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"No downstate" better not become a permanent feature...

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oh, I don't have fun with my class so let's make it so others do not have fun too! Oh, my class can't stomp and res so let's kick fun mode out of the game! Oh, I can't win fights, so let's nerf all the classes and buff mine! Oh, that guy is having fun while I am not, that alone is enough reason to complain. O, hey! If the game is not all about me and my desires it is a dead game and developers are Evil which does everything against me!

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Yeah can't say im impressed with this event, I think it would've been a great joke for April Fools or something but 7 days of this nonesense? wew lad. As a commander i have to say this is extremely frustrating, I totally understand how this could be a great change for skilled roamers but as far as Small Versus Big guilds.... not a great idea.


My First bone to pick is with Counterplay, this game has always had a fantastic way of always having some way to counter things so you could respec or change your playstyle to counter what the enemy or enemies you ran into were doing. Sadly one shot mechanics do exist in WvW and Gw2 PvP and no downstate allows for no counterplay. The only counter is to logout.


My Second beef with this change would be as a Commander. It's pretty frequent that people will focus the leader in WvW to prevent shots from being called or to fluster people which would in my opinion and im sure im not alone on this point... would ruin the gamemode for quite a lot of us.


just a quick sidenote to make sure people read this whole thing before responding, i don't think its on the plan to completely remove the mechanic from WvW in the first place i think Anet whole heartedly just wanted to see if it could be fun for a week. Sadly i just don't think it is. hehe xd

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It won't be permanent. It would break too much of the gameplay.


As expected, My Elly Aranimda has been in Dwayna's loving arms a lot this day. Which maybe is not even a bad thing. More interesting is that I notice that most of the Ellies have been scared away from the battlefield altogether. I guess Ellie players with multiple characters wisely chose to switch chars for a week.


The good thing is that we had some wonderful capping sessions with double XP, so in the end, the event is still worth it. Must. Avoid. Red. Circles.

Oh, and someone threw a vault at me which landed with 10k damage.

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I agree, the insta-death or no down state totally blows. I've played WvW since the game began 5 years ago. This only benefits the huge blobs and specialized fight guilds. It is absolutely ruining WvW, Especially havocking and the PPT side of the WvW game. if this becomes permanent, I will definitely quit WvW and most likely GW2 and go find another system to fight in. less then 90 minutes after reset, over half the people quit in frustration.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> I wanna add something: a whole bunch of traits gets useless if there is no downstate in wvw anymore.


> Like all rezz-traits get useless.

> And I bet there are more.


> I'm necro main so I take it as example:


> Blood magic traitline is already not very good in wvw. But what it does is fast rezzes.

> Traited lesser well of blood gets useless

> Life from death revive part - useless

> Last rites useless downstate part

> Revive and pull from transfusion: useless.


> I bet there are other classes as well that have traits getting very bad.


> So do we get compensation?


I'm just going to quote something I said earlier


> Seems like a lot of people just believe that function gyro is "just another skill or trait," which is a bizarre misconception. It's scrapper's "unique mechanic," much like photon forge, celestial avatar, or continuum split. This week is literally taking that away from scrapper.


This is also in addition to the other traits relevant to function gyro getting a nerf as well, but that's beside the point.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Well look at the bright side, if they make it permanent we will probably loose half the playerbase because there will be no way to try to balance meta builds and classes vs what people think is fun to play and all the below average players will simply be brushed to the side because it doesnt matter if they try to go 3v1 on a good meta player, he'll always win the insta-kill game.


> ... wait is that good? I dont even know anymore.


Then there would be no point to try and improve as player...just zerg your way to victory. The "playerbase" which would be gone is the one imposing braindead gameplay on everybody because the devs keep giving in their requests.....why should 3 below average players win against a skilled opponent who bothered to sink hours and hours in the same class for years? Maybe those 3 could do the same and not lose so miserably in the first place...

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Best event ever! This needs to be a permanent change to the game. Everybody needs to rethink the way the game is played and stop relying on gimick builds and Siege to protect themselves. There should be consequences for running glass builds and there should be rewards for playing the game smart. This is good kids

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> Who the hell cares about your random gyro lol.


I refer you to my [original post on this thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/548085/#Comment_548085 "original post on this thread"):


> Tell you what. Let's have an event where your unique class/spec mechanic is disabled for a week, while nobody else's is:


> * Necro gets no reaper shroud or sand shade abilities

> * Mesmer gets no continuum split or mirage cloak

> * Ele can't overcharge or dual attune

> * Warrior gets no extra burst skills

> * Guardian only gets the core F-skills

> * Revenant can't swap legends

> * Thief gets no extra dodges or deadeye mark.

> * Ranger can't CA or SB form

> * Holo can't enter PF.


> Function gyro is scrapper's unique class mechanic. Denying that (as this weekend will) is the virtual equivalent of everything I just listed above. The only differences are that:


> 1. Function gyro is nearly useless in its current state, so most people won't notice its absence because it's barely used in the first place. It's already useless in PvE as it stands, has been ever since it released.

> 2. Most people don't play scrapper, so they won't miss it.

> 3. Engineer is one of the least-played classes in the game period, and scrapper has no niche it fits into.


If you're willing to forgo all your unique e-specs mechanics, then I'm fine with dumping function gyro. Seems like a fair trade to me.


But if you want to keep your mirage cloak or continuum split while denying function gyro, then you're asking for unequal treatment and an unfair advantage.


> @"Trajan.4953" said:

> Best event ever! This needs to be a permanent change to the game. Everybody needs to rethink the way the game is played and stop relying on gimick builds and Siege to protect themselves. There should be consequences for running glass builds and there should be rewards for playing the game smart. This is good kids


Actually, this event favors playing really stupidly. Allow me to explain:


* Glassy one-shot teams or builds gain a significant advantage, especially against stragglers or roamers. They're able to pick people off with ease and not worry about finishing now.

* A significant chunk of support builds lose functionality (IE transfusion necro), lowering overall build diversity

* This change pushes people towards pure tank or pure glass. People occupying hybrid builds tend to lose out.

* Comm sniping is significantly more effective, making fights way less engaging and more annoying.

* The bigger zerg will almost always win. Currently, even a small group that plays effectively can hold out against a superior force if they play well.

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I think no downstate is boring reminds me of other mmos ,( CC, damage, damage , CC , damage, damage, Dead). I miss the finishers. Plus, it brought out all kinds of glass cheese builds which if you land a couple of hits they dead. Seems like counterplay is gone this week, there wasn't a whole lot before but still. Don't even see the body, they just release and there is not very much satisfaction in it. The pirate shipping has been taken to epic levels. That's just my opinion of course. I could see how some would like it. Don't worry though it definitely won't become a feature. There would be way to much balancing issues to keep this way. Just roll with it for a week and it'll pass :)

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No worries, it wont be permanent...dont know how people like this, it makes so many traits/runes/skills completely useless...as a guardian i really miss the reset on F3 after a res, thats a big game changer in my opinion.

Also fights had become super boring, atleast on my experience so far...long range AoE spread everywhere, the only diference is that people are even more scared to make a push...can be fun for Guild groups looking for "fight" against pugs.

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> @"Specialka.7290" said:

> Too bad that I have never seen so much ppl in queue to get into Wvw. Guess what that shows?


People getting the bonus track reward advantage towards gift of battle and bonus WVW exp would be my guess. I don't know for sure without speaking to each and every person though.

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As much as I like no downstate week, it's obviously not a good idea as a permanent installment since it would invalidate many traits, utilities and largely nerf healing or support builds. I do hope they try implementing it occasionally though (maybe twice a year) since it seems to honestly be so well-loved by at least some people.

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There are lots of post already asking for this event feature to become permanent. Also all those ppl defending this event and neglecting scrapper and lots of traits, skills from other professions, what about no stealth week? Sound like a cool event right? wonder if you guys will come here and say " its just for a week, don't cry". Taking away MAJOR game mechanic is a serious thing, just my 2 cents.

PS I don't play engi, hate the class

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> @"Taqe.1342" said:

> There are lots of post already asking for this event feature to become permanent. Also all those ppl defending this event and neglecting scrapper and lots of traits, skills from other professions, what about no stealth week? Sound like a cool event right? wonder if you guys will come here and say " its just for a week, don't cry". Taking away MAJOR game mechanic is a serious thing, just my 2 cents.

> PS I don't play engi, hate the class


No stealth week sounds great, but that is a bit different. Not all classes rely on it so easy to suggest. Give the stealth users something to replace it with.

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> @"aspirine.5839" said:

> > @"Taqe.1342" said:

> > There are lots of post already asking for this event feature to become permanent. Also all those ppl defending this event and neglecting scrapper and lots of traits, skills from other professions, what about no stealth week? Sound like a cool event right? wonder if you guys will come here and say " its just for a week, don't cry". Taking away MAJOR game mechanic is a serious thing, just my 2 cents.

> > PS I don't play engi, hate the class


> No stealth week sounds great, but that is a bit different. Not all classes rely on it so easy to suggest. Give the stealth users something to replace it with.


Ok, 7k hp for your stealth

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