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Guild Hall's nodes do not show

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Any GH node (no matter which gh) that is identical - same tier, same number of strikes, is the same node to the game; so once you gather from one maxed out Ore Syntheziser all maxed Ore Synthezier will show as gathered. Try to head to those halls *first* instead of last.


Edit: Also, the so-obvious-you-might-miss-it thing: check the upgrades to see which nodes *should* be available!

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This caught me out too, for ages I was going around 3 different guild halls gathering from all of them, then suddenly I found that the one I went to last was already gathered - the nodes were there but they were empty. Couldn't work it out until I remembered to go there first one day and they were fine but another guilds nodes were empty.


Then I found out that you can only gather from each 'tier' of node once, so when that guild caught up to my main guild I wasn't able to use their nodes any more.

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