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About the Max Cap of Guild Hall Decorations: An Open Letter

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At first, I’d like to thank the ArenaNet team that constructed the Guild Hall as a concept, and for the many different decorations one can craft and/or place wherever wanted to make every hall a unique place with seemingly endless possibilities (if you have enough gold *cough*).


_(Backstory in italics:)

For over a year now, our guild has been investing lots of gold and hours into the hall (RIP plans for legendary weapons) in order to make it a more comfortable home for (new and old) guild members; a place where they can meet, chat, and explore our uniquely designed map in peace and quiet, far away from drowning in Chak in the Heart of Maguuma, the busy meta events and the endless crowd of Lion’s Arch._


_Today, I’m very happy to say that the guild hall has become a symbol of our guild itself and that its members are really enjoying spending their time in it day by day._


A few days ago however, we reached the maximal capacity of 2000 decorations in the total guild hall and, suddenly, I am forced to destroy my own or other players’ creations to build newer ones. A fair price to pay, you might say, but considering the amount of empty space that is still in the guild hall, even after building these 2000 decorations, I cannot agree with that.


There is just so much undeveloped potential left in the hall. For instance, there is plenty of paths and trails connecting the different main sections, sometimes almost impossible to find. _(During the past months, I’ve mostly been busy creating a jumping puzzle/exploration path throughout all the trails that already exist in the Lost Precipice by placing red lanterns at every corner.)_


Yet the cap forces us to only enhance about a third of the entire hall, mostly only scarcely decorated. Roughly estimated, I would say there’d be room for about five times the amount of what the limit is at now.


I’m pretty sure that I am not the only player in GW2 that has this issue. Considering other Forum Discussions about this topic, I see that others are complaining about this limit alike. All I can say is that considering an improvement of the decoration concept or attempting to enhance the stability of the guild hall servers (at least those which have a major issue with the max cap) would mean a lot to us.


I am not a game developer, nor have I studied in any similar field, but I am convinced that there is a possibility to raise the max cap of objects for the hall (or at least treat bigger objects that are tougher to load differently than smaller ones, which you need a lot more of to create a gentle atmosphere) without servers or clients crashing.


[Edit: I've made a few pics to show problematic areas, which I'd have to remove sooner or later. If interested in exploring the hall with your own eyes, don't hesitate to send me an ingame letter! https://postimg.cc/gallery/12kj3djh8/

Thanks to @"MissSinfully.2478" for the idea ^-^]


_Lord Filofax, in the name of [Riz]zaan’s Vanguard_

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Surprisingly I haven't hit this cap yet, but it's just me decorating my three guild halls. lol I don't build a lot of random spammy cloud stair cases usually though and try to actually make things that look like they belong or display a scene. I can imagine if you like building elaborate jumping puzzles and using a lot of easy decorations for puzzles or just to make it easy to get around you probably hit the cap pretty quickly.


What bothers me most is the local cap, and pretty much all of the terrain in Windswept. You have like 6 actually flat surfaces or the decoration is halfway in the terrain. I actually have a nice little canthan lodge area I'm pretty proud of but the terrain is uneven so the rug I have in the middle is just floating a foot off the ground. >_>

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I would like to see the cap increased, and the maximum number of decos per area too. I made a beautiful home, with the minimum required: chairs, tables, bonfire, gramophone, bed... I have no more space whereas I need that for adding some lights and plants. :( I just want to have some more basic decos: stairs and more floor/wall tiles. ;) The best guild hall was the lost precipice, a ton of place to make a nice home, windswept is the opposite: no real interesting place, sunken towers are unusable, and no sense everywhere, you know what is ironical? The best spot is under the map: A beautiful water cavern with elonian ruins coming out the cliff.

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I'm actually trying to mix both Jumping Puzzle and area enhancements, such as making a ritual chamber out of a fireplace using Samarog's pierced up prey (it looks damn creepy), or putting signs guiding players throughout the different paths in the Lost Precipice. In general, the Red Lanterns just feel like they belong in there (I think this is true for the other halls aswell actually), which I'm quite happy for considering the price for the toolkit you need for about every other decoration ^^


As for the uneven terrain, that is yet another unfixed problem that bothers me. On the top layer of the Gilded Hollow its also reeeeally hard to place any decorations onto the sands without them looking super weird ... Maybe they'll improve the placement interface someday, making us able to move objects in a fix axis (like vertically moving them partly into the ground). There are still 3 unused slots in the decorator's interface after all.


But once you reach the Max Cap, all these previous problems seem much less relevant than just not being able to place anything anymore q.q

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Oh yes, the local max cap is also quite borderline, I always end up by trying to move the last pumpkin around for about 20 seconds until finally finding a spot where the placement isn't blocked.


I haven't had any closer look at the Windswept Haven so far which is too bad ._. But I can agree with the Lost Precipice being a really nice place you can transform from a cold and windy cliffside into a warm-hearted home.


At least the new hall seems to be well adapted to mounts, giving you the opportunity to make alot of racing tracks you can use for super fun guild events. I've managed to so at one place only and it happened to be in a range of less than 1km from an ArenaNet JP so I could not even continuously place torches to mark the path, keeping the runners guessing at some point. (IT IS SUPER COOL NONETHELESS)

I don't see why the JPs in the guild halls even have that No-Decorations-Zone in the first place, since you can reach their end by building up to higher grounds elsewhere anyways. I see that I'm shifting topics too much again sorry ^^' But yeah, there are many problems that aren't yet fixed because the responsible teams just can't bring up the necessary time to do so :(

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And when they raised it to 2000, they said further levels raises were unlikely due to technical specifications. It may happen, but given a cap has to exist and 2000 so far appears to be the limit ( and a massive cap that is too), Im not sure we will ever see more



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  • 3 weeks later...

I just got to 2k decorations aswell as a single guildhall decorator. It took me some years but im not nearly feeling done! It's also a very sad feeling as decorating was one of the things that's fun in the long run for me (no legendaries, fashion or achievement hunting even tho its nice ones in awhile). My guildmates do tell me that it takes them ages to load the guildhall when it's decorated but i bet this can be optimized or fixed in some way? Anyway i hope anet sees this because right now i dont know what to do in game :D

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It's very frustrating to me as well, who does 100% of the decorating in the guild hall. We moved to Windswept Haven on one of my breaks so our literal cloud city in the sky and maze just got... abolished. Totally not salty about that. Anyways, I wanted to build this wall made out of Elegant Wall Panels, but surprise, I can't fit more than 10-15 in an area close together. I've made "strategic" negative space designs in the wall to get it higher, but the local area limit is very annoying.


I believe I recall the original reason for the local area limit being something to do with not being too hard on the general player's machine (or lack there of for processing?); but considering that decorations aren't generally "active" (glows, sparks, animated, etc) they don't really hit the system as hard as a dead warp into the middle of loot-box under AB after meta finish (jump down that hole without a mount on? You deaaaaad).



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@"Dreadshow.9320" Hence the idea of adapting server size to the respective needs of the guilds. If an augmentation of the max cap would take up that much space (which I agree on), why not introducing a function similar to the one of the guild member size: Like spending some 50/100/300 gold to get a higher cap. Would save Arenanet from each guild suddenly wanting that but also shows them how important it is to those who really need it.

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> @"Lord Filofax.1206" said:

> @"Dreadshow.9320" Hence the idea of adapting server size to the respective needs of the guilds. If an augmentation of the max cap would take up that much space (which I agree on), why not introducing a function similar to the one of the guild member size: Like spending some 50/100/300 gold to get a higher cap. Would save Arenanet from each guild suddenly wanting that but also shows them how important it is to those who really need it.


All comes down to $$ maybe the equivalent of that gold in gems then. So there would need to be a guild gems pool.

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> @"Dreadshow.9320" said:

> Nice open letter, are you also willing to open your wallet to augment servers capability? The cap is there so that thousands of guild don't hog too much servers resources And judging by new areas content they need all the server resources they can get.


I think the technical limitations are on the client side, not the server side.

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Well...they could always increase it, but also, you can do a lot with 2000 decorations. It's very easy to hit the cap, if you're bunching things up. Take it as a challenge to re-invent how you're doing things. I'm on my 8th? guild hall, and I rarely cap out when developing them now. You don't need to fill every square inch to make something amazing.

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I'd be pleased to see an increase in the cap. I just don't think it's as easy as implied by some.


This is not an arbitrary limit imposed to thwart GH designers or to generate revenue. The game engine has limits as to how much can be displayed. We encounter this all the time in open world, which is why minipets get culled, why we have an option to reduce how many characters show on our screens, and why we don't get to see labels of things from far away any more.


Decorations take up a lot of display & computer bandwidth. ANet can't increase the limit just because we want it to be higher. And definitely not because a small fraction of guilds might be willing to pay few bucks. This is a big and expensive undertaking. All things being equal, this would be good for the game. But things aren't equal; there are other projects requiring the same/similar resources


It _could_ be done, but is it really the best use of ANet's display tech engineers?



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Sounds like me playing "The Incredible Machine" off the floppy and in freeform mode, it said: "No more memory for further objects". But unlike just saying "I want moar" I figured out it's memory or database-related. In FF14, Squeenix says the can not add more faces or hairstyles for the characters because of database limits. So I think instance limits are the lesser problems :-)



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I think part of this could be solved by putting in more decorations in general. If you are like me you can find yourself trying to make something look like something else using 5 decorations that could just be 1 already existing asset that for some reason has never been added as a decoration. But I’ve been asking for more for like a year and a half now. More trees apparently are just too many resources.



They just don’t have any interest in guild halls, or regret implementing them in general and seem to never want to expand on that system. ??‍♂️

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  • 1 month later...

> @"Lord Filofax.1206" said:

> @"Deimos.4263" Well I don't want to split up my creative plans and the bunch of gold you need to craft all the decorations into more than one hall. Especially not with the maximal guild cap of 5. 8 halls, does that mean you left some of your projects? I could never do that ...

Well...at present I lead a team of six max-level scribes and we reclaim our guild hall every 6 months, on a rotation so that everyone in the guild gets to see all three of the different halls. It keeps things fresh; nothing is permanent. We also have a sister guild so that we have two halls running at one time. And I've also done some off-guild work for friends here and there.


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@"Deimos.4263" okay that implies that i need a team of people who work for/with me, the money to get all the decorations for all the halls, and I need to sacrifice my guild slots of the guilds I'm actively playing in for just that one feature of not having a problem with the max cap anymore. I'm actually not sure if I would ever be willing to sacrifice about everything I have in this game to be able to freely design the halls. Don't get me wrong but even if the situation and the means given, it might be a lot of fun, this sounds like a pact with the devil to me. o.o

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