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A question about Tarir and the "Legacy" [spoiler]


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First, if you didn't play Living World season 2 and Heart of Thorn (at least up to "City of Hope" chapter) don't read the following question or it will spoil you some important parts of the story.


So, simple question:

Why do the Zephyrites kept Glint's egg after Tarir was founded?

I mean, the purpose of this city and that group of Excalted was to protect the Glint's Legacy, so I don't understand why the Zephyrites kept it during more than 2 centuries after the foundation of Tarir (and would have still kept it if it was not for Aerin's treason...).

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Mork.9532" said:

> Why do the Zephyrites kept Glint's egg after Tarir was founded?

> I mean, the purpose of this city and that group of Excalted was to protect the Glint's Legacy, so I don't understand why the Zephyrites kept it during more than 2 centuries after the foundation of Tarir (and would have still kept it if it was not for Aerin's treason...).


Good question! Short answer: they Zephyrites kept the egg because it was dormant and so was Tarir; they were charged with delivering the egg to Tarir only once both started to wake up. Their secret mission (known only to their leadership) was to to keep the egg safe until then, so they kept it with them as the traveled around the world; otherwise, they would have been delivering one of the most important things in their world to a seemingly empty, lifeless city in the middle of a distant jungle and leaving it unguarded, with no idea of what would happen to it next.


The in-game text associated with the achievement/content "A Study in Gold" (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/A_Study_in_Gold) touches on this, specifically in Parts 11-14, but I admit that text doesn't provide a 100% clear answer to your question.


It's also mentioned in the blog post The Exalted: Pure Dedication (https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/the-exalted-pure-dedication/) , in the following section:


Wake-up Time

Once Tarir was complete and ready to receive Glint’s legacy, the Exalted began to go dormant in order to conserve their magical resources until they were needed. Then, after Glint’s egg began to stir and the Zephyrite Master of Peace set out to deliver it to the fabled golden city, Tarir and its Exalted inhabitants responded.


Hope this helps,

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I started a response that elaborate on what @"Scott McGough.6897" said, only to realize there's a slight lore inconsistency in how long the Zephyrites held onto the egg!


As brought up, A Study in Gold says this:


12 "Your friends and families have no less important a charge. The Brotherhood of the Dragon passed its mantle on to them. They are the first guardians of the egg, and only once it nears its time will they deliver it to you."

13 "They're calling themselves the Zephyrites after the gentle, ever-moving breeze of their homeland, and none but their inner circle will know their secret mission. It may be generations before you are reunited with their descendants, but they are committed."


Now this implies, like Scott's post, that the Zephyrites had held onto the egg since they were formed. This leads into a question similar to the OP's: _Why didn't Tarir just take the egg from the get go?_ Tarir went into hibernation to await the arrival of the egg ([as it became active when the awakening egg approached](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prized_Possessions#Open_world "as it became active when the egg approached") - "They started lighting up just now, right after some sylvari woman with a backpack ran through."). _So why would the city need to go into hibernation if they could have held onto the egg immediately?_


Seems curious: even if the egg was dormant, wouldn't it have been more protected in Tarir than with the Zephyrites, if Tarir never went dormant?


But on top of this, if we go back to Season 2's Hidden Arcana, we witness a memory crystals depict the current Master of Peace, looking as he does now (well, not _now_ now but "when last alive" - I imagine he's decomposed a bit by now), receive the egg from an unknown voice (who sounds like Vlast; @"Scott McGough.6897" it'd be great to get confirmation!). This means that the Zephyrites couldn't have the egg for 200 years, unless, arguably, what we were witnessing was the current Master of Peace taking up his mantle, and thus his personal role of taking care of the egg, not the Zephyrite's role (and unheard and unseen, the previous Master of Peace would be in attendance with Vlast?).


However, on top of that, during Festival of the Four Winds, there were some subtle comments about a new ship being added to the fleet, and we could see it too. On top of that, during that cinematic panning, we saw a golden glow from inside the ship - all were hints at the egg's existence for Season 2, I'm guessing.


So the Zephyrites didn't seem to have gotten the egg until sometime between Bazaar of the Four Winds in 1326 AE, and Festival of the Four Winds in 1327 AE. Well after the creation and dormancy of Tarir - _so where was the egg in that 200 timespan?_

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> I started a response that elaborate on what @"Scott McGough.6897" said, only to realize there's a slight lore inconsistency in how long the Zephyrites held onto the egg!


> As brought up, A Study in Gold says this:


> 12 "Your friends and families have no less important a charge. The Brotherhood of the Dragon passed its mantle on to them. They are the first guardians of the egg, and only once it nears its time will they deliver it to you."

> 13 "They're calling themselves the Zephyrites after the gentle, ever-moving breeze of their homeland, and none but their inner circle will know their secret mission. It may be generations before you are reunited with their descendants, but they are committed."


> Now this implies, like Scott's post, that the Zephyrites had held onto the egg since they were formed. This leads into a question similar to the OP's: _Why didn't Tarir just take the egg from the get go?_ Tarir went into hibernation to await the arrival of the egg ([as it became active when the awakening egg approached](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prized_Possessions#Open_world "as it became active when the egg approached") - "They started lighting up just now, right after some sylvari woman with a backpack ran through."). _So why would the city need to go into hibernation if they could have held onto the egg immediately?_


> Seems curious: even if the egg was dormant, wouldn't it have been more protected in Tarir than with the Zephyrites, if Tarir never went dormant?


> But on top of this, if we go back to Season 2's Hidden Arcana, we witness a memory crystals depict the current Master of Peace, looking as he does now (well, not _now_ now but "when last alive" - I imagine he's decomposed a bit by now), receive the egg from an unknown voice (who sounds like Vlast; @"Scott McGough.6897" it'd be great to get confirmation!). This means that the Zephyrites couldn't have the egg for 200 years, unless, arguably, what we were witnessing was the current Master of Peace taking up his mantle, and thus his personal role of taking care of the egg, not the Zephyrite's role (and unheard and unseen, the previous Master of Peace would be in attendance with Vlast?).


> However, on top of that, during Festival of the Four Winds, there were some subtle comments about a new ship being added to the fleet, and we could see it too. On top of that, during that cinematic panning, we saw a golden glow from inside the ship - all were hints at the egg's existence for Season 2, I'm guessing.


> So the Zephyrites didn't seem to have gotten the egg until sometime between Bazaar of the Four Winds in 1326 AE, and Festival of the Four Winds in 1327 AE. Well after the creation and dormancy of Tarir - _so where was the egg in that 200 timespan?_


> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> I started a response that elaborate on what @"Scott McGough.6897" said, only to realize there's a slight lore inconsistency in how long the Zephyrites held onto the egg!


> As brought up, A Study in Gold says this:


> 12 "Your friends and families have no less important a charge. The Brotherhood of the Dragon passed its mantle on to them. They are the first guardians of the egg, and only once it nears its time will they deliver it to you."

> 13 "They're calling themselves the Zephyrites after the gentle, ever-moving breeze of their homeland, and none but their inner circle will know their secret mission. It may be generations before you are reunited with their descendants, but they are committed."


> Now this implies, like Scott's post, that the Zephyrites had held onto the egg since they were formed. This leads into a question similar to the OP's: _Why didn't Tarir just take the egg from the get go?_ Tarir went into hibernation to await the arrival of the egg ([as it became active when the awakening egg approached](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prized_Possessions#Open_world "as it became active when the egg approached") - "They started lighting up just now, right after some sylvari woman with a backpack ran through."). _So why would the city need to go into hibernation if they could have held onto the egg immediately?_


> Seems curious: even if the egg was dormant, wouldn't it have been more protected in Tarir than with the Zephyrites, if Tarir never went dormant?


> But on top of this, if we go back to Season 2's Hidden Arcana, we witness a memory crystals depict the current Master of Peace, looking as he does now (well, not _now_ now but "when last alive" - I imagine he's decomposed a bit by now), receive the egg from an unknown voice (who sounds like Vlast; @"Scott McGough.6897" it'd be great to get confirmation!). This means that the Zephyrites couldn't have the egg for 200 years, unless, arguably, what we were witnessing was the current Master of Peace taking up his mantle, and thus his personal role of taking care of the egg, not the Zephyrite's role (and unheard and unseen, the previous Master of Peace would be in attendance with Vlast?).


> However, on top of that, during Festival of the Four Winds, there were some subtle comments about a new ship being added to the fleet, and we could see it too. On top of that, during that cinematic panning, we saw a golden glow from inside the ship - all were hints at the egg's existence for Season 2, I'm guessing.


> So the Zephyrites didn't seem to have gotten the egg until sometime between Bazaar of the Four Winds in 1326 AE, and Festival of the Four Winds in 1327 AE. Well after the creation and dormancy of Tarir - _so where was the egg in that 200 timespan?_


I always imagined that the Master of Peace acquired the egg the same time they went into the desert to retrieve Glint’s corpse. I imagine the MoP ran into Vlast, who if I recall was sent away by Glint, according to Josso. Perhaps Vlast ran into the MoP and gave him the egg.

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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> I always imagined that the Master of Peace acquired the egg the same time they went into the desert to retrieve Glint’s corpse. I imagine the MoP ran into Vlast, who if I recall was sent away by Glint, according to Josso. Perhaps Vlast ran into the MoP and gave him the egg.

Except that A Study in Gold suggests the Zephyrites had it from its founding. Hence the oddity of Vlast's voice and the MoP receiving the egg.


Even if that weren't the case and they got the egg in recent years, that would beg the question of why didn't they (the Forgotten/Exalted) just have Tarir take care of it from the get go, since Tarir went into hibernation because it didn't have the egg yet.


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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:



> Even if that weren't the case and they got the egg in recent years, that would beg the question of why didn't they (the Forgotten/Exalted) just have Tarir take care of it from the get go, since Tarir went into hibernation because it didn't have the egg yet.



to me it sounds like tarir and the exalted are limited in their lifespan/ Magic/ some kind of stuff like that and the egg would not have been safe there for this Long time. maybe tarir cant receive energy from the egg when it was dormant and it needed at least to be Close to hatching to activate the defenses?

or it was feared that awakening tarir would result in awakening the jungleD. while this would lead to the question: WHY the FCK would someone purposely build the City on the back of an elder Dragon?!?


so in order to have the most effective protection from tarir the egg must be at the most dangerous stage right bevor hatching and thanks to some lost knowlege the forgotten knew that the egg would not be in danger if it stays hidden from the world except for this final stage and tarir was build ONLY for this timespan to offer the Maximum protection when the danger is at it's Peak.


but this just speculating i guess without some hints or better full fledged explanations from arenanet we cant be sure


> @"Trise.2865" said:

> I'm sure your grandfather looked a lot like you when he was your age... and his grandfather before him...


i did not get the Expression that the MoP is Chosen by blood Relations to the former leader


there could be the possibility that the MoP were a lot older than normal human. i dont believe the scepter of orr is the only artifact that can expand someones lifespan

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > I always imagined that the Master of Peace acquired the egg the same time they went into the desert to retrieve Glint’s corpse. I imagine the MoP ran into Vlast, who if I recall was sent away by Glint, according to Josso. Perhaps Vlast ran into the MoP and gave him the egg.

> Except that A Study in Gold suggests the Zephyrites had it from its founding. Hence the oddity of Vlast's voice and the MoP receiving the egg.


> Even if that weren't the case and they got the egg in recent years, that would beg the question of why didn't they (the Forgotten/Exalted) just have Tarir take care of it from the get go, since Tarir went into hibernation because it didn't have the egg yet.


Maybe the egg needed to be closer to hatching for Tarir to activate.

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> @"norbes.3620" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:


> >

> > Even if that weren't the case and they got the egg in recent years, that would beg the question of why didn't they (the Forgotten/Exalted) just have Tarir take care of it from the get go, since Tarir went into hibernation because it didn't have the egg yet.

> >


> to me it sounds like tarir and the exalted are limited in their lifespan/ Magic/ some kind of stuff like that and the egg would not have been safe there for this Long time. maybe tarir cant receive energy from the egg when it was dormant and it needed at least to be Close to hatching to activate the defenses?

> or it was feared that awakening tarir would result in awakening the jungleD. while this would lead to the question: WHY the kitten would someone purposely build the City on the back of an elder Dragon?!?


I imagine they weren’t expecting Mordremoth to wake up when he did. Perhaps the thinking was that they would deal with the dragon’s and balancing of magic before he awoke.



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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > I always imagined that the Master of Peace acquired the egg the same time they went into the desert to retrieve Glint’s corpse. I imagine the MoP ran into Vlast, who if I recall was sent away by Glint, according to Josso. Perhaps Vlast ran into the MoP and gave him the egg.

> Except that A Study in Gold suggests the Zephyrites had it from its founding. Hence the oddity of Vlast's voice and the MoP receiving the egg.


That is a tough one. The only way I could see it fit is the Forgotten are they saying that the Zephyrites will be the first guardians of the egg in the future, based on Glint’s prophecy. Even that is a little strange.


The Zephyrites weren’t flying in there airships until after Glint’s death, so were they just sitting in Crystal Oasis waiting?



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well I always assumed that whole hibernation of city and zephyrites keeping egg in safekeeping were due to active tarir burning through it's magical reserves, and uncertainity when the egg will choose to hatch. Alike to what someone said above.


the odd bit is vision with master of peace, but I'd say that the vision was not exact image of reality but something more symbolic for us to understand - we see egg being passed onto first master of peace, that was shown in the form of current one for us to understand the point of this event.


for theory of voice belonging to vlast - well we do know that tarir was second exalted city built for the purpose of raising glint's offspring and that tarir was implementing improvements to the process based on experiences of the first one. we also knwo that vlast hatched in eotn timeline, giving alot of room for him to be the one doing passing of actuall egg.


PS. for why build city on the back of a dragon - I'd say it'd be for the exact purpose of what we've seen happening in the last cutscene from HoT story - unleashed mordremoth's energy to be channeled to give a power bump to the egg.

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> @"Sonja Teh Trapper.7012" said:

> does aurene have more to share with us after she hatched? an does the zephyrites find a new leader? the mystery is still out in dry top with the inquest door i think? an only way to find out is with opening up the big doors below in dry top


Doesn’t the inquest door and the above mordrem vine covered entrance, both lead to the gilded hollow?


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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > @"Sonja Teh Trapper.7012" said:

> > does aurene have more to share with us after she hatched? an does the zephyrites find a new leader? the mystery is still out in dry top with the inquest door i think? an only way to find out is with opening up the big doors below in dry top


> Doesn’t the inquest door and the above mordrem vine covered entrance, both lead to the gilded hollow?


The Inquest Door led north. Towards Silverwastes (original map design actually had it leading to the great cavern area in the SW JP, as folks found in map breaking through that gate, but then this all got removed - I guess in favor of a separate zone map). My guess is that it was an originally planned way to get to "northern Dry Top aka Silverwastes" before they decided to go solely through Fort Vandal.


And the "mordrem vine covered entrance" while would lead west... isn't an entrance to anything, just a cavern IIRC. Wouldn't surprise me if that was a planned entrance for HoT though.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > > @"Sonja Teh Trapper.7012" said:

> > > does aurene have more to share with us after she hatched? an does the zephyrites find a new leader? the mystery is still out in dry top with the inquest door i think? an only way to find out is with opening up the big doors below in dry top

> >

> > Doesn’t the inquest door and the above mordrem vine covered entrance, both lead to the gilded hollow?


> The Inquest Door led north. Towards Silverwastes (original map design actually had it leading to the great cavern area in the SW JP, as folks found in map breaking through that gate, but then this all got removed - I guess in favor of a separate zone map). My guess is that it was an originally planned way to get to "northern Dry Top aka Silverwastes" before they decided to go solely through Fort Vandal.


> And the "mordrem vine covered entrance" while would lead west... isn't an entrance to anything, just a cavern IIRC. Wouldn't surprise me if that was a planned entrance for HoT though.


Yeah for the Mordrem and Inquest entrances there’s no actual connecting zones, but I figured the Mordrem entrance would lead to the corrupted gilded hollow.


Didn’t realize the inquest gate led to SW. Interesting.


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