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Either I'm doing something wrong, or need to get good.


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Returning player here, I have several level 80's but this is my first warrior (and over all I'm loving it btw). I've hit 80 on my warrior and started working on PoF and I feel underwhelming. Sometime's I'll just about be dropped by 1v1ing a common mob (harpies by the springer area were giving me trouble.) I don't currently run defense, but I tired defense with a shield and it helped very little so switched back to my current setup. The only way I seem to be able to kill most things is by landing a stun(bulls charge, full counter), hitting it with a few abilites, then running around in circles hoping not to die until another stun is off cooldown. This approach takes forever to kill simple things. Is there something I'm missing about warrior at this point in the game, is that just their play style? Do I need to get good or change my build? Any advice is welcome. Here is what I'm running;





* Strength: Peak Performance, Great Fortitude, Berserk power

* Discipline: Warriors Sprint, Brawlers Recovery, Axe Mastery

* Spellbreaker: Pure Strike, Loss Aversion, Revenge Counter




* Axe/Dagger - Dagger/Axe

* Healing Signet, Imminent Threat, Kick, Bulls Charge, Signet of Rage



All beserkers; Travelers Runes (Cause I'm broke); Accuracy and Force sigils (Also cause I'm broke.)

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You’re in full zerk gear.


Not saying full zerk gear is necessarily bad, but if you’re new to Warrior and not inch perfect with damage and cc rotations, you *will* die and *a lot*.


Zerk Warriors are tanky bc of their damage mitigation skills. Double Endure pain and Shield 5. You’re running neither.


Take my advice with a pinch of salt but I really suggest you invest in invulns/blocks on your build or go for a tankier armour set.


I run Knight stats Beserker (but do go Spellbreaker, its just plain better) with GS/Axe+Shield for open world and it’s very hard to die even in outnumbered situations.


I’ll be happy to add more details if you require it.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Ok well first you're using Loss Aversion and Revenge Counter. This is a huge mistake. Use "Sun and Moon Style" and "Magebane Tether" instead. Also look into Scholar Runes, because those traveller runes are bad.


Scholoar runes wouldn't help me stay alive I don't think, plus the above 90% health buff will do me no good considering I'm almost always half health/almost dead

I'll try switching the skills up though.


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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > Ok well first you're using Loss Aversion and Revenge Counter. This is a huge mistake. Use "Sun and Moon Style" and "Magebane Tether" instead. Also look into Scholar Runes, because those traveller runes are bad.


> Scholoar runes wouldn't help me stay alive I don't think, plus the above 90% health buff will do me no good considering I'm almost always half health/almost dead

> I'll try switching the skills up though.



They'll help you stay alive because you do more damage. Just be more aggressive. Use Kick and Bull's Charge, follow them up with Axe 4 and 5 or Dagger 4. Use dodges. Use Full Counter. Sun and Moon style adds some light healing too, when you use dagger offhand.

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> @"TotallyNotJazzie.1493" said:

> You’re in full zerk gear.


> Not saying full zerk gear is necessarily bad, but if you’re new to Warrior and not inch perfect with damage and cc rotations, you *will* die and *a lot*.


> Zerk Warriors are tanky bc of their damage mitigation skills. Double Endure pain and Shield 5. You’re running neither.


> Take my advice with a pinch of salt but I really suggest you invest in invulns/blocks on your build or go for a tankier armour set.


> I run Knight stats Beserker (but do go Spellbreaker, its just plain better) with GS/Axe+Shield for open world and it’s very hard to die even in outnumbered situations.


> I’ll be happy to add more details if you require it.


I do have a few questions;

1. Why is spellbreaker so much better than core warrior? Is it purely because of full counter?

2. With that weapon setup does most my damage come from axe burst? full counter?

3. This is just a general question on warrior, but other than for the movement, what makes GS so great? It's damage doesn't feel that strong to me.

4. If I had to drop a spec for defense to get double endure pain, out of the 3 I have, what would you suggest?

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > @"TotallyNotJazzie.1493" said:

> > You’re in full zerk gear.

> >

> > Not saying full zerk gear is necessarily bad, but if you’re new to Warrior and not inch perfect with damage and cc rotations, you *will* die and *a lot*.

> >

> > Zerk Warriors are tanky bc of their damage mitigation skills. Double Endure pain and Shield 5. You’re running neither.

> >

> > Take my advice with a pinch of salt but I really suggest you invest in invulns/blocks on your build or go for a tankier armour set.

> >

> > I run Knight stats Beserker (but do go Spellbreaker, its just plain better) with GS/Axe+Shield for open world and it’s very hard to die even in outnumbered situations.

> >

> > I’ll be happy to add more details if you require it.


> I do have a few questions;

> 1. Why is spellbreaker so much better than core warrior? Is it purely because of full counter?

> 2. With that weapon setup does most my damage come from axe burst? full counter?

> 3. This is just a general question on warrior, but other than for the movement, what makes GS so great? It's damage doesn't feel that strong to me.

> 4. If I had to drop a spec for defense to get double endure pain, out of the 3 I have, what would you suggest?


I can answer these:

1) Spellbreaker/Discipline/Strength together just so happen to maximise Power build damage. The only real answer here is any tree that isn't those 3, is subpar (bad traits). Actually Magebane Tether is a big part of why Spellbreaker is better (it adds 10% damage modifier).

2) Axe Burst is bad damage. Axe 4 and Axe 5 do more damage and that is the main burst. You should use Kick/Bull's Charge, then Axe4>Axe5. You should still use your bursts, but only for stacking Berserker's Power.

3) GS is ok damage, but actually you're right, it's suboptimal. It's more of a WvW weapon where its mobility really shines.

4) Don't use Endure Pain at all. It's better to go FULL damage. Endure Pain won't help you survive outside of PvP.

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1. Full Counter is main reason yes. It provides a full block on a very low CD and a nice nuke to increase DPS. The other reason is the stacking buff “Attackers Insight” which rapidly increases your DPS by CC-ing. Spellbreakers heal skill is also very strong too.


2. I use Axe bc Beserker’s eviscerate is so damn good, especially when paired with Blood Reckoning. Axe is a very good DPS weapon bc it’s auto-chain is very strong, especially with Quickness.


3. GS is amazing. It’s burst skill is strong but the weapon brings a lot of Utility. The evade frames on GS3 *will* save your skin more times than you realise. GS5 is also a very good gap closer/escape. It also stacks plenty of might with “Forceful Greatsword”.


4. Strength. You’ll take a DPS loss by doing so, sure, but remember a dead player deals 0 DPS. Better to be alive than out the fight. Discipline is too good to drop, it’s basically required on every build.


Hope this helps.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > @"TotallyNotJazzie.1493" said:

> > > You’re in full zerk gear.

> > >

> > > Not saying full zerk gear is necessarily bad, but if you’re new to Warrior and not inch perfect with damage and cc rotations, you *will* die and *a lot*.

> > >

> > > Zerk Warriors are tanky bc of their damage mitigation skills. Double Endure pain and Shield 5. You’re running neither.

> > >

> > > Take my advice with a pinch of salt but I really suggest you invest in invulns/blocks on your build or go for a tankier armour set.

> > >

> > > I run Knight stats Beserker (but do go Spellbreaker, its just plain better) with GS/Axe+Shield for open world and it’s very hard to die even in outnumbered situations.

> > >

> > > I’ll be happy to add more details if you require it.

> >

> > I do have a few questions;

> > 1. Why is spellbreaker so much better than core warrior? Is it purely because of full counter?

> > 2. With that weapon setup does most my damage come from axe burst? full counter?

> > 3. This is just a general question on warrior, but other than for the movement, what makes GS so great? It's damage doesn't feel that strong to me.

> > 4. If I had to drop a spec for defense to get double endure pain, out of the 3 I have, what would you suggest?


> I can answer these:

> 1) Spellbreaker/Discipline/Strength together just so happen to maximise Power build damage. The only real answer here is any tree that isn't those 3, is subpar (bad traits). Actually Magebane Tether is a big part of why Spellbreaker is better (it adds 10% damage modifier).

> 2) Axe Burst is bad damage. Axe 4 and Axe 5 do more damage and that is the main burst. You should use Kick/Bull's Charge, then Axe4>Axe5. You should still use your bursts, but only for stacking Berserker's Power.

> 3) GS is ok damage, but actually you're right, it's suboptimal. It's more of a WvW weapon where its mobility really shines.

> 4) Don't use Endure Pain at all. It's better to go FULL damage. Endure Pain won't help you survive outside of PvP.


Your advice is solid, especially for a veteran, but do remember he’s having problems surviving not doing damage.


I’d say he starts with defensive skills and weapon sets and slowly moves into your build as he gets more confidence with Warrior.


Otherwise, he’ll die a lot only to lose faith in Warrior and its a damn good class to play. Just my 2 cents.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > Ok well first you're using Loss Aversion and Revenge Counter. This is a huge mistake. Use "Sun and Moon Style" and "Magebane Tether" instead. Also look into Scholar Runes, because those traveller runes are bad.

> >

> > Scholoar runes wouldn't help me stay alive I don't think, plus the above 90% health buff will do me no good considering I'm almost always half health/almost dead

> > I'll try switching the skills up though.

> >


> They'll help you stay alive because you do more damage. Just be more aggressive. Use Kick and Bull's Charge, follow them up with Axe 4 and 5 or Dagger 4. Use dodges. Use Full Counter. Sun and Moon style adds some light healing too, when you use dagger offhand.


FWIW, @"Zexanima.7851", I think you are correct in your assessment of the Scholar Runes. They are the highest damage output choice, but they have a fairly high skill "floor" to take advantage of as well. Something that provided a more consistent buff, such as the 5% flat or 7% with "insert constant requirement here" (eg: chill, pet out, etc), is much better a choice while you are still mastering the art of never being hurt by anything. :)


YMMV on Traveler runes, but I find the in-combat move speed bonus to be a big help while mastering new enemies. Once I have their tells down, and the ways to avoid them, I usually drop it, but ... it is certainly some help.


So, different opinions on that front. @"ProverbsofHell.2307" isn't wrong, it's just not as clear cut as one answer for every person and their individual skill level IMO.

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > > Ok well first you're using Loss Aversion and Revenge Counter. This is a huge mistake. Use "Sun and Moon Style" and "Magebane Tether" instead. Also look into Scholar Runes, because those traveller runes are bad.

> > >

> > > Scholoar runes wouldn't help me stay alive I don't think, plus the above 90% health buff will do me no good considering I'm almost always half health/almost dead

> > > I'll try switching the skills up though.

> > >

> >

> > They'll help you stay alive because you do more damage. Just be more aggressive. Use Kick and Bull's Charge, follow them up with Axe 4 and 5 or Dagger 4. Use dodges. Use Full Counter. Sun and Moon style adds some light healing too, when you use dagger offhand.


> FWIW, @"Zexanima.7851", I think you are correct in your assessment of the Scholar Runes. They are the highest damage output choice, but they have a fairly high skill "floor" to take advantage of as well. Something that provided a more consistent buff, such as the 5% flat or 7% with "insert constant requirement here" (eg: chill, pet out, etc), is much better a choice while you are still mastering the art of never being hurt by anything. :)


> YMMV on Traveler runes, but I find the in-combat move speed bonus to be a big help while mastering new enemies. Once I have their tells down, and the ways to avoid them, I usually drop it, but ... it is certainly some help.


> So, different opinions on that front. @"ProverbsofHell.2307" isn't wrong, it's just not as clear cut as one answer for every person and their individual skill level IMO.


That last paragraph is very true indeed.

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@"ProverbsofHell.2307" @"SlippyCheeze.5483"

Thanks for all the advice! Before I returned I was use to playing Guardian, Necro, Engineer, and Mesmer. I would usually build them full damage because I enough utility/range/blocks/heals to to get me though a fight on top of kiting for days. With warrior I need to be in the fight being melee and don't have the same amount of utility (at least it feels that way). That being the case it doesn't feel as survivable to me, I was expecting to be a bit more tanky without having to build defensively since I can go full damage on my others and survive just fine. I'll try some of your suggestions but the more I play it the more it's starting to not be what I was hoping for. When a Mesmer/Necro can come in and pull a group of mobs (which I'm just having trouble against 1 of) and melt them in 5 seconds without losing 10% of their HP then I feel like less of a 'warrior' and more like a peasant in cardboard armor.

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" @"SlippyCheeze.5483"

> Thanks for all the advice! Before I returned I was use to playing Guardian, Necro, Engineer, and Mesmer. I would usually build them full damage because I enough utility/range/blocks/heals to to get me though a fight on top of kiting for days. With warrior I need to be in the fight being melee and don't have the same amount of utility (at least it feels that way).


FWIW, I found the healing on (Core and Berserker) Warrior to be really effective, but also really, really "quirky". It totally didn't work for me, though I'm sure it feels completely natural to others. I just couldn't figure out how to make it work, and like you describe, it made me feel super-squishy despite the heavy armor and high health pool.


I just couldn't stay alive long enough against anything, really. Definitely not two anythings. I'm sure, with enough practice, I'd master it, and kite for days or whatever, but it took a huge amount more time than any other class to get as good as I did, and that wasn't really super-good. (Like, not dying in normal stuff, no problem, but solo a champion or a HoT HP champ? Not on your life. I'd barely scratch them before I was dead as a doornail, or the same champ on a bunch of other classes.)


Again: this isn't a problem with the warrior class, it is a problem with me playing it. It could be you have the same experience, though, and maybe it helps to know that someone else struggled in the same way.

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My open world build is:


Healing Signet, Break Entchatments, Shake it Off, Bull's Charge, Signet of Rage.



Warrior's Sprint, Brawler's Recovery, Burst Mastery



Peak Performance, Forceful Greatsword, Berserkers Power



Pure Strike, Loss Aversion, Magebane Tether.


Greatsword + Sword/Axe for a good mix of damage and mobility.


Trading Strength for Defense in WvW/PvP.


It's the ideal mix of damage and utility. Switching weapons after each combo, making sure to maintain three stacks of Berserkers Power. I don't think there is any way around Magebane Tether as a Spellbreaker in roaming or open world. It's guaranteed 25 might and 10% damage boost, which is simply the best in slot. I value the 25 might guarantee over a damage increase on Full Counter. Shake it Off and Discipline give me enough condition cleanse to get through some condi heavy enemies or to have a quick stunbreak.


Running Marauder's gear with Runes of Hoelbrak which are Runes of Strength without the damage component but with -20% condi duration applied to you (also like 3 silver each)

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" @"SlippyCheeze.5483"

> I feel like less of a 'warrior' and more like a peasant in cardboard armor.


This can be true at times, hilarious as it is.


Warrior should have been named “Weaponsmaster” bc it feels nothing like Warriors from other games and that means you get a dose disappointment if you roll Warrior when you join fresh from another game.


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> @"TotallyNotJazzie.1493" said:

> > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" @"SlippyCheeze.5483"

> > I feel like less of a 'warrior' and more like a peasant in cardboard armor.


> This can be true at times, hilarious as it is.


> Warrior should have been named “Weaponsmaster” bc it feels nothing like Warriors from other games and that means you get a dose disappointment if you roll Warrior when you join fresh from another game.


In fairness, pretty much none of the GW2 classes feel like they came from the same mould in the same factory as the classes in every other game, not just Warrior.


GW2 actually did something different, and unique, in designing the classes. This surprises a lot of people when they show up, because they are used to the idea that every single MMO in the universe is basically indistinguishable about what classes mean.

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"TotallyNotJazzie.1493" said:

> > > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" @"SlippyCheeze.5483"

> > > I feel like less of a 'warrior' and more like a peasant in cardboard armor.

> >

> > This can be true at times, hilarious as it is.

> >

> > Warrior should have been named “Weaponsmaster” bc it feels nothing like Warriors from other games and that means you get a dose disappointment if you roll Warrior when you join fresh from another game.


> In fairness, pretty much none of the GW2 classes feel like they came from the same mould in the same factory as the classes in every other game, not just Warrior.


> GW2 actually did something different, and unique, in designing the classes. This surprises a lot of people when they show up, because they are used to the idea that every single MMO in the universe is basically indistinguishable about what classes mean.


That's fair. I wasn't expecting to be inherently survivable because I was a warrior more so because I'm a heavy armor class with a high health pool that is almost required to be in melee range. You expect some kind of 'built in' surivability mechanics, not to have to drop damage to build defense to stay alive. It's probably mostly just because I'm a scrub at warrior but that's what irks me. Guardian I don't really have to build defense, I can go full damage and still have enough built in heals/retaliation/ect to survive really well, dito for ther other classes I've play. To me it feels the glassiest of cannons when you go full damage cause you 'have' to be melee

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> That's fair. I wasn't expecting to be inherently survivable because I was a warrior more so because I'm a heavy armor class with a high health pool that is almost required to be in melee range. You expect some kind of 'built in' surivability mechanics, not to have to drop damage to build defense to stay alive. It's probably mostly just because I'm a scrub at warrior but that's what irks me. Guardian I don't really have to build defense, I can go full damage and still have enough built in heals/retaliation/ect to survive really well, dito for ther other classes I've play. To me it feels the glassiest of cannons when you go full damage cause you 'have' to be melee


Well, to be honest, warriors were very much warrior back in vanilla GW2. They have had insane survivability along with insane damage throughout the time, and their toolkit certainly reflect this. Look at Endure Pain and Balanced Stance as well as as the trait for double Endure Pain and longer duration. Along with Shield and passive healing from signet and traits they were a pain to take down due to high health, heavy armor, health regen and active defenses.


Of course they still have all of those things, but most classes just got bloated with all kind of things. This is a regular reason for debate from the PvP community. Things like stability, blocks etc. are no longer "rare". I'd say it's less of warriors not feeling like warriors and more about the other classes got too much, thus making warrior seem less like what it is _relative to the rest_. If you took away any defensive ability from all other classes, warrior would look immortal compared to them, but now we have the opposite.


TL;DR: Warriors, from a theme perspective, fits the warrior archtype quite well. Other classes just got too much and make warrior seem weaker in some aspects when compared. It's a matter of theme vs balance of all classes as a whole.

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"TotallyNotJazzie.1493" said:

> > > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" @"SlippyCheeze.5483"

> > > I feel like less of a 'warrior' and more like a peasant in cardboard armor.

> >

> > This can be true at times, hilarious as it is.

> >

> > Warrior should have been named “Weaponsmaster” bc it feels nothing like Warriors from other games and that means you get a dose disappointment if you roll Warrior when you join fresh from another game.


> In fairness, pretty much none of the GW2 classes feel like they came from the same mould in the same factory as the classes in every other game, not just Warrior.


> GW2 actually did something different, and unique, in designing the classes. This surprises a lot of people when they show up, because they are used to the idea that every single MMO in the universe is basically indistinguishable about what classes mean.


That’s why I love GW2.


But for new players, it’s definitely a shock to the system when they pick a class. Nothing that experience and learning can’t fix though.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> My open world build is:


> Healing Signet, Break Entchatments, Shake it Off, Bull's Charge, Signet of Rage.


> Discipline:

> Warrior's Sprint, Brawler's Recovery, Burst Mastery


> Strength:

> Peak Performance, Forceful Greatsword, Berserkers Power


> Spellbreaker:

> Pure Strike, Loss Aversion, Magebane Tether.


> Greatsword + Sword/Axe for a good mix of damage and mobility.


> Trading Strength for Defense in WvW/PvP.


> It's the ideal mix of damage and utility. Switching weapons after each combo, making sure to maintain three stacks of Berserkers Power. I don't think there is any way around Magebane Tether as a Spellbreaker in roaming or open world. It's guaranteed 25 might and 10% damage boost, which is simply the best in slot. I value the 25 might guarantee over a damage increase on Full Counter. Shake it Off and Discipline give me enough condition cleanse to get through some condi heavy enemies or to have a quick stunbreak.


> Running Marauder's gear with Runes of Hoelbrak which are Runes of Strength without the damage component but with -20% condi duration applied to you (also like 3 silver each)


magebane tether doesnt give 10% boost in pvp ir wvw, just saying, revenge counter is a valid option in those two modes...


also op, you can run core warri in pve content, its pretty easy with that, drop spellbreaker for defense and you are fine, adrenal health fully stacked ads alot of regen, also mace offhand provides an aoe 3sec knockdown thats better than shield because you can still do dmg while enemies cant attack you, i personally play gs for dmg and evade on gs 3 and axe/mace for dmg and knockdown, for more evades you can even go might makes right in strength to get alot more dodges

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > My open world build is:

> >

> > Healing Signet, Break Entchatments, Shake it Off, Bull's Charge, Signet of Rage.

> >

> > Discipline:

> > Warrior's Sprint, Brawler's Recovery, Burst Mastery

> >

> > Strength:

> > Peak Performance, Forceful Greatsword, Berserkers Power

> >

> > Spellbreaker:

> > Pure Strike, Loss Aversion, Magebane Tether.

> >

> > Greatsword + Sword/Axe for a good mix of damage and mobility.

> >

> > Trading Strength for Defense in WvW/PvP.

> >

> > It's the ideal mix of damage and utility. Switching weapons after each combo, making sure to maintain three stacks of Berserkers Power. I don't think there is any way around Magebane Tether as a Spellbreaker in roaming or open world. It's guaranteed 25 might and 10% damage boost, which is simply the best in slot. I value the 25 might guarantee over a damage increase on Full Counter. Shake it Off and Discipline give me enough condition cleanse to get through some condi heavy enemies or to have a quick stunbreak.

> >

> > Running Marauder's gear with Runes of Hoelbrak which are Runes of Strength without the damage component but with -20% condi duration applied to you (also like 3 silver each)


> magebane tether doesnt give 10% boost in pvp ir wvw, just saying, revenge counter is a valid option in those two modes...


> also op, you can run core warri in pve content, its pretty easy with that, drop spellbreaker for defense and you are fine, adrenal health fully stacked ads alot of regen, also mace offhand provides an aoe 3sec knockdown thats better than shield because you can still do dmg while enemies cant attack you, i personally play gs for dmg and evade on gs 3 and axe/mace for dmg and knockdown, for more evades you can even go might makes right in strength to get alot more dodges


True, I could have worded that a little better but I don't think it's that important anyway

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > My open world build is:

> >

> > Healing Signet, Break Entchatments, Shake it Off, Bull's Charge, Signet of Rage.

> >

> > Discipline:

> > Warrior's Sprint, Brawler's Recovery, Burst Mastery

> >

> > Strength:

> > Peak Performance, Forceful Greatsword, Berserkers Power

> >

> > Spellbreaker:

> > Pure Strike, Loss Aversion, Magebane Tether.

> >

> > Greatsword + Sword/Axe for a good mix of damage and mobility.

> >

> > Trading Strength for Defense in WvW/PvP.

> >

> > It's the ideal mix of damage and utility. Switching weapons after each combo, making sure to maintain three stacks of Berserkers Power. I don't think there is any way around Magebane Tether as a Spellbreaker in roaming or open world. It's guaranteed 25 might and 10% damage boost, which is simply the best in slot. I value the 25 might guarantee over a damage increase on Full Counter. Shake it Off and Discipline give me enough condition cleanse to get through some condi heavy enemies or to have a quick stunbreak.

> >

> > Running Marauder's gear with Runes of Hoelbrak which are Runes of Strength without the damage component but with -20% condi duration applied to you (also like 3 silver each)


> magebane tether doesnt give 10% boost in pvp ir wvw, just saying, revenge counter is a valid option in those two modes...


> also op, you can run core warri in pve content, its pretty easy with that, drop spellbreaker for defense and you are fine, adrenal health fully stacked ads alot of regen, also mace offhand provides an aoe 3sec knockdown thats better than shield because you can still do dmg while enemies cant attack you, i personally play gs for dmg and evade on gs 3 and axe/mace for dmg and knockdown, for more evades you can even go might makes right in strength to get alot more dodges


Tether Does give a 10% boost in wvw.



May 08, 2018

This trait is no longer split between game modes and will now apply the 10% damage bonus to tethered targets *in all modes.*



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Warrior is a great class. In open world PvE, what I love to do is try to see which weapon works well in specific situations. The Warrior's defenses, CC and output depend quite a bit on weapons, because of the burst mechanic. Always aim to land your F1s if nothing else. I would also ask you to watch the burst bar after weapon swaps and while you're attacking, so you know when a burst or FC is ready.


You should know that with Warrior's GS, its safe damage comes from F1 and 3, and its mobility allows you to "catch a breath" out of melee because Warrior healing comes entirely from stacking passives (if you run Healing Sig). Don't count out the few seconds you buy with Rush, Shield block and Bull's Charge-ing out of range either.


Warrior only has 3 strong core trait lines, Discipline, Defense, and Strength. The rest are for strong memes, such as Condi Warrior/Berzerker.


[Here is a more defensive SB build.](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR4ejMdQjH2FCmdApIWqCMkCQDIAg/hPxtYleQsLHA-jBSDABH8EAAw8XCKBnf/BQ0Nkv6P9o8TiLCgYAMD-e "Here is a more defensive SB build.") Spellbreaker has a really powerful Full Counter, but if you're just starting out on Warrior it's not the best trait line to take, because if you want sustain in it, you need to consistently land your bursts and FC to trigger Adrenal Health and to mitigate damage. If you're running half the time, you're not making use of the FC to its full potential. Observe if the enemy's break-bar is open after some attacks, if you FC that, and combine it with a Mace burst, daze, or a Bull's Charge, you might empty it completely and give you a chance to Arcing Slice -> Hundred Blades -> Whirlwind away. You can even use Rampage to demolish the break-bar and attempt to wreck face.


Melee opponents with big hits are great with Spellbreaker because you can FC all the big skills and keep stabbing, although you need to watch and decide which skills you want to block first.

The worst opponents to face are break-bar locked, ranged Veterans/Elites/Champions. If you're confident you can slot Shield Mastery and use MH Mace block, OH Sword block and/or Shield to reflect projectile bursts, then do your best to CC, dodge, and kill the thing.

Some melee opponents can be rather unpredictable, such as the Chak hero point in Tangled Depths, and in those cases you should switch to kiting with Longbow or Rifle. Rifle can do big bursts, but the Longbow allows you to keep running while dropping AoE behind you.


[Here is a Core Warrior build.](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR3ejMdQjH2FCmdAnIGICK9Lm+tAPhXYEsAIC6ZA-jhRDABJoEEEdD5r+TPK/mf/BAM/JGAzA-e "Here is a Core Warrior build.") If you want to get familiar with how Warrior plays, I do think it's best for you to try out Core Warrior. Since they can do level 3 Bursts, they trigger Adrenal Health a lot more handily, and the Strength traitline has Forceful Greatsword/Might Makes Right which adds more sustain and dodges. Room for error! There are quite a few weapon choices. For break-bar-able targets, you can use Mace+Shield/Greatsword so you can swap into GS F1 -> 2 after you break it. For targets safe to do steady damage, you can use Axe+Shield/Greatsword. If you are trying to kite a large mob and still want to keep Adrenal Health going, you can do Longbow/Greatsword or even use a Hammer with Longbow, taking Body Blow and Merciless Hammer so you can run into a Weakened mob relatively safely and cleave them down.


The good thing about Longbow is even if you don't hit anything with its F1, you will get the Adrenal Health proc and the effect from Cleansing Ire if you took it.


Switch around the utilties, I put in Endure Pain only because it can save you if you take a dive into nasty and could use an emergency nope-out button. Dolyak and Marauder's can add to your tankiness a bit without going overboard. If Marauder's armor and Durability Runes aren't an option, consider farming some stat-select trinkets from the Living Story maps and set them to Marauder. Durability can be replaced with Soldier's or Wurm or any other Vitality rune-sets, but shouldn't be too hard to get.

Berzerker Stance/Featherfoot Grace or even Signet of Stamina is great for conditions, you can use offensive stat signets if you're confident you won't need as much active utility usage.

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> @"Ralkuth.1456" said:

> Warrior is a great class. In open world PvE, what I love to do is try to see which weapon works well in specific situations. The Warrior's defenses, CC and output depend quite a bit on weapons, because of the burst mechanic. Always aim to land your F1s if nothing else. I would also ask you to watch the burst bar after weapon swaps and while you're attacking, so you know when a burst or FC is ready.


> You should know that with Warrior's GS, its safe damage comes from F1 and 3, and its mobility allows you to "catch a breath" out of melee because Warrior healing comes entirely from stacking passives (if you run Healing Sig). Don't count out the few seconds you buy with Rush, Shield block and Bull's Charge-ing out of range either.


> Warrior only has 3 strong core trait lines, Discipline, Defense, and Strength. The rest are for strong memes, such as Condi Warrior/Berzerker.


> [Here is a more defensive SB build.](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR4ejMdQjH2FCmdApIWqCMkCQDIAg/hPxtYleQsLHA-jBSDABH8EAAw8XCKBnf/BQ0Nkv6P9o8TiLCgYAMD-e "Here is a more defensive SB build.") Spellbreaker has a really powerful Full Counter, but if you're just starting out on Warrior it's not the best trait line to take, because if you want sustain in it, you need to consistently land your bursts and FC to trigger Adrenal Health and to mitigate damage. If you're running half the time, you're not making use of the FC to its full potential. Observe if the enemy's break-bar is open after some attacks, if you FC that, and combine it with a Mace burst, daze, or a Bull's Charge, you might empty it completely and give you a chance to Arcing Slice -> Hundred Blades -> Whirlwind away. You can even use Rampage to demolish the break-bar and attempt to wreck face.


> Melee opponents with big hits are great with Spellbreaker because you can FC all the big skills and keep stabbing, although you need to watch and decide which skills you want to block first.

> The worst opponents to face are break-bar locked, ranged Veterans/Elites/Champions. If you're confident you can slot Shield Mastery and use MH Mace block, OH Sword block and/or Shield to reflect projectile bursts, then do your best to CC, dodge, and kill the thing.

> Some melee opponents can be rather unpredictable, such as the Chak hero point in Tangled Depths, and in those cases you should switch to kiting with Longbow or Rifle. Rifle can do big bursts, but the Longbow allows you to keep running while dropping AoE behind you.


> [Here is a Core Warrior build.](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR3ejMdQjH2FCmdAnIGICK9Lm+tAPhXYEsAIC6ZA-jhRDABJoEEEdD5r+TPK/mf/BAM/JGAzA-e "Here is a Core Warrior build.") If you want to get familiar with how Warrior plays, I do think it's best for you to try out Core Warrior. Since they can do level 3 Bursts, they trigger Adrenal Health a lot more handily, and the Strength traitline has Forceful Greatsword/Might Makes Right which adds more sustain and dodges. Room for error! There are quite a few weapon choices. For break-bar-able targets, you can use Mace+Shield/Greatsword so you can swap into GS F1 -> 2 after you break it. For targets safe to do steady damage, you can use Axe+Shield/Greatsword. If you are trying to kite a large mob and still want to keep Adrenal Health going, you can do Longbow/Greatsword or even use a Hammer with Longbow, taking Body Blow and Merciless Hammer so you can run into a Weakened mob relatively safely and cleave them down.


> The good thing about Longbow is even if you don't hit anything with its F1, you will get the Adrenal Health proc and the effect from Cleansing Ire if you took it.


> Switch around the utilties, I put in Endure Pain only because it can save you if you take a dive into nasty and could use an emergency nope-out button. Dolyak and Marauder's can add to your tankiness a bit without going overboard. If Marauder's armor and Durability Runes aren't an option, consider farming some stat-select trinkets from the Living Story maps and set them to Marauder. Durability can be replaced with Soldier's or Wurm or any other Vitality rune-sets, but shouldn't be too hard to get.

> Berzerker Stance/Featherfoot Grace or even Signet of Stamina is great for conditions, you can use offensive stat signets if you're confident you won't need as much active utility usage.


Thanks for all the info! I think I'll try to get use to playing as glassy as possible seeing that seems to be the way of things. While I like the idea of having more survivability, after reading around it appears that it IS possible to survive pretty much everything with little to no defense as long as you can utilize your dodges right and read your opponent. Think I just need to work on getting good.

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