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Supporting LGBT logo of GW2

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> @"Turin.6921" said:

> A company and any collaborative venture can have a code of conduct and common values in which they operate. Thus they can take a political stance collectively without necessarily infringing on the individuality of the members.


And it does more harm than good. A company or non-political collaborative venture should be apolitical and pro-capitalistic so as to respect the views of its employees and customers as well as maximize the market pool. Individuals more interested in pushing an agenda likely aren't as interested in making money, improving their company and attracting more customers.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

>A company or non-political collaborative venture should be apolitical and pro-capitalistic so as to respect the views of its employees and customers as well as maximize the market pool.


But being pro-capitalist is being political. It is a socio-economic and political viewpoint. Making money is also an agenda.


A company being pro-capitalist would not infringe and would not be disrespectful to an employee that might have socialist values, as long as these values are clear beforehand. They same way a code of conduct is not infringing on the view of any employee as long as it is honestly expressed before hand.


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I don't mind LGBT people, I don't mind them in story arcs. I don't like when we have things like this, though, because it's singling people out as "special." Like, if we singled out something else, like Catholics, during Lent, people might be upset about that too. This is a game. I'd just like to see politics and things of that nature left out.

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> @"Turin.6921" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> >A company or non-political collaborative venture should be apolitical and pro-capitalistic so as to respect the views of its employees and customers as well as maximize the market pool.


> But being pro-capitalist is being political. It is a socio-economic and political viewpoint. Making money is also an agenda.


> A company being pro-capitalist would not infringe and would not be disrespectful to an employee that might have socialist values, as long as these values are clear beforehand. They same way a code of conduct is not infringing on the view of any employee as long as it is honestly expressed before hand.



Okay. Then they should be apolitical to viewpoints not pertaining directly to their venture.


Anyone joining their venture are likely pro-capitalist by principal they are trying to make more money and compete in open market. But just like you probably wouldn't want GW2 to come out supporting white nationalists in the US, no one wants unrelated politics pressured on them from other bands and companies. It just makes them subject to bans, boycotts, slander and socio-political dissonance.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> .....i would like to know what lgbt even stands for before ppl assume everybody knows.

> also, i never saw any "straight" festivals (tho, the word "straight" is kinda weird, are you diagonal when you're gay?)


LGBT stand for Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender. These days, sometimes people add I for intersex, or Q for queer or questioning. And then sometimes it gets combined into LGBTIQ, or just LGBT+.


There were never any straight festivals because straight people have never been a marginalized group based on their orientation. Straight is considered the norm, and technically speaking it is. What deviates from the norm is often considered not normal or unnatural, and treated as such. That is why there are Pride events, to show the world that no matter what we look like, we are still just people like everyone else, who want to be able to freely love their chosen partners like everyone else, regardless of sex or gender.


Straight has long been a term to express that one is going with the flow, the mainstream. A criminal can become a straight citizen by giving up crime. A drug addict can become straight by giving up and staying away from drugs. When they are not doing the "straight" thing, they are "bent", "crooked", "deformed", "out of shape", etc. You know, the opposite of straight. The word does have more than one meaning and can be used in different contexts.

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> @"Timo.1065" said:

> Last week the owner of GW2 made a decission of change GW2 PoF logo to support LGBT people.

> Im wonder what do you think about that.


He opened the door for this very conversation.

I see LGBT friendly guilds advertising quite often in game. I fully support a guild's decision to recruit like minded players who aren't ass hats to LGBT, or seen as a "safe space" (lol). What I really do not support is the decision to bring political or societal issues into a video game. ArenaNet, in my opinion, should practice being an umbrella/platform for gamers of any race, sexual orientation, or political views to come together and play the damn game. One common interest.


Sides, mesmers are already pink and frilly. Isn't that support enough? _troll_

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I'm trans myself. It was a nice gesture for Anet to recolor the logo for the month. Would I want an in-game event? Not particularly, but I wouldn't mind either. It figures that such a hateful post would exclude that option. I guess the thought was that anyone that supports LGBT rights must want an in-game event for it.


The idea of "keeping politics out of the game" is simply silly. Everything is political. If something doesn't seem political to you, then that's because you agree with its politics.

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I don't think this was the first year they've swapped out the logo for the Pride version, and Anet has a history of having LGBT stuff in the game. I like that Anet does these things, and I enjoy seeing the marches/events that the community puts together for various causes and events (including Pride month).

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> Anyone joining their venture are likely pro-capitalist by principal they are trying to make more money and compete in open market. But just like you probably wouldn't want GW2 to come out supporting white nationalists in the US,


I would not like them to support white nationalism cause I consider it a destructive ideology. And i would have reacted accordingly. But it would becuase of my disagreement with that specific idea. Not cause I disagree with the general idea of political expression of a private organization. They would not be disrespecting anyone's individuality by expressing that.


They are free to express this as a company and i have the right to support or criticize accordingly.


>no one wants unrelated politics pressured on them from other bands and companies.


As long as there are humans involved there will be politics involved. The human being is a political animal by its social nature. Only as a hermit (maybe) you can be apolitical.

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> @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

> The idea of "keeping politics out of the game" is simply silly. Everything is political. If something doesn't seem political to you, then that's because you agree with its politics.


I disagree. I feel there is a difference between political motifs portrayed for the sake of a narrative and reflecting actual political views. Just because a game portrays, for example, conservative highlights like in the newest Farcry game, doesn't mean the makers support the same views or that it's a commentary on current day or any other jazz gaming journalists want to conjure to make a subject political. At that point, it's not the game or the company being political, it's the individuals interpreting the media.


Everything is political when you want to see everything as political. It really isn't, tho.

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> @"Turin.6921" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > Anyone joining their venture are likely pro-capitalist by principal they are trying to make more money and compete in open market. But just like you probably wouldn't want GW2 to come out supporting white nationalists in the US,


> I would not like them to support white nationalism cause I consider it a destructive ideology. And i would have reacted accordingly. But it would becuase of my disagreement with that specific idea. Not cause I disagree with the general idea of political expression of a private organization. They would not be disrespecting anyone's individuality by expressing that.


> They are free to express this as a company and i have the right to support or criticize accordingly.


> >no one wants unrelated politics pressured on them from other bands and companies.


> As long as there are humans involved there will be politics involved. The human being is a political animal by its social nature. Only as a hermit (maybe) you can be apolitical.


And only in today's environment would people support bringing everyone's politics to the foreground so every aspect of their choices, products or services can be judged by the aggregate opinion that flows through the fickle platform of social media.


You may see keeping your political views to applicable circumstances as being a hermit, but on the opposite end of the spectrum, taking pics of your food and constantly updating every aspect of your life online is the embodiment of narcissism. There is literally no reason everything has to be political unless you just want to aggregate your view on everything.

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Your poll basically has 2 x "I'm totally _into_ the whole LGBT thing!!11" and 2x "I'm an ass". Way to go.


I wouldn't care half of all NPCs happen to be gay, but I'm not much into flaunting someone's sexuality and making it totally a *thing*. So the whole pride stuff, or this logo, is not _particularly_ up my alley, but it's not like I care either way, so eh.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

> > The idea of "keeping politics out of the game" is simply silly. Everything is political. If something doesn't seem political to you, then that's because you agree with its politics.


> I disagree. I feel there is a difference between political motifs portrayed for the sake of a narrative and reflecting actual political views. Just because a game portrays, for example, conservative highlights like in the newest Farcry game, doesn't mean the makers support the same views or that it's a commentary on current day or any other jazz gaming journalists want to conjure to make a subject political. At that point, it's not the game or the company being political, it's the individuals interpreting the media.


> Everything is political when you want to see everything as political. It really isn't, tho.


That goes both ways, though. I don't see ANet changing their logo on social media to a rainbow logo as anything political. Then again, I don't see the plight of LGBT people as anything political. It's a social issue, still in some places of the world, including parts of the very country ArenaNet is in. The fact that politics can do something to make their plight better, doesn't make it a political issue. It's still just a social issue. It's just a fact that politics governs a lot of aspects of our lives and as such is also in a position (not the only ones in that position) to do something about it.


No, I just see this move by ANet as a sign of solidarity, empathy for those who can't openly be who they are for fear of rejection and even physical aggression. It still happens, even in my home country of the Netherlands, which people have always thought is a paradise for LGBT people because we pioneered the legal option for LGBT people to get married. To me, this is ANet saying: "Hey, we know you're out there and we sympathize. We hope things get better for you and want you to know we're here for you." You know, like a bit of moral support you would give a friend when they are having a hard time. There is nothing even remotely political about that.

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