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Does everyone use a specialization now?

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As one of those loyalist elites who has maxed out the character slots, (_71 to be exact_), I am having both PoF and HoT Elite Specs aswell Core Specs on different characters. I have now ready up for the 3rd gang, 9 characters for each profession, to gain our 3rd Expansion Elite Specs, ;)

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> @"Alga.6498" said:

> As one of those loyalist elites who has maxed out the character slots, (_71 to be exact_), I am having both PoF and HoT Elite Specs aswell Core Specs on different characters. I have now ready up for the 3rd gang, 9 characters for each profession, to gain our 3rd Expansion Elite Specs, ;)


You have 71 characters? Im at a loss for words :)


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I play mostly core, simply because I really dislike the mechanics of a lot of the elite specs. However, I am conscious of doing less dps etc than those around me. If I was being serious about raiding or something I'd make the change.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> i just made a revanant and i just don't want any of the specializations, if a GS one is ever coming for a rev it would fit her allot better.


I agree. I was shocked that the rev has a bow for renegade...GS makes much more sense.


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> @"cesmode.4257" said:

> > @"Alga.6498" said:

> > As one of those loyalist elites who has maxed out the character slots, (_71 to be exact_), I am having both PoF and HoT Elite Specs aswell Core Specs on different characters. I have now ready up for the 3rd gang, 9 characters for each profession, to gain our 3rd Expansion Elite Specs, ;)


> You have 71 characters? Im at a loss for words :)



I have the power to make people speechless ???

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Just a heads up, but the term "specialization" refers to all specs in the game, including core specs. What you're differentiating between is core specializations and elite specializations, so you might want to update the title to reflect that (e.g. "Does everyone use an **elite** specialization now?").

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> @"DeadTreeJig.6714" said:

> I still main a core Ranger, I never warmed up to the Druid or Soulbeast. That aside, all of my other 80's use a specialization.


> Disclaimer: I am unashamedly an Open Worlder


Same. The Ranger specs don't interest me. I play an Ele. Tempest and a Thief DD often, but my main is vanilla.

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> @"cesmode.4257" said:

> Curious if people still run the vanilla classes and builds, or does everyone run with a specialization?


Some vanilla, some HOT elites. None are the POF elites.


Remember that you need to give up one of your 3 trait lines to use an elite so it is not always better.

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I have a dedicated WvW-guardian that I used an instant level 80 boost to create which I run without specialization. I have not bothered to take it into PvE maps to gather up the necessary HPs to unlock a spec, but vanilla guardian still seems to be useful in WvW. A player once asked why I wasn't running Firebrand instead, but I've never had any other comments about it, and the squads I've joined have never seemed to have an issue with it. I know I could spend Proofs to train up the spec, but I'm trying to conserve those for other uses.

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> @"cesmode.4257" said:

> > @"Alga.6498" said:

> > As one of those loyalist elites who has maxed out the character slots, (_71 to be exact_), I am having both PoF and HoT Elite Specs aswell Core Specs on different characters. I have now ready up for the 3rd gang, 9 characters for each profession, to gain our 3rd Expansion Elite Specs, ;)


> You have 71 characters? Im at a loss for words :)




I could have easily maxed out character slots too. Game is six years old. 71 spread out over six years. As it is, I have 54 and an idea for another.

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As far as using specializations. I hate dragon hunter, so I use a core meditation build. I also prefer Warrior as opposed to, Berserker, but only because I enjoy Sword/Axe and Greatsword. I also travel about with core Ranger , Revenant, Engineer, and Mesmer.


Daredevil, Tempest, and Reaper I play instead of core thief, elementalist, and necromancer...so much fun.

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About half of my toons don't use elites. Main reason is that as I am lucky enough to have lot of toons, I do not have to choose between elites or normal. I can do both. What also comes on the top of that is that for 2 professions, I don't use the elites at all because I do not enjoy them.

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