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Why the cry on no downstate?


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> @"Evolute.6239" said:

> It's really obnoxious for zergs because it promotes unhealthy play.


LOL, zergs are based on unhealthy play, zerg "gameplay" is literally the most brainless, low skill type of "PvP" you can find, a significant part of which is down to one guy making decisions to various extents for everyone else, which is precisely why focusing the opponents comm is effective.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > > > > @"foxtrot.6902" said:

> > > > > > > > Been seeing a lot of Q_Q on the no downstate and just curious why?

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > To me it seems like a nice equalizer when your group/zerg/pack is out massively out numbered. Can't be carried by the zerg as easily.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Wanna jump into that 1 v 2+ and you die? Bummer you deserved it lol> hard raise for you.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > The only real "down" side I can see is for that poor one person that runs into a zerg and trying to get away into a Tower/Keep and uses every cool down but dies to conditions behind the gates. Then I feel for ya, you made it that far and massively out numbered.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > That's not the only downside. It's a severe disadvantage for the glassier builds. Imagine if it turned permanent? Everyone would be pretty much forced to go tankier, which would make the zerg fights stale and tedious.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > There is a balance. The tankier the builds (less dmg), the more glass I can and will play. Not that I can go any more glass than I currently do though.

> > > > >

> > > > > Yeah, I'm playing full zerk ele, and that's as glass as you can get. The problem is, I *do* get downed sometimes and rallying really helps. And it's extremely easy to get downed on this build, basically all it takes is a single mistake.

> > > >

> > > > Ya try marauders. Berserker staff ele shouldn't even be played in wvw. The same with Thief and Guardian which are generally not played without +hp already.

> > > >

> > > > 11k base hp for those 3 classes should really be increased to 13.5k tbh. Perhaps even made the same as medium hp classes.

> > >

> > > So swap my stats every time I go in and out of WvW?

> >

> > I assume that you are an experienced player/ele and so yes I would imagine you would have multiple sets of ascended gear. Different gear sets for wvw and pve are likely the norm.


> I have legendary gear, but it is still too much of a hassle. I would use different stats for WvW/PvE if I could spec it once, like I can spec traits and utilities separately for the two modes. But switching every time, no.


Has armor with pretty nice advantage (being able to pick stats on the fly) doesn't use them????, seems pretty counter intuitive . Either dont mess up cus your full glass or if you cant do that add in some defensive stats, but i guess thats too much of a hassle for most gw2 players. Seen a lot of ppl with the my armor should work everywhere attitude without respect to the actual mode they are in and how they differ from one another. Not to say you can't glass ele in wvw but without rallies this week might as well change your armor cus your not gonna be rallying 4 times from one meteor storm as per usual.

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As expected, My Elly Aranimda has been in Dwayna's loving arms a lot this day. Which maybe is not even a bad thing. More interesting is that I notice that most of the Ellies have been scared away from the battlefield altogether.


The good thing is that we had some wonderful capping sessions with double XP, so in the end, the event is still worth it. Must. Avoid. Red. Circles.

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all this event did so far showing that scourges really are broken.

I cant complain too much tho. ACs were even more horrible but the fights themselves were not that bad. Got lots of wxp out of them. Even when we were wiping. Playing marauder ele like always, hadn't had too much of a problem. In fact, now that all those players I down, are staying down, even without the event booster I would have made much more wxp than usual.

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> @"Zushada.6108" said:

> I think no downed state isn't a huge deal. This is the only game I have played that has a downed state and it was a very foreign concept to me back at launch. To be perfectly honest there are times in this game I wish I didn't have downed state so I could just WP and get on with it.


^Agreed. Many times I'd like to simply die quickly and WP, and I'd like that as an option when in the downed state.

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> @"coro.3176" said:


> See the first line of my post: "Well I'm looking forward to it, but..."


> It'll be fun, for sure. It'd also be fun to have a week with no Full Counter or a week with no Mirage cloak.


Like another has said, I'd like to see a week with utterly no stealth mechanics allowed.

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> @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > @"Evolute.6239" said:

> > It's really obnoxious for zergs because it promotes unhealthy play.


> LOL, zergs are based on unhealthy play, zerg "gameplay" is literally the most brainless, low skill type of "PvP" you can find, a significant part of which is down to one guy making decisions to various extents for everyone else, which is precisely why focusing the opponents comm is effective.


The zerg is a natural development. Kind of like armies. One of you can't do the job, and someone else has what you want? Arm up! Move together! Fifty of you can take out five, easy. Of course, someone else has the same idea.

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> @"coro.3176" said:

> Well I'm looking forward to it, but to give you an idea of what people might be complaining about..


> A lot of fights go something like this:


> * Me & an ally come across ~4 enemies.

> * Enemies all target my ally. He goes down, but we also get 1 of them down.

> * I use function gyro to stomp the downed enemy while defending my ally from getting stomped with cc, blinds, stealth, etc.

> * Stomped enemy rallys my teammate and we repeat the process until they're dead. Hooray. We won a 2v4.


> Now imagine that scenario with no downed state.


> The 2 of us come across 4 enemies. They kill one of us. We kill one of them. Now it's a 1v3. That's a lot more difficult to pull off.



> I mean, It'll still be a fun week. It just takes a lot of complexity away from small engagements and removes Scrapper's class mechanic entirely.


This, exactly... No Downstate is a fun event, but honestly, if permanent it's a detriment to the game since it makes it even more of a numbers game, and everyone knows that people joining the winning server bandwagon was never a thing, right?

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> @"Skodanatic.1037" said:

> Our commander quit after 1 1/2 h after reset.

> The problem was guild vi from WSR.

> They were 6 till 10 longbow soulbeasts and stand near main blob. At the start of every fight they focus our com. So instant dead. That sucks hard....


We all know already that wsr has some cancer guilds. Nothing new there right.

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> @"Meviken.2054" said:

> > @"Zushada.6108" said:

> > I think no downed state isn't a huge deal. This is the only game I have played that has a downed state and it was a very foreign concept to me back at launch. To be perfectly honest there are times in this game I wish I didn't have downed state so I could just WP and get on with it.


> ^Agreed. Many times I'd like to simply die quickly and WP, and I'd like that as an option when in the downed state.

no downstate is a huge deal since the downed ppl can set up a shure beating on enemy from his friends once in a while. aaand trust me, if u go down state in a zerg, especially near some scourges or spellbreakers u die sooo quick that u wake up in your keep in no time.

the right change to downstate will be no rally on kill (my 2 cents) except the vengeance kills on warrior, since its his mechanic


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> @"Meviken.2054" said:

> > @"Zushada.6108" said:

> > I think no downed state isn't a huge deal. This is the only game I have played that has a downed state and it was a very foreign concept to me back at launch. To be perfectly honest there are times in this game I wish I didn't have downed state so I could just WP and get on with it.


> ^Agreed. Many times I'd like to simply die quickly and WP, and I'd like that as an option when in the downed state.


It isn't always easy to compare it to most of the old MMO's... as we actually had the option to have a party member res/revive us as long as a healer was in the area. Here, it's not an option due to it messing up the flow of the game and bringing about the trinity again.

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I believe this is the greatest thing to ever happen to WvW.


With rallying and downed state now absent, players are forced to focus and learn to better themselves instead of relying on the sheer quantity and/or skill of those around them.


A few roaming players with a higher skill can now take on a larger team twice their size and not have them rezzing each other back up. This also gets rid of the scenario of being able to scoop up cheap wins by bombing a group of rezzers and landing all of them along with the original target.




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I really enjoyed playing last night with no downstate. Combats seemed much quicker paced without half the downed getting back up, especially in the small scale. One night is hardly enough for me to determine if the novelty will wear off, but so far I'm really enjoying it.


~ Kovu

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From an ideological standpoint No downed state is a good thing as it's only going to shine even more of a light on the disparities between professions. It'll show the difference between hoping a friend is able to revive you after being nearly insta-downed by a Mesmer out of nowhere and simply having to respawn at your entry keep after being hit by that Mesmer out of nowhere. The hopeful outcome woudl eb that this would be a good time to reexamine toning down professions with absurd burst potential in competitive modes versus those without it. But then again, knowing Anet, nothing's going to change for the better. So in the end who cares? Wait for the week to come and go..

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> @"Iozeph.5617" said:

> From an ideological standpoint No downed state is a good thing as it's only going to shine even more of a light on the disparities between professions. It'll show the difference between hoping a friend is able to revive you after being nearly insta-downed by a Mesmer out of nowhere and simply having to respawn at your entry keep after being hit by that Mesmer out of nowhere. The hopeful outcome woudl eb that this would be a good time to reexamine toning down professions with absurd burst potential in competitive modes versus those without it. But then again, knowing Anet, nothing's going to change for the better. So in the end who cares? Wait for the week to come and go..


If only the balance team cared at all for balance in wvw...


They aren't going to make the massive changes that would be needed if no down state became permanent- because that would mean something like the trinity coming back, as well as huge changes needed to the stealth cheese classes- such as either removing stealth or reworking it and making all thief skills have a casting time so you can't macro (or as some claim, press 7 buttons in under 0.2 seconds), and toning down max damage on all skills so that no one skill can hit for more than 10% of your HP, and rewriting that scourge garbage spam from scratch.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> The only thing the upset me about no downed state is the impossibility to do duels in the common alpine borderland duel spot, you have to come back to the spawn if you lose the duel, pretty frustating.


> But overall for general solo roaming like i love to do i dont mind it.


The only rational complaint about the no downstate weekend I have read. 1v1 duels the downstate can have some funny entertaining results.

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> @"Skodanatic.1037" said:

> Our commander quit after 1 1/2 h after reset.

> The problem was guild vi from WSR.

> They were 6 till 10 longbow soulbeasts and stand near main blob. At the start of every fight they focus our com. So instant dead. That sucks hard....


Hmm the risks of being a comm huh since when have comms been a protected species ,take off the head kill the beast. Its called tactics and seems to have worked , hope their tears dry soon.

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> @"Brother.1504" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > The only thing the upset me about no downed state is the impossibility to do duels in the common alpine borderland duel spot, you have to come back to the spawn if you lose the duel, pretty frustating.

> >

> > But overall for general solo roaming like i love to do i dont mind it.


> The only rational complaint about the no downstate weekend I have read. 1v1 duels the downstate can have some funny entertaining results.


Time for duels go back to Obsidium Sanctum I guess. So it's easier to find dueling partner rather spending 10 minutes running around WvW just to check all the dueling spots

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> @"cobbah.3102" said:

> > @"Skodanatic.1037" said:

> > Our commander quit after 1 1/2 h after reset.

> > The problem was guild vi from WSR.

> > They were 6 till 10 longbow soulbeasts and stand near main blob. At the start of every fight they focus our com. So instant dead. That sucks hard....


> Hmm the risks of being a comm huh since when have comms been a protected species ,take off the head kill the beast. Its called tactics and seems to have worked , hope their tears dry soon.


Pin sniping can be effective. But it’s a really cheesy way to win a fight. And what’s goes around comes around.

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