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Does Tyria have a sun ?


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Stupid question I know, but in most zones your char casts a shadow, but if you look in the opposite direction of the shadow, ie the direction of the light source needed to cast the shadow, there isnt one , or there is , but its no brighter than any of the other sky illumination.

Maybe there are multiple suns , and this is the reason for the diffuse light.

Im currently standing on a hill in Iron Marches and my char is casting a shadow, but the NPC standing next to isnt.

Must be magic.


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Yes. If Meteorlogicus is even a slightly accurate depiction of Tyria from space, Tyria is in a bizarre and interesting place in it's solar system and just an odd planet in general with multiple moons and smaller planets in nearby orbit (which themselves have fairly large moons).


Tyria might be a super-earth in relative close orbit to a slightly less massive star than our sun.

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I think there is, there is a also a moon in the sky during night btw.


I think the idea of diffusing light is possible. That said the shadow of our characters is pretty strong. I don't understand why they never really used a 'normal' sun like in many other games. An explanation from a dev would be nice, maybe there are some technical issues, don't know.

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> @"mauried.5608" said:

> Stupid question I know, but in most zones your char casts a shadow, but if you look in the opposite direction of the shadow, ie the direction of the light source needed to cast the shadow, there isnt one , or there is , but its no brighter than any of the other sky illumination.


Ember Bay, home of petrified wood and really annoying lens flare effects, shows the setting sun, like, all the darn time when I am there.


TBH, I'd just read it as artistic license, in the same way that the dark of night isn't really, and every zone being frozen in time.

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There is a sun. As I recall, back when the game was first released, someone recorded being in a location for hours and put it on youtube. It was sped up so you could actually see the shadows move across the scene. Maybe I can find it and post it here later.

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first thought after seeing the thread title - some froggies are worshipping the sun, so obviously there has to be one....


as for seeign the sun in the game....

> @"Elva.6372" said:

> Maybe it's based on graphic setting, post process etc?


yup graphic settings would be my first bet, but you've beaten me to it ^-^

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> No, that's a gift of Rodgort.

> A flaming orb in the sky that illuminates this world.

> If you play the game a while you'll notice this game doesn't have a clearly defined day and night.

> Just a period where the 'sun' is slightly less bright


Please forgive me for using that argument, but the game's flow would definitely suffer, if the developers were to implement a completely realistic day and night cycle. Nights would be too dark to see anything, especially in a region that features no cities and lots of trees. The Maguuma jungle at night would be annoying to traverse. Caves without artificial lightsources would be even more fun to navigate. But there is another, better argument, for the existence of a tyrian sun.


If you read the novels you will find mention of day and night cycles. Ghosts of Ascalon, for instance does reference the passing of days. This leads to the conclusion that Tyria has a sun. We may not know how big the tyrian sun is, what material it is made of (for all intents and purposes, it might be a magical construct.), whether it revolves around Tyria, or the other way around, but we can confirm it exists.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> No, that's a gift of Rodgort.

> A flaming orb in the sky that illuminates this world.

> If you play the game a while you'll notice this game doesn't have a clearly defined day and night.

> Just a period where the 'sun' is slightly less bright


Nah, we see the sun go down over the horizon. It rises in the east, and sets in the east, where we see the moon rise in the west, and set in the west. It's just that the moon is very, _very_ bright that it's almost like a dimmed sun.


(More seriously, I've been wondering if the sun's rise and setting isn't east-west but west-east, given the PoF cinematic shows Kralkatorrik flying to the rising sun, and the map shows that he went westward).

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  • 2 weeks later...

If the great Orrery in Divinity's Reach is accurate (which it isn't, it oscillates instead of circling, but I'm assuming there is some valid science in its construction), then Tyria has at one sun, one very large moon, and several sister planetoids in shockingly close proximity compared to real-world proportions.

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