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Warhorn's "Wail of Doom"!


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The daze can be negated via stability which is even more common in the game than resistance. I'd prefer a 2s fear for most scenarios. This would also improve the niche terrormancer a bit. Anyway the 30s cooldown is too high and should be lowered to 20s.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> The daze can be negated via stability which is even more common in the game than resistance. I'd prefer a 2s fear for most scenarios. This would also improve the niche terrormancer a bit. Anyway the 30s cooldown is too high and should be lowered to 20s.


The fear can also be negated by stability, as well as resistance and can be condi removed with ease by yourself or allies (stun break for allies is more uncommon)


The idea has been mentioned before and it would fit very good, although anet would need to set fear as either: a condition or a CC. Having the counters of both is overkill.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> Oh... I can't wait for the thread complaining about WH being a condition weapon and how WH#4 should do condition damage that would follow such a change..;


Could take terrifying descet and terror traits with it, it could work as a condi weapon then I guess.

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> @"Brujeria.7536" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > The daze can be negated via stability which is even more common in the game than resistance. I'd prefer a 2s fear for most scenarios. This would also improve the niche terrormancer a bit. Anyway the 30s cooldown is too high and should be lowered to 20s.


> The fear can also be negated by stability, as well as resistance and can be condi removed with ease by yourself or allies (stun break for allies is more uncommon)


> The idea has been mentioned before and it would fit very good, although anet would need to set fear as either: a condition or a CC. Having the counters of both is overkill.

True, fear has multiple counters: condi cleanse (if instant-cast), stunbreak and resistance. But it's also much stronger than a daze.


I'd prefer the tradeoff, because the daze already needs to be timed well to not waste it. And even if it lands the effect is meh, because of necro's slow cast times and low mobility.


A 2s fear is

- very high waste potential/ very high reward


while a 2s daze is

- high waste potential / mediocre reward


Side Note: The aftercast of Wh4 is horrible. It's about half a second, which is 25% of the time of the actual daze! Combine that with necro's slow cast times and you barely can land one hit before the daze ends. Pretty stupid!

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> Oh... I can't wait for the thread complaining about WH being a condition weapon and how WH#4 should do condition damage that would follow such a change..;


I hope that would not happen and players could recognize WH has always been a power-support weapon.


However, in terms of priority, MH dagger and focus need improvements before WH.

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> Make it so that it removes Stability and resistance when you use the skill and we have a deal.


Boon corrupt / remove based on the skill causing it is a thing im severly missing. Take axe 3 for example, its a pure power weapon thats based around vulnerability. Why cant axe 3 ALWAYS prioritize protection and stability for corrupts and ALWAYS corrupts the boons into vulnerability? Dagger 3 for example is a movement preventing skill on a defensive weapon, why cant it ALWAYS prioritize swiftness / resistance / quickness and converts it ALWAYS into blind or weakness? Corrupt boon could always corrupt random boons but into damaging conditions or into a guaranteed fear. That way they could integrate boon corrupt much better into the class as a whole as it would further benefit the playstyle of each weapon with corrupts.

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> @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > @"Brigg.3961" said:

> > Why not a daze AND a fear?


> Because one cc will remove the other.


True, and they should change that. If daze still lets the players move around but not use their skills, it should work the same way if they're moving because they're feared. Either that or change fear to act more like a daze to prevent easy condi removal.

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> @"killfil.3472" said:

> How many here would like to see "Wail of Doom" 's Daze be replaced by Fear?

> Keep the unblockable and all other current stats.


> Who's with me on this?


I dont know how I feel about that to be honest I think i would rather just a longer base Daze duration. Fear is weaker than Daze status because Fear can also be countered by condition removal, breakstun, and boons like resistance where as Daze can only be stopped by stability, and breakstun.


Before necro gets more access to fear. Fear needs to be reworked from a condition to a status effect Making it less countered by condition removal, and resistance. Fear needs some love.


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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> Before necro gets more access to fear. Fear needs to be reworked from a condition to a status effect Making it less countered by condition removal, and resistance. Fear needs some love.


I have wondered about Fear being a condition rather than a control effect, too, but think there are benefits to the way it is, now.


For the moment, one more short Fear source would be welcome for both power and condition builds. Adding it to war horn makes great sense. Unfortunately, it would also steal play time from OH dagger, focus, and maybe torch, too.


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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > Before necro gets more access to fear. Fear needs to be reworked from a condition to a status effect Making it less countered by condition removal, and resistance. Fear needs some love.

> >

> I have wondered about Fear being a condition rather than a control effect, too, but think there are benefits to the way it is, now.


For how rare a condition it is it should be. No other profession has access to it other than a warriors "Fear me" shout and a ranger pet active.

For how rare it is it makes no sense that its countered by not only stability, and break stuns, but also by condi removal and resistance.



> For the moment, one more short Fear source would be welcome for both power and condition builds. Adding it to war horn makes great sense. Unfortunately, it would also steal play time from OH dagger, focus, and maybe torch, too.


OH dagger is not all that to start with people are more likely to run warhorn anyways

Torch is scourge only and that said it helps them apply alot of dps. The changes to warhorn would likely still leave most scourge's running torches.


Like a few other people said the only way I could also welcome the idea to changing the daze to fear is

1. Tf the warhorn stripped all things that could block/stop the fear application on use such as stability and resistance. Imo alot more skills in core necro's kit should work that way.

2. They changed fear to an effect from a conditon

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > No other profession has access to it other than a warriors "Fear me" shout and a ranger pet active.


> Oh I guess to missed the thief.


Correct; there are also skull environmental items along with mobs' use of Fear but it is still a rarer condition in the game.


I don't know that I support Zdragon's control effect change but I do understand the argument. Fear falls into a unique hybrid of condi and CE. All I really feel strongly about is Necro does not have enough access to it for a proper build and Necro deserves proper Fear build options. There are quite a number of options to build for Fear but none are truly effective for the cost, ATM.


Something needs to be done! *Raaawwrr!* Arenanet is wasting a core design theme and unique mechanic!



I like that Fear is now a true interrupt. It was in a no-people place for years. "All praise Joko-dev's!"

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Guys... seriously?

The only one in this thread who's against this idea is Shinnetami. How is that possible??

I know most of you have been active on the forums for a long time. Maybe I need to refresh your memory: we've had this suggestion on here at least once every couple of months since 2012. And it's just as bad an idea today as it was back then.

Speaking of the old days, I still have mild PTSD from the time where everyone landed 10 sec chain fears with nightmare runes and Reaper's protection. So think about how they'd have to balance the base duration of Wail if it actually had fear instead of daze. Yeah, it would be 1 second and it would suck unless you have Banshee and some extra condi duration.

Best case scenario, maybe you get an extra Shivers of Dread chill proc with Reapers. But generally speaking, in any PvP environment daze is better than fear in every way. It just is, end of story.


> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> I like that Fear is now a true interrupt. It was in a no-people place for years.


Just to be clear, fear could always interrupt, but it wouldn't proc interrupt related sigils, runes or traits.

Also, "now" was over 3 years ago, April 02 2015 to be precise. So by now fear has acutally been working properly for longer than it had not.

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I hate long Fears, too, and remember how annoying it was but short Fears are another matter. A 0.5 or 0.75 sec Fear in place of a 2 sec stun may be a good trade. The problem with Fear is the "running out of reach" thing, which is almost as frustrating as having a Ranger use Point Blank Shot on some mob I am engaged with. At least Reaper can chill on Fear. (I think that trait should be on core Necro.) Placing a short Fear on another weapon also adds options for proc'ing Fear-related traits, which effectively customizes the weapon.


Fear used to be commonly used as a combat tactic but it feels like it has lost its potency with the expansions.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > No other profession has access to it other than a warriors "Fear me" shout and a ranger pet active.


> Oh I guess to missed the thief.


Oh i did sure....... did i mean although its not a wide acess like its not something they can just do at any point and any time. That said The fact that they can have stronger base duration fears at melee ranger than necro still baffles me. 2 of them per steal when traited :)


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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > No other profession has access to it other than a warriors "Fear me" shout and a ranger pet active.

> >

> > Oh I guess to missed the thief.


> Oh i did sure....... did i mean although its not a wide acess like its not something they can just do at any point and any time. That said The fact that they can have stronger base duration fears at melee ranger than necro still baffles me. 2 of them per steal when traited :)



And the most impressive fact behind that is that they steal this from the necromancer! Where do we hide this?

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