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Ectoplasm going down?

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The recent addition of the harvesting glyphs make it much easier to get both various cloth & leather items than prior. Need a particular grade? By the 3 harvesting tools with karma (presuming you don't have 3 leather glyphs) and run around a map of the appropriate level - you can pretty quickly get a decent amount of whatever leather you need.

I do wonder long term - as people make the equipment they need, they may get to the point that they don't need to craft much more, and also start selling excess material - this might be partially why ectoplasm is also down - people are just not needing it in the same amount as before.


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> @"FiaTheAngsty.3127" said:

> Is anyone else worried about the fact that the price of ecto is going down? It seems everyday I log on it's down a silver!

Your post was on 13th of June and everyday its down 1s! Last time I check it costed 15s, so now 20th June its around 8s. Really?

OP must be one of the investor/Trading post players who complains when price drops but will anonymously laughing in front of his PC when prices hit sky rocket.

For those who craft stuffs and need to buy those ecto, yay for the lower price. And buyers are always outnumber the investors.


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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> I'm not sure if its related, but the price of ascended materials to make grandmaster marks have fallen since they added the shards to WvW pip chests. Its a trend when end game gear is made automatic to acquire.


It's a time gate on a time gate... More of a convenience change than change of the market. It still takes 4 weeks to get a single mark, you need like 20 marks for a full set, which requires also few weeks of farming pips. So during that time you get only a single mark from the added shards unless you only finish gold chest then stop playing for the week

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> @"FiaTheAngsty.3127" said:

> Is anyone else worried about the fact that the price of ecto is going down? It seems everyday I log on it's down a silver!


[https://www.gw2tp.com/item/19721-glob-of-ectoplasm](https://www.gw2tp.com/item/19721-glob-of-ectoplasm "https://www.gw2tp.com/item/19721-glob-of-ectoplasm")


No major changes in ecto price since mid March. If anything, the supply is declining and the price has increased marginally.

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> @"Solvar.7953" said:

> The recent addition of the harvesting glyphs make it much easier to get both various cloth & leather items than prior. Need a particular grade? By the 3 harvesting tools with karma (presuming you don't have 3 leather glyphs) and run around a map of the appropriate level - you can pretty quickly get a decent amount of whatever leather you need.

> I do wonder long term - as people make the equipment they need, they may get to the point that they don't need to craft much more, and also start selling excess material - this might be partially why ectoplasm is also down - people are just not needing it in the same amount as before.



There's also so much less incentive to craft anymore. Maybe Anet should have made the specilialization weapons exotic instead of ascended, with the same skins. The minority that plays high tier Fractals need ascended armor, but the rest of the population can survive without it.

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> @"VanWilder.6923" said:

> OP must be one of the investor/Trading post players who complains when price drops but will anonymously laughing in front of his PC when prices hit sky rocket.



On a completely unrelated note, I am _really_ worried about the price of sticks of butter. Not that I heavily invested in butter and have 10 banks slots stacked full of the dairy goodness. Just concerned about **the market** and really think people should buy ~~my butter~~ the butter on TP and raise the price back to the normal 10g per stick like it should be.



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> @"VanWilder.6923" said:

> > @"FiaTheAngsty.3127" said:

> > Is anyone else worried about the fact that the price of ecto is going down? It seems everyday I log on it's down a silver!

> Your post was on 13th of June and everyday its down 1s! Last time I check it costed 15s, so now 20th June its around 8s. Really?

> OP must be one of the investor/Trading post players who complains when price drops but will anonymously laughing in front of his PC when prices hit sky rocket.

> For those who craft stuffs and need to buy those ecto, yay for the lower price. And buyers are always outnumber the investors.



A large number of average non TP playing players make (made) their gold from selling rares and ectos.


I don't think the TP players are the only ones upset about this.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"juhani.5361" said:

> > Are these prices what's standard on the EU server? Insta-buy on ectos has been holding pretty steady at around 15-16 silver on NA during off-peak hours.


> TP is global (except China) - no separation between NA and EU.


Thanks for the info :) I'd always thought the TP was divided by megaserver-- I'm used to segmented player exchanges like in SWTOR.



Just pondering how cool that is, and how much database processing power, networking optimization, etc. is needed to make something like that functional in real time with GW2's huge population. Pretty amazing to think about :) And to imagine the system was designed what, five, six years ago? It must have taken some cutting edge design at the time. Never mind, ramble over.


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I don't know about anyone else, but about a month ago or so the Ecto was selling for 14s or so. Lately I've only sold them at 15s or higher.


Someone above asked about getting Rares. I run the AB Meta (Battle for Tarir) pretty much daily, and even if I only open the Grand and Great exalted chests, I walk out with on average 7-10 rares. With Master Salv. kit, some give nothing, while others give up 3 Ecto. Having not tracked it, I'd guesstimate I get 3-5 Ecto per event.


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> @"juhani.5361" said:

> Just pondering how cool that is, and how much database processing power, networking optimization, etc. is needed to make something like that functional in real time with GW2's huge population. Pretty amazing to think about :) And to imagine the system was designed what, five, six years ago? It must have taken some cutting edge design at the time. Never mind, ramble over.


ANet did microservices before they were cool. ANet, OG distributed systems architecture gangsters ;)

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> Lower prices and dropping everywhere is great for new players. Hard not to be annoyed though when you are a vet who built up all of your ecto collection over time.


It is not good.

Lower prices --> new players also get less gold for their stuff

More drops --> people finish their goals faster and get bored faster

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > I'm not sure if its related, but the price of ascended materials to make grandmaster marks have fallen since they added the shards to WvW pip chests. Its a trend when end game gear is made automatic to acquire.


> It's a time gate on a time gate... More of a convenience change than change of the market. It still takes 4 weeks to get a single mark, you need like 20 marks for a full set, which requires also few weeks of farming pips. So during that time you get only a single mark from the added shards unless you only finish gold chest then stop playing for the week


Unless you complete a full legendary piece with your tickets instead of buying full ascended first. If you complete a full legendary piece with your tickets it balances out more evenly mark-wise. Unless you're one of those people who are just capping diamond (for me depends on the week, some weeks I quit mid gold and some weeks I quit at the end of diamond but with the new mark thing I have the incentive to at least finish gold now) every week, but still, I mean one mark is like 3 ascended materials and some of each t6 that you don't have to use. A grandmaster leatherworker's mark costs a little over 10g to make atm according to gw2bltc.com, so they've added a 10g reward just for finishing 10 shards worth (at 3 a week) in 4 weeks. It's better than nothing. And tbh, pvp already had it so it was about time wvw got it too.

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