No offence to the OP but all other MMO's have some kind of horse mount (with the exception of Starwars, Star trek and other space style games) Why can't GW2 be different and not be like all other MMO's? Maybe in the future we may find a land that has horses in tyria. Besides I hear the Charr think they are delicious. Haha


They all have horses because they are cool and iconic.

Being different JUST to be different is stupid to the point of insanity.

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> @"DietPepsi.4371" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:


> > What, then, would be the point? They would be like ascenders?


> To provide Non-PoF players with a slightly faster way to navigate round the world.


> And fun.


> Can't forget that one.



In my opinion, players who support the game by purchasing expansions ought to be rewarded and, in the case of PoF, mounts are that reward. Core never had mounts prior and never needed them (waypoints). For ANet to introduce some kind of mount to players who haven't purchased the expansion begs the question: what's in it for ANet?


I won't argue that the mounts are fun -- they are. If players wish to share in that experience, then they should purchase the relevant content.

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> @"JDub.1530" said:

> ANet resisted mounts for so long because they didn't want people to just speed through the game. What they finally added weren't just fancy speed boosts, but (also) offered new ways to move through the game. If they were ever to add a horse as a mount type and not just a skin, it would have to provide something other than a speed boost.


This. Any new mount suggestions/dreams/wishes should first ask the question of "what role does this fill?" Speed is actually not a valid role in GW2 since nothing is faster than waypoints. So if you were to have a horse, what role would that fill?

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As we all know horses in Tyria are mentioned everywhere. Mad King Thron has a pet pony that is invisible and can be spotted in-game by its floating name tag. Murals of nights riding them can be spotted in DR...But why can't we ever seem to ride one? Well with the arrival of POF I was super excited to see if they would introduce them and was sorely disappointed when they didn't. Now I know that with leaping raptors flaming griffons and glowing roller bettles they can seem mundane but let me tell you...I love horses and would honestly fricken love to have one in-game. As for what abilities they can have, I was thinking that they could have three branches to go into(sort of like ESO). One could be battle(attack & health) and we could be introduced to mounted combat. The second could be Stamina (speed & endurance) where when you use the main skill (dash) it lasts longer and gives you more of a speed boost. The last could be carrying (how much they can carry) by this is mean you could have saddle bags and have extra inventory space or carry a second Pearson on you mount beside you. The horse could also have the ability to be summoned at 50%health while in combat to make a fast and easy getaway when you're close to death. Of course, your not just stuck with a regular old horse either; you can have awakened skins, branded skins, and primevil skins. Now this is just a thought and could be total bull but...hey its kinda cool :/

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The search function is your friend, this has been asked before, i think literally earlier this week.


actually, it was responded to yesterday.



Id rather not see horses as mounts in this game, the ones we have now are pretty awesome, they each function differently, and they all have their own unique mechanic, a horse wouldnt have anything to make it unique. So when you ask for a mount it *NEEDS* to fill a specific *ROLE* that is unique, something that a horse cannot do, as what horses do is already existent in current mounts *plus* more.


as to mounted combat, they dont want it, they purposefully made it so that you cant fight on your mount and you can only do one attack with them and their HP pools so low.

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hmmm yea I know there's another one about this but I am a dumb idiot and have no idea how to respond and even when I logged in I didn't see an area for me to add any comments. Also, I already addressed the unique aspect of a possible horse mount. Horses could have the ability to have second riders, saddlebags and the ability to mount up during combat. They might be slower but they would allow someone with a small inventory to go farming for longer and or sort thing.

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> @"RainStorm.9743" said:

> hmmm yea I know there's another one about this but I am a dumb idiot and have no idea how to respond and even when I logged in I didn't see an area for me to add any comments. Also, I already addressed the unique aspect of a possible horse mount. Horses could have the ability to have second riders, saddlebags and the ability to mount up during combat. They might be slower but they would allow someone with a small inventory to go farming for longer and or sort thing.


Passengers on mounts won't work with out a complete overhaul of the mount system so will most likely never happen. Mounting up in combat again big changes to the mount system so a no on their. Saddlebags don't make much sense either how would you maintain the items in it when not on the horse ? Specially for players who already have the max bag slots.

Though I would not mind a horse or horse type mount (kirin) just would need a skill to make it stand out from the others. maybe it can rear up and neigh (Fear and Torment) to chase away or stun mobs on dismount.

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> @"RainStorm.9743" said:

> hmmm yea I know there's another one about this but I am a dumb idiot and have no idea how to respond and even when I logged in I didn't see an area for me to add any comments. Also, I already addressed the unique aspect of a possible horse mount. Horses could have the ability to have second riders, saddlebags and the ability to mount up during combat. They might be slower but they would allow someone with a small inventory to go farming for longer and or sort thing.


No actually you didnt.

1.) Second riders, Not going to happen there are videos of them experimenting with second riders in closed beta tests laying about on youtube, they ended up scrapping the idea due to difficulies.

2.) Saddlebags, not a unique ability and if it was added this would be something sold in the gemstore to allow all your mounts to be able to carry more, but that wont happen either as if you want bag expansions you buy expansion slots which arent to expensive and can *greatly* increase your carrying capacity. I can go for 2-3 days straight on ranger right now without having to stop and sell things without getting full. Full bag slots with 20, 24 and a 32 bag equipped = overkill capacity.

3.) Mounting in combat, wont happen, period. Anet *WANTS* you to have to stop and fight if you get dismounted.

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