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Quick Somebody Make This Guy a Partner!

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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> It took "mounts" to get such a fair-weather ally? Pfft, we can afford to pass on that one.

> A certain stumbling MMO release is doing way more for GW2's brand right now anyway. XD


Yeah I guess getting good press from a Youtuber with 400,000 subscribers couldn't benefit this game at all, even in the short term; exposure is a good thing even if it's from an MMO Tourist because that tourist has 400,000 subscribers.

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That first impressions video is just obnoxious to watch. All those picture edits and his comments every time he seen a woman. Good on him to keep giving it a try, though. The other video was enjoyable. If it takes mounts and a booster for someone to give something enough of a try that they enjoy it, good. It sounds like he's willing to give different content a go and see what he likes. That's the important part, not what it took to get someone's attention.

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> @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > It took "mounts" to get such a fair-weather ally? Pfft, we can afford to pass on that one.

> > A certain stumbling MMO release is doing way more for GW2's brand right now anyway. XD


> Yeah I guess getting good press from a Youtuber with 400,000 subscribers couldn't benefit this game at all, even in the short term; exposure is a good thing even if it's from an MMO Tourist because that tourist has 400,000 subscribers.


Not when it doesn't generate money and makes everyone else think its catering to a demographic its not. Game Youtube/Streamer have a trend of either being overly focused on a few games to the point of stagnation, or blow through games in a whirlwind of "First impressions", but fail understand the kind of rigor normally given by game reviewers (back when that meant something). This leaning toward "personality" and flash in the pan trends can sometimes hurt a game long term, because it fails to establish what most of them are looking for...... Long term players.


GW2 has been holding its own due to a quirk that makes to easy reengage after long periods..... but you have to ask the question "how does this game make money". And does the demographic that streamer brings actually generate anything besides a one time spike in revenue. I've seen games try to chase that "spike" with the same idiotic obsession skinner box rewards do to players, and in a lot of cases they get short term gains, but nothing beyond that. Planetside 2 managed its gameplay and balance on the feedback of youtube.... and the game suffered for close to 2 years due to a huge bias in the types of streamers the game attracted. They chased the dragon, but didn't get out of it unscathed.


Secondly you have to be aware of the "filling the void" behavior have when there is a lack of awareness. If hes coming here because hes tired of BDO, is it really because he likes the game, or just that the game is different? And what are the spending habits of his followers, and does the game capitalize on it? Since BDO is cosmetic heavy, probably initially.


What this, and MMOs need is regular revisits, since the game can't sustain a true exclusive coverage thing without hurting a streamer channel looking for continuous growth. Also consider how that content is consumed. I've noticed there has been a continuing shift toward passive content consumption (ie just watching other people play) rather then playing the game themselves; and watch between playing games they're already habituated to. And its not just younger players..... I'm in my 30s, and I'll investigate a game to see what its like, but not actually play it. I've bought a lot of must have titles spanning 2014 to now, and only played like 4 of them. The only reason I got into GW2 is because of GW1. And the only reason I come back to this game frequently is because I'm not being invalidated for falling behind the current end game. I've looked at 6 other MMOs in the past 6 years, but never got into them when I realized it was following a trend in AAA games from 5 years prior.... and sadly, I was right. 2 of them I still think might be worth playing, but am just so burnt out on things that are more time investment then anything else.


World of Warcraft has 10 million players..... but what does that actually mean? Pewdiepie gets 10m+ view per video, but does that correlate to anything else? Goons will field 10k+ players into any game in a heart beat, but is it helping anyone? In a MMO market thats slowly evolving into something that looks like Steam, how do actual good game get rewarded for being actual "good games", and not just a revolving door for tourists? I've long warned about the dangers of content tourism on the level thats been seen in the modern streamer dynamic; and its dangerously close to hitting fatigue in several places at once. How games are advertised, reviewed/researched, how they're bought, their life cycles, competition, the standards they go by, and the environment its fostering.... its turning into the film industry. If that doesn't scare you, I don't know if theres anything left to feel.

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> @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> Yeah I guess getting good press from a Youtuber with 400,000 subscribers couldn't benefit this game at all, even in the short term; exposure is a good thing even if it's from an MMO Tourist because that tourist has 400,000 subscribers.


Good Press are you kidding, the guy is a fairweather flake who will go back to bless offline and whatever the next flash in the pan Asian Port is.

It's better not to have people like that representing you as they're position is entirely biased and done not to make informed videos but rather to shove garbage down the throats of people who have no willpower or critical facilities of their own.

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > Yeah I guess getting good press from a Youtuber with 400,000 subscribers couldn't benefit this game at all, even in the short term; exposure is a good thing even if it's from an MMO Tourist because that tourist has 400,000 subscribers.


> Good Press are you kidding, the guy is a fairweather flake who will go back to bless offline and whatever the next flash in the pan Asian Port is.

> It's better not to have people like that representing you as they're position is entirely biased and done not to make informed videos but rather to shove garbage down the throats of people who have no willpower or critical facilities of their own.


You realize that's the common denominater of gamer these days, they literally go from game to game and only come back when new content is released, these people are then enticed to buy with their disposable income shiny outfits and mounts to look fabulous for the next two weeks while game companies presumably use these nomads money to fund the next content patch.

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> @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:


> Yeah I guess getting good press from a Youtuber with 400,000 subscribers couldn't benefit this game at all, even in the short term; exposure is a good thing even if it's from an MMO Tourist because that tourist has 400,000 subscribers.



He also mentioned how he has uninstalled the game 15 times, probably won't be long before that reaches 16...


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> @"kurfu.5623" said:



> Oh, I remember this guy... I'd prefer not having him stink up the place.


> Notice that he disabled comments on this video... not a good sign.


It's a video from more than two years ago. He made another video after that, though still around two years ago, which does still have comments on it. The latest video is more about how he enjoys the game for the first time, and he even mentions a few reasons why he was unable to really get into the game, one being combat, which was difficult for me at first as well. It wasn't until the action camera was introduced that I was able to really enjoy the combat, and it could be the same for him. If ANet didn't want to bring in more players, possibly ones that tried the game prior and didn't like it, they wouldn't be adding new things, just more of the same.


> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:


> > Yeah I guess getting good press from a Youtuber with 400,000 subscribers couldn't benefit this game at all, even in the short term; exposure is a good thing even if it's from an MMO Tourist because that tourist has 400,000 subscribers.



> He also mentioned how he has uninstalled the game 15 times, probably won't be long before that reaches 16...



That just tells me he really wanted to like the game, but couldn't find what he was looking for.

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> @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > It took "mounts" to get such a fair-weather ally? Pfft, we can afford to pass on that one.

> > A certain stumbling MMO release is doing way more for GW2's brand right now anyway. XD


> Yeah I guess getting good press from a Youtuber with 400,000 subscribers couldn't benefit this game at all, even in the short term; exposure is a good thing even if it's from an MMO Tourist because that tourist has 400,000 subscribers.


I hate youtubers and people who follow them...they should start to think with their own mind.

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Wow guys......


Why all this argue and hate towards gamers that like different things as you?

Some people invest in only one, or a few games over years, others like to jump from one to another every few months.

Who are you to tell what is right and wrong?

There is no right nor wrong, just different people with different tastes.

Get off your high horse!

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> @"Marleen.8549" said:

> Wow guys......


> Why all this argue and hate towards gamers that like different things as you?

> Some people invest in only one, or a few games over years, others like to jump from one to another every few months.

> Who are you to tell what is right and wrong?

> There is no right nor wrong, just different people with different tastes.

> Get off your high horse!


I can't! I only have a high Griffin ?

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Meh, feels nice to have someone with followers coming to the game. But he changes games more than normal people change socks.

The first comments of him usually start with "why I stopped playing .....



Most likely he will start behaving like a game locust again and move on.

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haha i like how he complained about the leveling system...GW2 is probably one of the easiest games to lv up, but i guess much is to blame to the "New gamer experience" or whatever was called, not being able to craft, gather stuff, etc till you get to certain lv was a downgrade....and its even funnier that even with the game crearly saying "hey you dying, press the heal skill!" he still was ignoring the healing skill lol

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Well I agree with him about gw2 hearts, they are ****** boring.

I cant imagine how new players feel when they start playing and have to do hearts until they get to lvl 10 to actually start the story.

If I didn't know anything about the game I would have a very negative first impression too.



But with all said that lazy peon guy doesn't deserve to be a partner at all, I watched some of his videos and hes not consistent at all, sometimes feels like he just makes videos to get views.

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> @"Marleen.8549" said:

> Wow guys......


> Why all this argue and hate towards gamers that like different things as you?

> Some people invest in only one, or a few games over years, others like to jump from one to another every few months.

> Who are you to tell what is right and wrong?

> There is no right nor wrong, just different people with different tastes.

> Get off your high horse!


Pragmatists are from Mars, idealists are from Venus. Sometimes I wonder if it's possible to cross the divide ;)


Good press from someone with a huge cadre of followers means more players, which means more business. More business means more revenue. More revenue means Anet continues to produce more content. It's in all of our best interests to embrace new players and new press, be it from locusts or long-termers.


Then again, I'm from Mars =)

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> @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> Well I agree with him about gw2 hearts, they are ****** boring.

> I cant imagine how new players feel when they start playing and have to do hearts until they get to lvl 10 to actually start the story.

> If I didn't know anything about the game I would have a very negative first impression too.



> But with all said that lazy peon guy doesn't deserve to be a partner at all, I watched some of his videos and hes not consistent at all, sometimes feels like he just makes videos to get views.


You dont' have to do hearts to get to level 10. You just have to get to level 10. You can easily do that by events and killing stuff if that's your thing. I never prioritize hearts. I often get hearts incidentally by doing events near them. Hearts weren't even supposed to be in the game and didn't exist at all in the first two betas. They were added to place marks on the map to keep people around areas where events spawn.

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> @"kurfu.5623" said:



> Oh, I remember this guy... I'd prefer not having him stink up the place.


> Notice that he disabled comments on this video... not a good sign.


What a whiny little bitch. Judging a massive MMO out for a few years based on a couple hours of game play. Not even having the patience to get leveled to do WvW which he was really interested in. Take some aderol. FFS

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