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Character check [suggestion]

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Be able to check each alt characters' hero and inventory panel at character selection screen for easier alt maintenance and character checking.


Also, by the way, be able to save at least one build for each character to be able to easily revert to a good build if needed.

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For the first one, it's not as ideal as having it in the game but you can use a third party site with API keys to view all your alts' stuff.


For the second, build templates have been requested for a very long time. Players thought surely the first expansion would bring this QoL feature, but it wasn't even on the table for HoT per Colin Johannsen. A smaller spike in pleas for it also brought no results with PoF. ANet has said more than once that they think build templates are a great idea, but apparently implementation is complex enough they haven't had the resources to spare to design and code them.

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> @"Zahld.4956" said:

> Any sort of implementation would help qol I say. A simple utility skills and specializations save would be a good start.


Sure it would improve QoL, as would any of 257 other changes proposed by us recently. The difference is: we already have tools to do this. Among the reasons ANet created a robust API is to allow fan coders to develop them. That gives us most of the quality-of-life while allowing ANet to focus on other things that only they can implement.


tl;dr try out some of the existing tools, for example

* [GW2 Efficiency](https://gw2efficiency.com)

* [GW2 Timer](http://gw2timer.com/?page=Account&section=Hero)

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> @"Zahld.4956" said:

> Be able to check each alt characters' hero and inventory panel at character selection screen for easier alt maintenance and character checking.


> Also, by the way, be able to save at least one build for each character to be able to easily revert to a good build if needed.


GW2 Sidekick for Android used to do this. You could view all your toons and inventory via API calls. Don't know if you can still get it. Firepruf mentioned he had run into problems with it. But while it worked it was SO handy to just pull up the app on my tablet for this exact reason.


Being able to view my alts bags would be awesome.


And yes, build templates or riot.

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Except for 2 problems........ You're not supposed to make mules, you're supposed to buy bank tabs and material storage upgrades. Anything you can't store, you're supposed to sell on the TP. Its made this way to so players don't just hoard everything they find, and actually use the TP for what its designed for...... selling stuff for gold, and sinking that gold later on with a new crafting project.


Granted it doesn't stop players from trying.... but it also doesn't mean players are doing the thing that makes the most sense.

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Improvements in inventory management is a good thing. People always want an easier way to find things, keep track of things or arrange things etc. This is a game with a lot of those things.


Also being able to see what's in the bank (and guild bank) without going there would be nice too.


Having shared harvest tool slots would be nice too but then that's another thing that might need a work-around solution being people might already have multiple sets..

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For information: There is a very good application for that: https://gw2efficiency.com/


You can screen with many different filters absolutely everything of your account (chars, dyes, home nodes, cats, recipes, and many other things......). For our chars, this is providing an overview of everything we have and do with each, filtered in many different ways.


Upon signing in, you will be directly addressed to GW2 official site to obtain copy of your API keys that are required to have it working. I have this since a while already and could no more do without it. :)

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> @"Zahld.4956" said:

> Oh these third party thing ughh (sighs). So everyone who wants a few simple qol's has to get these?... :-p Sometimes you need mules and sometimes you share things like harvesting tools and can't remember who has them.


Yes, which is why these third party "things" come in very handy.

Would it be better to have such tools in game? Absolutely. But what other changes to the game are you willing to give up to have these instead?

The reason the API exists is so that ANet can focus on things that it does well (or that only they can do) and fan coders can pick up the slack for thing that they can do well.


Look at the huge amount of utility at GW2 Efficiency, which incorporate not just what is requested in the OP but also crafting resources, monetizing currency, achievements, and more. All things that ANet would be able to do... some day, but not as quickly as we can think of improvements, as @"queicherius.2563" has done. Similarly, GW2 timer started to provide us event location tools (partly using the GW2→Mumble location API), and now provides all sorts of other utilities including my personal favorite: a clean-up tool. It's not quite as good as having a personal inventory manager standing next to you, reading the wiki to help you decide what to salvage versus sell versus destroy versus TP... but it's purty durn good.


tl;dr yes, everyone would benefit from an in-game tool to find stuff

But, in the meantime, these third party _things_ are really, really useful. (And the "in the meantime" is going to be a long, long time.)

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> @"Zahld.4956" said:

> Oh these third party thing ughh (sighs). So everyone who wants a few simple qol's has to get these?... :-p Sometimes you need mules and sometimes you share things like harvesting tools and can't remember who has them.


Why is alt tabbing to gw2 efficiency and checking your mules etc for that one item such a task.. its exactly what your asking for and more tbh - it's one of the reasons ANET have incorporated the API system for our uses.

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> @"Zahld.4956" said:

> GW2 Sidekick for Android used to do this.


That app was great and had so much potential. Yet sadly it was also abandoned, like so many before it.


Currently the best Android app (in my opinion) is [The Unofficial Toolkit for GW2](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.daleon.gw2workbench "The Unofficial Toolkit for GW2")


Other than that, I recommend [GW2 Efficiency](https://gw2efficiency.com/ "GW2 Efficiency")

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Thanks for the links and suggestions guys/gals. Fingers crossed for the next patch/update.


Btw, useful phone app sounds good. Web page is good but app is usually easier to use and find when needed (especially on the go).


I'll check out the links and see how support and tools have progressed.

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Eww the Unofficial Toolkit for gw2 app is nice and easy to use. The GW2 Timer site is kind of slow but has account money value appraisal which is pretty nice to see. GW2 Efficiency site runs pretty smoothly without much slowdown.

Just some notes.

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Please no, this is just a call for toxic playes to abuse this, we already have toxics wanting x ammount of AP and x ammount of items or what ever, now this? People barely let others join fractals now, this is just the killer.


(Edit: OH but I do highly agree on having a safe on the armors like being able to swap different armors and such, would like this a lot)

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