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Can Aurene corrupt the commander?(speculation)

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Preemptive note: not corrupt in the way we're used to, but I couldn't find a better word to describe it.

Dragon minions being able to corrupt other things apart from their main Elder Dragon weren't a thing until Kralkatorrik became super-powerful, so it doesn't stand to reason that Aurene, who is separate from Kralkatorrik, would be able to spread corruption she is cured of. Still, there could be something more about the bond between her and her champion. She can share her power with them in various ways, and the commander can train mastery that lets them harvest volatile magic because of their bond. When she was still an egg, she made use of that new bond so we could escape from Faolain using various crystalline skills. I think the Exalted trained her to be careful of magic, but she's absorbed quite a lot of it recently, enough to make the commander worry about her (In episode description). Is it possible that their bond might be harmful if they don't work this out or train it enough?

What even is the purpose of a champion? It might be that the scion by themselves would not be able to control magic like an Elder Dragon would, so they need to share it with someone else. It just makes sense to me that there would be a risk in that.

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In a way, she already did. Dragon corruption is, ultimately, infusing their magic into a subject. In hostile form, this results in an overwriting of the subject's free will and a transformation of their physical matter to mirror the dragon's magical element. This also results in the dragon being capable of sending its own will to its minions, in what is suggested by Ogden and Scarlet to be visual images. And lastly, Elder Dragons know what their minions know, indicating a loose hive mind system for every Elder Dragon.


* In Prized Possession, as mentioned by OP, Glint's egg puts its energy into the Commander, granting it skills very similar to the Zephyrite crystal skills.

* In City of Hope, during Rising Flames, and later during Daybreak, Aurene plants a vision into the Commander's (and in the last case, other members of Dragon's Watch) mind. She then does something similar - sharing her current eyesight with the Commander - during A Bug in the System.

* In A Crack of the Ice, Aurene begins to appear before the Commander, and _only the Commander_ in phantasm-like illusions. When such an illusion appears before the Commander in front of Caithe and the Luminate, they see nothing.

* During Path of Fire, she rushes to the Commander's aid when their life is in danger, indicating that she can receive information from the Commander, just as Elder Dragons can receive information from their minions.

* Again as mentioned by OP, just as minions can consume magic, the Commander can now ever since Season 4 began, now without the assistance of artifacts like in Season 3.


We're matching half of what dragon corruption is. What we're missing is classically definable as "evil".


For all intents and purposes, the Commander and Dragon's Watch **_are_** corrupted.


And some clarifications:


> @"worlds biggest losers.4230" said:

> Dragon minions being able to corrupt other things apart from their main Elder Dragon weren't a thing until Kralkatorrik became super-powerful

Sure it was. This was the main way that the Elder Dragons spread their corruption. Minions - every minion - is capable of absorbing magic and spreading corruption. The stronger the minion, the stronger the ability to absorb and corrupt (this is why champions are capable of spreading it so much faster). We see it throughout the core game.


> @"worlds biggest losers.4230" said:

> Is it possible that their bond might be harmful if they don't work this out or train it enough?

> What even is the purpose of a champion? It might be that the scion by themselves would not be able to control magic like an Elder Dragon would, so they need to share it with someone else. It just makes sense to me that there would be a risk in that.


Certainly, it's a bit reason why she needed bonding and training - to become sympathetic to the races and not want to dominate them. Vlast had similar training, though without a champion his sympathy fell short, but he was sympathetic enough to his mother and obeyed her commands and that kept him from going evil.


The purpose of a champion is largely, as it's been presented so far, to be a mortal that the children of Glint can relate to, and learn to work alongside with mortal races rather than above them like the Elder Dragons. The presence of the champion is, as best as we can tell, irrelevant to the scions' abilities to replace the Elder Dragon. Though since minions gather magic for their dragon, and now the Commander can gather magic, it wouldn't be unlikely to believe that the champions would also, given time, be helping the scions gain power.


> @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> My commander is a sylvari, and thus cannot be corrupted.

Sylvari can be corrupted, in technicality. They just need to diminish/break their connection to the Dream, like Scarlet and Aerin, or the dragon work through it, like Mordremoth did.


Given Aurene ate a big chunk of Mordy's magic, good chance she ate some mind magic and got Dream of Dreams access.

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> This is highly unlikely, we are connected with her mind, not her body- an ability gained thanks magic of Mordremoth.


What exactly is unlikely ? We had a few points already


About the Main topic i would say specially cuz of that mordy magic it's likely that aurene can corruption the commander


And the mind connection was established while aurene was still unhatched so this is Not entirely from mordremoth.. He was still alive when the PC felt the First influence

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> @"norbes.3620" said:

> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > This is highly unlikely, we are connected with her mind, not her body- an ability gained thanks magic of Mordremoth.


> What exactly is unlikely ? We had a few points already


> About the Main topic i would say specially cuz of that mordy magic it's likely that aurene can corruption the commander


> And the mind connection was established while aurene was still unhatched so this is Not entirely from mordremoth.. He was still alive when the PC felt the First influence


you mean the vision in HoT? That's obviously from Glint.


And the commander was chosen by Aurene- she most likely got this opportunity to choose her champion thanks the Forgotten/Glint.


And consuming the magic of Mordremoth just strenghtened this power, so she can share with what she sees for example.


As far as we know the magic of another dragons doesn't corrupt another one- Mordremoth wasn't weakened by Zhaitan's powers- no, he was much more strenghtened- death magic- necromancy magic.


Also Primordus consumed both Zhaitan's and Mordremoth's magics, but it made his minions much more stronger, and he himself could blow up the Rings of Fire.


Same Kralkatorrik- but this guy's minions are just as strong as him- only Aurene is able to stop them.




Aurene is that complicated that she is a dragon, she has a tyrian hero to guide her, and the whole legacy is in her own hands and she must take control over the magic she gains, so she is able to command it- thats why she grows up- more adult brain- more adult deeds.




Thus her ability to share with what she sees was gained with Mordremoth's magic. Showing the visions ability was gained thanks her Mother.

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> This is highly unlikely, we are connected with her mind, not her body- an ability gained thanks magic of Mordremoth.


Dragon corruption is mental just as much as it is physical. But more importantly, it is a magical connection between dragon and minion. And every Elder Dragon is capable of mentally sharing their will and, based on [Ogden](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hidden_Arcana#Dialogue) and [scarlet](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scarlet_Briar%27s_Journal), communicate through imagery.

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I want to say yes and no.


Yes basically i mean it possible for any being with magic to corrupt another. The way it works from my understanding is much like a sickness or virus in the real world.


Dragons corrupt things by injecting their own magic into them and that magic eats at the host own magic and grows inside them like a virus would using the bodies cells to expand and fill the host over time. Thus the elder dragon ends up owning that magic even if they do not directly draw it into themselves.


Elder dragon magic is very potent and heavy with influence meaning a small amount of it or large amount of it could corrupt a being within a few days, hours, minutes, and in some cases instantly.

Elder dragons are much stronger and have been doing this much longer than our little Aurene and Glint. Its their job to balance the magics of the world by consuming it and bleeding it back out and thus they have become very effective at it even if its ripping that magic from other beings by infecting their own pools of magic to later consume or have under their possession.


Aurene is far from elder dragon levels of magic as far as power scaling goes. Not even glint was at elder dragon levels yet.

My guess is this one of these possibilities if we consider that Aurene is corrupting or tries to corrupt commander


- Even if she was corrupting the commander. The commanders own natural inner magic would likely purge or consume what little magic aurene would attempt influence (like white blood cells in your body fighting off a illness). In fact the process becomes reversed from what elder dragons do only adding to the commanders overall inner magic strength.

- The magic that Aurene would pour into the commander is simply not strong enough to do any harmful corruption and before it would do any real harm theroy number 1 occurs.

- Aurene's not strong enough to forcefully will and consume other magics from beings yet in the same ways that elder dragons do. She can consume free magic (magic in the air from when balth. died for example) as its not bound to any being at the time.





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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> I want to say yes and no.


> Yes basically i mean it possible for any being with magic to corrupt another. The way it works from my understanding is much like a sickness or virus in the real world.


> Dragons corrupt things by injecting their own magic into them and that magic eats at the host own magic and grows inside them like a virus would using the bodies cells to expand and fill the host over time. Thus the elder dragon ends up owning that magic even if they do not directly draw it into themselves.


> Elder dragon magic is very potent and heavy with influence meaning a small amount of it or large amount of it could corrupt a being within a few days, hours, minutes, and in some cases instantly.

> Elder dragons are much stronger and have been doing this much longer than our little Aurene and Glint. Its their job to balance the magics of the world by consuming it and bleeding it back out and thus they have become very effective at it even if its ripping that magic from other beings by infecting their own pools of magic to later consume or have under their possession.


> Aurene is far from elder dragon levels of magic as far as power scaling goes. Not even glint was at elder dragon levels yet.

> My guess is this one of these possibilities if we consider that Aurene is corrupting or tries to corrupt commander


> - Even if she was corrupting the commander. The commanders own natural inner magic would likely purge or consume what little magic aurene would attempt influence (like white blood cells in your body fighting off a illness). In fact the process becomes reversed from what elder dragons do only adding to the commanders overall inner magic strength.

> - The magic that Aurene would pour into the commander is simply not strong enough to do any harmful corruption and before it would do any real harm theroy number 1 occurs.

> - Aurene's not strong enough to forcefully will and consume other magics from beings yet in the same ways that elder dragons do. She can consume free magic (magic in the air from when balth. died for example) as its not bound to any being at the time.





sorry if i get it wrong but u seem to say that corruption will always end up with a bad result like being turned into a slave like being/ death.


but thats only the Point of view we get from the elder Dragons. Aurene can be seen different because like @"Konig Des Todes.2086" mentioned somewhere above almost all conditions we know of Dragon corruption are fullfilled. we are indeed the Champion Chosen from this Dragon we share Magic we gain abilities from the Dragon and we share visions. additional the Dragon seems to know what we are doing pretty well so it can e assumed that aurene recieve visions / Feelings from us too.

so we are something similar like tequatl? interesting thought :P


IMO there are solid arguments for both- already being corrupted by aurene or being incorruptable thanks to various reasons

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> @"norbes.3620" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > I want to say yes and no.

> >

> > Yes basically i mean it possible for any being with magic to corrupt another. The way it works from my understanding is much like a sickness or virus in the real world.

> >

> > Dragons corrupt things by injecting their own magic into them and that magic eats at the host own magic and grows inside them like a virus would using the bodies cells to expand and fill the host over time. Thus the elder dragon ends up owning that magic even if they do not directly draw it into themselves.

> >

> > Elder dragon magic is very potent and heavy with influence meaning a small amount of it or large amount of it could corrupt a being within a few days, hours, minutes, and in some cases instantly.

> > Elder dragons are much stronger and have been doing this much longer than our little Aurene and Glint. Its their job to balance the magics of the world by consuming it and bleeding it back out and thus they have become very effective at it even if its ripping that magic from other beings by infecting their own pools of magic to later consume or have under their possession.

> >

> > Aurene is far from elder dragon levels of magic as far as power scaling goes. Not even glint was at elder dragon levels yet.

> > My guess is this one of these possibilities if we consider that Aurene is corrupting or tries to corrupt commander

> >

> > - Even if she was corrupting the commander. The commanders own natural inner magic would likely purge or consume what little magic aurene would attempt influence (like white blood cells in your body fighting off a illness). In fact the process becomes reversed from what elder dragons do only adding to the commanders overall inner magic strength.

> > - The magic that Aurene would pour into the commander is simply not strong enough to do any harmful corruption and before it would do any real harm theroy number 1 occurs.

> > - Aurene's not strong enough to forcefully will and consume other magics from beings yet in the same ways that elder dragons do. She can consume free magic (magic in the air from when balth. died for example) as its not bound to any being at the time.

> >

> >



> sorry if i get it wrong but u seem to say that corruption will always end up with a bad result like being turned into a slave like being/ death.


Incorrect that is not what i seem to assume in all cases thats just in the worst case, in fact I dont think i said that at all. If I did thats not what I was trying to get across but it may have come off that way. In most examples we have seen, yes, thats is what happens. How ever in some cases of corruption (flame legion makes a good example) the result is not always death. Those charr lose their fur, gain new prowess, and have conditions that change other areas of their bodies as well. They keep their free will and their lives, some times.


> but thats only the Point of view we get from the elder Dragons. Aurene can be seen different because like @"Konig Des Todes.2086" mentioned somewhere above almost all conditions we know of Dragon corruption are fullfilled. we are indeed the Champion Chosen from this Dragon we share Magic we gain abilities from the Dragon and we share visions. additional the Dragon seems to know what we are doing pretty well so it can e assumed that aurene recieve visions / Feelings from us too.

> so we are something similar like tequatl? interesting thought :P


It might be true that we are something similar to Tequatl but Teqautl still followed its masters will and at the end of the game we see what looks like dozens on dozens of Teqautl like dragons flying around. So i dont think that world boss one is really any thing unique or special but thats just my opinion. I personally dont think thats the exact same situation between Aurene and us.


I dont deny that we are the dragons champion but....

I would also like to point out that we likely do not know a true answer.

- There has never been a dragon champion before and thus we dont know what could happen long or short term from sharing magic with one another. (though it likely wont be anything too bad that comes from it)


As i have mentioned Aurene is by no means at Elder dragon nor god levels of strength magic wise. At least as much as we can see. Yes she is strong but not that strong. We cant really say what her magic could or couldnt do to some ones body. More importantly for all we know is that the vision sharing is Aurene imposing her will onto us. She is old enough to make choices on her own now and she has shown that several times at this point. She is not the same helpless little dragon that she was before the PoF story. We can only assume that she chooses to show us what she wants us to see. She could likely withhold information form her visions that she shares with us just as much as she shows us.



> IMO there are solid arguments for both- already being corrupted by aurene or being incorruptable thanks to various reasons


Generally my idea was saying that any kind of injection of magic from one being to another that causes the injected magic to combine or consume the host magic to produce something different or out of the normal that the host itself cannot produce it can be seen as corruption even if its not all bad corruption that causes loss of will or death. If it causes a change out of the normal for good or worse its corruption of a sort. That seems to be how it works in gw2 from what i can see so far.


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