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If you could have ANY weapon for your profession, what would it be?


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Engineer Main-Hand Scepter

Elite Spec called "Poacher" with trap skills. An Engineer version or Dragonhunter theme-wise only is instead techy instead of light-based. Looks like a techy version of a thief.

Cattle-prod type electricity Scepter. Used as a melee power weapon with good single-target CC. This prevents overlap of Hammer which is AoE CC.

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If we're talking about real possibilities (not a brand new weapon since it's more likely new specs will get an existing one they don't have yet) I'd like Engineer to get a longbow as a power weapon with good constant damage and at least 1 high powered shot. The skills could be different types of arrows (explosive tipped, alchemical arrow for debilitating conditions, etc). Range would be 1200. Engineer doesn't have any reliable long range damage so this fills it's niche there.


Even though this post is only for weapons I think the utilities could be a new skill type similar to venoms. So venoms apply conditions when you use an attack I think the new skill type could be called "Augments" and they do more physical effects. One example could be the next attack you deliver sets a magnetic charge on an enemy that pulls 3 nearby enemies to that one (which would work with a longbow skill explosive arrow that deals AoE damage).


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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> I see only, that you don't get, what I'm trying to say here, rather than that you see in Greataxes only, what you want to see in them and not what would make sense by game design reasons.

> I'll try to explain it this way - maybe then you will understand, why it makes more sense to make Greataxe for Warrior a Hybrid Weapon...


> Greatsword = Power Weapon!

> Hammer = Power Weapon!!

> Mace = Power Weapon!!!

> Axe = Power Weapon!!!!

> Longbow = Condition Weapon

> Sword = Hybrid Weapon

> Torch = Condition Weapon

> Dagger = Power Weapon!!!!!

> Rifle = Power Weapon !!!!!!

> Shield = Power Weapon!!!!!!!

> Warhorn = Support Weapon

> Harpoon Gun = Hybrid Weapon

> Spear = Power Weapon !!!!!!!!


> Do you realize maybe NOW, why it makes more sense, that they need to get next a Hybrid Weapon??? Condition Weapon wouldnt make much sense, becasuse that would be more the theme of Greataxe for Necromancer..

> How many more or less obsolete power weapons do you want to have more??? You have already way more than ENOUGH OF THEM!!!!!!!


> Don't you think, Warrior couldn't really need finally some more DIVERSITY ???? Greataxe as Hybrid Weapon would be a good addition to make the build options more diversive again and to give the player an alternative over the Sword as a 2H Weapon, while the Sword is then your 1H choice which allows you to combinate it with either a Power or Support component in your offhand - and in case of Berserker also with the option of an Condition Choice with the Torch.


do you not realize that hybrid builds were never rly a thing? not sure what else to say, there is no true real hybrid build, except maybe for pve, in any other mode there is no such thing because its just not enough of either to kill your opponent, and again, a greataxe just isnt something you could plausible declare a condi weapon, some realism atleast pls

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I once fell in love with Tomb Raider 2013. I made few toons here, and I have tried to make my thief as Lara Croft wannabe. I'm not hoping new weapons, but if it could be possible, I'd take climbing axe skin on a dagger. Other than that, I am at the moment pretty satisfied with the choices.


Ah, except, if I could get AK-47 tuned with duck tape skin for rifle, for my Deadeye, with climbing axe dagger skin, that would be awesome :)

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> Instead of having a new weapon I would like them to rework how dual wielding two weapons of the same type works. Some of these weapon sets like the P/P set from thief have little to no synergy.


They need to make dual skills 2-4 to fix this or totally redo thief's weapons.

Most of the combinations are designed for pre-powercreep play when skills like Death Blossom were useful because major incoming hits had long and obvious animations.


As for the OP, I'd like to see crossbows. Seems weird to have bows and rifles but not the thing that came in between.

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rifle ranger AKA hunter. with the ability to use the rifle while mounted, sacrificing mount skills for a new set of skills. pure long range.


1st skill- inflict x stacks of vulnerability and deals AoE damage


2nd skill- fire two shots reloading after each causing a short delay between shots, the first shot slowing and the second shot applying confusion and marking the target


3rd skill- fire a bullet that causes your pet to rush your foe, if the target is marked by your 2 skill, your pet taunts your foe on it's first hit


4th skill- fire a smokebomb at the ground and evade backward, blinding those hit by the smokebomb, cooldown lowered based on how many foes are hit


5th skill- slow yourself and channel, fire a barrage of bullets in a cone hitting up to 5 targets, each bullet causing vulnerability and granting your pet quickness.


basically what deadeye should have been but deadeye should have never been a thief spec. it should have been a ranger spec.

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No new weapon for my main profession (Ranger).

I rather want that they improve sword and overhaul dagger MH and OH.

Like sword with monarchsleap as first part ig the 2-chain and serpent strike followed by stalker strike. And Dagger OH gets dazes and charges on its projectiles and a backwards evade with stealth for disengaging.

Would give dagger a new feel, an actual role and synergy with all MH weapons.

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Greatshield as a new weapon for Guardians for that actually has defensive skills.


4: Judgement (1): Bash the area in front of you slowing enemies caught in your path.

Judgement (2): Push enemies hit by the second bash backwards, slowing them further.

Final Judgement (3): Strike the ground with your shield, sending a fissure forward. Enemies caught in the fissure are knocked down and are made vulnerable.


5: "Come at me!" : Taunts Nearby enemies while applying Aegis and Stability for four seconds. 50% Movement Speed Penalty.


The thought behind these was to create something unique and specifically focused on the fantasy of the guardian being a tank/crusader style class. Having access to the only shield combo attack chain as well as an on demand taunt gives them access to needed crowd control to allow a real defensive class and fill that niche.

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Rifle : Ar-15, Ak, or a bulb up looking rifle with a magazine 30/90 (120 in total regen ammo constantly with x time intervals or something) Also rifle can pen one mob when using bullets

1 : Standard hold one or fire button to empty mag. Pen

2 : Fire a grenade or something to deal some aoe damage. No pen

3 : Suppressive fire : Deals light damage in a cone while chance of giving a one-two sec cripple and % chance to cause fear for whatever sounds reasonable. Pen

4 : Fire grenade at feat dealing some damage and launching thyself to the heavens above while smiting the gazes of thy god's enemies for 3 secs no more or less. No pen

5 : Flip rifle into a two handed melee weapon (maybe it takes the second swap like how engi has only one if equipped rifle)

5.1 : Standard short forward stabbing motion. No pen

5.2 : Light damage arc by swinging the rifle dagger. No pen

5.3 : Buttstock that has an arc where it can hit two enemies (maybe three?) that knocks back lightly. No pen

5.4 : Dagger somehow hooks them and you shot some rounds off rounds while maintaining nose to nose contact. Pen

5.5 : Goes back to rifle with some kickass shout that does nothing


LMG 100/200 (300? in total longer reload) Pretty much same with rifle where it can pen on mob and fires fast like mg 42 and SAW lmg with a short shooting ramp up to full fire rate

1 : Hold for continuous fire while a cone will develop and become bigger until % bigger than its initial cone while handing out cripple like candy on Halloween

2 : Gives thyself 1-2 sec quickness (can not be increase) 4 sec swiftness and taunt nearby enemies to target you instead

3 : stab an enemy to deal some fire damage from the heat at the end of the barrel while fire into them

4 : Hunker down for x secs (you can move to cancel ability) and fire in a straight line (which you can move/look) that will knockback or down enemies caught in it while giving cripple

5 : Load ap or hollow point belts to get different effects ( Hollow slightly increase damage and small % to apply bleed for every round while ap has every 25 round root target(s) who is hit by it.) Honestly made the rest up after 1 ability of LMG since I just want to make a bullet storm of lead


Compound bows to allow some heavy damage or something



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While initially not open to the idea, now I do think I would like Offhand Axe for Mirage so we could wield dual axes.


I know Focus can kind of be looked at as an "offhand axe" due to iWarden, but it's so kitten bad right now that it may as well not exist.


A real offhand axe would also mean dual wield of the same skin - essential for fashion wars. ;)

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