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Four QoL Requests

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Sigils/Runes depositable in banks, they simply amass in my bags and it's really a waste of time to find a WP to vendor 2 silver worth of runes/sigils when the port costs almost that much. Otherwise I'm stuck individually destroying them.


Could you create a short cut key for deposit all materials? This would save so many key stroke and to keep inventory clear while running around.


Character placed items, could you make these optionally hidden or a feature to report people intentionally placing them near banks, on nodes, or chests just to agitate people. I'm sitting in LoA as we speak and someone has littered so much guild junk, box of fun, and aviator box in order to hinder bank access.


Crafting, could a favorites tab or option to pin commonly/daily crafted items to the top so we don't have to hunt through the smoorgish board of recipes.

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> @"chrisjfinlay.5614" said:

> > @"Josh.4016" said:

> > Could you create a short cut key for deposit all materials? This would save so many key stroke and to keep inventory clear while running around.


> You already can. It's in the top right of the inventory, click the cog and there's an option to Deposit All Materials.



I think they want to bind it to a specific key. Using the cog while doing a meta can be annoying. Especially if you don't have much bag space. Being able to assign it to a keybind would be amazing.


I've asked for this specific QoL before, so, of course, I fully support it. The others are decent too.

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> @"chrisjfinlay.5614" said:

> > @"Josh.4016" said:

> > Could you create a short cut key for deposit all materials? This would save so many key stroke and to keep inventory clear while running around.


> You already can. It's in the top right of the inventory, click the cog and there's an option to Deposit All Materials.




I assumed OP was asking for a keybind.

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> @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

> > @"chrisjfinlay.5614" said:

> > > @"Josh.4016" said:

> > > Could you create a short cut key for deposit all materials? This would save so many key stroke and to keep inventory clear while running around.

> >

> > You already can. It's in the top right of the inventory, click the cog and there's an option to Deposit All Materials.

> >


> I think they want to bind it to a specific key. Using the cog while doing a meta can be annoying. Especially if you don't have much bag space. Being able to assign it to a keybind would be amazing.


> I've asked for this specific QoL before, so, of course, I fully support it. The others are decent too.


Personally I can't say I've ever found it an annoyance but I'm not going to speak for other players, so I'll hush on that. No reason why not to be able to bind it, I guess.

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As for the sigils: If you do the Tarrktun Supporter ecto achievement you get a personal vendor gizmo allowing you to sell junk and runes on the run, basically "salvage all -> deposit all -> sell junk -> sell runes (doubleclick on top one until all are gone)". All this takes about 10-15 seconds, easily done on the run between objectives with autorun enabled. Given you have 100 inventory slots you will only have to do this about once per hour most of the time.

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> @"rng.1024" said:

> As for the sigils: If you do the Tarrktun Supporter ecto achievement you get a personal vendor gizmo allowing you to sell junk and runes on the run, basically "salvage all -> deposit all -> sell junk -> sell runes (doubleclick on top one until all are gone)". All this takes about 10-15 seconds, easily done on the run between objectives with autorun enabled. Given you have 100 inventory slots you will only have to do this about once per hour most of the time.


From the wiki:

_Achieving the Legendary Tarrktun Supporter achievement costs 10000 Gold coin and 25000 Globs of Ectoplasm, not factoring in any return profit.

Accounting for profit, the maximum total cost (assuming worst case returns) is 7500 Gold coin and 20000 Globs of Ectoplasm._

Probably not a solution most of us can achieve?

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> @"Josh.4016" said:

> Sigils/Runes depositable in banks, they simply amass in my bags and it's really a waste of time to find a WP to vendor 2 silver worth of runes/sigils when the port costs almost that much. Otherwise I'm stuck individually destroying them.

This is why perm bank/merchant contracts exist and there is a demand for them. Probably not going to happen. As others suggested, the best free option is to port to PvP lobby, WvW map or Guild Hall.

> Could you create a short cut key for deposit all materials? This would save so many key stroke and to keep inventory clear while running around.

Would be a good change but in all honesty, looking at this and the 1st point, it seems like you have inventory management issues and ANet do rely (to a certain degree) on monetizing ease of access options like VIP passes/perm contracts.

> Character placed items, could you make these optionally hidden or a feature to report people intentionally placing them near banks, on nodes, or chests just to agitate people. I'm sitting in LoA as we speak and someone has littered so much guild junk, box of fun, and aviator box in order to hinder bank access.

Neutral on this. Could potentially have a 1 meter non-placement radius on services NPCs but being brutally honest, I've never experienced this issue myself.

> Crafting, could a favorites tab or option to pin commonly/daily crafted items to the top so we don't have to hunt through the smoorgish board of recipes.

Not arguing against this but we _do_ have a search function within the crafting panel. I'm guessing you make the daily gated mats like _Mithrillium_ etc.


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> @"Klowdy.3126" said:

> > @"rajmaj.4576" said:

> > I'd love a keybind to deposit all, as I have hit compact too many times, then spent more time than I would have liked reorganising my inventory


> You should get some invisible bags for stuff you dont want to be compacted.


Just looked them up, and they're just what I was looking for! Thank you!

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> @"Josh.4016" said:

> Character placed items, could you make these optionally hidden or a feature to report people intentionally placing them near banks, on nodes, or chests just to agitate people. I'm sitting in LoA as we speak and someone has littered so much guild junk, box of fun, and aviator box in order to hinder bank access.

This has been requested repeatedly and there has not been any indication, as far as I have been able to tell, that the devs are interested in doing this. I've had this happen to me trying to get to chests/hero points/NPC's, etc that took quite a while for me to reach. It's unfortunate that there are people who get enjoyment out of taking fun away from others.

That being said, I've found that binding the "Next Ally" key and using that can very often cycle through things that are in close proximity when you can't click on the specific one you want with the mouse. It doesn't work in all situations, but it might help every so often.


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> @"Plautze.6290" said:

> > @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> > @OP, you know you can hop into the PvP lobby, sell your stuff, then exit back to your PvE location?


> Same goes for WvW, although the individual services are more spread out.


OS. Can't get much more compact lol . . .

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> @"Tajiseed.7831" said:

> > @"rng.1024" said:

> > As for the sigils: If you do the Tarrktun Supporter ecto achievement you get a personal vendor gizmo allowing you to sell junk and runes on the run, basically "salvage all -> deposit all -> sell junk -> sell runes (doubleclick on top one until all are gone)". All this takes about 10-15 seconds, easily done on the run between objectives with autorun enabled. Given you have 100 inventory slots you will only have to do this about once per hour most of the time.


> From the wiki:

> _Achieving the Legendary Tarrktun Supporter achievement costs 10000 Gold coin and 25000 Globs of Ectoplasm, not factoring in any return profit.

> Accounting for profit, the maximum total cost (assuming worst case returns) is 7500 Gold coin and 20000 Globs of Ectoplasm._

> Probably not a solution most of us can achieve?


That's the absolute worst-case cost, the equivalent of rolling a 1 on several hundred dierolls in a row - theoretically possible but not realistic. The average cost, based on the drop rate research linked below, will be about 240 Gold and 190 ecto. Of course, you need to have quite a bit more than that when you startin order to eat any unlucky streaks, and being RNG this is an *average* - results can vary quite a bit.



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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Tajiseed.7831" said:

> > > @"rng.1024" said:

> > > As for the sigils: If you do the Tarrktun Supporter ecto achievement you get a personal vendor gizmo allowing you to sell junk and runes on the run, basically "salvage all -> deposit all -> sell junk -> sell runes (doubleclick on top one until all are gone)". All this takes about 10-15 seconds, easily done on the run between objectives with autorun enabled. Given you have 100 inventory slots you will only have to do this about once per hour most of the time.

> >

> > From the wiki:

> > _Achieving the Legendary Tarrktun Supporter achievement costs 10000 Gold coin and 25000 Globs of Ectoplasm, not factoring in any return profit.

> > Accounting for profit, the maximum total cost (assuming worst case returns) is 7500 Gold coin and 20000 Globs of Ectoplasm._

> > Probably not a solution most of us can achieve?


> That's the absolute worst-case cost, the equivalent of rolling a 1 on several hundred dierolls in a row - theoretically possible but not realistic. The average cost, based on the drop rate research linked below, will be about 240 Gold and 190 ecto. Of course, you need to have quite a bit more than that when you startin order to eat any unlucky streaks, and being RNG this is an *average* - results can vary quite a bit.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glob_of_Destabilized_Ectoplasm/Drop_Rate


Uhm.. never argued the cost? There are incredibly few portable gizmo-vendors in game, and some consistent gambling (the wiki states "not factoring in any return profit", and seeing as it also lists the return at = 80% last I checked) over a few months will net you this fairly easy. Never said it was cheap, just that it's convenient to have in the long run because it allowes you to sell sigils as this was one of OP's main issues with the inventory management during metas.


So I have to agree with Tanner here :)

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Tajiseed.7831" said:

> > > @"rng.1024" said:

> > > As for the sigils: If you do the Tarrktun Supporter ecto achievement you get a personal vendor gizmo allowing you to sell junk and runes on the run, basically "salvage all -> deposit all -> sell junk -> sell runes (doubleclick on top one until all are gone)". All this takes about 10-15 seconds, easily done on the run between objectives with autorun enabled. Given you have 100 inventory slots you will only have to do this about once per hour most of the time.

> >

> > From the wiki:

> > _Achieving the Legendary Tarrktun Supporter achievement costs 10000 Gold coin and 25000 Globs of Ectoplasm, not factoring in any return profit.

> > Accounting for profit, the maximum total cost (assuming worst case returns) is 7500 Gold coin and 20000 Globs of Ectoplasm._

> > Probably not a solution most of us can achieve?


> That's the absolute worst-case cost, the equivalent of rolling a 1 on several hundred dierolls in a row - theoretically possible but not realistic. The average cost, based on the drop rate research linked below, will be about 240 Gold and 190 ecto. Of course, you need to have quite a bit more than that when you startin order to eat any unlucky streaks, and being RNG this is an *average* - results can vary quite a bit.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glob_of_Destabilized_Ectoplasm/Drop_Rate


I lost around 6300 gold on it


Edit, still worth it though.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > > @"Tajiseed.7831" said:

> > > > @"rng.1024" said:

> > > > As for the sigils: If you do the Tarrktun Supporter ecto achievement you get a personal vendor gizmo allowing you to sell junk and runes on the run, basically "salvage all -> deposit all -> sell junk -> sell runes (doubleclick on top one until all are gone)". All this takes about 10-15 seconds, easily done on the run between objectives with autorun enabled. Given you have 100 inventory slots you will only have to do this about once per hour most of the time.

> > >

> > > From the wiki:

> > > _Achieving the Legendary Tarrktun Supporter achievement costs 10000 Gold coin and 25000 Globs of Ectoplasm, not factoring in any return profit.

> > > Accounting for profit, the maximum total cost (assuming worst case returns) is 7500 Gold coin and 20000 Globs of Ectoplasm._

> > > Probably not a solution most of us can achieve?

> >

> > That's the absolute worst-case cost, the equivalent of rolling a 1 on several hundred dierolls in a row - theoretically possible but not realistic. The average cost, based on the drop rate research linked below, will be about 240 Gold and 190 ecto. Of course, you need to have quite a bit more than that when you startin order to eat any unlucky streaks, and being RNG this is an *average* - results can vary quite a bit.

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glob_of_Destabilized_Ectoplasm/Drop_Rate


> I lost around 6300 gold on it


> Edit, still worth it though.


Ouch, that is a *very* unlucky result from 100 gambles. A good example of what it *can* cost though!


For completeness sake - Sandstorm in Amnoon can give a similar gizmo for a similar gamble. According to the wiki's drop rate research, that one has a higher return on ecto but a lower return on gold. That does however not factor in any Runes of Holding that drops from it.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > > > @"Tajiseed.7831" said:

> > > > > @"rng.1024" said:

> > > > > As for the sigils: If you do the Tarrktun Supporter ecto achievement you get a personal vendor gizmo allowing you to sell junk and runes on the run, basically "salvage all -> deposit all -> sell junk -> sell runes (doubleclick on top one until all are gone)". All this takes about 10-15 seconds, easily done on the run between objectives with autorun enabled. Given you have 100 inventory slots you will only have to do this about once per hour most of the time.

> > > >

> > > > From the wiki:

> > > > _Achieving the Legendary Tarrktun Supporter achievement costs 10000 Gold coin and 25000 Globs of Ectoplasm, not factoring in any return profit.

> > > > Accounting for profit, the maximum total cost (assuming worst case returns) is 7500 Gold coin and 20000 Globs of Ectoplasm._

> > > > Probably not a solution most of us can achieve?

> > >

> > > That's the absolute worst-case cost, the equivalent of rolling a 1 on several hundred dierolls in a row - theoretically possible but not realistic. The average cost, based on the drop rate research linked below, will be about 240 Gold and 190 ecto. Of course, you need to have quite a bit more than that when you startin order to eat any unlucky streaks, and being RNG this is an *average* - results can vary quite a bit.

> > >

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glob_of_Destabilized_Ectoplasm/Drop_Rate

> >

> > I lost around 6300 gold on it

> >

> > Edit, still worth it though.


> Ouch, that is a *very* unlucky result from 100 gambles. A good example of what it *can* cost though!


> For completeness sake - Sandstorm in Amnoon can give a similar gizmo for a similar gamble. According to the wiki's drop rate research, that one has a higher return on ecto but a lower return on gold. That does however not factor in any Runes of Holding that drops from it.


Good tips (and agree that the distribution of outcomes will have a relatively benign mean), I think our op was complaining about spending 2s though on a TP to vendor!!

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> @"Plautze.6290" said:

> > @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> > @OP, you know you can hop into the PvP lobby, sell your stuff, then exit back to your PvE location?


> Same goes for WvW, although the individual services are more spread out.


If that works the same way as hopping out to a guild hall or Mistlock Sanctuary does, you might not be able to get back to the same instance of the map you left. (Painful recent memories of leaving a Tier 5 Dry Top map and coming back to a Tier 2 map.) No fun finding out that meta map is full and you're in the overflow map now, or forgetting that you can't go back into a successful Dragon's Stand map to open noxious pods because it blocks newcomers from coming to loot in the last 15 minutes.

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> @"rajmaj.4576" said:

> > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

> > > @"rajmaj.4576" said:

> > > I'd love a keybind to deposit all, as I have hit compact too many times, then spent more time than I would have liked reorganising my inventory

> >

> > You should get some invisible bags for stuff you dont want to be compacted.


> Just looked them up, and they're just what I was looking for! Thank you!


I'm glad I could help. I know they have been quite useful for me. Keep in mind, you can't sell anything on the TP from them, they are invisible to everything.

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > @"Plautze.6290" said:

> > > @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> > > @OP, you know you can hop into the PvP lobby, sell your stuff, then exit back to your PvE location?

> >

> > Same goes for WvW, although the individual services are more spread out.


> If that works the same way as hopping out to a guild hall or Mistlock Sanctuary does, you might not be able to get back to the same instance of the map you left. (Painful recent memories of leaving a Tier 5 Dry Top map and coming back to a Tier 2 map.) No fun finding out that meta map is full and you're in the overflow map now, or forgetting that you can't go back into a successful Dragon's Stand map to open noxious pods because it blocks newcomers from coming to loot in the last 15 minutes.


Didn't know that.

But why would you WANT to leave a T5 Dry Top in the first place?

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