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Time between LS patches.

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They’ve already set the time frame for living season. They haven’t made it for 2 out of three episodes. Perhaps this one being 4 months will make the next one 2 months giving the appearance of a quicker release schedule due to changes made during this episode.


I can definitely say 6 months is too long though.

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> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > The better developed it is and the less bugs it has on launch of the episode the better, so imma say a longer development time.


> The let's say 6+ months the longer, the better didn't you say so...?


Thats just putting words in my mouth. They said three months, but they cant do that, 4 months is to me at least the middle ground between to long and to short, and allows for 3 releases a year, which is a release time i think.

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It has yet to be seen if longer development time will result in fewer bugs. A Bug in the System was delayed a week because of bugs and released with a load of bugs.


Looks like this episode will take close to 4 months so we will see if a 4 month development time actually results in better quality.


Either way, I feel that's too long for the amount of content that these episodes bring.

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All things equal, I liked LS1 better: releases every few weeks **and** we missed out if we weren't around. It added a huge sense of excitement and urgency to events.


However, all things aren't equal. The quality of the story and the builds generally is far better at 2-3 months than it ever was for LS1. The game is more cohesive rather than feeling like lots of random stuff going on. There's some better sensibility in loot and currency (even if there's still lots of room to improve there), that is: during LS1, there was a new something every few weeks, too, and then it became useless. There might be too many currencies these days, for some people, but they don't stop being of value.


If it were possible to maintain this level of quality and reduce the gap, that would be great. I do feel like the game is less dynamic now. But... I'd rather have more consistency and stability for the whole year then the schizophrenia of 2013. Even though I felt the game was more fun back then, it was also much, much, much more frustrating, too.

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I've never reached a point where I felt like I was 'done' with the game and waiting on new content, so every new release is just more stuff that puts me farther behind lol . . .


I don't mind the new content and I enjoy it when it arrives, but I never find myself sitting around wishing they would release something bc I don't have anything else to do . . .

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> I would prefer, "When it's ready."

This! There's so much to do in this game, I'll just take new episodes, side stories and whatever when they come. None of them is the same as the other ones, so I see no reason to rush any of them just to fit into a random schedule.


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Absolutely 4 months.


1 month=5 rushed story chapters. (like in Season 2)

2 months=legendary, 5 rushed story chapters (like in Season 3)

3 months=legendary, well created story chapters and a chance to have a raid wing/fractal release too (like now)

4 months=legendary, amazingly created story chapters with a high quality of the story content, 80% percent chance to have a raid wing/fractal release.

5 months=way too long, but 100% chance to have a raid wing/fractal release.

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