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Stop nerfing mesmers

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> @"Dralor.3701" said:

> > @"Sampson.2403" said:

> > Im surprised people dont complain about power shatter mirage more.


> Condi first then power shatter once it is the next fotm.


Then whatever else mesmers are playing, even if they are weak. WE WILL DESTROY THIS CLASS JUST TO SHOW WE CAN!

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> @"DaShi.1368" said:

> > @"Dralor.3701" said:

> > > @"Sampson.2403" said:

> > > Im surprised people dont complain about power shatter mirage more.

> >

> > Condi first then power shatter once it is the next fotm.


> Then whatever else mesmers are playing, even if they are weak. WE WILL DESTROY THIS CLASS JUST TO SHOW WE CAN!


Whatever the fotm OP garbage is that needs to be nerfed yes, whether it is mesmer or another class. Pof balance is horrible.

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As long as mesmers remain 10/10, fanboys on the OP classtrain are gonna keep defending each and every nerf in order to keep their precious ‘skillfull’ pink unicorn. I’d love to see mesmer become trashtier for a couple of seasons for a change. They already excell at every game mode anyway and I’m pretty sure it’s people least favorite class to fight due to the lack of counterplay and its’ bullshit non-fun mechanics.

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Some mesmer mains are so spoiled it’s funny.

3/3 best mesmer builds were top of the meta by a large margin.

Chrono got the right treatment, 2 to go!


People that aren’t mesmer mains are kind of sick of mesmers being meta-defining/god tier since HoT launch, especially because they’re a shit class to fight full with low counterplay instant casts and mechanics and visual clutter.


They so enjoy spouting l2p when playing an easymode class that has endless carry potential if you get good with it, only because it has a “high skill floor”.

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> @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

> Some mesmer mains are so spoiled it’s funny.

Exactly, most of them don't realize how broken is that when they stealth for example or cancel your target and you need to spend precious milliseconds or seconds even to retarget them while their CDs coming back up and they can do it a lot; and they don't seem to realize how annoying and unfun it is especially when you actually have to play to kill stuff, not just spam aoe all around you.



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> @"Dralor.3701" said:

> I get that you want your class to be easy mode, but some people want balance.


From reading these forums people are biased and want to win against every class by facerolling them.


The recommendations on how to balance Mirage from the majority will make Mirage utterly useless.


There’s no denying that Mirage needs a pass through on some traits but gutting it is not the answer.


PvP has turned into moms and dads playing not wanting to put their emotions to the side and objectively think how to make a better pvp experience.


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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> > @"Dralor.3701" said:

> > I get that you want your class to be easy mode, but some people want balance.


> From reading these forums people are biased and want to win against every class by facerolling them.


> The recommendations on how to balance Mirage from the majority will make Mirage utterly useless.


> There’s no denying that Mirage needs a pass through on some traits but gutting it is not the answer.


> PvP has turned into moms and dads playing not wanting to put their emotions to the side and objectively think how to make a better pvp experience.



Mirage is broken because of it's basic mechanics. Changing some traits won't address the issue. It needs more fundamental changes, whether or not that means it's gutted.

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> @"Meteor.3720" said:

> > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > @"Dralor.3701" said:

> > > I get that you want your class to be easy mode, but some people want balance.

> >

> > From reading these forums people are biased and want to win against every class by facerolling them.

> >

> > The recommendations on how to balance Mirage from the majority will make Mirage utterly useless.

> >

> > There’s no denying that Mirage needs a pass through on some traits but gutting it is not the answer.

> >

> > PvP has turned into moms and dads playing not wanting to put their emotions to the side and objectively think how to make a better pvp experience.

> >


> Mirage is broken because of it's basic mechanics. Changing some traits won't address the issue. It needs more fundamental changes, whether or not that means it's gutted.


Which realistically is not going to happen. And what multiple mechanics need changing other than (from what I'm gathering) using abilities while dodging?

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> > @"Meteor.3720" said:

> > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > > @"Dralor.3701" said:

> > > > I get that you want your class to be easy mode, but some people want balance.

> > >

> > > From reading these forums people are biased and want to win against every class by facerolling them.

> > >

> > > The recommendations on how to balance Mirage from the majority will make Mirage utterly useless.

> > >

> > > There’s no denying that Mirage needs a pass through on some traits but gutting it is not the answer.

> > >

> > > PvP has turned into moms and dads playing not wanting to put their emotions to the side and objectively think how to make a better pvp experience.

> > >

> >

> > Mirage is broken because of it's basic mechanics. Changing some traits won't address the issue. It needs more fundamental changes, whether or not that means it's gutted.


> Which realistically is not going to happen. And what multiple mechanics need changing other than (from what I'm gathering) using abilities while dodging?


That's their only gripe with it really, the base functionality.

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they need to add an aftercast of .5 (or higher) on every skill from each class. This would neuter the macro-like reflexes of casting 4-5 spells instantly for a one-shot (eg. shatter mesmer). Then they need to make a change that you cannot stealth (ranger, mesmer, thief, whatever) if you are currently damaging someone with condi (for the condi specs). Then assess where you are at and tweak from there. Make classes have active defenses rather than this passive ones we live with now.


And they really need to do something about aoe's. way too many, way too easy mode. I'd like to see ALL AoEs cause friendly fire. Maybe that would curtail aoe spamming at least a little.



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> @"mulzi.8273" said:

> they need to add an aftercast of .5 (or higher) on every skill from each class. This would neuter the macro-like reflexes of casting 4-5 spells instantly for a one-shot (eg. shatter mesmer). Then they need to make a change that you cannot stealth (ranger, mesmer, thief, whatever) if you are currently damaging someone with condi (for the condi specs). Then assess where you are at and tweak from there. Make classes have active defenses rather than this passive ones we live with now.


> And they really need to do something about aoe's. way too many, way too easy mode. I'd like to see ALL AoEs cause friendly fire. Maybe that would curtail aoe spamming at least a little.



After cast is a great idea. They won't though. The thing about Anet is they need to sell their expansions. That's why they'll leave the most OP shit going for so long. It's so the those not so good can buy the next OP thing and spam spam spam. PVE is this game is great but pvp/wvw is the most toxic experience I've ever had in any game I've ever played in my life and it seems to be only getting worse. I've spend a shit ton of money on this game but haven't in two months because I finally realized it's not going to improve.

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> > @"Dralor.3701" said:

> > I get that you want your class to be easy mode, but some people want balance.


> From reading these forums people are biased and want to win against every class by facerolling them.


> The recommendations on how to balance Mirage from the majority will make Mirage utterly useless.


> There’s no denying that Mirage needs a pass through on some traits but gutting it is not the answer.


> PvP has turned into moms and dads playing not wanting to put their emotions to the side and objectively think how to make a better pvp experience.



That happens but I don’t really agree. For all the trolling and people trying to defend/nerf on some agenda there is still a reasonable amount of good discussion.


I would love to see the game balanced, am I emotional on some level? Sure, I love what the game used to be and care. Individual class balance aside it is frustrating to see pvp get worse with each expansion.


The most important point people have recently touched on is some of the elites have issues that are never going to be addressed with the shaving of numbers. For example the mirage dodge or scourge being a spammy mess. (Also think holo design is bad but w/e)


In a perfect world they would do a complete overhaul on some of the specs; unfortunately the more likely scenario is the game continues to die as they fail to address the issues in player vs player game modes.

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> @"mulzi.8273" said:

> they need to add an aftercast of .5 (or higher) on every skill from each class. This would neuter the macro-like reflexes of casting 4-5 spells instantly for a one-shot (eg. shatter mesmer). Then they need to make a change that you cannot stealth (ranger, mesmer, thief, whatever) if you are currently damaging someone with condi (for the condi specs). Then assess where you are at and tweak from there. Make classes have active defenses rather than this passive ones we live with now.


> And they really need to do something about aoe's. way too many, way too easy mode. I'd like to see ALL AoEs cause friendly fire. Maybe that would curtail aoe spamming at least a little.




Adding after casts, or a global cooldown would neuter certain builds and even classes. Not being able to backstab steal, mighty blow judge's or mirror blade into mind wrack.


The game is currently very fast paced. This is not the way to change it though.

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Game needs skills that ignore conditions for x seconds. Berserker stance is supposed to do it, but i'm still taking xx conditions when using it in scourge's Aoe's.


That's the only way to fix the condi spam meta, since elite specs such as mirage, spellbreaker, or scourge cannot be changed

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