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Please use "Heal" instead of "Druid" in LFG

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Hi everyone,


first of all before the rage begins **if you only want a druid and no other healer in your group then feel free to continue using "druid"**.


As a player which play heal renegade/herald a lot it is always a mess to find a group. After the latest balance patch there are about 50% of the commanders (based on my experience) which don't care about which healer they get. The problem here is that those commanders wrote "druid" instead of "heal" in their LFG anyways. This ends up for me joining groups and ask for playing another healer: 50% of the time I get a "sure, come in" on the other side I got somthing like "stfu, learn to read LFG message".


To be honest I don't understand why 95% commanders write "druid" instead of "heal" in their LFG message. I want to compare this to the DPS role: If the commander don't care about a specific DPS class he/she writes "dps" or "cdps/pdps" in the message. Why you don't do this for the healer role as well? Of course there are groups around that search only for mirage or weaver and this is totally fine as I stated above.


As a final remark for all commanders: Please only search for "druid" in LFG if you would kick out every other healer beside that like you did if you search for "weaver", and a DH joins. For all others: You would do me (and probably a lot more guys) a great favour for saving one character and wrote only "heal".


This is related for both: Raid and fractal LFGs, even if its more important for raids of course.



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That's actually a very sensible request, although I must admit my skepticism for its effect. You may want to include something in the lines of "unless you're dead set on druid" in the headline though, as I'm sure if the thread develops past a few posts there will be people skipping the posts and stepping in to explain why druid is meta - which is obviously not what your thread is about.

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Not to mention that basically every spell/ skill in the druids arsenal is useful in some regard for different situations


and lets not forget about search and rescue which saves pug groups so often i stopped counting

or spirit of nature for that regard as well

or entangle and jacaranda for that extra tactical advantage

or the 50% higher cc duration from a trait in the marskman traitline

or the easy cc cleanse in bear pet


the list goes on; druid is so versatile and useful if you know how to play it well and tbh i think because of those things and many others it just has more potential of carrying any group through moments which normally would cause a wipe i rather have 2 druids than anything else


for coordinated groups, on many bosses, 1 druid is enough and there is no other healer required at all


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> @"Baseraver.7241" said:

> Not to mention that basically every spell/ skill in the druids arsenal is useful in some regard for different situations


> and lets not forget about search and rescue which saves pug groups so often i stopped counting

> or spirit of nature for that regard as well

> or entangle and jacaranda for that extra tactical advantage

> or the 50% higher cc duration from a trait in the marskman traitline

> or the easy cc cleanse in bear pet


> the list goes on; druid is so versatile and useful if you know how to play it well and tbh i think because of those things and many others it just has more potential of carrying any group through moments which normally would cause a wipe i rather have 2 druids than anything else


> for coordinated groups, on many bosses, 1 druid is enough and there is no other healer required at all



Druid is meta for a reason, but read the original post. The author acknowledges that. He's not trying to sway anyone to accept other healers. He merely wants the people who *would* accept another healer anyway to write "healer" instead of "druid" in their LFG.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> That's actually a very sensible request, although I must admit my skepticism for its effect. You may want to include something in the lines of "unless you're dead set on druid" in the headline though, as I'm sure if the thread develops past a few posts there will be people skipping the posts and stepping in to explain why druid is meta - which is obviously not what your thread is about.


I guess your prediction became reality a bit faster than you may have expected. Anyway, I agree with regard to the OP's request - it's a very sensible one. However, after so many requests for people to properly label their lfg and due to the 80-20 rule, I doubt whether it will have an effect on the ingame lfg.

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> The problem is that druid brings unmatched (and unique) offensive and defensive support in spirits, spotter, etc. That's why most people want a druid as healer.


Well most groups asks for 2 druids. Asking for 1 druid because of might and spirits is normal but the second healer should not be limited to druid and can be any other healing spec, which can heal really nice and do other stuff quite well. The problem here is, most people don't even know that there are more healing specs than just druid. I see it quite often when playing heal rev in fractals also quite a few times when one of my static groups raid with a heal tempest as a second healer, people tend to ask where tzhe (second) druid is and are quite surprised when they see that there are other heal specs.


I would like to see more people willing to try out different healing specs and try to join fractals or raids with them.

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This is one of the reasons why elite specs maybe aren't so great, we only have three (maybe four) full on support builds in Druid, Tempest and Ventari Reveneant (and Scourge perhaps) that will realistically be taken by PUGs in fractals and raids, and unless there is a massive class revamp sometime, we're going to be waiting 1-10 years before another class gets a big healing elite spec.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Baseraver.7241" said:

> > Not to mention that basically every spell/ skill in the druids arsenal is useful in some regard for different situations

> >

> > and lets not forget about search and rescue which saves pug groups so often i stopped counting

> > or spirit of nature for that regard as well

> > or entangle and jacaranda for that extra tactical advantage

> > or the 50% higher cc duration from a trait in the marskman traitline

> > or the easy cc cleanse in bear pet

> >

> > the list goes on; druid is so versatile and useful if you know how to play it well and tbh i think because of those things and many others it just has more potential of carrying any group through moments which normally would cause a wipe i rather have 2 druids than anything else

> >

> > for coordinated groups, on many bosses, 1 druid is enough and there is no other healer required at all

> >


> Druid is meta for a reason, but read the original post. The author acknowledges that. He's not trying to sway anyone to accept other healers. He merely wants the people who *would* accept another healer anyway to write "healer" instead of "druid" in their LFG.


I see. But sadly for him, what the "meta" dictates is not going to change probably because of one forum post and ppl will follow their old habits when writing lfg

TBH I find myself accepting other healers as well when the bosses dont require a pugstrat that needs 2 druids because oyu know it works well with that setup


for example sabetha/ trio/ escort/ (KC)/ cairn/ MO/ samarog/ river of souls /dhuum (kiter can play whatever healer that has range so)


but thats it tbh

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> @"Walhalla.5473" said:

> > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > The problem is that druid brings unmatched (and unique) offensive and defensive support in spirits, spotter, etc. That's why most people want a druid as healer.


> Well most groups asks for 2 druids. Asking for 1 druid because of might and spirits is normal but the second healer should not be limited to druid and can be any other healing spec, which can heal really nice and do other stuff quite well. The problem here is, most people don't even know that there are more healing specs than just druid. I see it quite often when playing heal rev in fractals also quite a few times when one of my static groups raid with a heal tempest as a second healer, people tend to ask where tzhe (second) druid is and are quite surprised when they see that there are other heal specs.


> I would like to see more people willing to try out different healing specs and try to join fractals or raids with them.


People know that there are other healing specs like Auramancer or Firebrand. The problem is that druid brings also very useful utilities that are often most comfortable and effective to use. If you have to use stuff like Glyph of Tides, you have less space for spirits, so another druid can cover the spirits you can't. Also, double-Entangle is very nice on bosses like Gorseval.

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> @"EpheSOSIayer.6370" said:

> To be honest I don't understand why 95% commanders write "druid" instead of "heal" in their LFG message. I want to compare this to the DPS role: If the commander don't care about a specific DPS class he/she writes "dps" or "cdps/pdps" in the message. Why you don't do this for the healer role as well? Of course there are groups around that search only for mirage or weaver and this is totally fine as I stated above.


I feel the same way too. Since the balance patch I do think that one support might stacking druid is more than enough and that the 2nd spot should be open to any class. Hopefully, we will see more LFG with "1x druid, 1x healer" in their description, but this will take time I guess.



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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> You dont need more than druid for healing and druid brings cc and unique buffs. So saying anything but druid for healing is useless for meta groups


Read the original post mate. This isn't what this thread is about.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > You dont need more than druid for healing and druid brings cc and unique buffs. So saying anything but druid for healing is useless for meta groups


> Read the original post mate. This isn't what this thread is about.


I did. People search druid not for the heals but for the complete package which is lacking for other healing builds

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > You dont need more than druid for healing and druid brings cc and unique buffs. So saying anything but druid for healing is useless for meta groups

> >

> > Read the original post mate. This isn't what this thread is about.


> I did. People search druid not for the heals but for the complete package which is lacking for other healing builds


And nobody is asking them to change. The OP asked people *who don't mind taking another healer anyway* to indicate that in their own LFGs.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Baseraver.7241" said:

> > Not to mention that basically every spell/ skill in the druids arsenal is useful in some regard for different situations

> >

> > and lets not forget about search and rescue which saves pug groups so often i stopped counting

> > or spirit of nature for that regard as well

> > or entangle and jacaranda for that extra tactical advantage

> > or the 50% higher cc duration from a trait in the marskman traitline

> > or the easy cc cleanse in bear pet

> >

> > the list goes on; druid is so versatile and useful if you know how to play it well and tbh i think because of those things and many others it just has more potential of carrying any group through moments which normally would cause a wipe i rather have 2 druids than anything else

> >

> > for coordinated groups, on many bosses, 1 druid is enough and there is no other healer required at all

> >


> Druid is meta for a reason, but read the original post. The author acknowledges that. He's not trying to sway anyone to accept other healers. He merely wants the people who *would* accept another healer anyway to write "healer" instead of "druid" in their LFG.

And how does OP knows if people asking for "druid" in their LFGs do not in fact really want a _druid_ specifically? There are other reasons to want it beyond heal and might upkeep.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Baseraver.7241" said:

> > > Not to mention that basically every spell/ skill in the druids arsenal is useful in some regard for different situations

> > >

> > > and lets not forget about search and rescue which saves pug groups so often i stopped counting

> > > or spirit of nature for that regard as well

> > > or entangle and jacaranda for that extra tactical advantage

> > > or the 50% higher cc duration from a trait in the marskman traitline

> > > or the easy cc cleanse in bear pet

> > >

> > > the list goes on; druid is so versatile and useful if you know how to play it well and tbh i think because of those things and many others it just has more potential of carrying any group through moments which normally would cause a wipe i rather have 2 druids than anything else

> > >

> > > for coordinated groups, on many bosses, 1 druid is enough and there is no other healer required at all

> > >

> >

> > Druid is meta for a reason, but read the original post. The author acknowledges that. He's not trying to sway anyone to accept other healers. He merely wants the people who *would* accept another healer anyway to write "healer" instead of "druid" in their LFG.

> And how does OP knows if people asking for "druid" in their LFGs do not in fact really want a _druid_ specifically? There are other reasons to want it beyond heal and might upkeep.



That's not the point. Most commanders type "Druid" because it's became a habit over time. But the OP's saying "If you're looking for a healer, please type healer, not just druid."

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Baseraver.7241" said:

> > > Not to mention that basically every spell/ skill in the druids arsenal is useful in some regard for different situations

> > >

> > > and lets not forget about search and rescue which saves pug groups so often i stopped counting

> > > or spirit of nature for that regard as well

> > > or entangle and jacaranda for that extra tactical advantage

> > > or the 50% higher cc duration from a trait in the marskman traitline

> > > or the easy cc cleanse in bear pet

> > >

> > > the list goes on; druid is so versatile and useful if you know how to play it well and tbh i think because of those things and many others it just has more potential of carrying any group through moments which normally would cause a wipe i rather have 2 druids than anything else

> > >

> > > for coordinated groups, on many bosses, 1 druid is enough and there is no other healer required at all

> > >

> >

> > Druid is meta for a reason, but read the original post. The author acknowledges that. He's not trying to sway anyone to accept other healers. He merely wants the people who *would* accept another healer anyway to write "healer" instead of "druid" in their LFG.

> And how does OP knows if people asking for "druid" in their LFGs do not in fact really want a _druid_ specifically? There are other reasons to want it beyond heal and might upkeep.



Reading the original post, via a normal process of asking questions and getting answered.

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Q: "To be honest I don't understand why 95% commanders write "druid""

A: Because they are looking for a Druid.


And yes, I read the 1st post.

Get a tag, create your squad and ask for anything you like and think might work.

Most will ask for what works best. Deal with it.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> But if I type "healer" I end up missing a druid so then I need to type "druid" again.


Nah, since most people who heal are druids chances are high that you'll get a druid when typing "healer". Also when you already have one druid, the other healer can be anything so you don't miss a druid on any fight that isn't Xera.

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> @"Walhalla.5473" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > But if I type "healer" I end up missing a druid so then I need to type "druid" again.


> Nah, since most people who heal are druids chances are high that you'll get a druid when typing "healer". Also when you already have one druid, the other healer can be anything so you don't miss a druid on any fight that isn't Xera.


But if I need druid why would I type "healer"?

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