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recycle dungeons into single player challenges

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When was the last time they revamped anything in the core game? Shatterer revamp was on January 2016, also brought gliding in central tyria with some map changes and tweaks. There was also underwater combat overhaul and the sunken treasures that were released last patch.

Other than a big boss and some minor content reworks they haven't touched core tyria at all after Heart of Thorns was released. Dungeons are core tyria content, which means there is little to no gain to update them, while involving quite a bit of effort.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> When was the last time they revamped anything in the core game? Shatterer revamp was on January 2016, also brought gliding in central tyria with some map changes and tweaks. There was also underwater combat overhaul and the sunken treasures that were released last patch.

> Other than a big boss and some minor content reworks they haven't touched core tyria at all after Heart of Thorns was released. Dungeons are core tyria content, which means there is little to no gain to update them, while involving quite a bit of effort.


Just because it's old content, doesn't mean it's not worth bothering with it and people would not play it. Dungeons were popular for years and they would still be if we wouldn't have raids and fractals. We all know the reason why people play fractals are mostly because of better rewards and more challenge. If dungeons were reworked to provide good rewards and brought up to meet current balance, they would start shining again and I'll bet everything I got that if rewards were about equal, most people would switch to dungeons immediately and barely touch fractals again, if even.

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Dungeons should be updated, polished, have their bugs fixed or just left the way they are, I suppose. They shouldn't be turned into anything that is 'not dungeons'.


As far as niches are concerned, how about something like this - depending on your number of players:


**5 players** - 1.0 * _(current rewards)_

**4 players** - 1.20 * each _(+0,20 over having 5)_

**3 players** - 1.60 * each _(+0,40 over having 4)_

**2 players** - 2.20 * each _(+0,60 over having 3)_

**1 player** - 3.00 * _(+0,80 over having 2)_


This would be a change I could get behind. Something aimed at those who are still enjoying dungeons or those who are looking to get back into dungeons again rather than at anyone who'd touch them only once for any given rewards or gifts. These numbers could certainly be tweaked of course and might turn out to be a bit too much but you get my point.

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As the others said, Anet would probably not bother with dungeons which is really sad for me since I only started playing not too long ago (maybe a year now) and it was really difficult to find team mates for dungeons and if you do find one, they are mostly rushers so I don't learn much. there's youtube I guess but damn. Always have to be youtube lol. At this point, it would be much better for fractals to have solo/duo mode. It would be nice for times when even guildmates are done with them and don't to run them again and lfgs are for meta builds only. Also, the challenge.

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I have a question though: why do people care so much that people aren't running dungeons? ANET has already said they will not devote any time to developing / revamping dungeons, but just because few people aren't running them, doesn't mean the dungeons themselves will cease to exist. The NPCs won't suddenly get up and leave the instance because they haven't seen an adventurer in a week.


My only thought is that people who want to run dungeons can't find a group, in which case, instead of banging a drum asking for ANET to change dungeons, spend that time and energy in joining / developing a community group that runs dungeons. Unlike other MMOs where you are stuck on your individual server, in Gw2 you can create a guild, discord group, whatever, and form a group from players wherever they are.

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> @"Jinn Galen.2468" said:

> As the others said, Anet would probably not bother with dungeons which is really sad for me since I only started playing not too long ago (maybe a year now) and it was really difficult to find team mates for dungeons and if you do find one, they are mostly rushers so I don't learn much. there's youtube I guess but kitten. Always have to be youtube lol. At this point, it would be much better for fractals to have solo/duo mode. It would be nice for times when even guildmates are done with them and don't to run them again and lfgs are for meta builds only. Also, the challenge.


Well considering alot of people joined after dungeons died why dont you put up a lfg with all welcome watching movies. (for what ever path you want to do)

You shouldent get any rushers then but prob alot of new people that like you dont know what to do so a new player experience.

You dont have to stand around waiting for it to fill just go about your other stuff map completing personal story etc while the group fills.

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