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Rant about a player insult

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> @"Spurnshadow.3678" said:

> > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > > @"Spurnshadow.3678" said:

> > > Report them and open a ticket here on the support page as well. I've also been doing this for all the elitist arc dps schmucks out there who complain, say I suck, and that my dps is off and kick me cause it took 30 seconds too long to kill the boss, or whatever.

> >

> > While I fully agree with your stance against what I would call build nazzis, I don't think this is a bannable offense or something that support can solve for you. The other side of the story is that some of the game content is very hard and requires certain strategies involving certain builds. While I would love more accessibility here, the current situation is that certain builds are just not viable for certain raids. This will frustrate high-end players so much that they will kick you if they are afraid that you cannot perform well enough.

> >

> > I guess content like raids could get a normal mode besides of the current hard mode, allowing more freedom of builds and therefore group composition.

> > The solution would be three way: A more friendly attitude of the high-end community, a more adaptive attitude of players with uncompetitive builds and a more forgiving mode as alternative for the current hard-mode content.


> Way to read my very simple statement and twist my words into to the extreme as if I, or others like me, run the wrong builds, dying because I don't know the mechanics, basically the extreme to what I mentioned. That's different and understandable, as long as they're not being jerks about it. Even then, people need to be held accountable to how they treat others. I'm able to do content fine. I'm able to listen to suggestions or instruction if need be. I do learning raids first. and am sure I know content before feeling confident to do non-voip raids.


> But sometimes on a fractal, I take my T4 dailies a little casual, and sometimes I might get kicked because I have low dps. Then I get the pleasure of waiting around for an hour to find a new group to do one T4. That is totally Anets fault for allowing Arc dps into the game and I consider that abuse by the players. I report it.


Reporting people for not wanting to play with you is arguably more abusive and an intentional waste of GM time.

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Seriously... Block and report!

You should have done that after his second sentence.


It's not the game... Not the community, it's nature...

There's always a runt, a weak link, a outcast... What we'd call scum...

In nature that guy gets eaten pretty fast... In society that cancer festers and is allowed to multiply, because we're largely isolated from natural selection. So in all groups in human society there will be "scummy people". The internet is, due to it's anonymity, the favourite playground for these people to exercise their lack of character.

The only way to deal with it is not waste time with it. Block, report, vote kick from group, and move on.


I'll say this though. When a thief joins my groups i always get nervous, because 8/10 it will be a pain in the ass. Most people playing thief in group content don't know what they're doing, and forget they're squishy as hell, and end up dead 70% of the time. I won't nag them outright, but it usually means we'll be having a less than smooth run. And 5/10 times the thief ends up getting a 4/5 vote kick...

I'm not saying that people shouldn't play thief or any class in any form of content. I'm saying that in all classes you should know what you're doing, but thief and elementalist are especially critical in this regard due to their low HP pool allowing less margin for error.

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> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> I still don't understand why after all these years, the _group creator_ can be kicked.


Used to be bound by the instance creator, but if he DC'd, everyone got borked by it.


I feel like LFG needs to go back to a "leader" system, but if the leader times out (afks for more than a few minutes), disconnects, or willingly leaves, then it goes to another player in the instance to avoid messing up the others on the party.

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