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WvW has the longer shade cooldown. Will Anet Fix?


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> @"SlayerPerfect.8971" said:

> really bad update for scourge . stop nerf scourge . or little nerf ..

> 10sec -> 30 sec .....


I'm not going to comment on PvP since i don't play it, but if you had seen the amount of Scourges running around in WvW, then you'd know that something is wrong with the class and will still be about 75% of the squad after this nerf the rest being Firebrands,Chronos and Weavers

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and now about the rate of mezmer clone production, and a minimum time after exiting stealth thaT a thief can reenter stealth and move speed reduction....................Oh and then we have the rest of the "bomb meta" to address......just sayin


And lets be honest, the cooldown was TRIPLED, that feels like a knee jerk reaction. the type of reaction that causes issues. Albeit if we want to go ahead and double or triple the CD's on winds of disenchantment and all the other "bombs" I would actually support that, melee may actually be viable again

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> The patch notes were incorrect. The 30 second shade cooldown was intended for both PvP and WvW.


This is a bad change because it nerfs Scourge support in an attempt to nerf their damage (which it also does). Please revert and find a way to nerf the damage without nerfing support.

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FINALLY!!! I for one can't thank Anet enough for nerfing the scourge in PvP/WvW. It was WAAAAAAAAY over powered, and even if I was running it in WvW, I was dying too quickly while dealing little damage. If they ended up nerfing the support aspect of the scourge as a side effect to its damage, I for one am OK with that.

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> @"MudkipLover.3792" said:

> FINALLY!!! I for one can't thank Anet enough for nerfing the scourge in PvP/WvW. It was WAAAAAAAAY over powered, and even if I was running it in WvW, I was dying too quickly while dealing little damage. If they ended up nerfing the support aspect of the scourge as a side effect to its damage, I for one am OK with that.


wait, what? you said it was drastically overpowered, then that you played one and done little damage and died easily.....................something derailed in that logic hoss

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Scourge is a problem in WvW. It is over-represented. The problem is not the support side of Scourge, it is the conditions from scourge that are the issue. This change does nothing to address the conditions issue. At the start of a fight, a scourge will still have 3 shades for 3 consecutive bombs. It will still hit 5 targets on those shades. So this will not change the amount of scourges running around or in group comp. And players will still call for nerfs to scourge. So for players that hate scourge, this is no help for you.


What this hurts the most is the support scourge. Since I now have 30 seconds before I get a shade counter I might not drop a shade on my group standing in the middle of the bomb to get them off the bomb, by providing barrier and condition clear. I might not try to help other players with my shade. I will save my shades to be selfish. And the end result will be tighter groups using shade pulse around the necro and remote shade placement being only for offensive bombing.


So you will have more Scourges not less. Because you need barrier and a scourge can't spread barrier around as much anymore so 2 firebrand 3 scourge parties then. Thats what your change means. Ideal comp 2 firebrand, 3 scourge.


Alternatively it will mean scourges switch to smaller shades for even more condition dmg...


Nerf the conditions on scourge not the support. This makes no sense. Noone I've talked too thinks this is a good idea. Comments are "Anet doesn't understand a support class"

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> @"Meetshield.1756" said:

> Scourge is a problem in WvW. It is over-represented. The problem is not the support side of Scourge, it is the conditions from scourge that are the issue. This change does nothing to address the conditions issue. At the start of a fight, a scourge will still have 3 shades for 3 consecutive bombs. It will still hit 5 targets on those shades. So this will not change the amount of scourges running around or in group comp. And players will still call for nerfs to scourge. So for players that hate scourge, this is no help for you.


> What this hurts the most is the support scourge. Since I now have 30 seconds before I get a shade counter I might not drop a shade on my group standing in the middle of the bomb to get them off the bomb, by providing barrier and condition clear. I might not try to help other players with my shade. I will save my shades to be selfish. And the end result will be tighter groups using shade pulse around the necro and remote shade placement being only for offensive bombing.


> So you will have more Scourges not less. Because you need barrier and a scourge can't spread barrier around as much anymore so 2 firebrand 3 scourge parties then. Thats what your change means. Ideal comp 2 firebrand, 3 scourge.


> Alternatively it will mean scourges switch to smaller shades for even more condition dmg...


> Nerf the conditions on scourge not the support. This makes no sense. Noone I've talked too thinks this is a good idea. Comments are "Anet doesn't understand a support class"


I love your breakdown, I finally got in to check this out in wvw and yes I will absolutely switch off sand savant and go to the 3 target and play with that for a bit to see the outcome.

I honestly think you hit the nail on the head tho, wvw is centered around bombs and conditions right now. I think a generAL (BUT EVENHANDED) reduction to conditions, a boost to boonstrips (to avoid the boon meta we had) and boon corruption. Honestly, boon corruption should be the hardest hitting condi in thegame since it's in your hands how many boons are on you as a group. If max stacks of fury,might etc create almost a instadown for 5 players at a time for a successful boon corrupt then that is an interesting mechanic for strategy.

I think an over all nerf (evenhanded and incremental) nerf to all the big bombs to bring melee builds back into strong play.

the reduction to condi coupled with a boost to boon corruption could really bring in some balance i think.

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> @"Meetshield.1756" said:

> > @"mixxed.5862" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > The patch notes were incorrect. The 30 second shade cooldown was intended for both PvP and WvW.

> >



> Well, there is one vote for more Condi dmg from Scourge, and less support.


Huh, how is the change more condi damage though? Because you believe they'd switch to small shades? No way that's gonna happen.

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> @"mixxed.5862" said:

> Huh, how is the change more condi damage though? Because you believe they'd switch to small shades? No way that's gonna happen.


Good players will switch. It is frustrating to have your Sand Shade with that interminable cool-down. This is yet another example of poor reaction to QQing. Don't kill the recharge, lower the damage. That would have, at least, made sense. Now, as someone mentioned, you will see MORE scourges, running smaller shades, in large zergs. They will hit for WAY more damage with more shades - albeit smaller - everywhere.


Oddly - and tbh I've not seen all Anet players in WvW - but not one of them I have seen played a Necro. That should tell you something about how clueless they are about the class and its mechanics.

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> @"misterman.1530" said:

> Oddly - and tbh I've not seen all Anet players in WvW - but not one of them I have seen played a Necro. That should tell you something about how clueless they are about the class and its mechanics.


Anet WvW necros roam core minion specs in groups of 2-3, yes even post PoF.

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> @"misterman.1530" said:

> > @"mixxed.5862" said:

> > Huh, how is the change more condi damage though? Because you believe they'd switch to small shades? No way that's gonna happen.


> Good players will switch. It is frustrating to have your Sand Shade with that interminable cool-down. This is yet another example of poor reaction to QQing. Don't kill the recharge, lower the damage. That would have, at least, made sense. Now, as someone mentioned, you will see MORE scourges, running smaller shades, in large zergs. They will hit for WAY more damage with more shades - albeit smaller - everywhere.


> Oddly - and tbh I've not seen all Anet players in WvW - but not one of them I have seen played a Necro. That should tell you something about how clueless they are about the class and its mechanics.


Why would you lower the damage? The damage IS low already, both in the power department and in the condi department. Other classes can deal way more damage.


Its simply a l2p issue that the playerbase refuses to learn, and anet keeps encouraging them by these pointless nerfs.

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This is the first time I complain about an ANet nerf on the forum, but I have to say something! This nerf is beyond stupid. It's ridiculous to go from 10s cooldown to 30s cooldown for sand shades. ANet has a HORRIBLE history on nerfing things with a sledge hammer instead of making minor, incremental, data-driven adjustments to see how they play out of time.


In theory, Scourge and related traits were designed to allow necros to play support roles, which is great. I run apothecary gear and heals and some condi and I really like the build, especially in wvw. Part of that support role is to provide some barriers, remove a condition, and give a tiny bit of might. With this nerf, you won't be able to do that without a ridiculously long cooldown, which makes support roles ineffective.


When ANet nerfed the boon-to-condition conversion from two to just one, I thought that was reasonable (even though I play scourge a lot). When they increased the CD of shroud skills, I thought that was reasonable (even though I play scourge a lot). What's funny is that this nerf won't do much to viper condition builds at all because other traits provide more condition damage/duration. Oh, and someone explain to me why SB hasn't been nerfed with 20-25 seconds of block, block, block, block, block... but this vital scourge trait is getting hammered so much?


I love Guild Wars and think it's a great platform, but **_ANet - you totally screwed this up_**!

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> @"misterman.1530" said:

> True. Bad players whining about Scourges. All. The. Time. And Anet tears up and nerfs us. Here's the secret to defeating a Scourge: DON'T STAND IN THE FREAKING CIRCLES! There - a pro-tip for you.



The circles that instantly fill up the entire screen or cover an entire node in PvP? Yeah, thought so.

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