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Please stop with the jump puzzles. I genuinely do not enjoy any of them.

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> @"Gorani.7205" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > As far as I can remember, all jumping puzzles are optional in the game. If you don’t like them, you can simply skip them.


> Although I don't support the OP's wish for no more JPs (I am not a big fan of them too, especially the later ones), your statement is not 100% true

> - you need to do JPs because of some collections (e.g. Murssat Tokens in the Chalice of Tears)

> - you need to revisit old JPs again for legendary Aurora (same as above)


> The checkpoint system is OK now (although I would have added 50% more checkpoints to port to), but I really hate the ones where there is zero indication to where to go (Ember Bay, Draconis Mons) or those that are super punishing (Aetherblade). Some JPs allow Mounts or Gliding IIRC which either makes them trivial (LA) or more difficult (by accidentally opening the glider).


Legendaries are optional as well. You don't *need* Aurora.

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> @"Klowdy.3126" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > As far as I can remember, all jumping puzzles are optional in the game. If you don’t like them, you can simply skip them.


> That is true, but jumping puzzles are sometimes part of the daily quests. Not doing them finds you left out of those rewards.


There's 4 different PvE things you can pick from and 12 total daily achievements you can pick from, you don't need to do Jumping puzzles.

Just because you're inept/don't enjoy doing them, doesn't mean that your individual preference should override everyone else's who enjoys doing those.> @"Redfeather.6401" said:

> I just got a Time Rewinder gizmo.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prototype_Position_Rewinder


> Will mean I can finally attempt the jumping puzzles I quit from falling off of and having start from beginning again. Wish I could hotkey a shared inventory slot to use it fluidly.


Play as mesmer, drop a portal before you attempt a hard jump. And maybe work on your perseverance?

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> HoT is like one huge Jumping Puzzle.. the good news is.. you don't need to do HoT at all.. and just move on to PoF and get a Flying Mount which is better then a glider.


> Also, I like JP.. so.. yah.. to each their own.


True, although you need to do some jumping puzzles to get the flying mount. ;)

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> They are required to craft some items. Yes, those items are optional to play the game, but if you have met all the requirements for crafting EXCEPT that one JP that you can't finish... it's as good as not starting the crafting process at all.


I know this feel, been trying to make a HoT legendary and that whole needing to max all mastery lines is a real pain, but I guess that is part of the process, the good news is, most JP are easy enough that you can learn them on your own at your own pace, or get a friend to help you or even carry you though them.


I mean JP are not like Raids that require a 10 person static team of meta builds to complete, or cost hundreds of gold for someone to carry you though them.


JP are pretty easy content that you can do solo, or with a single friend, if you both play mesmers, you can just do portal hopping till you complete them.

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> @"Gorani.7205" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > As far as I can remember, all jumping puzzles are optional in the game. If you don’t like them, you can simply skip them.


> Although I don't support the OP's wish for no more JPs (I am not a big fan of them too, especially the later ones), your statement is not 100% true

> - you need to do JPs because of some collections (e.g. Murssat Tokens in the Chalice of Tears)

> - you need to revisit old JPs again for legendary Aurora (same as above)


> The checkpoint system is OK now (although I would have added 50% more checkpoints to port to), but I really hate the ones where there is zero indication to where to go (Ember Bay, Draconis Mons) or those that are super punishing (Aetherblade). Some JPs allow Mounts or Gliding IIRC which either makes them trivial (LA) or more difficult (by accidentally opening the glider).


And that’s just to complete achievements or for some specific rewards. Jumping puzzles don’t prevent you from progressing the story, doing events, and the like.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> They are required to craft some items. Yes, those items are optional to play the game, but if you have met all the requirements for crafting EXCEPT that one JP that you can't finish... it's as good as not starting the crafting process at all.


Too bad that so many people use this sort of logic. I have a few people in my guild who are very bad at jumping puzzles. They also want to craft legendaries. But of course, this is an MMO. Just like I can't do dungeons myself, I don't necessarily have to do jumping puzzles myself. Someone in the guild is usually around to help out with a portal, if not at the exact moment someone needs it, at some point soon after.


I can't tell you how many people I've helped to get to the goggles in Not So Secret.


If this was a solo game, you'd have a point. But people who don't do jumping puzzles to end up getting those jumping puzzles done. Does it make the legendaries a bit harder? Sure it does. But, you know, it's a legendary.

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> @"Klowdy.3126" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > As far as I can remember, all jumping puzzles are optional in the game. If you don’t like them, you can simply skip them.


> That is true, but jumping puzzles are sometimes part of the daily quests. Not doing them finds you left out of those rewards.


I don't usually like PvP either. They should get rid of PvP dailies and fill the dailies with content I like more.


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It's unfortunate there are people out there who do not like this type of content, but it happens. Just as there are types of content and things to do in game that I do not enjoy the most either.


I **LOVE** jumping puzzles.


Personally, with each new LW map released, not having a jumping puzzle I get disappointed. Bring them on. As optional content there is no reason to NOT make them.

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Just left Tangled Depths. This is genuinely the first time in 20 years an MMO has turned me off with zone design. Getting HP for alts is an absolute nightmare in these places. Really, really not feeling these layouts.


There's challenge and and innovation and then there's over engineering and these maps are without a doubt the latter.

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I agree. TD is designed very well. It is supposed to be a messy maze.


It can be frustrating your first time through, but in the end you learn how to get around. Not really sure what that has to do with Jumping Puzzles though. ;)

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I hate JPs but I dont support their removal so long as there is at least some way for a player to achieve them, either via Mesmers or mounts.


A quick point though, JPs aren't just about dailies, they also can be a barrier to map completion. I'm thinking specifically of the JP in Ember Bay, and Silverwastes. The former can be done via Mesmer (its involved by ive been in a train for that) while SW allows mounts and the wiki guide is pretty good.


If they were to make any change, I'd rather the didn't place POIs behind JPs just so players aren't halted from map completion because they fail at Super Mario Wars.

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Now that I gave this some thought I see the same thing in surgery a lot. Some of the implant companies make systems that are slick, advanced and the surgeons enjoy using. Other companies reinvent the wheel and have massive, overdone contraptions with too many accessories and moving parts. We call that over engineering in the OR. The doctor is still accomplishing something challenging with either product, he's not an idiot because he hates option B.

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> @"Selminus.1490" said:

> Now that I gave this some thought I see the same thing in surgery a lot. Some of the implant companies make systems that are slick, advanced and the surgeons enjoy using. Other companies reinvent the wheel and have massive, overdone contraptions with too many accessories and moving parts. We call that over engineering in the OR. The doctor is still accomplishing something challenging with either product, he's not an idiot because he hates option B.


There’s a difference between simply hating something and saying it should be stopped/removed despite others feeling otherwise.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > As far as I can remember, all jumping puzzles are optional in the game. If you don’t like them, you can simply skip them.

> >

> > That is true, but jumping puzzles are sometimes part of the daily quests. Not doing them finds you left out of those rewards.


> There's 4 different PvE things you can pick from and 12 total daily achievements you can pick from, you don't need to do Jumping puzzles.

> Just because you're inept/don't enjoy doing them, doesn't mean that your individual preference should override everyone else's who enjoys doing those.> @"Redfeather.6401" said:

> > I just got a Time Rewinder gizmo.

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prototype_Position_Rewinder

> >

> > Will mean I can finally attempt the jumping puzzles I quit from falling off of and having start from beginning again. Wish I could hotkey a shared inventory slot to use it fluidly.


> Play as mesmer, drop a portal before you attempt a hard jump. And maybe work on your perseverance?


Sorry for bothering you enough to make that comment.

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> @"MachineManXX.9746" said:

> > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

> > I'm not saying they aren't easy, and that there aren't ways around them, I'm just trying to give the other side some people might not see. There aren't always mesmers, and some people might have a tick, requiring them to finish dailies. I've known a few people I could never game with, because they had to harvest/open/complete everything.


> So this is an honest question ... Do you believe that because a few people do not enjoy optional jumping puzzles, that they should be removed, so no one can enjoy them? Otherwise, what are you proposing?


I dont remember seeing a request for removal. It seems more like the OP wants fewer as dailies, or as part of fractals, or map completion. No one said get rid of existing ones.

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> @"Selminus.1490" said:

> Just left Tangled Depths. This is genuinely the first time in 20 years an MMO has turned me off with zone design. Getting HP for alts is an absolute nightmare in these places. Really, really not feeling these layouts.


> There's challenge and and innovation and then there's over engineering and these maps are without a doubt the latter.


Actually, IF you have PoF and you have mounts it's really easy to get the HP's in HoT...however, even if you don't and you've done them on a main character they're still 100 times easier on alts...unless you forgot how to reach them.


P.S. - Those maps are brilliantly designed...I know a lot of people had problems with TD, but I had no issues, but then again, I also haven't had problems with underwater combat...

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