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Support Tickets Being Closed Without Response.

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Thirteen days ago I submitted a ticket about several in-game problems I was having. It is still open without a response. Three days ago I submitted another ticket, that ticket was almost immediately closed without a response. So the following day I submitted a third ticket to inquire about my second ticket being closed so quickly without a response, but also to request some clarity on how these things are handled in general. Today I found that one closed as well with no response. Usually I have tickets resolved within a week. So having one nearly two weeks old is concerning, but more concerning is that other unresolved tickets are being marked as closed.



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Closed by a bot or closed by a person? That makes sense if they go through tickets assign them to support staff then move on, but I waited over a week without a response before submitting a second ticket. It's been almost two weeks, so if my original ticket was assigned to support staff already I don't know why it wouldn't have been resolved already. If it wasn't assigned because they haven't seen it how could they close a duplicate, that isn't even technically a duplicate. Just because I bring up my original ticket shouldn't negate all the other issues or questions I had in order to make a second ticket. And if that's the case they should allow you to close your own tickets, because the most likely situation is that A. They never saw the original or B. It got assigned to a support staff who looked at it briefly then forgot about it. In either situation it will never get answered, yet because I can't close it or open a new ticket I'm left out to dry. Especially in times like this when content hasn't been released in a while the volume of support tickets should be lower than it will be once the new Living Story releases. So if they don't get to it now they won't in the future. The longest ticket I ever had out was two and a half weeks and they even said that they were late due to PoF literally just releasing and things being put aside. The way things our now they should be having the opposite situation.

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You can close your own tickets at any time by replying with the message, "I no longer need help".

There is a high volume (and backlog) now due to the hundreds of account suspended for cheating, the new interest in Guild Wars (One), and the influx of new/returning players to Guild Wars 2.


Tickets are routed to different teams; the initial Team Members may close duplicates rather than route them to the appropriate Team.


Good luck.

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> @"Renri.9407" said:

> Closed by a bot or closed by a person?


Person. One of the ANet support staff actually came to the forums to ask people to stop putting in duplicate tickets, and for the love of all that is sacred, not to create throw away email addresses to submit even more, because dealing with them was consuming way too much support time, and so slowing down the queue even more than it had been.

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