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Is it ok to lock the Gryphon mount behind a gold sink collection.


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I will definitely spend my gold to unlock this mount because I am a GW2 lover and I cannot be healed. Most people told me that with a full mastered Griffon is like you fly with a super-jet plane. As most of you already know, this mount is unlocked by completing a collection where you have to buy 10 items, 25 gold each so you have to spend 250 gold. Do you guys think it is ok to lock a new mount, with new abilities, with new masteries to level(so a bigger mastery level) behind a gold sink. 250 gold is definitley no a small price. Even raids who were not for everybody offered you the chance to unlock the mastery track just by doing one simple boss like escort or prison camp.

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I haven't got it yet, still a couple of maps back from it I think. But I don't see any issue with it. Far as I understand it everything is accessible via a combination of the standard mounts, so nothing is locked out by anyone who doesn't get this one.


This is more of a completionist item, and in comparison to the cost of some weapon skins, crafting ascended gear, or obtaining some unique collection items & etc, 250g sounds pretty cheap.


As for a bigger mastery level, does that matter to anyone? The mastery level is a meaningless number. And its not like the raid case, as it seems the mastery track for it is hidden to those who don't have the mount, so it looks like if you max your masteries without having the mount then you'll still get your spirit shards.

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> @"Almost in War.9326" said:

> It was not announced, so it has to be considered as a secret, legendary mount. It's hard to find, reach and takes some time to complete. I thinks it's totally fine. You don't have to rush it anyway.


I have to, I want to fly :)). I did not buy it yet because I am not done with the story. I fully explored the maps and now I am doing story.

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It's perfectly fine. The four other mounts offer more than enough mobility options to get you anywhere you want to go. Hell, just to get the eggs for part of the collections, using the Springer is actually easier. We also still have access to our gliding skills, so aside from being able to maintain altitude for longer, you're not really missing out.


250g isn't all that hard to come by either, RIBA in Silverwastes should net you 250g in a relatively short amount of time.


It's a rare collection, so not everyone will complete it. Everyone has equal opportunity to complete it though.

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Its a gold sink for richer players and a goal to work towards for poorer players, I don't see the issue really.


You don't really need the Griffon for anything, there's (I think) only 1 Mastery point thats made much easier with it but the other 4 mounts(especially rank 3 Springer) can do everything without much trouble.

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I think it's fine. (And I say this as someone who currently has about 5g on her account, after spending months saving up almost 300g to get the last 2 Set 1 minis.)


My understanding is you don't need the griffon for anything except one achievement so it's not like players will be prevented from completing PoF because they can't afford it and whenever I've heard it discussed people have been more concerned about it being 'locked' behind completing the story and obtaining and training all the other mounts, the gold seems to be a non-issue. And unlike pretty much everything else they could have used no one can claim that they can't/won't play the parts of the game where you can get gold so Anet must give them another way to get it. Even PvP gives gold these days.


Even for people who feel they can't save up 250g it shouldn't be an issue because you don't need to do that. You only need to save up 25g to get one of the items, then repeat that until it's done. (Yes I'm aware that comes to the exact same thing, but it's a psychological issue - some people find it hard to save hundreds of gold because they start thinking of all the other things they could buy and hate having to go so long without getting anything, so breaking it up makes it easier.)


It does mean even if I complete the story sooner I'll have to wait until after Halloween to get it, because I've banned myself from spending gold on anything that's not essential so I can save up for whatever obscenely expensive mini they bring out this year. But I've had a mental list of stuff I'm saving up for ever since the game came out so that's not a problem for me.

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> It does mean even if I complete the story sooner I'll have to wait until after Halloween to get it, because I've banned myself from spending gold on anything that's not essential so I can save up for whatever obscenely expensive mini they bring out this year. But I've had a mental list of stuff I'm saving up for ever since the game came out so that's not a problem for me.


Look like someone got a mini-addiction :)



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> @Stalkingwolf.6035 said:

> yes it's a bit dull. You buy an expansion and than the best part ist looked behind a gold wall. Doing stuff for the collection is ok. But just buy items for 250g is silly.

> but yes i will buy the items because the gryphon is super fun.


Of an entire expansion, one mount is the "best bit"? Really?...

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> @DakotaCoty.5721 said:

> > @Stalkingwolf.6035 said:

> > yes it's a bit dull. You buy an expansion and than the best part ist looked behind a gold wall. Doing stuff for the collection is ok. But just buy items for 250g is silly.

> > but yes i will buy the items because the gryphon is super fun.


> Of an entire expansion, one mount is the "best bit"? Really?...


5 Mounts. overall 275g

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Seems normal


Mounts are also a prestige thing and its typical for a few mounts to be locked behind in game requirements for instances some of the most expensive items are mounts. Not to mention timed drop on the hardest difficulty with a tiny drop on the final raid boss. Even behind extrememly long quest chains and collections and other methods are made all the time locked by achievements to get mounts.


More or less Mounts are that item in other games that require people to stay logged in do their dailies and play the game for extended periods of time in order to get. Their can also be behind the cash shop however achievement mounts keep players actively playing for instance if a player doesn't have 250g they'll either pay Anet to transfer cash to gold or stay logged in farming for the gold. Which makes the game look more healthy with the more active players you see and while that one person may not be willing to pay anet the other people who see an active game or have positive experienced interacting with that farmer will be more inclined to support.

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This really only affects new players. If you don't have 250g at this stage in the game, especially considering you get 2g for 10min of playing every day, then that's your own fault. This isn't vanilla GW2 where it was tedious to make money. You can make money very easy in this game now. For 250g you might have to actually save instead of spend, maybe clean out your collectibles tab if you're really desperate. But really it shouldn't be a problem for anyone.

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Yeah it's totally reasonable. All the core mounts you need for story and map completion are basically free, all you have to do for them is, you know, play. The griffon mount is deliberately not listed in masteries by default because it's a prestige thing, it's endgame content that you're really supposed to work towards. You don't need it for anything, it's pure fun and convenience. It doesn't get you anywhere you can't get with a combination of the other four mounts. If it were necessary for progression then yeah, it'd be a problem to lock it behind all that gold, but it's not, so it's fine. :3

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> @Draknar.5748 said:

> This really only affects new players. If you don't have 250g at this stage in the game, especially considering you get 2g for 10min of playing every day, then that's your own fault. This isn't vanilla GW2 where it was tedious to make money. You can make money very easy in this game now. For 250g you might have to actually save instead of spend, maybe clean out your collectibles tab if you're really desperate. But really it shouldn't be a problem for anyone.


I have full legendary set, both pistols, rifle, harpoon gun, fractal back and Aurora (my engi likes purple, I know). Believe me, I had worst days farming than 250g XD. I was just scared they may get an idea of locking normal things behind high priced collections.

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There are lots of different currencies in this game, some locked to a particular map and some not so locked. I see ingame gold as just one of those currencies. It's fairly easy to get it and as a long term goal it is no different than karma or other currencies.


They could have also stuck it in the shop... but they didn't and made it a piece of content to work through. That approach is always a good thing imo.

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