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Damage over time, or not


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Condition damage by definition is damage over time but when you have specs like condi sword thief that can apply a lethal dose of poison at a touch of their steal button, the "over time" aspect of condition damage is lost. Mesmers also are able to apply 20+ stacks of confusion in seconds and a multitude of cover conditions as well which exacerbates the issue even further. It creates very linear and boring gameplay that is not at all enjoyable or balanced for the receiving end other than having to immediately cleanse with will be followed up by more of the same. It's incredibly difficult to try to play a match when seemingly out of nowhere in the middle of a fight, you are suckerpunched and by the time you realize how many condi's are on you, you have already lost at that point. This has no mentions of if the cover condi's are cleansed instead of the potent ones with the seemingly random system of cleansing being extremely hit or miss causing your survival to be totally in the hands of rng. This is not a new subject by any means but it continues to be an issue and has been for months.

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Condi is not excatly DoT but it should be, cos as we see this condi burst thingy aint working, thief s/d condi kinda bad tbh in most scenarios, but when its good it seems op, poison is a great damage dealer for thieves but ofc was implemented stupidly and people abuse it, Thief could trait into a cool interrupter build that could be countered by stability, it could deal damage and stack 3 torment on rupt also steal boon and life on sucesfull interrupts only a few used it yet got nerfed but none asked for it, they gave thief stupid amount of poison that none likes to fight against and also make forum post still in the game :)


Thats just shows how anet balance team dont care about their community.


(and a tip against these kind of thieves, let them apply their 10 poison stacks then cleanse it, they will spam their evade cos it deals damage after that howerver they can only evade with sword try to get hit by a a weapon evade then they cant use another evade cos they skill will transfer into another one, they run carrion so they should die fast then, oh also if you evade their steal they gonna panic too, and dont be afraid to let them decap the point they cant hold it anyway if its an 1v1)

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> @"Airdive.2613" said:

> @"Jalal.6783"


> And here is the usual question: do you believe you would survive if it was a surprise mind wrack, mighty blow, rapid fire, unload?


That entirely depends on the awareness of the player. In most of the instances you listed it is entirely possible to live from those attacks, as they are a one and done power attack, or can be completely negated from projectile hate.

The issue at the root of this issue with conditions is.

A. You are able to"burst" conditions, something that should imo honestly not be a viable or possible option for conditions in this game.

B. Frequency of conditions applied.

If you are going to keep the burst Condi option, then the frequency needs to be toned down, because a lot of classes do in fact have long cooldowns on cleanses, and we have Condi burst combos that happen every 8-15 seconds.

I understand people want to keep conditions as a viable form of damage, and I can sympathize with that, but, condition damage or builds shouldn't be on the scale of what they are now, which is monstrous.

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> @"Jalal.6783" said:

> Condition damage by definition is damage over time but when you have specs like condi sword thief that can apply a lethal dose of poison at a touch of their steal button, the "over time" aspect of condition damage is lost. Mesmers also are able to apply 20+ stacks of confusion in seconds and a multitude of cover conditions as well which exacerbates the issue even further. It creates very linear and boring gameplay that is not at all enjoyable or balanced for the receiving end other than having to immediately cleanse with will be followed up by more of the same. It's incredibly difficult to try to play a match when seemingly out of nowhere in the middle of a fight, you are suckerpunched and by the time you realize how many condi's are on you, you have already lost at that point. This has no mentions of if the cover condi's are cleansed instead of the potent ones with the seemingly random system of cleansing being extremely hit or miss causing your survival to be totally in the hands of rng. This is not a new subject by any means but it continues to be an issue and has been for months.


Thief can apply 3 stacks poison at "the touch of their steal button" . How is that managing to kill you?

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> @"Solori.6025" said:

> > @"Airdive.2613" said:

> > @"Jalal.6783"

> >

> > And here is the usual question: do you believe you would survive if it was a surprise mind wrack, mighty blow, rapid fire, unload?


> That entirely depends on the awareness of the player. In most of the instances you listed it is entirely possible to live from those attacks, as they are a one and done power attack, or can be completely negated from projectile hate.

> The issue at the root of this issue with conditions is.

> A. You are able to"burst" conditions, something that should imo honestly not be a viable or possible option for conditions in this game.

> B. Frequency of conditions applied.

> If you are going to keep the burst Condi option, then the frequency needs to be toned down, because a lot of classes do in fact have long cooldowns on cleanses, and we have Condi burst combos that happen every 8-15 seconds.

> I understand people want to keep conditions as a viable form of damage, and I can sympathize with that, but, condition damage or builds shouldn't be on the scale of what they are now, which is monstrous.


Clearly, condi is not the problem or everyone would be using it. The condi burst is not the issue. It's the fact that the way the main offender classes (scourge/thief/mirage) are designed makes it difficult to apply pressure to them. Cleansing and dodging are not the only elements of defending against a condi build. If you can't apply pressure, your opponent can simply stay on the offensive and wear you down. If you can, they are forced to back off, allowing those cleanses and other cooldowns to refresh.


The problem is not the burst or the frequency. It's that you can't properly pressure these classes, allowing them to control the fight (1v1 for thief and mirage, more of an area control theme for scourge). Unfortunately, this will be tricky to fix because it is the centerpiece of their design. What is scourge without Sand Shades? What is Mirage without Mirage Cloak? You want to just nerf condi, but all that will do is remove it from the meta completely.


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