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First person view for mounts!

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Hey, Anet! Thanks a million for the first person view you gave us a few years ago!

Now, can we get the same for mounts?

I enjoy playing in first person (and I'm hoping to try playing the game in VR here pretty soon), but it's very disorienting and immersion-breaking to go into zoomed-in third person once I mount anything. I would LOVE to be able to fly on my griffon and actually see things below me. VR aside, having that kind of a view would make me want to do nothing else except fly.


To other players reading this... how often do you use first person, and where do you think it fits in the most?

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I never use first-person view. Tried it once, when it first came out; wasn't fond of it, at all...especially for combat.




Anyways, it would be pretty nice to enjoy the view in 1st person. The visuals in this game are great and to fully experience them would be nice.

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> @"Kingkiller.9645" said:

> Hey, Anet! Thanks a million for the first person view you gave us a few years ago!

> Now, can we get the same for mounts?

> I enjoy playing in first person (and I'm hoping to try playing the game in VR here pretty soon), but it's very disorienting and immersion-breaking to go into zoomed-in third person once I mount anything. I would LOVE to be able to fly on my griffon and actually see things below me. VR aside, having that kind of a view would make me want to do nothing else except fly.


> To other players reading this... how often do you use first person, and where do you think it fits in the most?


I was kinda disappointed that 1st person camera didn't come out with the expansion.


1st person camera makes me engaged in the world around me and I feel kinda like in Overwatch. :D


I hope the devs will look into this issue. :)


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I'm not against first-person view mounted, but I see some issues with it.


First, most of the mounts move quickly and unevenly. They could seriously aggravate motion sickness, especially with the narrow FOV in this game.


Second, while mounted you need to see much more than what's in front of you, especially when navigating Jackal or Springer jumps.


Finally, you need to be able to look down. Finding the right spots to dive down on Skimmer or Griffin is very difficult with FPV's lack of verticality. At best, you end up looking at your mount instead of down.


If they introduce mounted combat or beef up the visual options, I could see benefit to it, but until then... this isn't something I'd use.

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well, im assuming it would only happen if first person mode was enabled, so in that case sure i guess.


I dont use First person at all, cause i get motion sick, for the same reason i de mount sometimes and walk, so first person would just be awful for me.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I never use first-person view. Tried it once, when it first came out; wasn't fond of it, at all...especially for combat.


You don't like fighting in a rave, with all of the over-the-top flashes, and fast movements and rolls? I dont even try first person mode on anything after ES3. These games weren't designed for it, everything is so tall and flashy.

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> I'm not against first-person view mounted, but I see some issues with it.


> First, most of the mounts move quickly and unevenly. They could seriously aggravate motion sickness, especially with the narrow FOV in this game.


> Second, while mounted you need to see much more than what's in front of you, especially when navigating Jackal or Springer jumps.


> Finally, you need to be able to look down. Finding the right spots to dive down on Skimmer or Griffin is very difficult with FPV's lack of verticality. At best, you end up looking at your mount instead of down.


> If they introduce mounted combat or beef up the visual options, I could see benefit to it, but until then... this isn't something I'd use.


Well, most of those issues are as simple a fix as "don't use it if you don't like it", but not even having the option to use it if you want to?


> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Are you looking for first person as in still being able to see your mount's head in front of you (ie proper first person)? That could be interesting


Being able to see your mount in front of you is exactly what I'm talking about.


The only issue I agree with from Trise is that yeah, looking down on a griffon might be difficult, but wouldn't it be as easy as letting us look down and just left clicking and moving your mouse? Sure, the griffon's body would block a lot of view, but it would be immersive as heck!

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> @"artemis.6781" said:

> It would be cool if people want it. But don't force it on us that can't handle first person views. It makes me so nauseous. But if it's an option, then yes I would support.


Oh, I'm not insane - I would never ask Anet to force people to use it. Hell no. I wouldn't even want to use it all the time. I just want to have that option, just like we can use first person when we're not on mounts right now.

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