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Should head skins be separated between top, eyes, nose, mouth?

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I always thought what legal would be to have separate skins to be combined like a bonnet and glasses or diabolical horns and bloodstone eyes. Many games have this separation. And the trinkets? You think I should have fur earrings and necklaces? Do you think everything should stay the way it is? You think all eyes and mouth are good? Tell...


PS.: Sorry for any mistakes ☺

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sure, I'd love to mix some skins, especially on the head.

Equiping multiple skins, and just leaving the risk of clipping issues to the player would be fine with me.

especially when it comes to headpieces like mouth masks, horns, and glasses, or tattoos like the Wanderer's marks.


but I'm voting against it, anet's having trouble enough to stick to the 2-3 month release cadence of the Living World.

I don't want to task them with anything that high effort. This isn't something they can code in a day, y'know

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It’s not exactly fine the way it is but it’s almost 6 years into the game and hundreds of pieces of armor later. Cost and time wise, it is to late to ask for this sort of thing. It’s something that should have been done at initial game design when it was easy to add. Not now when remaking it will take away time spent on making new content.


Edit: in addition to needing armor and skins reworked, sigils would need a rework also. For example, would an eyepiece and horns have a sigil each and a helm get 2 sigils? Would they need to reworks the sigils to be 7 bonuses instead of 6?

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Went with other, it should be "Head" and "Face" with Face being purely cosmetic. Head would be the same for the most part. It will be the place to hold the armor item.

Since some head pieces are clearly just facial items any way, the Glowing eye masks, the eye patches, the scars, the glasses. Some of the head gear in game would still allow these to show with out being a issue. Would treat the skins like the back pack/ Glider combos like White feather wings was done.

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As fun as it might be, I have to wonder how precedence might be handled. Do head-pieces take precedent (such as a hood that covers the face), or face pieces (such as glasses)? It sounds like a lot of painstaking work. The Devs would probably have to re-code every single head item in-game, not to mention create dye channels for items that never had any, a new UI, upgrades, etc., etc.


Still, good luck.

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I do wish there were an option to use more than one head item at once (specifically, glasses with headgear) but it's probably too late for a feature like this. If they did add this, I don't think there would be any need to differentiate between face and head items - just let us equip two (cosmetically only) and then it's up to the player if they want to wear a hat with horns clipping through it, glasses and face paint together, a wreath crown and bunny ears or whatever other combination, regardless of clipping/overlapping. Would be fun but it sounds like it'd be more work than it's worth, and if they did put in the work I'd rather see it toward armor headgear working with outfits!

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I'm thinking specific items (mainly eye effects) might be more easily achievable within the current system...?


Headpieces are currently set to splat on certain portions of the head, but most of them (the bare-face ones) leave the face alone rite? So if an additional layer was to be created to apply to the base face alone, sounds plausible


Just nothing dangly


But priority-wise... Unlikely



P. S. I am inferring that the Op didn't mean MUST-must

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I went with no because its really only visible on the character select screen, almost the entire time in game you're staring at the back of their heads so it's not that important to me whether they have, for example, Ruby or Diamond earrings. In fact you're normally looking at the characters from a considerable distance so I don't think these details would even be visible.

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I went with no because these kind of details are really only visible on the character select screen.


Almost the entire time you're in game you're staring at the back of their heads so it's not that important to me whether they have, for example, Ruby or Diamond earrings.


In fact you're normally looking at the characters from a considerable distance so I don't think these details would even be visible.

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