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The Effects Of No-Downstate in WvW - Why Players Feel The Way They Do <- ARENANET READ THIS

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:



> What I would like to see is there be a 50/50 chance a player is outright killed upon death. Or maybe this can tie into how much damage the player takes as the final blow before dying (in other words, being obliterated by a zerker build as the final blow, whereas a hit from a tankier build would result in downed state. Or even perhaps the amount of damage someone takes as the final blow depends on how much hp they have in downstate or just outright killed. That is something I'd actually like to see because they maybe some players will get off their toxic front-line tanky builds and start forgoing some of their toughness for a dps stat. As a final blow from a whimpy hit would result in a mass-hp downstate. This may also work to reduce scourges because conditions don't tend to tick high, so a death blow from scourge will almost always result in a large hp downed state.


Actually, a pretty decent idea. I'm not a huge fan of random stuff, and I'm not sure I want to see DPS be a determining factor on whether someone hits down state or goes insta dead (Dead-eyes would love it, I'm sure). What about a 5 min cool-down on the down-state (or 2 min, or 10 min, or whatever magic timer makes the most people happy). Basically, you get one chance to mess up, and hopefully healed or rallied. After that it's time to concentrate or do a lot of running.



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'#'care bad english


This are some well written post. I personally enjoyed this event. Please remove downstate and also nerf ranger longbow range. lel (!)

The only reason why i think a-net won't do it is ( no downstate ), because they make money with finishers. If you could implante the finishers somehow in this mechanic, i think they would immediately react.



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> @"SteepledHat.1345" said:

> I find the "pirate ship" arguments ridiculous being that the alternative is smashing into each other as one side either spreads rally bait and snowballs the other or just straight up crushes the opposition. The "pirate ship" is more engaging as you have to worry about your positioning and attempts to split your group. There are more tactics involved generally and all in all it's less decided from the start.


As a predominantly-melee player, I despise the Pirate Ship. Zerg fights were much less fun this week than they usually are. I hate the endless back-and-forth, pew-pew, fake push, fake push, fake push, real-push-no-wait-retreat, pew-pew some more etc. I ended up having to use a ranged weapon just to get tags at all.


I wouldn't mind seeing a limit on rallies within a short period of time (2 or 3 at most) as long as either condis were removed, or else the "invuln" state was changed to go into effect after rallying rather than after going down. Give the rallied person a chance to actually get up some defenses rather than go immediately down again.


I would also like to see a removal of the "rally upon enemy death" mechanic. I like down state as a concept, as it encourages aggressive play, but you should have to be ressed manually or self-res to get back up.


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> @"Slaughter.6379" said:

> simple thing here for the new players complaining.. learn to play..


> I've spent many hours on guild wars and i love the no downstate because it rewards players for being good players and if these new people coming in and complaining should want to play and want to get better to compete. No downstate brings a competitive side back to WvsW and its a need for a pvp scenario .


As soon as you mention "Learn to play" your argument becomes invalid. Really wish people would stop saying that. It's very condescending and adds no valuable input what-so-ever. As soon as I see someone say that I immediately stop reading the rest of their post because after that it's nothing but pure garbage.

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The only thing no downstate did for me was show me how unenjoyable wvw is with blobs just insta-ressing everyone I down. On the flip side, the same for when I am downed. I had tons of fights last week that were sooo close and competitive and than I'd miss my timing on something and be dead, and those were incredibly rewarding, despite being instantly dead. No delay, no wasting anyone's time (including mine).

I am one of those people that finish diamond every week. Sometimes on just one account, sometimes on three accounts and get a fourth account to plat (usually cause I don't play any during the day Friday). This week so far, I got Ubi to gold on reset, played the fourth account to silver some and logged out (mostly cause I wanted to do some wvw map completion on a new toon). Guess I will play some PvE for a bit, cause it just doesn't have the same feel as it did, before finding out how glorious not having a downstate could be,

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