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idea for daily events in low level zones

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Hello, I was thinking about something that might help with dailies of doing events in low level zones, and how it's hard for lowbies to get credit. I did a quick search, and it seems like most of the posts are about mounts. My idea is for a new special mob that basically has a ton of HP.


This would be something specifically spawned in low level zones during events when there are a certain number of high level players participating. These mobs will be easy to hit and damage for low level players, but, have enough HP to stay alive for perhaps 45-60 seconds or so even with a bunch of high level players wailing on it. Eventually the special mob would be killed when everybody is focusing their attacks on it.


I've noticed that in many events I can just kill one mob and get credit for the daily. I was thinking it would be useful for low level players to get a few hits on a mob to register for credit to complete the event.


I don't know if anybody else has had this idea before? Unfortunately this would require extra code on the Dev's part, I'm not sure how hard it would be to implement. But, I think it would help.

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Ok...so I want to let you know ff14 one time released new weapons that required grinding in low level zones. This was the same time they released the game I think in China.


The out come was vet players hated it. They did not like playing in these low level zones and new players were actually really struggling with the mess of swarms of vets running around killing things faster and being lost in the chaos.


As much as I love the old zones so much more and wish there was reasons to go back for things it's just chaos.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> Maybe instead of making high health mobs in low level zones they give the mount’s dismount skill in low level zones a rework to make it scale better.


Yup... it would take them a lot less energy to just tweak some numbers.

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Well, then, how about spawning champions in an event in a low level zone when a certain number of high level players are participating? Similar to how veterans appear when there's enough players. Typically lower level mobs are somewhat depowered and typically focus on higher level players, from my experience (so, there's no need to worry about low level players getting one-shotted).


My point is just another way of thinking about the problem of low level players being able to get credit in the events dailies in low level zones. The best solution would be for the higher level players to stop using AoE powers and just kill one mob for the event credit, but, that's not going to happen. And, actually, I think that is a better strategy for higher level players (since most low level zones don't have a "no longer participating" check, like in the desert maps). What I mean is that I can jump into an event, kill a mob and then right away go find another event, rinse, repeat 3 more times and then just wait for the events to complete to get the credit (assuming that I can find another event somewhere else).

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> @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > Maybe instead of making high health mobs in low level zones they give the mount’s dismount skill in low level zones a rework to make it scale better.


> Yup... it would take them a lot less energy to just tweak some numbers.


I completely agree that this is the correct fix. The mount damage scaling is way out of proportion to personal damage scaling, and is the root cause of the problem.


I shouldn't be able to wipe out an entire pack of things in one shot, and mounts are pretty close to that. I mean, not that Scourge pulsing aoe murder bubbles can't do similarly in low level zones, but at least they are a bit more controllable.


FWIW, I have found that reminding people in map that that they should:


> Please, remember to be kind: tag things, but let others tag them as well.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> You mean like a world boss or a bandit champ?


Not really. Those are too difficult for low level players to hit, and difficult to defeat.


I'm just proposing a mob that won't go down in just a few seconds with high level players wailing on it, but also something that a low level player can hit hard enough to get event credit. I also only want these mobs to spawn during the "complete events in " daily, where the zone is a low level one AND where there are a many high level players participating in the event.

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> @"Duey.6205" said:

> Well, then, how about spawning champions in an event in a low level zone when a certain number of high level players are participating? Similar to how veterans appear when there's enough players. Typically lower level mobs are somewhat depowered and typically focus on higher level players, from my experience (so, there's no need to worry about low level players getting one-shotted).


> My point is just another way of thinking about the problem of low level players being able to get credit in the events dailies in low level zones. The best solution would be for the higher level players to stop using AoE powers and just kill one mob for the event credit, but, that's not going to happen. And, actually, I think that is a better strategy for higher level players (since most low level zones don't have a "no longer participating" check, like in the desert maps). What I mean is that I can jump into an event, kill a mob and then right away go find another event, rinse, repeat 3 more times and then just wait for the events to complete to get the credit (assuming that I can find another event somewhere else).


I am not sure of the algorithm (does it disallow entry zones?) but the more players there are (especially stacked at one point) the more champs appear in an event. already It might just be a matter of tweaking a few numbers.

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> FWIW, I have found that reminding people in map that that they should:


> "Please, remember to be kind: tag things, but let others tag them as well."


Which is something that frustrates me to no end about the "feature" of removing people from an event for nonparticipation. Even in something that is an obvious 'tag as many of x as possible' you have to keep fighting in order not to get removed. So not just that event but then you carry that habit to other places.


Whoever thought the idea of penalizing people who die while rezzing others was a good idea?

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Just counting the Core "daily event" maps, there are 28 possibilities, 5 of which are starter zones. And if an account has the expansions, those event zones will supersede. So for a daily event that doesn't happen every day, and then has only an ~18% chance of being a zone affecting new players, Anet should change the spawns of events? That seems like way more trouble than simply drastically lowering the amount of damage a dismount does.


That being said, I've seen players on mounts using the dismount repeatedly during an ongoing event, such as in Queensdale protecting the water pipes, or in Ashford fighting off the waves of charr out to steal parts from the junk yard, and it is annoying. But even so, it never prevented me getting in tags and credit for the event.

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My idea for fixing the problems of high levels killing too fast in low level maps is

1) change the event dailies from map specific to zone specific. Let people chose what map they want to play on in a group of maps instead of herding everyone into one map. This lessens the numbers on any one map and, if given a choice, most high levels will go to a higher level map

2) ANet looks into scaling in the starter maps and brings the high levels down some.


Speading out the population, allowing high levels to choose maps closer to their level and tweaking the scaling on starter maps should take care of the problem.

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I'm not sure if they can fix the mount damage scaling, or I think they'd have done it by now. I have a couple of other suggestions.


1. The OP suggested mobs with high health pools. These would be a pain for the average newbie/new character doing an even on their own or in a small group, but if they appeared as part of the event scaling, ONLY when the crowd taking part in the even was really big, this might solve a lot of problems.


2. It wouldn't solve the overpopulation problem during Daily Event days, but if a few mobs common in events were completely immune to mount damage (or had a high chance of blocking it) it would help alleviate the mount wipe-out effect.


3. Each beginner zone tends to have an area that is sort of cut off from the rest of the map, for the very lowest levels. You generally have to find the limited number of ways out of the total-beginner area with exploration. There are generally quite a lot of short events in this area that are easy for low-levels to accomplish, even solo. Is there a way to make it so that hugely scaled-down characters do not get credit for events in this area? It would make it less attractive for high leveled players to play in this area.


4. The Awakened attacks have taken a lot of pressure off the beginner maps on event daily days. Map boss fights that happen at a specific time also allow higher level characters to plan on events instead of wandering randomly, hoping. I would like to suggest adding even more 'extreme' events that happen at set times, so that people can plan their event dailies around specific occurrences with good rewards, instead of desperately trying to tag a mob or two in an overcrowded, under-mobbed, underleveled escort or event.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > FWIW, I have found that reminding people in map that that they should:

> >

> > "Please, remember to be kind: tag things, but let others tag them as well."


> Which is something that frustrates me to no end about the "feature" of removing people from an event for nonparticipation. Even in something that is an obvious 'tag as many of x as possible' you have to keep fighting in order not to get removed. So not just that event but then you carry that habit to other places.


> Whoever thought the idea of penalizing people who die while rezzing others was a good idea?


Nobody. It is an unfortunate side effect of solving the problem that people would be running past, randomly kill one random thing, then get a reward for "event participation." The fact that, eg, I can't kill a few things at the start of a five minute event and then leave the rest for others is a (reasonable, I think) intended consequence.


The situation you describe is an unfortunate unintended consequence, I imagine.

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> @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> Just counting the Core "daily event" maps, there are 28 possibilities, 5 of which are starter zones. And if an account has the expansions, those event zones will supersede. So for a daily event that doesn't happen every day, and then has only an ~18% chance of being a zone affecting new players, Anet should change the spawns of events? That seems like way more trouble than simply drastically lowering the amount of damage a dismount does.


Ya, that's a more realistic way to look at it.

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This doesn't only apply to high level chars in starter maps. A low level char can wipe out low level mobs with a mount. OP's idea would just create other problems. I think there are only 2 possible solutions. One would be for people to just be considerate of others (probably a pretty unrealistic pipe dream). The other would be to put a cap on mount damage on starter maps. That would also be a pretty annoying nerf for a lot of people.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> My idea for fixing the problems of high levels killing too fast in low level maps is

> 1) change the event dailies from map specific to zone specific. Let people chose what map they want to play on in a group of maps instead of herding everyone into one map. This lessens the numbers on any one map and, if given a choice, most high levels will go to a higher level map


I'm not so sure about that. I would expect high-level players to continue to populate low maps for dailies because it would get them completed faster (and with minimal effort). I your idea, but am skeptical about how it would actually play out.




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> @"Bollocks.4078" said:

> One would be for people to just be considerate of others (probably a pretty unrealistic pipe dream). The other would be to put a cap on mount damage on starter maps. That would also be a pretty annoying nerf for a lot of people.


The first works much better than you might imagine, if you ask people in /y, I find. You are right, though, it doesn't solve the problem.


The issue wouldn't be a cap on mount damage, BTW, but rather, fixing the scaling to ensure they generated a more appropriate level compared to the strength of the monsters -- so that it would be roughly as effective in a level 1 area as it is in a level 80 area.

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> @"Bollocks.4078" said:

> This doesn't only apply to high level chars in starter maps. A low level char can wipe out low level mobs with a mount.


Yup. Been there, done that. A level 6, maybe only 4 or 5, with a fully-trained set of PoF masteries, can dismount from the Raptor and nuke significant numbers of mobs. A vet (Oakheart, big Ettin, etc.) would probably be left standing, but nothing much less.

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"kitten.4078" said:

> > One would be for people to just be considerate of others (probably a pretty unrealistic pipe dream). The other would be to put a cap on mount damage on starter maps. That would also be a pretty annoying nerf for a lot of people.


> The first works much better than you might imagine, if you ask people in /y, I find. You are right, though, it doesn't solve the problem.


> The issue wouldn't be a cap on mount damage, BTW, but rather, fixing the scaling to ensure they generated a more appropriate level compared to the strength of the monsters -- so that it would be roughly as effective in a level 1 area as it is in a level 80 area.


It really depends on the individuals. There will always be people who don't have to be asked, people who will play nice when asked and people who will just keep nuking mobs with mounts with no regard for anyone else.


If by scaling you mean the normal down-scaling of higher level chars to match the current map level then that won't work. Low level chars using mounts can make things difficult and frustrating for people not using mounts. That scaling won't affect a low level char doing content in an area of the same level as the char.

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