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So.. EU's WvW is just too huge compared to NA's


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EU's Tier 4 KDA ratio is about the same as that of NA's Tier 1.


As an example, **Blackgate** currently has 36.0k kills/28.0k deaths. This is roughly the same as EU's t-4 server, **Desolation**, who has 34.0k kills/27.0k deaths.


EU's t-1 server, **Whiteside Ridge**, is sitting at 61.0k kills / 39.0k deaths. I am kinda speechless. Is the WvW at EU having 24/7 peak time or what?





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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Playing against Whiteside Ridge currently. They seem to always have at least 30 man around, 80% Scourge and Firebrands. They are good.


> Also: Many WvW guilds swapped to that server some time ago if I remember correctly.


Same server as you currently. THey are not bad indeed. But PuG group like our server is rare on wsr, they consist mostly of guilds and that makes fighting pug groups easier imo. But indeed they seem to have a good population round the clock.

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When you have nucleus of enthusiast playing often, people coming to WvW tend to have a blast, and stick around. Repeat that for a few months, and it's pretty much sustainable - some people take a break, but you have an influx of new players.

I'm at WSR, and it rocks to play WvW here ^_^

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EU does seem to have a healthier population than we do in NA. Although you can't go entirely based upon kills as a measurement of activity. NA has many servers who don't live for the fights and would prefer to ktrain empty structures.


While I realize that latency would be an issue, I'd like to see EU and NA playing together after the restructure. It would provide fewer hours where there's almost nobody in maps. Language barrier is the biggest problem, but I'm sure it could still work in that regard.

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Not really a good comparison. Gandara (EU rank 1) is "only" at 40K kills.


And to the above, no you dont want to see EU and NA together on the same server. Thats what nearly destroyed ESO (well at least Anet would never lie straight to our face and say its a EU server when in fact its in the US... I think).

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> @"Arioch.4810" said:

> When you have nucleus of enthusiast playing often, people coming to WvW tend to have a blast, and stick around. Repeat that for a few months, and it's pretty much sustainable - some people take a break, but you have an influx of new players.

> I'm at WSR, and it rocks to play WvW here ^_^


WSR rocks coz its new vabbi... just bandwaggon server .... guilds go there hunting pugs on other side. No challenge.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Playing against Whiteside Ridge currently. They seem to always have at least 30 man around, 80% Scourge and Firebrands. They are good.


> Also: Many WvW guilds swapped to that server some time ago if I remember correctly.


The floor is always lava :D


> @"Nighteyess.2149" said:

> My main is on Na and my alt is on Eu, both accounts are in T1 at the moment and yes there is a massive difference between the two


My main is eu and my alt is na, and I definitely agree there is a big big big big difference between the two T1's but I think it also comes down to some of it being the tier/server playstyles/culture. That said I prefer EU T1 by miles.

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> @"intox.6347" said:

> > @"Arioch.4810" said:

> > When you have nucleus of enthusiast playing often, people coming to WvW tend to have a blast, and stick around. Repeat that for a few months, and it's pretty much sustainable - some people take a break, but you have an influx of new players.

> > I'm at WSR, and it rocks to play WvW here ^_^


> WSR rocks coz its new vabbi... just bandwaggon server .... guilds go there hunting pugs on other side. No challenge.


Still vabbi was farming them and had better kd. I think half of deso transfered to wsr also. GH link server also has some links and has a dedicated ppt crew.


> @"Optimator.3589" said:

> EU does seem to have a healthier population than we do in NA. Although you can't go entirely based upon kills as a measurement of activity. NA has many servers who don't live for the fights and would prefer to ktrain empty structures.



You can say that all the national servers in EU do prefer ppt>fights. Even some international servers like gandara, sfr and piken do prefer ppt over fights.


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> @"Optimator.3589" said:

> While I realize that latency would be an issue, I'd like to see EU and NA playing together after the restructure. It would provide fewer hours where there's almost nobody in maps. Language barrier is the biggest problem, but I'm sure it could still work in that regard.

> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> And to the above, no you dont want to see EU and NA together on the same server. Thats what nearly destroyed ESO (well at least Anet would never lie straight to our face and say its a EU server when in fact its in the US... I think).


I think now, that the servers are virtual server in the amazon cloud, this may become a possibility, as there is no real reason, why a virtual server need to stay in place, i.e. they could move/hop around the world following the prime-time, during EU-prime they are in Europe, during NA-prime they are in USA, during OCX, they are in SE-Asia/Occeanic, maybe even with a kind of hot-swap in form of a few seconds "transfer-laag".



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> @"Garrus.7403" said:

> Still vabbi was farming them and had better kd. I think half of deso transfered to wsr also. GH link server also has some links and has a dedicated ppt crew.

It looks like 80% of deso guilds transfered to WSR, its classic bandwagon syndrom... they dont want to fight them so they join them and farm weaklings who left.



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> @"intox.6347" said:

> > @"Garrus.7403" said:

> > Still vabbi was farming them and had better kd. I think half of deso transfered to wsr also. GH link server also has some links and has a dedicated ppt crew.

> It looks like 80% of deso guilds transfered to WSR, its classic bandwagon syndrom... they dont want to fight them so they join them and farm weaklings who left.




Ye someone said they have like 5 guilds on every border. Sitting in queues must be fun I guess. :)

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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > @"Optimator.3589" said:

> > While I realize that latency would be an issue, I'd like to see EU and NA playing together after the restructure. It would provide fewer hours where there's almost nobody in maps. Language barrier is the biggest problem, but I'm sure it could still work in that regard.

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > And to the above, no you dont want to see EU and NA together on the same server. Thats what nearly destroyed ESO (well at least Anet would never lie straight to our face and say its a EU server when in fact its in the US... I think).


> I think now, that the servers are virtual server in the amazon cloud, this may become a possibility, as there is no real reason, why a virtual server need to stay in place, i.e. they could move/hop around the world following the prime-time, during EU-prime they are in Europe, during NA-prime they are in USA, during OCX, they are in SE-Asia/Occeanic, maybe even with a kind of hot-swap in form of a few seconds "transfer-laag".




That is completely irrelevant. If I have 20ms and the enemy have 300ms, we will both experience it as lagging when fighting just as much as if I have 300ms and the enemy has 20ms.


Either way it will lag for everyone all the time.

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On EU people mostly just want to fight and they'll keep coming back if they wipe whereas on NA most guilds and big zergs will wipe once or twice and then port off to go hit doors. I've seen EU matchups where there was literally no action except for about a 4-6 hr slice of each day where the kill count was more than t1 on NA where there's 24/7 coverage. It's a cultural difference not a population difference.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > I think now, that the servers are virtual server in the amazon cloud, this may become a possibility, as there is no real reason, why a virtual server need to stay in place, i.e. they could move/hop around the world following the prime-time, during EU-prime they are in Europe, during NA-prime they are in USA, during OCX, they are in SE-Asia/Occeanic, maybe even with a kind of hot-swap in form of a few seconds "transfer-laag".


> That is completely irrelevant. If I have 20ms and the enemy have 300ms, we will both experience it as lagging when fighting just as much as if I have 300ms and the enemy has 20ms.


> Either way it will lag for everyone all the time.


1) I've neither 20ms on my 1st account in EU, but around 40ms, nor 300ms on my 2nd account in NA but around 180ms


2) I think:

In EU-Prime 99% of player are from EU playing on EU-located server

in NA-Prime 99% if player are from NA playing on NA-located server

No clue about OCX :)

So it will always not laag for 99% of the player, with respect to 99% of the player, they only see 1% laaging.


EotM can be local for everyone, probably local player should have a higher prio in queues, EotM can give pips to player whenever their WvW is currently not local.


The big advantage: competitive play in the matches (as maps are full) for 2-3 times as long period of the day as today.



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> @"Ryudnard.2587" said:

> EU's Tier 4 KDA ratio is about the same as that of NA's Tier 1.


> As an example, **Blackgate** currently has 36.0k kills/28.0k deaths. This is roughly the same as EU's t-4 server, **Desolation**, who has 34.0k kills/27.0k deaths.


> EU's t-1 server, **Whiteside Ridge**, is sitting at 61.0k kills / 39.0k deaths. I am kinda speechless. Is the WvW at EU having 24/7 peak time or what?






I think using kdr for a particular day, or even a week or month, to make any population assumptions is flawed... You should look at long term number trends and results.



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> @"aspirine.5839" said:

> But is Blackgate also filled with bandwagon guilds that want to fight pug groups?


What does your question have to do with this topic?


Also, we are a few years away from 2014, and tournaments, where many servers "encouraged" guilds to join their servers.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"aspirine.5839" said:

> > But is Blackgate also filled with bandwagon guilds that want to fight pug groups?


> What does your question have to do with this topic?


> Also, we are a few years away from 2014, and tournaments, where many servers "encouraged" guilds to join their servers.


It will define the kill death ratio a lot if your majority is made out of large guilds. Because if you compare BG with WSR that is the case.

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