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Sword weaver support


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I don't play ele much and before I invest in any gear, wanted to get opinions or have a discussion on this matter. I'm not looking for "It'll never work" or "Meta says" or anything of the sort. I was thinking minstrels gear to stay in the thick of things and pulse out heals through auto for melee allies, Could rotate elements to grant boons Plenty of utility to sustain self atleast.

But that is as far as i got when quick looking through skills and what not before saying screw it and talking it over with people who understand the ele.


So, does anyone believe there's an effective way to build a healing sword weaver? again, just a discusion. Some why's or why nots. I'd be using it mostly for regular PvE stuffs where I know it doesnt matter in some places, but if we can get it to be useful, take it into fractals for fun times.


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If you compare staff water auto to sword water auto, which are mechanically very very similar, you get this.



372 healing 0.25 healing coefficient per 1.2 seconds with 240 radius



462 healing 0.2 healing coefficient per 2.44 seconds with 130 radius


Meaning with a typical healing build staff will output more than twice the healing in almost twice the radius. Comparing aqua siphon to geyser is even more dramatically in staff's favor. Sword auto's overall heal potential is literally less than regeneration.


A lot more arguments to be made such as not requiring the mostly useless weaver traitline on staff and being at range when needed etc. Sword support weaver in pve has virtually nothing going for it.



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You have no support in the spe line, neither in the skills Stances, a weak support in Water with sword.

Sword has very short range, and very short radius effect; so short that #3 with the 3/4~1s cast sometimes hits in a time warp ; and #2 sword requires you shift yourself ....


No, you can't have a good heal/support with weaver / sword.

If you have tempest, go tempest with staff or dagger/warhorn.

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I ran zealot's sword weaver on Mursaat Overseer once for kicks. It is...workable...but not at all good by any means. The sustained healing is pretty good, just because of the water trait line and the ability to swap back into water for the proc every ~7 seconds, 5 with alacrity. But your ability to do emergency burst healing is pretty much zero. The best you can do is predict beforehand when you'll need a lot of healing and pop weave self to amp up your sustained healing.

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The outgoing healing on the elite isn't even useful to be honest. For non-PvE, Tempest has more heals from the fire/frost/magnetic auras and shouts, but Firebrands are the best for all of the aegis heals, resistance, condi conversions, water fields, extra toughness, easier accessible CCs without being locked out by attunements. FB kits just have so much more versatility.

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**Meta says It'll never work.**



Weaver spec is oriented to dmg and survival. Its very selfish in terms of boons and effects.

Sword is very slow and short range and doesn't provide boons or effects for the group.


If you want to do support, go tempest.

Staff for healing support, d/w or sc/w for boons.

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Ignore these people, as clearly they are referring to meta when you just inquired about viability.


What you want to do would work fine. I’d suggest marshal stats (power, healing, condi and precision) it will give you really good sustain for the weaver play style. The healing power also scales your barriers.


You can spec to boonshare regen and condi cleanse. Master the ‘about face’ hotkey for controlling water sword 2 spin direction.


It’s a lot of fun imo.

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> @"Sinful.2165" said:

> Ignore these people, as clearly they are referring to meta when you just inquired about viability.


> What you want to do would work fine. I’d suggest marshal stats (power, healing, condi and precision) it will give you really good sustain for the weaver play style. The healing power also scales your barriers.


> You can spec to boonshare regen and condi cleanse. Master the ‘about face’ hotkey for controlling water sword 2 spin direction.


> It’s a lot of fun imo.


Thanks for the marshall idea, I'm currently playing the seraph version and it's fun as hell, but maybe marshall is more dps.


My comp:

Seraph gear, Weaver/Water/Arcane. Glyph of Storms, Signet of Fire and Primo Stance put out massive condi on their own.


With all dmg coming from support skills, the weapon comp can be changed at free will, it doesn't really matter. You can take out any openworld PvE mob with ease, while healing massivly and be a great support. It's a great one for all build and makes fractals super easy, as you do some dmg (usually halv of a dd) but make the run extremly easy as your heals are just insane.

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I am actually running marshal (+grieving) for open world on my sword weaver right now, since I wanted a kind of jack of all trades type of build. decent condi damage, decent power damage, decent healing. I like the build; it's fun. But, while it can do all of those, as a support specifically it's not great (due to no real burst heal + very small radius and all PBAoE), so it's certainly not something I'd bring into a pug raid, for instance. But if I weren't busy with other games I'd be trying it out in T4 fractals.

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Yesterday I tanked 3 veteran guards, 3 dredge, 1 supervisor and a mesmer with my healer weaver. And it was easy. The problem with being a healer weaver is the range on sword skills is bad. You literally need to be surrounded for optimal use. I've found that conditions or a burst of damage usually do me in. Its fun, kind of useless character.

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  • 4 weeks later...

> @"reikken.4961" said:

> I am actually running marshal (+grieving) for open world on my sword weaver right now, since I wanted a kind of jack of all trades type of build. decent condi damage, decent power damage, decent healing. I like the build; it's fun. But, while it can do all of those, as a support specifically it's not great (due to no real burst heal + very small radius and all PBAoE), so it's certainly not something I'd bring into a pug raid, for instance. But if I weren't busy with other games I'd be trying it out in T4 fractals.


The new plagedoctor stats combined with trainblazer/viper for max condi duration works like a charm for t4 and open world. You are so goddamn tanky, do okay dps and have great support. I love it.

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