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Help finding somewhat easy rotation

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I'm certainly not elitist, but, I recently had wrist surgery and I havent really played in a year or so due to the pain before getting surgery. I'm lookign to come back, and get into high level fractals/raids


Previously, I played condi engi, but I'm struggling keeping up with the rotation (currently) on rifle holo.


I'm lookig for some simplistic rotations/builds that would be desired in raids/high level fractals -- namely, I wouldnt get kicked out, and could run 1-2 builds for most raid bosses.


Classes im interested in the most:Engi, Rev, Warrior, Guard, Necro (necro a distant 5th)


A concern I've had, simply reading things, is that Rev, Guard arent really wanted for raids at all, and necro only for a few specific bosses. Is this the case?




Edit: I have ascended basically 1of every weapon, 2 heavy armors, 1 light, 1 medium

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Warrior has a fairly easy rotation and you bring at least 1 per Raid for the Banners.

Renegade also has a fairly easy rotation, and is a decent DPS option for many bosses. About Guards: In Low-Midtier pugroups noone will complain about a guard, but most organised groups (and wanna-be tryhard Pug Groups) want to see the Meta Power Classes (i.e. Weaver, Holo). Necro is decent at same Raid Bosses, but mostly only if there is a pack of them.

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Try the shortbow/shortbot soulbeast, aka the sb/sb sb, or the 3xsb. XD

> @"Malpractice.7850" said:

> A concern I've had, simply reading things, is that Rev, Guard arent really wanted for raids at all, and necro only for a few specific bosses. Is this the case?


For pugging, somewhat. Pugs I've met generally won't care as long as you're doing more than 10k dps, though you will most likely run into the few that do. Better to stick to statics and guild runs imo, way more fun, way less hectic.

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> @"Ayra Lightbringer.2874" said:

> Warrior has a fairly easy rotation and you bring at least 1 per Raid for the Banners.

> Renegade also has a fairly easy rotation, and is a decent DPS option for many bosses. About Guards: In Low-Midtier pugroups noone will complain about a guard, but most organised groups (and wanna-be tryhard Pug Groups) want to see the Meta Power Classes (i.e. Weaver, Holo). Necro is decent at same Raid Bosses, but mostly only if there is a pack of them.


How frequently can the rev be used?


If I do kitless holo, will people know/complain? :p

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> @"Malpractice.7850" said:

> > @"Ayra Lightbringer.2874" said:

> > Warrior has a fairly easy rotation and you bring at least 1 per Raid for the Banners.

> > Renegade also has a fairly easy rotation, and is a decent DPS option for many bosses. About Guards: In Low-Midtier pugroups noone will complain about a guard, but most organised groups (and wanna-be tryhard Pug Groups) want to see the Meta Power Classes (i.e. Weaver, Holo). Necro is decent at same Raid Bosses, but mostly only if there is a pack of them.


> How frequently can the rev be used?


> If I do kitless holo, will people know/complain? :p


Here are the benchmarks:


snowcrow's rotation which includes kits (33.450k)


kitless rotation (31.015k)


2 things to point out:

-One rotation is by SC and the other is from some person who I don't think is a super hardcore player, they only have 4 videos that I see on their channel. So chances are if SC grinded the kitless benchmark out like they did their own, the kitless dps would go up a tiny bit more.


-The dps difference is 7% on test golems. However, in a real raid scenario, a beginner player will do a better job performing the easier (kitless) rotation. Making the difference between them smaller. How much smaller? Depends on the player.

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> @"Malpractice.7850" said:

> > @"Ayra Lightbringer.2874" said:

> > Warrior has a fairly easy rotation and you bring at least 1 per Raid for the Banners.

> > Renegade also has a fairly easy rotation, and is a decent DPS option for many bosses. About Guards: In Low-Midtier pugroups noone will complain about a guard, but most organised groups (and wanna-be tryhard Pug Groups) want to see the Meta Power Classes (i.e. Weaver, Holo). Necro is decent at same Raid Bosses, but mostly only if there is a pack of them.


> How frequently can the rev be used?


> If I do kitless holo, will people know/complain? :p


People will only have a reason to complain if you're expected to bring some sort of utility the kitless version doesn't have. To be honest, I only can think of one such case, immobilizing enforcers on Dhuum CM. Otherwise your dps will be basically just as good, so most of them won't even notice. It's a great beginner-friendly build.

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Staff DD is pretty simple.




1 Dodge.


2 Fist Flurry→ Palm Strike


3 Weakening Charge

4 Staff Strike → Staff Bash → Punishing Strikes

5 Weakening Charge


6 Staff Strike →Staff Bash

7 Dodge

8 Punishing Strikes

9 Weakening Charge

10 Staff Strike→ Staff Bash→Punishing Strikes

11 Weakening Charge

12 Staff Strike→ Staff Bash

13 Repeat from 7.

14 Fist Flurry when off cooldown after a dodge and

Punishing Strikes, then repeat from step 2

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Malpractice.7850" said:

> > > @"Ayra Lightbringer.2874" said:

> > > Warrior has a fairly easy rotation and you bring at least 1 per Raid for the Banners.

> > > Renegade also has a fairly easy rotation, and is a decent DPS option for many bosses. About Guards: In Low-Midtier pugroups noone will complain about a guard, but most organised groups (and wanna-be tryhard Pug Groups) want to see the Meta Power Classes (i.e. Weaver, Holo). Necro is decent at same Raid Bosses, but mostly only if there is a pack of them.

> >

> > How frequently can the rev be used?

> >

> > If I do kitless holo, will people know/complain? :p


> People will only have a reason to complain if you're expected to bring some sort of utility the kitless version doesn't have. To be honest, I only can think of one such case, immobilizing enforcers on Dhuum CM. Otherwise your dps will be basically just as good, so most of them won't even notice. It's a great beginner-friendly build.


Well, you can't use it as often as rifle #2, but offhand pistol #5 does the job, too, and holds them for a longer time. In general, the meta build is more flexible with regard to hard and soft CC, but normally the kitless one should be very fine.


On word still about the two videos above - the kitless benchmark isn't done under realistic conditions. Holo benefits from having more condis on a target (2% per condi, modified ammo trait) and the kitless video uses all 13 condis, while SC excludes taunt, chill and fear, which is the more reasonable approach in my opinion. Under those circumstances, the kitless would be at 29.2k. During my own testing, I got up to 29.6k. In the optimal case (having full +5 infusions (right now just 5), using BSSBSS instead of avocado smoothies and reducing the typical cancel time of 4-5 seconds which I accumulate in each benchmark run), I'm pretty sure that kitless can still break the 30k. That would be 10% below meta, but I think that's a price worth paying for a foolproof rotation.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Malpractice.7850" said:

> > > @"Ayra Lightbringer.2874" said:

> > > Warrior has a fairly easy rotation and you bring at least 1 per Raid for the Banners.

> > > Renegade also has a fairly easy rotation, and is a decent DPS option for many bosses. About Guards: In Low-Midtier pugroups noone will complain about a guard, but most organised groups (and wanna-be tryhard Pug Groups) want to see the Meta Power Classes (i.e. Weaver, Holo). Necro is decent at same Raid Bosses, but mostly only if there is a pack of them.

> >

> > How frequently can the rev be used?

> >

> > If I do kitless holo, will people know/complain? :p


> People will only have a reason to complain if you're expected to bring some sort of utility the kitless version doesn't have. To be honest, I only can think of one such case, immobilizing enforcers on Dhuum CM. Otherwise your dps will be basically just as good, so most of them won't even notice. It's a great beginner-friendly build.


Also worth pointing out, the kitless version won't accidentally big ol bomb a flesh golemn at soulless horror. So less liability sometimes too.

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I think i would personally suggest renegade devestation without shortbow (camp mace/axe).


Use 2/3 off CD. Use mallyx elite, f3 in kalla. Use razorclaw right before swapping to mallyx. Done.


Additionally, you can go jalis/malyx invocation which ous even simpler. You lose about 2-3k dps though (my personal best on golem is 32.1k no infusions)


Rotation is just malyx elite and unyielding anguish in mallyx, f3 and hammers in jalis. Spam 2/3/5 off cd

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do yourself a favor and dont pug raids


in fotm (cm/t4) you can easily play kitles sword holo/guard (both dh/fb work more than fine), rev is ok but very few ppl actually play it. warrior mainly for banners, but you can also do build for dps. necro...uh, no.


before hate on guard comes (compare kill times to raidar 50-80 percentiles - what you can expect from average pug group, considering majority of logs contain weavers/holos, draw conclusions yourself)






keep in mind both dh (just time your gs2 and traps with symbol/f1) / fb (basically use big weapon hits, go into tome of justice, 2,4,5,1,2, repeat) are way easier than weaver/rifle holo and got tons of selfsustain (in all these runs ive used cleanse and stability to cover fails). and if you only see sad 'weaver/holo' lfgs, post your own, will often fill faster than meta fanatic ones.

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